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Indiana Jones 5 for July 19th, 2019 with Spielberg and Harrison Ford

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I did the hax into disneys database and found their teaser poster and the movie title!


Bad Trip

We're people really asking for this ? The original trilogy was solid , the 4th film complete trash . Why not just create a new protagonist during the same time period or similar and go from there . While Indy was cool , I much more liked the films for the adventure and action then for Indy . If old Han Solo didn't turn people off I guess an old Indy won't either . Fuck lol
We're people really asking for this ? The original trilogy was solid , the 4th film complete trash . Why not just create a new protagonist during the same time period or similar and go from there . While Indy was cool , I much more liked the films for the adventure and action then for Indy . If old Han Solo didn't turn people off I guess an old Indy won't either . Fuck lol

It's half of a bad film. If not for a flobby last act, it'd be almost as good as Temple.
We're people really asking for this ? The original trilogy was solid , the 4th film complete trash . Why not just create a new protagonist during the same time period or similar and go from there . While Indy was cool , I much more liked the films for the adventure and action then for Indy . If old Han Solo didn't turn people off I guess an old Indy won't either . Fuck lol
Didn't follow SW:TFA comments, but old Han Solo was badly received ?

I thought he was pretty good. Added some nostalgia and fun to the movie.
I know my parents loved his character.

Probably why I'm giving Indy 5 a chance after #4 flop.
Just needs a better, non-Lucas script.

Bad Trip

It's half of a bad film. If not for a flobby last act, it'd be almost as good as Temple.

Idk, my own take on the film was that it just wasn't interesting or did anything meaningful to push Indy as a character forward . The actual adventure itself wasn't very fun either . The original Indy films had very fantastical and almost pulpy adventures that you wanted to go on, I didn't feel that with Indy 4.

Didn't follow SW:TFA comments, but old Han Solo was badly received ?

I thought he was pretty good. Added some nostalgia and fun to the movie.
I know my parents loved his character.

Probably why I'm giving Indy 5 a chance after #4 flop.
Just needs a better, non-Lucas script.

I'm not against an old Harrison Ford in a movie that has him in relevant role . But to me I didn't particularly care for TFA nostalgia , I very much wanted a progression of TFA being 30 years later meaning we started of fresh and didn't have to do the tired "pass the torch" arch . But I still enjoyed TFA. Seeing an old man Han Solo wasn't doing anything for me though . It was like seeing an aging rock band , when your prime was captured perfectly , to follow it up when your past your prime it adds little in comparison . So for me an Indy 5 with old man Indy is doing nothing for me , I already saw Ford as Indy in his prime and in his best Indy films .


Idk, my own take on the film was that it just wasn't interesting or did anything meaningful to push Indy as a character forward . The actual adventure itself wasn't very fun either . The original Indy films had very fantastical and almost pulpy adventures that you wanted to go on, I didn't feel that with Indy 4.

I'm not against an old Harrison Ford in a movie that has him in relevant role . But to me I didn't particularly care for TFA nostalgia , I very much wanted a progression of TFA being 30 years later meaning we started of fresh and didn't have to do the tired "pass the torch" arch . But I still enjoyed TFA. Seeing an old man Han Solo wasn't doing anything for me though . It was like seeing an aging rock band , when your prime was captured perfectly , to follow it up when your past your prime it adds little in comparison . So for me an Indy 5 with old man Indy is doing nothing for me , I already saw Ford as Indy in his prime and in his best Indy films .

TFA was necessary as a palate cleanser.
Bob Iger confirms they'll be "some sort of reboot" after Indy 5.

Which I mean, ya know, duh cuz Harrison Ford is ancient but they wanna make more Indiana Jones films.

In an extensive interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Iger responds to a question of whether an ‘Indiana Jones’ universe, as with “Star Wars,” is in the works by saying “Not like ‘Star Wars,’ no. But we hope… right now, we’re focused on a reboot, or a continuum and then a reboot of some sort.”

Iger walks it back a little bit, saying “we’ll bring him back, then we have to figure out what comes next… It’s not really a reboot, it’s a boot — a reboot. I don’t know. We got Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the film. But then what’s the direction? I’ve had discussions about what the direction is, but I don’t want to get into it… it won’t be just a one-off.”

Sounds like they have no idea what to do...


Hell they should remane the series in "Grandpa Jones"...

He looked too old already in Indie 4, why going on like this?

Stop the series or be brave enough to change the main protagonist...


They just need to throw time travel into the mix since we got aliens last time around. Indy 5 contains an artifact that resets the bearer into some point in their own lifetime - the climax of the film is old Indy trying to stop the villain from using it, kills the villain, villain drops it, maybe Indy picks it up, does a smile and a one-liner, and ends up activating it himself. Bright white light, rush of sound, fade in to...

The last scene of the film is the opening of Raiders re-done, never showing the new Indy's face - until of course the reveal after he whips the guide holding the pistol. Cue the theme and credits.


The thing with the Star Wars prequels is, there's no way to that deny their subpar quality was Lucas' fault, because he directed, wrote and produced everything. For Crystal Skull however, many other people were apparently content with profoundly bad ideas, including Spielberg.

For what it's worth, I thought Crystal Skull wasn't close to Star Wars prequel bad. Crystal Skull at least has some fun moments.


For what it's worth, I thought Crystal Skull wasn't close to Star Wars prequel bad. Crystal Skull at least has some fun moments.

I'm not so sure about that....I personally think Crystal Skull might be worse than the prequels. It was just abysmal.
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