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In case you missed it: Sega is no more (in more ways than one)


On October 1st Sammy and Sega officially merged into:


And the stock is off to a great start!


I've been a fan of Sega since Shinobi in the arcade - I bought the Sega Master System and every console thereafter, yeah nigh onto the 32x, Saturn, Sega CD and Dreamcast. I was the lead news writer for Segaweb.com for nearly a year. I went to the only two CES, pre-E3, just to see some of my heroes in person (Toejam and Earl Productions: You guys rocked) It was kinda fun to root for the underdog, who I believed had superior games but poor management.

In case you hadn't noticed, now they have crappy games and poor management. You can list them yourself, but this fan of Sega for the past 18 years is finally putting his fandom to rest. I'll still follow them, from a distance (I own some of their stock, and have made a decent amount on it at that); but I have to accept the fact that they are just not the same company I used to love. The days of Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Streets of Rage, Shinobi III, Shining Force II and Phantasy Star II are long, long, gone.

Sega is gone; as I said, in more ways than one.




And methinks this will be the last Sega thread I post in, since it's annoying to read stuff like "everything they make is shit" then people turn around and drool over stuff like Outrun and PDO. Make up your damn minds


That's just their holding company. Sega is still Sega and Sammy is still Sammy. Anyway, who cares... Under new management... Seems like they might have needed it.


Sega died years ago. Now it's official.

Whatever, thanks for the Genesis years. You've sucked ever since then, so, uh.... *Burps and forgets what he was going to say.*




I'm sure they'll still use the Sega logo for games. Anyhow, the Sega fan in me wasn't much affected by the merger with Sammy. After the software-only hit, nothing seems like a big deal.

aoi tsuki

Cimarron said:
IAWTP even though it breaks my heart to say so... :(
i don't know is just sad or what, but after the multiplatform announcement i was pretty depressed for a few days. Not seriously, but just really saddened by the loss of what was a longtime friend, no, essentially the equivalent of a political party since early in the 16-bit era, 8-bit if you want to count the years i vicariously played a system i never owned.

Nowawdays, i really don't care about "Sega" as much as their teams. Hardcore F-Zero fans be damned; Amusment Vision did a great job on F-Zero GX and to a slightly lesser extent, Super Monkey Ball. And AM2 rocked the PS2 with the VF4 games and Shenmue. But beyond that, i don't know what's going on with Sega and really don't care, other than Sonic Team doing Sonic and PSO, Mizaguchi's gone, etc. They could form their own companies and i'd follow them almost as blindly as i once did the company with the futuristic logo that made far too many games i loved to post now.

Sega's dead to me, and has been mostly since "The Announcement". Now i pretty much follow whatever developers and teams do in terms of picquing interest.


I think Sega fans are too in love with nostalgia. That's why an Outrun game that doesn't stray too far from the original aside from graphics receives more hype than a new Shining Force game that looks great,albeit different. Not surprising though,there was a time where JSRF and Panzer Orta hype far outweighed Monkey Ball hype amongst Sega fans. :)
Sega has done some alright things the last few years. The trouble is those things have been unpopular by and large. So now the developers that created those things, like the lost in the shuffle smilebit and cast asunder into sonic team hell UGA are MIA. And that folks plain sucks.
Sure, I play lots of games, but waiting for the next stylish game along the lines of Orta or Jet Grind Radio can keep me going, or it could have I should say. But that era is no more.
I hope whatever Sega/sammy does next will be moderately successful but with enough failure that maybe a few cool games get justified as a backlash.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The only reason I ever fucked w/ Sega was for their arcade offerings. Yu Suzuki's sh!t specifically. Getting their console was just me trying to re-live those arcade experiences as best I could at the time.

The Dreamcast was their farewell. A good one at that.
I still have my Saturn collection to keep me warm at night.

Hell, Sega was doing fine upon entering the 3rd party situation with games like Super Monkey Ball, JSRF and their sports line-up. But they just let too many stinkers slip through the cracks.


aoi tsuki said:
i don't know is just sad or what, but after the multiplatform announcement i was pretty depressed for a few days. Not seriously, but just really saddened by the loss of what was a longtime friend, no, essentially the equivalent of a political party since early in the 16-bit era, 8-bit if you want to count the years i vicariously played a system i never owned.
This is my story, save for the fact that I DID own a Master System. We are brothers. Never forget.
At this point, I just wish the Sega name, brand, everything would just go away. Watching Sega today is just plain embarrassing and headache educing.


The only thing I look forward to nowadays is Sonic teams PSO offerings. And even that one shining jewel was tarnished with the failed whoring of the series as a god damn card game. ><


You know, this weekend my brother and I were playing Xbox and I showed him all the emus and stuff. He went to the SMS right away and we went through the games and he's like "Hey, remember that helicopter game? .... Thunderblade I think" And we booted it up and ALLLLLLL the memories started coming back. "Quartet... what's that?" I said, but when the splash screen came up and the music started playing I was 4 years old again. Seriously, it was the strongest sense of nostalgia that I've ever felt, I was playing these games when I was 4 years old! And as soon as I started to play I started to remember them, what to do, where to go.. it was amazing.

SMS was the first console that I spent a lot of time with and it will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Cheers to you SEGA.


Why not change the name of this thread to: The Official Sega Fanboyism thread?


Just kidding guys! Sega deserves our respect.
Ironic thread that in the US, Sammy will soon no longer use their logo on their games, replacing it with the Sega logo. Sega will still be quite alive (and well) to the uneducated masses.
Lots of fanboyism in this thread. I guess Sega was dead before when they were owned by another corporation. This isn't like Atari that was actually just a name and nothing else, Sega still has their same developers, regardless if you think they make shitty games or not. This is one stupid, cunt fucked, idiot cocksucking, gaping asshole of a thread that deserves no respect.

And I'm not kidding.


Why didn't they merge with MS or Nintendo????????????????? How did this happen? I'm Nintendo fan, never been into SEGA much, but FZero-GX is one of the best games I've played this gen.
One of Sega's developers just made a game for Nintendo, another one made a game for Namco (Vampire Night). Sega is a developer, and publisher, but they don't publish 100% of their games in all territories.

It's completely retarded to think Sega is dead because Sammy took over the reigns from CSK, but that's ok. Group think tells people to diss Sega constantly but they don't realize that they just got a large infusion of cash to continue running for at least another decade. The collective IQ of this forum has gone down in the dumps lately.
I'm with BlackClouds on this one, lots of crying and overdramatising the situation. Okay they haven't been on their best form but they've produced enough good stuff to justify their continued existance. And BlackClouds make a good point about the correlation between Sammy and CSK.
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