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Increasing caloric intake for a whole week to see what happens.

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I'm making this thread to document the changes I feel internally when increasing my caloric intake. I'm doing this because I believe I've been eating to little calories for too long, which can lead to health problems down the line. Also it would be nice to be able to eat a little bit more throughout the day and still lose weight.

No, I'm not bulking to try and get huge. Quite the opposite: I'm trying to lose weight by cutting fat. Of course that's counter-intuitive logically since excess calories normally lead to weight gain. However, check out my stats below:

Age 26
Sex Male
Height 6'2"
Weight 219-221 lbs
BF% 17.75

Those numbers yield a BMR (basal metabolic rate) around the ballpark of 2050-2160. This means that if I were comatose, I'd burn those amounts of calories by simply existing.

The problem now is that I don't feel like I'm cutting efficiently anymore. My body has changed for the better. I've dropped 45lbs of weight and I'm more active. I've been lifting since June and have been lifting 6x a week since December. I've gotten somewhat stronger, especially since I began drinking a few scoops of whey protein every day except my rest day Sunday.

Given my increased activity, I began to wonder if eating 1500-1700 cal on average is even healthy anymore. My metabolism sort of slowed down over time - it hit this strange wall in February after I dropped 10lbs in January.

I broke through the plateau, but weight loss is far slower (if at all sometimes). The plateau was 230. I know this isn't a race, but a marathon. However, results haven't been where I've wanted them. The protein has helped but I felt more could be done.

So I questioned if someone with my stats should be eating 1500-1700 cal period. Interet research points to no. And while I've asked around a while back where people told me this, I didn't pay attention. I felt what I was doing then was working. I mean, it did work, but only temporarily.

My new goal is to see how my body reacts to eating 2200-2600 calories a day for a whole week while keeping the same level of activity. Again, I managed to still progress somewhat while eating so little calories, but I'm curious to see what the increase does for my lifting progress as well. Considering people bulk by chomping down 3000+ calories, I figure my new goal for the week shouldn't be that bad, right?

At the same time, I'm also tracking my protein intake. Figures state I should be eating 180-220g of protein a day. I raided a grocery store last night for salmon, greek yogurt, ground turkey, etc. This is what I'll be trying to exist off of for the next week while lifting.

That said here's what I've tracked so far. FWIW, I'm using MyFitnessPal.

The following are numbers I've gathered from trying to estimate what my TDEE is. I used three different sites which I've labeled. I've also specified the choices I've selected when filling out these calculators.

1 - http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

BMR = 2171
Personal TDEE calculation 1 = BMR * 1.35 = 2930.85
Personal TDEE calculation 2 = BMR * 1.4 = 3039.40

@ 221 lbs/Exercise level 5 times/week/ 17.75%
Maintenance 3175
Fat loss 2540
Extreme Fat Loss 1905

@ 221 lbs/Exercise level Daily/ 17.75%
Maintenance 3365
Fat Loss 2692
Extreme Fat Loss 2019

2 - http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/
@ 221/17.75% BF/Sedentary

BMR = 2155
TDEE = 2586

@ 221/17.75% BF/Lightly Active
TDEE = 2963

@ 221/17.75% BF/Moderately Active
TDEE = 3340

@ 221/17.75% BF/Very Active
TDEE = 3717

3 - http://www.iifym.com/iifym-calculator/

@Sedentary job/no exercise/total body weight formula
BMR = 2054

@Sedentary job/no exercise/lean mass formula
BMR = 2155

@Sedentary job/total body weight formula/6 days exercise/90 minutes working out/moderate
BMR = 2054
TDEE = 2941

@Sedentary job/total body weight formula/6 days exercise/120 minutes working out/moderate
BMR = 2054
TDEE = 3134

@Sedentary job/total body weight formula/6 days exercise/120 minutes working out/difficult
BMR = 2054
TDEE = 3391

@Sedentary job/lean mass formula/6 days exercise/90 minutes working out/moderate
BMR = 2155
TDEE = 3057

@Sedentary job/lean mass formula/6 days exercise/90 minutes working out/difficult

BMR = 2155
TDEE = 3250

@Average BMR based off of calculations:

TDEE = 2134 * 1.35 = 2881
TDEE = 2134 * 1.40 = 2989

@Average TDEE based off of calculations:


On Friday, I was at 221 lbs.

Day 1 - Friday April 8th: 2467 calories consumed; 210g protein/215g carbs/67g fat

I felt like shit at the end of the day. I became nauseous and I got kind of scared for a bit. I don't know if it was the sudden jump of eating that many calories or what. My workouts were fine except for my deadlifts. I failed at 345. I'm going to try again on Tuesday. Also I fear my deadlift form needs work, so a reset might be soon. I'm hoping to hit 350 by next week before I do. If not, then I guess I'll be hitting 350 some time later. We'll see.

Day 2 - Saturday April 9th: 2259 calories consumed; 157g protein/188g carbs/72g fat
Chomped on a mix of greek yogurt and whey protein for breakfast, then went to the gym for leg day. The highest I ever got on squats were 250 5x5 back when I did StrongLifts. I stopped because my knees ached like a motherfucker when I sat still for too long. I attribute the pain to poor form. I'm on my second squat reset and I'm back up to 200. This time with proper form. Not bragging, but I felt like I nailed the form and breathing pattern. It wasn't easy to lift it, but it was easier doing it this time with proper form than when I did it before while trying to control my knees so much. The fact my knees didn't hurt at all doing the squats speaks volumes. I didn't struggle at all I don't think. My attention was on my breathing and making sure my upper body was straight as well as making sure I broke at the knees first before doing the squat motion. I felt it was easier to power my quads through the rise.

Also did some Calf Raises and Leg Extensions at 105 3x10 today. Never hit that high before. I hated both of them since I find the muscle ache from them to be agonizing even after all the time.

I ate like shit afterward due to a friend of mine going away. We had planned the meal for about two weeks, so I made sure I only ate my greek yogurt/protein mix from earlier and the two scoops of protein today.

As the day went on, I became nauseous again. I'm still nauseous and am about sleep. I just ate some mixed planters nuts and said screw dinner.

I really don't know what's going on but it is what it is.

I'll post the rest of my observations later on. I have a date Sunday, so I'll have to plan calories around that.

I'll update this OP with each day's observation as well as bump the thread for discussion if anyone wants to deride me on my weird experiment with my body.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm all for self experimentation, but none of this seems very well thought through. Kind of like you're just throwing shit at the wall...

I'd recommend going into any kind of experimentation with a reasonable hypothesis of what you expect to happen and why.

No Love

You're not eating enough nor at the proper intervals/with right timing. You should be loading up on carbs/protein/fat a couple hours before going heavy instead of pushing your body. I liken it to going WOT on a car while the fuel is very low and the fuel pump has to work harder/runs a lot hotter thanks to the deficit.

Just my opinion, anyways. I think you'd feel a lot better if you tried that for a while. Don't be afraid to do 3000+ calories on heavy days. You could always balance it out by keeping your rest days light and high protein/fat.

Also, you will have much better results reposting your question here http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1051140


You're not eating enough nor at the proper intervals/with right timing. You should be loading up on carbs/protein/fat a couple hours before going heavy instead of pushing your body. I liken it to going WOT on a car while the fuel is very low and the fuel pump has to work harder/runs a lot hotter thanks to the deficit.

Just my opinion, anyways. I think you'd feel a lot better if you tried that for a while. Don't be afraid to do 3000+ calories on heavy days. You could always balance it out by keeping your rest days light and high protein/fat.

Also, you will have much better results reposting your question here http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1051140

So since today is a rest day, you'd recommend eating lighter than my lift days? That makes sense. I might walk for a mile or two at the most.

Also thanks for pointing out intervals. On weekdays, I go to the gym after work so I have breakfast + snacks + lunch to accumulate calories. Saturdays would be weird since try gym I go to closes at 12 pm. I wouldn't have time to accumulate calories...unless I chocked up the night before. Dunno if that's wise or not.

I would love to participate in this haha. Can I just eat steak mac+cheese all day?

Sure, if you want to make me jealous.

I'm all for self experimentation, but none of this seems very well thought through. Kind of like you're just throwing shit at the wall...

I'd recommend going into any kind of experimentation with a reasonable hypothesis of what you expect to happen and why.

What's unreasonable about seeing the effects of increased calories/energy if you've gone a long time functioning without enough for a quarter to half a year? Seems sound to me. I'm a large dude and lift with the frequency of one. Eating like a small person on paper makes no sense in that case.

My hypothesis would be, after an entire week of this, that i will have lost 2 lbs after increasing my caloric intake.

...unless you're talking about hard numbers I've found that drove me to do this. I can post them once I'm back on my desktop.
Are you only paying attention to pounds lost as opposed to BF%? If the percentage is getting smaller and you can see the difference, then I don't think the scale really matters. I'm also surprised you were getting by before on 1700 calories if you were training hard 6 days a week.


you'll barely see any changes (you'll probably just imagining it to be honest) over a week with an extra 500 cal a day


A whole week eh? Your body isn't going to change overnight. Reading the OP it sounds like you're obsessing a bit much. Calculate your macros, figure out a diet that works for you, keep lifting, and be patient.


I'm making this thread to document the changes I feel internally when increasing my caloric intake. No, I'm not bulking to try and get huge. Quite the opposite: I'm trying to lose weight by cutting fat. Of course that's counter-intuitive logically since excess calories normally lead to weight gain. However, check out my stats below:

Age 26
Sex Male
Height 6'2"
Weight 219-221 lbs
BF% 17.75

Those numbers yield a BMR (basal metabolic rate) around the ballpark of 2050-2160. This means that if I were comatose, I'd burn those amounts of calories by simply existing.

The problem now is that I don't feel like I'm cutting efficiently anymore. My body has changed for the better. I've dropped 45lbs of weight and I'm more active. I've been lifting since June and have been lifting 6x a week since December. I've gotten somewhat stronger, especially since I began drinking a few scoops of whey protein every day except my rest day Sunday.

Given my increased activity, I began to wonder if eating 1500-1700 cal on average is even healthy anymore. My metabolism sort of slowed down over time - it hit this strange wall in February after I dropped 10lbs in January.

I broke through the plateau, but weight loss is far slower (if at all sometimes). The plateau was 230. I know this isn't a race, but a marathon. However, results haven't been where I've wanted them. The protein has helped but I felt more could be done.

So I questioned if someone with my stats should be eating 1500-1700 cal period. Interet research points to no. And while I've asked around a while back where people told me this, I didn't pay attention. I felt what I was doing then was working. I mean, it did work, but only temporarily.

My new goal is to see how my body reacts to eating 2200-2600 calories a day for a whole week while keeping the same level of activity. Again, I managed to still progress somewhat while eating so little calories, but I'm curious to see what the increase does for my lifting progress as well. Considering people bulk by chomping down 3000+ calories, I figure my new goal for the week shouldn't be that bad, right?

At the same time, I'm also tracking my protein intake. Figures state I should be eating 180-220g of protein a day. I raided a grocery store last night for salmon, greek yogurt, ground turkey, etc. This is what I'll be trying to exist off of for the next week while lifting.

That said here's what I've tracked so far. FWIW, I'm using MyFitnessPal.

On Friday, I was at 221 lbs.

Day 1 - Friday April 8th: 2467 calories consumed; 210g protein/215g carbs/67g fat

I felt like shit at the end of the day. I became nauseous and I got kind of scared for a bit. I don't know if it was the sudden jump of eating that many calories or what. My workouts were fine except for my deadlifts. I failed at 345. I'm going to try again on Tuesday. Also I fear my deadlift form needs work, so a reset might be soon. I'm hoping to hit 350 by next week before I do. If not, then I guess I'll be hitting 350 some time later. We'll see.

Day 2 - Saturday April 9th: 2259 calories consumed; 157g protein/188g carbs/72g fat
Chomped on a mix of greek yogurt and whey protein for breakfast, then went to the gym for leg day. The highest I ever got on squats were 250 5x5 back when I did StrongLifts. I stopped because my knees ached like a motherfucker when I sat still for too long. I attribute the pain to poor form. I'm on my second squat reset and I'm back up to 200. This time with proper form. Not bragging, but I felt like I nailed the form and breathing pattern. It wasn't easy to lift it, but it was easier doing it this time with proper form than when I did it before while trying to control my knees so much. The fact my knees didn't hurt at all doing the squats speaks volumes. I didn't struggle at all I don't think. My attention was on my breathing and making sure my upper body was straight as well as making sure I broke at the knees first before doing the squat motion. I felt it was easier to power my quads through the rise.

Also did some Calf Raises and Leg Extensions at 105 3x10 today. Never hit that high before. I hated both of them since I find the muscle ache from them to be agonizing even after all the time.

I ate like shit afterward due to a friend of mine going away. We had planned the meal for about two weeks, so I made sure I only ate my greek yogurt/protein mix from earlier and the two scoops of protein today.

As the day went on, I became nauseous again. I'm still nauseous and am about sleep. I just ate some mixed planters nuts and said screw dinner.

I really don't know what's going on but it is what it is.

I'll post the rest of my observations later on. I have a date Sunday, so I'll have to plan calories around that.

I'll update this OP with each day's observation as well as bump the thread for discussion if anyone wants to deride me on my weird experiment with my body.

If you really want to know get in contact with a dietitian it's their area of study


Are you only paying attention to pounds lost as opposed to BF%? If the percentage is getting smaller and you can see the difference, then I don't think the scale really matters. I'm also surprised you were getting by before on 1700 calories if you were training hard 6 days a week.

I unfortunately don't have a way to measure my BF% effectively when I want. I guess I could invest in some calipers so I won't have to schedule a BF% check at my gym.

And yeah, when I tell people I ate ~< 1700 they get surprised.

I thought I was fine, but I noticed certain things about my body over time outside of working out. Yeah I'm getting a bit of a tone, but I would become constipated for large stretches of time. I was also piss tired throughout the day, though I chalked that up to me probably staying up late and working out as much as I do.

you'll barely see any changes (you'll probably just imagining it to be honest) over a week with an extra 500 cal a day

So far I'm getting headaches and I have more energy so I disagree. I dunno if I'm going through some sort of shock at eating more than I have for an entire year.

Also I took an amazing dump this morning. I missed those.

A whole week eh? Your body isn't going to change overnight. Reading the OP it sounds like you're obsessing a bit much. Calculate your macros, figure out a diet that works for you, keep lifting, and be patient.

Obsession, dedication, same thing.

No noticeable changes man 1 week is nothing

Again, two days and I alternate from feeling like shit to awesome. I also woke up today feeling hungry despite eating 2200 calories yesterday. That legitimately surprised me.

If you really want to know get in contact with a dietitian it's their area of study

I actually have a dietitian! She helped me out a ton back when I was obese. Though she tried hard to dissuade me from using MFP in order to measure my 1500-1700 cut of calories. She described me as a Type A person, which I think is wrong. Before, she got me to focus more on my portion size of food and to eat two servings of vegetables a day.

That worked for the time. Of course things got harder. I found MFP to be a great tool to help me through plateaus.

She basically thought I was slipping into an eating disorder. Here's a writeup I did on reddit when I was asking for a routine critique: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/4dsrsm/please_critique_my_routine_lost_45lbs_and_gotten/

I'm going to update the OP with some of my responses to these recent posts as well as the numbers I have from online calculators and my own math.
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