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Indiana Jones 5 for July 19th, 2019 with Spielberg and Harrison Ford

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Everything bad about Crystal Skull (and the entire series in general) was Lucas' fault.

Remember that scene in 4 where Indiana Jones survived a nuclear blast in a fridge? Of course you do. It was awful. And, guess what? It was also Lucas' fault. He twisted Spielberg's arm behind his back and made him film it.

Swinging monkey scene? Lucas. He personally directed those scenes and spliced them into the final cut without anyone knowing until it was in theaters.

He also told Spielberg that Marion should be a CG character but, thankfully, Spielberg managed to sneak Karen Allen on set and film her scenes while Lucas was sleeping!
Wait is this serious? Holy shit.
Spielberg desperately wants to make amends for The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but he'll most likely dig himself a deeper hole. God knows how this is going to turn out. Is Shia going to be in it? I like him more now than I did in 2008 or whatever year it was, since he's become better known as a demented meme more than anything, but I still don't want him anywhere near this film.

Oh, and if we're doing rankings then: Raiders=Last Crusade>Temple of Doom>>>>>>>the TV series>>>>Kingdom.

Seriously, Raiders and The Last Crusade are the two greatest movies ever made. They're on a par with each other.


Please movie gods let the plot make sense this time instead of being a mish mash of previous failed drafts.
  • No ridiculous CG stunt double action scenes you couldn't do with real people.
  • No CG vehicles/chases please
  • No CG alien climax
  • No trying to top yourself with one waterfall fall after another.
  • No double-triple "does my character arc make sense to anybody" agent shenanigans
  • Also no weird post-pro sheen on the image please, keep the image clear.
The first 30 minutes of Indy 4 are not so bad, enjoyed the campus motorcycle chase but once they hit Peru, after that grave scene it definitely nuked the fridge.
Harrison Ford has zero personality anymore. He was really dry in SW:TFA, except for a couple 1-liners about Finn.

He's too old and his delivery of lines is really getting bad.

Now add to that a likely terrible script and you got another legacy-tainting disaster.
Any thought about setting/era? Was 60's and the Amaon last time right?

I'd like to see the film set in the 70's in either India, Cambodia, Nepal, Tibet or maybe even Russia (some Slavic folklore/mythos could be refreshing).


All this negativity about Fords age is just crazy to me.
In basically every Force Awakens interview Ford was asked if there would be a Indy 5.
It's obvious people really want him back.
But as usual the internets is just full on negativity.
Ford IS Indy, as he grows older so does Indy. There's no rule that says Indiana Jones have to bounce around doing crazy stunts like a madman.
Ford is in pretty good shape and can probably run around, throw some punches and ride some horses still.
I would love for the movie to a bit more sombre with Indy reflecting on his mortality and going on a final important adventure.


Any ideas on the 'macguffin'?

Certainty an artifact of an ancient religion.

Raiders: Jewish artifact
Temple: Indian artifact
Crusade: Christian artifact
Kingdom: Mesoamerican artifact

There are hundreds of famous artifacts across the world that would make for great Indiana Jones stories.


Frank Marshall: Harrison Ford Is One and Only ‘Indiana Jones,’ ‘Not Going to Do the Bond Thing’ (Variety)

Asked by Variety senior film and media writer Brent Lang about continuing “Indiana Jones” for even more sequels, Marshall said it could happen. “It’s all about the story. I think both in the ‘Jason Bourne’ series and on ‘Indiana Jones,’ we are not going to do the Bond thing,” Marshall said, referring to rotating different actors through the title roles in the two franchises that he oversees. “We think those characters are iconic, and those are the only actors who can play that.”

Marshall said the next “Jones” installment will not be a prequel but a continuation of the story from where it left off with “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” in 2008.

Torch passing to Mutt confirmed.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I fear it's just setting the stage for some Indiana Jones extended universe where we end up following new characters we don't care about.

I'd rather see Indiana Jones recast for a future movie than see Indiana Jones' friends.


This has to be one of the last movies then, I don't understand why they don't put out a awesome animated series of something.


I hope we find out Indy, unbeknownst to him, also had a son with Willie Scott. This one happens to be Chris Pratt. (or whoever)
I hope we find out Indy, unbeknownst to him, also had a son with Willie Scott. This one happens to be Chris Pratt. (or whoever)

Lol so we find out Indy just randomly impregnates ladies to never talk to them again until the children are grown-up?

So I guess we will have loads of movies about Indy's kids :D
Lol so we find out Indy just randomly impregnates ladies to never talk to them again until the children are grown-up?

So I guess we will have loads of movies about Indy's kids :D

It would be a great launching point for the Indiana Jones Cinematic Universe.

In the 5th post-Indiana movie all of his known children team up to fight the return of the interdimensional beings, which have developed fascist leanings.
It would be a great launching point for the Indiana Jones Cinematic Universe.

In the 5th post-Indiana movie all of his known children team up to fight the return of the interdimensional beings, which have developed fascist leanings.

And 6th one concludes it by the arrival of Space-Shitler and Indy and his family of 100 kids (he didnt know off) fighting in a ground and space fight....


That's really not encouraging. It could work, but I'd rather want them to take the SW route and leave the shit that didn't work behind. Mutt didn't work - he was miscast. La Beuf is good with certain character types, but the cool 50s kid isn't one of them.

The script was the least of Indy 4s problems, but it was a problem.

To double down on the mistakes of Indy 4 is the wrong route to take. And to double down on no recast of Indy is a mistake too. Ford is one of the most charismatic actors around if he wants to invest a bit into the role - but he isn't getting younger and Indy has the potential to go past Ford and Spielberg and back to the WW2 era. Passing the torch now and doing the Bond thing with endorsement of both Ford and Spielberg would go a long way.

Ah well, I'll always have the first three movies I suspect.


I just don't see how this could be good.

I'm actually fairly certain that Uncharted 4, a videogame, will have a better story and characters than this. Eh, maybe they'll prove me wrong. But does anyone even want this? Are there really hardcore Indy fans clamoring for a fifth movie?
And 6th one concludes it by the arrival of Space-Shitler and Indy and his family of 100 kids (he didnt know off) fighting in a ground and space fight....

obviously Short-Round is the leader of the aliens

Yeah well, or that^^

Club Obi-Wan isn't just a fun Easter egg. It's actually a crucial hint at an important plot element later in the IJCU. When Darth Vader struck down Obi-Wan, he became more powerful than even the audience imagined, or George Lucas. He transceded space and time and his essence wound up in late 1800's Shanghai, where he quickly built up a small cult following of believers. Another fragment of Obi-Wan's essence traveled to the home dimension of the Interdimensionals, who were still searching for their lost ship. Once the IDBs were awakened by Indiana Jones and co. in the late 50's, Obi-Wan's Earth Fragment Prime (a second fragment, Earth Fragment Auxiliate, awoke in the 25th century, and became obsessed with stricter aspects of Jedi culture, forcing the inhabitants of Earth to follow his extreme teachings) guided the lost ship back to the Interdimensionals through direct collaboration with Obi-Wan I.D. Fragment Nadir.

Upon the reunion of the two fragments, the newly form Obi-Wan Fragmental Collection Alpha Maximus began to seek out other basal fragments, and ultimately coalesce. Upon the collection and assimilation of Earth Fragment Auxiliate the Collection underwent a massive shift in self-purpose, and began enslaving civilizations en masse, beginning with the Interdimensionals. However, seeing the unparalleled knowledge of the Obi-Wan Fragmental Collection, they quickly and willingly submitted to the cause.

A small fragment of the now massive whole, the former Earth Fragment Prime, remembered the once young boy who had accompanied a certain Indiana Jones in Shanghai circa the 1930's. With a twinge of nostalgic remembrance of the former Fragment's self, the sub-fragment of the Collective recruited the now adult "Mid-height Oblong", and promoted him to the public face of the Collective. This wasn't pure nostalgia however. Remembering the impressive resourcefulness of Mr. Jones both in Shanghai and at the site of the crashed Interdimensional ship, the Collective was hoping to forcefully incorporate the now ancient and prolifically bred Indiana Jones for the purpose of easing the conquering of Earth.


The script was the least of Indy 4s problems, but it was a problem.

it was the sole problem... script was a frankenstein mishmash of half baked ideas. i still couldn't even tell you what the crystal skull does, all the characters were just setpieces to a disney ride the entire second half (not that indy films were ever compelling character studies, but who remembers the "zany adventures" of mutt, the russian lady ect as opposed to brody, indy's dad, short round, ect)

IMO script was the issue. not so much nuked fridges, cgi, aliens, ect


Gold Member
Spielberg gave a new tidbit on the movie!

"I think this one is straight down the pike for the fans. The one thing I will tell you is I’m not killing off Harrison [Ford] at the end of it."

Some rumor sites and message boards also seem to think that the plot will be based on
The legend of the sword in the stone. Like the old disney cartoon, which i think is too similar to the holy grail.
Grain of salt!
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