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In the Dark Knight Franchise: Does Bruce have any defense against embezzlement (spoilers for the Dark Knight series)

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
So we know in Batman Begins that the board decides to take Wayne Enterprises public (and that in all likelihood all of the proceeds of the IPO would not have gone to Bruce) and that Bruce later suggests at the end of the movie that he buys MOST of but not all of the shares through various organizations that he runs.

In Dark Knight, an employee of Wayne Enterprises attempts to blackmail him because he is utilizing R&D budget and resources in what has become an off the books operation.

Does Bruce Wayne have any defense here or is it clear as day that he's actually a criminal and a hypocrite (beyond just being a vigilante)?


Al Pachinko, Konami President
american psycho GIF


Does he have prep time? If he just bribes him or uses his personal money hed be fine but only from a non-moral standpoint, theres no defense there beyond "greater good arguments" but since hes only using company resources and not goverments id say hes fine even morally.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Try not to think too hard about the movies with the man dressed as a giant bat. I doubt Nolan was all that concerned with getting corporate law correct.

Nolan gets a lot wrong, like in the Dark Knight Rises, Bane attacks the Gotham stock exchange to create fraudulent transactions as Bruce Wayne.

There's no chance that these transactions wouldn't have been flagged and that the stock exchange wouldn't have frozen trades due to the attack on the premises.

I'm just saying for argument sake, does he have any defense at all here?


Nolan gets a lot wrong, like in the Dark Knight Rises, Bane attacks the Gotham stock exchange to create fraudulent transactions as Bruce Wayne.

There's no chance that these transactions wouldn't have been flagged and that the stock exchange wouldn't have frozen trades due to the attack on the premises.

I'm just saying for argument sake, does he have any defense at all here?
I've wondered about this as well. I'm assuming Bane bought a bunch of expiring stock options using Bruce's money, which is a pretty good way to screw someone to be fair.


ChatGPT 0.1
It's a good point and someone has to summon a lawyer to answer that question, Bruce Wayne has it good he's a billionaire and the dark knight movies tell me some of his employees are bad.


Gold Member
In The Dark Knight Rises you have Bane storming the stock exchange and performing clearly illegal transactions to bankrupt Bruce Wayne specifically and everybody (including Bruce Wayne) just rolls with it and they cut his power and tow his car like a week later.

Nolan’s Bruce Wayne is legit not any smarter than the average schmuck (remember he basically steals all his gadgets from Lucius, he barely invents anything himself) and I hate how Nolan is hailed as some genius director when all his movies have immersion-breaking base level logic inconsistencies like these.


I hate how Nolan is hailed as some genius director when all his movies have immersion-breaking base level logic inconsistencies like these.

Well, that would mean you have issues with the writing of his films (and Nolan was always a co-writer, David Goyer also wrote for Begins and Nolan’s brother for the next two Bat films). His skills as a director are separate from that.

Also, you only found an issue with TDKR. How is Bruce’s obtaining of his gadgets “immersion-breaking”? Also, Bruce is clearly smarter than your average Joe, he invents the massive surveillance network in TDK, and in TDKR he fixed the autopilot issue which even Lucius hadn’t been able to do.

And where would these logic inconsistencies be in films such as Dunkirk and Oppenheimer?


Gold Member
Well, that would mean you have issues with the writing of his films (and Nolan was always a co-writer, David Goyer also wrote for Begins and Nolan’s brother for the next two Bat films). His skills as a director are separate from that.

Also, you only found an issue with TDKR. How is Bruce’s obtaining of his gadgets “immersion-breaking”? Also, Bruce is clearly smarter than your average Joe, he invents the massive surveillance network in TDK, and in TDKR he fixed the autopilot issue which even Lucius hadn’t been able to do.

And where would these logic inconsistencies be in films such as Dunkirk and Oppenheimer?

Yeah I'm not going to entertain this when one of the two examples you mentioned is a biopic.

Bruce doing one "smart" thing (off-screen, mind you) does not magically negate the twenty dumb things he does or that otherwise happen in the movies. If he is "clearly smarter" that means he just acts retarded for no reason which is arguably even worse.


Yeah I'm not going to entertain this when one of the two examples you mentioned is a biopic.

Bruce doing one "smart" thing (off-screen, mind you) does not magically negate the twenty dumb things he does or that otherwise happen in the movies. If he is "clearly smarter" that means he just acts retarded for no reason which is arguably even worse.

-entertain it? Come on now, you said ALL his movies. I’m just working with what you gave me.

-I gave TWO examples. Also, what does it matter if it was on screen or not?


Bruce as smart as average joe? Just by knowing where to show up for the next scene he's extremely smart. Batman is a detective and stealth agent. You don't usually measure how smart cops are by counting acts of technical wizardry (007 vs Q).

How he handles corporate money is a "ends justifies the means" thing, they put this theme right in our face when he turned everyone's cell phone into a snooping device to save the day.
Each film use his money and company differently, so for me the answer will differ depending on when we are talking about it. In the first one I think that Bruce Wayne and Alfred mostly use his personal money. In the second we know that he used Wayne Tech stuff but as he does own most of the shares and don't really create new equipement( the cars are mothballed and already paid for and depreciated in my opinion) he could probably defend himself in court. The Sky hook is where he is using company tech for his personal use and that can't be excused by saying that the tech have been stolen as he probably could have for the tumbler. At the end of the second film he broke any legal and moral defense he could have by creating his spy network of phones to find the Joker. But he then take the blame for Harvey Dent and stop his Batman persona for a few years. When he come back he is not as good as he was and in my opinion did use some shortcuts and would have been caught but faked his death so unless someone find out about this he should not have to worry about it.


Also, friendly reminder that the asshole trader Bain used to make the trades is none other than a baby Glen Powell.
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