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In preparation for Doom3 (Phase2) (CNPS7000A-Cu impressions/review)


Okay all this work on my pc is great fun, all just for the upcoming fps'. :D

First Phase was the Artic Cooler on my Radeon9800 pro:


Second Phase is the CNPS7000A-Cu on the A64 3200+:


It brough the case temp down to 29'C from 35'C and CPU temp from 28'C to 24'C... so far so good.

Installation was fairly easy... except for the part where I had to install the new backplate, which required pulling out the mobo out of the case (which is totally a hassle in a Sonata :\ )

Fanmate1 is on high for optimal cooling and the 2 120mm case fans that I have are more audible than the fan on the CPU.

It seems a bit heavy, so the rig definitely won't be getting moved and the initial disclaimer that the heatsink pretty much exceeded AMD specs are a bit questionable... at first ;)

Oh and that friggin' backplate. (easy installation after backplate was in place)

If you are considering getting the same heatsink then you are definitely paying for a great Heatsink/Fan.

Final Notes:

Third phase was a side fan mod on the sonata, but I don't think I will be doing that anytime soon since the case temps have dropped significantly with the VGASilencer and Zalman heatsink.

CNPS7000A-Cu gets a 9/10 based on performance and added cooling benefits. :D



I've got one of these and it is awesome. I just love the fact it is so quiet for being so good at keeping my PC cool.

best heatsink/fan combo out there.


How much was the CPU cooler and VGA cooler? I'm looking for a cpu cooler. I have the mad dog 39.99 one. Think I got owned on that one...


I bought them separate... I got the VGA silencer first through ncix.com for about $30 CDN...

The Zalman fan I got yesterday from a brick and mortar store and just installed not long ago (approx. 1 1/2 hours ago) it ran me about $70 with taxes.

All in all, I think it is money well spent.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Running that heatsink as well. It's basically silent and cools better than the stock, extremely loud AMD cooler my 2500 came with. It's abit pricey, not compatible with all cases/mobos, and takes a little while to install, but once it's on there it does its job extremely well, and I dare say it looks pretty cool (hur, hur) doing it.


Anybody have any suggestions for a fan that can be placed near the video card over a pci slot that takes relatively low power to operate and keeps the videocard much cooler? Something quiet would also be nice.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Just out of curiousity, is it even worth considering a 9800 Pro if I already have a 9700 Pro? The difference just didn't seem worth the extra money to me, but perhaps I'm wrong...
dark10x said:
Just out of curiousity, is it even worth considering a 9800 Pro if I already have a 9700 Pro? The difference just didn't seem worth the extra money to me, but perhaps I'm wrong...

9700 Pro is neck-and-neck with the 9800. And the 9800 is only slightly behind the the 9800 Pro. Depending on resolution and the effects you're using, some benchmarks are actually identical between the 2. Supposedly the 9700s ran very hot and they reduced the heat significanlty with the 9800s, but I know I wouldn't spend the money on *maybe* 10 percent increase in performance.
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