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In a hole in the ground, there lived a HOBBIT TRAILER

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Welp .. the Dwarf song was definitely straight fan service and I don't think it sells well to the mainstream but visually it looked quite spectacular. Really not the best trailer ever

they can afford fan service with this franchise now. Especially a year early teaser, that dwarf song gave me chills. Howard Shore hasn't lost a beat.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I don't know, it just looks like more LOTR to me.

I would have liked a different director/team to tackle this to give it a "fresh" look.

Also, it should be a single film.
Well, that was the plan, but after years of waiting for the rights mess to be cleared up and the funding to be in place, Guillermo Del Toro bailed, and sure enough, not too long after, everything sorted itself out for Peter Jackson to take over.
Is this a single, self contained film or another trilogy?

If it's the latter will it be released yearly like LOTR?

Looked quite good. It didn't blow me away, and I get the sense that it'll be far less epic than LoTR, but it still charmed nonetheless.

It's two films.
that singing...shivers man
the music is so good, instantly lord of the rings, instantly different than the trilogy
the art is...beautiful


Saw it, looks nice but understated. That's to be expected since it's a year away.

Jackson is definitely in his element.


looks boring though. what's this movie about? are they trying to destroy the ring again? i've already seen three movies about that.

No, it's not about the ring. It's something different.

Well, except for the walking. But LOTR is all about walking.


Subconscious Brolonging
Eh. Looks nice but the trailer didn't really impress me. Prometheus trailer totally outclassed it I think.
The trailer starts weak, there's not really any kind of build up it's just like oh hai footage but then enters god tier mode after the singing.


So I get Dark Knight Rises, a Promethus leak and the Hobbit trailer all within a week.

It truly is a wonderful Christmas this year.


My god, once the singing kicked in. So fucking good. It's going to be a long wait, but I'm so glad this is coming together now that Jackson took over.
looks boring though. what's this movie about? are they trying to destroy the ring again? i've already seen three movies about that.

Notsureifserious, but it's a prequel. It's actually about an almost entirely unrelated adventure Bilbo Baggins goes on, but in the course of the adventure he accidentally comes across The One Ring. It's alluded to in the prologue to Fellowship Of The Ring.

The films will also show Gandalf looking into a disturbance in Mirkwood Forest. A necromancer appears to have settled there.


It's all about loot.

why does gandalf want the hobbit to go with him on a looting journey? everyone knows hobbits are lame and don't like to leave the shire. i've seen lotr and i still don't know how they got frodo and sam to leave! fuckin lame hobbits
Looks like Lord of the Rings: So I heard you wanted more. Not really interested. :(

Its a teaser trailer. I'm sure the full theatrical trailer will be full of excite!

As for this one, it totally did it for me. I feel all warm inside.

Expendable - How did you find me on Facebook btw?


why does gandalf want the hobbit to go with him on a looting journey? everyone knows hobbits are lame and don't like to leave the shire. i've seen lotr and i still don't know how they got frodo and sam to leave! fuckin lame hobbits

the hobbits want to go on an adventure

and they take us with them!

I mean if anything, it looks a shade too LOTR-y for The Hobbit. Not silly enough!

True, but you don't want to alienate the dudebros that think LOTR jumped the shark by going from something 'grown up' to something 'kiddy'.


watching the trailer just made me wish that other guy was directing it. can't remember his name, but he is the director that is still fat


why does gandalf want the hobbit to go with him on a looting journey? everyone knows hobbits are lame and don't like to leave the shire. i've seen lotr and i still don't know how they got frodo and sam to leave! fuckin lame hobbits

The dwarfs need a thief. According to Gandalf.


I find it so silly that people are going "Oh, another LOTR movie"..

I mean its the same author, and the book is about a young Hobbit going on a journey.

I would be more worried if it wasn't like LOTR...

Maybe I'm missing something...
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