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I'm tired of being the nice guy at work.


...What is your opinion on this?
I do my best to tune out co-workers and focus on my job. I always keep in mind that I'm only at work to provide a service and get paid for it.

I also keep in mind that I don't really know any of my co-workers or really care about them. When people quit, get fired, or even die, deep down I couldn't care less. I'm just there for the money.

Whenever a co-worker talks to me about non-work related topics, I give boring, simple responses and act disinterested.
I just don't care to socialize at work with a bunch of strangers who I don't know and don't particularly care to know.
I've worked at my present job for almost two years, and I still feel this way about the other people in the office.

Also, I think some of my female colleagues find me "unfriendly" because I choose not to get personal with them. I don't talk about myself or feel the need to share anything. I'm always nice, professional and willing to help however I can. I'm 24 and have been working long enough to learn from my past mistakes about getting too chummy at work.
I don't care if I'm not part of a clique.

I'm tired of acting nice with co-workers just to "get along" with them. Some of them genuinely piss me off and I have to hold my tongue to avoid any kind of conflict or trouble. It's frustrating to say the least.

Tried to give my opinion by zeroing on some of the things you said.

Are you saying that I'm being childish throughout all of it this?

I don't think so.

It's more likely that I'm just a Sigma male or something.
You're a waste of time in any office environment. Consider becoming a recluse or a park ranger.


Sorry OP but you are on the wrong path. I'm about to turn 29 so I'm not that much older than you, but I was you a few years ago.

You need to change your mindset and start engaging with people. They are in your life. You don't have to love them, but do actually try to meet them halfway. With this sort of mindset, you will wake up one day and you'll be alone. It's a juvenile way to look at things.
This is good advice. I was going to say the same thing. You don’t have to be everyone’s friend, but at least act less disinterested. Even it’s just a short little conversation here and there. Let your personality poke through a bit. Otherwise you’re just the loner, and that kinda sucks even as an introvert. People won’t understand you and just assume you hate them or something.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Im a keep to myself at the office dude too to a degree, but only because our place is a one massive fucking gossip mill and I really dont want to put too much of my life out there. You just never know how itll get twisted up and wrong since most people are dumb.

It's all about mastering small talk and avoiding details lol
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I do my best to tune out co-workers and focus on my job. I always keep in mind that I'm only at work to provide a service and get paid for it.

I also keep in mind that I don't really know any of my co-workers or really care about them. When people quit, get fired, or even die, deep down I couldn't care less. I'm just there for the money.

Whenever a co-worker talks to me about non-work related topics, I give boring, simple responses and act disinterested.
I just don't care to socialize at work with a bunch of strangers who I don't know and don't particularly care to know.
I've worked at my present job for almost two years, and I still feel this way about the other people in the office.

Also, I think some of my female colleagues find me "unfriendly" because I choose not to get personal with them. I don't talk about myself or feel the need to share anything. I'm always nice, professional and willing to help however I can. I'm 24 and have been working long enough to learn from my past mistakes about getting too chummy at work.
I don't care if I'm not part of a clique.

I'm tired of acting nice with co-workers just to "get along" with them. Some of them genuinely piss me off and I have to hold my tongue to avoid any kind of conflict or trouble. It's frustrating to say the least.

What is your opinion on this?
Well, you’re certainly someone I would never want on my team.
But what if I'm super productive, though?
It’s a genuinely good question. Depends on how effective you are. I don’t think the best work gets done by lone wolves, I think communication and trust are incredibly important, and both only come from getting to know people you work with.
But lazy people are worse. Productive people who make the wrong calls and don’t listen or believe themselves to always be right are just as bad, maybe, though. I do have a dude on my team who is not very communicative/ heavily on the spectrum. He can be super funny though.

I think I’d win you over to the fun AND productive side though.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
His avatar should be removed by force. Dirk was the opposite of a right proper cunt. Dennis Schröder or one of the Wagner boys seems more appropriate.
Suck it, robot.

Dirk is the goat Euro.

And I am the goat Klepto.
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Gold Member
EviLore EviLore can you please create a "lunch" emoticon ?
Everyone has one to give per day, and West Texas CEO West Texas CEO would the only user able to take the lunch reaction from any post and put it on one of his.
The user whose lunch reaction has been stolen by Hops could then have one post where he insults Hops as much as he wants ban free.
It would be totally useless, and therefore indispensable.

And I am the goat Klepto.

You're nice, but you're not even D3 my dude.
I suppose you're stealing because you don't have lunch, either because you're too lazy or poor to make or buy one.
I had some motherlover at work who used to open the lid of all the meals in the office fridge and take only the ingredients he (or she, i dont know we never managed to catch them) liked.
Once i had prepared a delicious salmon salad and when i opened it at lunch, all the salmon was gone :////// That motherfucking motherfucker had taken all the good stuff and left the rest i guess for me to eat even though he obviously put his greasy paws all over the dish. I can understand stealing when you don't have anything to eat, but this i can't.
See, you're not the worst by a long shot ;)
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