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In the year 2022, GameStop still sells opened games as "new"


Then why can’t I return a game for full price if I’ve opened it, and it’s in a perfectly like new condition?

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Gold Member
I don’t shop there. The more knowledge and intelligence you have, the further you are from GameStop. GameStop employees are incredibly naive. It’s a game store and they don’t see those types of things as a being a problem. They prey on the ignorance of people and their love of video games. I would never tell my kids to work there. I’d rather see them make more at McDonalds.

I loved the store when they were Babbages and EB Games. I worked there and it was awful. I made more money making sandwiches and selling steaks over the phone.


To be fair, stores do this to just about everything.

The clothes you buy could be tried on or returns which the clerk puts on a new price tag. As long as the product is still in good shape to resell, most stuff is resold at regular price. Most stores dont sell used products. As long as a book is in resalable condition, even books are put back on the shelf while someone could had been reading it for free at the store for an hour or plowed through it on a weekend and returned it.

However, video games are one product that does have new and used versions. Go figure.
Quiet, no logic allowed in this thread.

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In the year 2022, GameStop still sells opened games as "new"​

In other words, In the year 2022, GameStop is still in business.


Why the fuck would anyone be buying from GameStop in 2022?

Otherwise just use Amazon, or best buy, or walmart, target... literally anywhere else.

I haven’t bought a console game in years, but the last time I was down a console game aisle at Best Buy, Target, and Walmart the sections were tiny and game selection was pathetic.

Unless GameStop shrunk their game sections as well, they’ve always offered a far wider selection of games to buy.

As much as people hate GameStop, if they were to go under it would be a huge blow to physical game purchases in the US.
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I remeber asking an employee about this.
They open 1 copy of the game because somehow they dont get display boxes which is baffling. You prob received the last copy from a store. So instead of putting a sealed copy of the game on the shelf for display they open the copy put the game in a sleeve and store it in their draw behind the counter. Chalk up another fail by corporate.
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I haven’t bought a console game in years, but the last time I was down a console game aisle at Best Buy, Target, and Walmart the sections were tiny and game selection was pathetic.

Unless GameStop shrunk their game sections as well, they’ve always offered a far wider selection of games to buy.

As much as people hate GameStop, if they were to go under it would be a huge blow to physical game purchases in the US.

I'm not sure what locations you're going to, but Target, Walmart, and Beat Buy have a much larger selection of new games than a typical GameStop.

Not only that but all 3 of them also have sold used games for multiple years as well.


I wouldn't buy a peeled banana even if they swore to me that no one had ever licked it. I want to peel my banana myself.
Well when you eat your game disc let me know.

I don’t plan on arguing with the 9 people who quoted me. But it’s a disc. Calm down. It’s not food, it’s not underwear it’s a disc you’ll put in your system and never look at again.
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It is a new game it’s just open. You see, they remove one disc or cartridge from the case and use it’s box as the display. It becomes a “gutted” copy. Unless the game is super popular and you wind up getting the last one in store this isn’t generally a problem. Funny how people act like all of the games on the store are gutted copies. SMH entitled gamers going to entitle.


Well when you eat your game disc let me know.

I don’t plan on arguing with the 9 people who quoted me. But it’s a disc. Calm down. It’s not food, it’s not underwear it’s a disc you’ll put in your system and never look at again.
I was only making silly fun, don't worry, in fact I buy only digital since years ago. But it's true that I disliked at the time when Game sold me games opened as new. I don't know why, but an opened game seemed used to me. Not the disk, but the cover.


I'm really surprised people are OK with this in this thread. These pricks have been doing it for ages and it is ridiculous they're still doing it. Capcom just said like 90% of there sales are digital and gamestop pulls shit like this and think they'll have any success?

Fucking game stop can't stop getting in their own way. Glad stock bros manipulated the shit out of it. It's all venture capitalist anyway
Not much point getting upset over this. We all saw some of the updated splits between digital and physical. Let them have their dignity in the end. :messenger_expressionless:


Gold Member
I remeber asking an employee about this.
They open 1 copy of the game because somehow they dont get display boxes which is baffling. You prob received the last copy from a store. So instead of putting a sealed copy of the game on the shelf for display they open the copy put the game in a sleeve and store it in their draw behind the counter. Chalk up another fail by corporate.
Of course it makes sense. They dont want people stealing the game. Gamers should be lucky some stores even put an empty box on display so they can look at it. Many stores put games being a locked glass cabinet like Walmart does.

Valuable stuff that's easy to steal and are prone to assholes stealing it get put behind a locked shelves or are behind the counter. Games, jewelry, watches are often behind lock and key. Even baby formula is sometimes because deadbeat parents dont want to pay $20 for a tub of infant powder.

On the other hand, go to the aisle that has expensive stuff for old people (medical and hearing aids). That stuff is in the open because the average 68 year old isnt as asshead stealing.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I think it’s just to further reinforce their brand image as “the store where you can buy the exact same shit as at the Target next door but with a worse customer experience”


Gold Member
I think it’s just to further reinforce their brand image as “the store where you can buy the exact same shit as at the Target next door but with a worse customer experience”
Worse everything.

I went digital long time ago so I dont care about discs. But if I was still a disc buyer, GS is fine if trading in deals for their T3 get new game free promo is worth it (it used to be T2 sometimes). Aside from Best Buy and mom and pop shops, they are one of only a small number who willingly buy back games. So I give them a checkmark for this point.

Problem is multifold now.

- There game selection is a fraction of what it is where most of the store isn't even games anymore. Ok, if someone wants to buy Funko dolls and Call of Duty Black Ops: The Card Game, then GS is the best store in the mall. Most gamers think it's junk. Their massive wall of new and used games is probably 1/10th the size it used to be

- Their prices are still sky high. And a used game is now squeezed to 90% of a new game. It wasnt this bad way back. But they keep inching it up. Funny thing is when GS and Electronics Boutique came to Canada around 1995 (I remember because I bought Heroes of M&M 2 at launch), their prices were probably the best, they had price matching (did it myself many times), and if you hated the game you could return the game after I think 10 days. You go in, buy your game and leave

- Radio Shack Syndrome. As I said above, shopping there was a typical in and out experience. At some point (not sure when), it became a flea market of every clerk hawking disc protection, Game Informer subscription, pre-orders, etc.... Just like Radio Shack, the second you step one foot in the door the fucking clerks talk to you and vulture eye you making sure you know they are there. I dont think the average car salesman tries this hard upselling you shit


Gold Member
People are defending this shit?

If they gut a game and put the case out for every greasy fingered person to come in and handle for a month (and also put some impossible to remove sticker on it), then take the disc out of a sleeve and probably put some more fingerprints on it on the way back into the case, then it’s fucking used.

Maybe I should just start opening up whatever games I have playing them for a month and then sticking them back in the case and selling them on eBay as new. I’m sure most of the buyers will be totally happy with that.
one time Best Buy accidentally sent me 2 copies of a game. So when i ended up trading stuff at a Gamestop....i brought that sealed new extra copy of a game with me. And they made me open it before trading it in. And gave me the value of it being used

The Alien

First time I bought a new game here the guy was opening it all up and I said "what r u doing?" (It was a gift). I said "not buying it now. Bye." Haven't bought a new game there.

Amazon, target, walmart, etc. Too many places to just grab a new sealed copy.


Gold Member
First time I bought a new game here the guy was opening it all up and I said "what r u doing?" (It was a gift). I said "not buying it now. Bye." Haven't bought a new game there.

Amazon, target, walmart, etc. Too many places to just grab a new sealed copy.
The funny thing about GS is that way back when I bought discs, I'd walk out not seeing what I want.

The game might actually be there, but the shelves were so messy with the section of front facing game boxes easy to see (best sellers and new games), but the shelves of games that were placed spine out would be all messy and not in alphabetical order. You could tell a clerk tried at some point, but the last time they did it was probably two months ago so the games are all over the place. Back then the walls of games would be lots and there's no way I'm going to stand there eyeballing probably 500+ games for the one I want.

If the clerks put more effort into organizing the games, they'd get more sales.

Then again, if this was done on purpose hoping customers will buy more games as they eyeball other games they purchase on impulse that's fine. But I'm not that type of shopper.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
My last straw was trying to buy Halo 3 on launch day. I walked in around 6pm and asked to buy a copy. “Did you have a preorder? No? Well I don’t know if I have a copy to sell you, it’s a really hot item. I’ll have to check and see. It’s going to be hard to get.” Like “walking in and buying a super popular game on launch day” is some unexpected scenario that they aren’t equipped to handle, and he was grudgingly doing a favor for my foolish non-preordering ass.

I just said “OK” and walked out and into the Target next door, where they had a fucking mountain of Halo 3 copies in the display case and another mountain behind the electronics counter ready to go.

I’ve only bought from GameStop a handful of times since then when they were the only option. Last time was shortly after Switch launch when they were the only ones with Joycons in stock.


Gold Member
My last straw was trying to buy Halo 3 on launch day. I walked in around 6pm and asked to buy a copy. “Did you have a preorder? No? Well I don’t know if I have a copy to sell you, it’s a really hot item. I’ll have to check and see. It’s going to be hard to get.” Like “walking in and buying a super popular game on launch day” is some unexpected scenario that they aren’t equipped to handle, and he was grudgingly doing a favor for my foolish non-preordering ass.

I just said “OK” and walked out and into the Target next door, where they had a fucking mountain of Halo 3 copies in the display case and another mountain behind the electronics counter ready to go.

I’ve only bought from GameStop a handful of times since then when they were the only option. Last time was shortly after Switch launch when they were the only ones with Joycons in stock.
Ya, that's a major problem with GS.

Unless it's something really technical or obscure where a customer needs help from expert salesmen, most things in life dont need employees acting like major attitude overseers holding product hostage. Especially not video games.
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