First off. This tread has nothing to do with the Abk thing. 2nd, even if it did poorly on PlayStation, there fans still use it as something they got over Xbox. Coming on there first and that it having hard time on series s. They jumping on this, cause they first was thinking Xbox was downgrading or talking bad bout BG3. Which you could see that on the first few posts.

Bruh, no one knows how BG 3 did on PS5 yet. Sales numbers have not been announced.
And yet:
They aren't wrong, nobody cares about BG3 on consoles.
Assuming they’re talking about console it makes sense. The audience for the game is on PC.
BG3 came and went like a fart in the wind on PS5. No1curr.

And the thread is connected to the leak which can connect to the ABK acquisition in terms of Microsoft’s intentions.