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Indiana Jones 5 for July 19th, 2019 with Spielberg and Harrison Ford

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2019? One can only hope that Ford will have a similar role to Sean Connery in Last Crusade in the new one. Ford's stunts in 4 were already extremely stupid.
Fun fact, Connery was only 59 in The last Crusade.
And he is only 12 years older than Ford anyways
No, do not want.

Well Indy 4 is da worst movie of all time according to Mr Plinkett, so they can do whatever they want and still come out on top.

I don't want Harrison Ford though. They should do a JW soft reboot.
Some rumor sites and message boards also seem to think that the plot will be based on
The legend of the sword in the stone. Like the old disney cartoon, which i think is too similar to the holy grail.
Grain of salt!

I guess that would make it
a "direct" sequel to Last Crusade
, in terms of backstory.
I still hope that this movie will be a farewell movie for Ford. Imo, it would be awesome if Ford as old man Indy is telling his students of his adventure while a new actor plays the actual young man Indy during the tale.


I'm expecting a similar approach as the one taken in TFA - leaning much more heavily on the conventions of the 'original' movies (I'm guessing mostly Ark and especially Crusade - which was in itself already heavily modeled after the first movie), as those are what most people will identify as what Indiana Jones is all about. So I wouldn't be surprised by another religious artifact and some shenanigans in some desert tomb. Also, just like in TFA, a lot more focus on physical sets and physical stunts. Maybe they'll bring Sallah back - because why the hell not.

Tbh, I'm still completely fine with the aliens, russians and fridge of Crystal Skull. The bigger problem is that the dialogue just feels wooden and the action is mostly a CG fest. TFA showed that Ford can still play that character type very well, so I hope some of that carries over into Indy.


I mean, isn't this the reason he was
killed in TFA? His age?

Harrison Ford wanted Han Solo to die in Jedi but Lucas decided against it. I'm guessing he decided to do Force Awakens as a big payday and so they could kill the character off for him.


I'm hoping this is the movie where we find out how Indy loses an eye and turns into a gibbering old Jewish man, as seen in the magnificent (and canon, as established in Crystal Skull) Young Indiana Jones Chronicles:



Ford with a beard needs to happen for this film.

That also already happened in the tv show, in the one episode where Ford played Indy himself:

Just for the record, I don't really believe YIJC is a good set of Indiana Jones stories, I'm just having fun. I have a soft spot for it because it was a part of my childhood, but it's not Indiana Jones. It's actually uncanny how much this show foreshadowed the mistakes George Lucas would later make with the Star Wars prequels. He tested out a lot of ideas for those movies in this show - Christopher Lee even appears as a Count, and he's pretty much the same character! And, just like the special editions of the original SW movies, Lucas later edited the show to hell and ruined a lot of the pacing and characters, and he always refused to commercially release the original, vastly superior versions
The present-day scenes with old Indy and his family were actually removed in the home video releases. They don't seem to be canon anymore.

With Spielberg on-board and Lucas nowhere in sight I actually have hope for this project.


The present-day scenes with old Indy and his family were actually removed in the home video releases. They don't seem to be canon anymore.

Yeah I know (although I don't think you saw his family in those scenes, he just had some stories about living in a house full of cats - it was weird). Don't get me wrong, that interpretation of an older Indiana Jones was wrong on many levels, but wrong in such a weird way that it was really entertaining. Hilariously bad.

(Also, I was only half-joking about the series being canon in any way that counts. I personally don't care about what is and isn't canon at all, and even though Indy told Mutt a story about one of the tv episodes (the one with the Mexican revolution) in Crystal Skull, it will never be required viewing apart from the extremely nostalgic ones (me), the fans who just have to see everything regardless of quality, or people who are just fascinated with the weird ways in which George Lucas' brain works (also me))


Wow no Shia Labeouf? Is this a reboot or what? Hollywood always fucking with my favorite childhood franchises.

Why would it be a reboot just because Labeouf isn't in it, and especially why would it be fucking with your childhood? Spielberg already stated it's not a reboot, just a continuation of Indy's adventures after the first four movies. Shia Labeouf started crapping on Crystal Skull shortly after its release, and regardless of whether that was deserved or not, Ford and Spielberg were not amused. Also, as time went on, Labeouf started losing his mind more and more, and after his drug/alcohol infused public stunts I simply don't think he's Spielberg movie material anymore. The Indy movies always had a wildly rotating cast outside of Ford - a new movie could still work fine without any particular character besides Indy being there, as the previous movies have shown.

Also, they haven't talked about cast beyond Harrison Ford at all, so he could still be in there for all we know. But I would be very surprised if he was. And that's completely fine, I don't see any way in which Shia Labeouf was an integral part of the franchise, especially considering he's from a movie that's only a couple of years old (and often seen as the worst movie at that).

New movies don't destroy old movies, and they don't destroy your childhood memories (and I doubt Shia was a part of your childhood).
I think the fountain of youth would be a fun movie. We could get a CG young Indy for a bit, until everything inevitably goes bad and he reverts to his (literal) old self.
You never heard about his "I'm not famous anymore" thing? He showed up at a red carpet with a bag on his head saying that. He also set up a museum in California and let people walk in while he sat compeltley motionless staring into the distance alone at a table with props from his movies


Just write in a grandson, or recast Shia and it's all good.

One thing's for sure: the baddies won't be Russians again, that got the movie banned there lol

Russ T

You never heard about his "I'm not famous anymore" thing? He showed up at a red carpet with a bag on his head saying that. He also set up a museum in California and let people walk in while he sat compeltley motionless staring into the distance alone at a table with props from his movies

I think based on your utter dismissal of him as a human being, I'm more informed about Shia than you are! He's perfectly chill lately. Kinda cool, even. He clearly went through some shit and came out a better person.
Crystal Skulls biggest problem was the very concept of it. Indiana Jones has always been a male power fantasy (for those that want to be Indy) and a female power fantasy (for those that want to go on adventure with Indy).

No one wants to be/be with a 76 year-old who's still trying to act like a badass action hero.
I feel like them making this movie basically comes down to Speilberg said he was going to make 5 Indy movies, and he just wants to finish what he started. I am very cautious about how this will turn out, but after The Force Awakens, I still think Harrison Ford can still turn in a good performance when he wants to. I was honestly shocked at how well he went back into the role of Han Solo. I thought it was just a paycheck to him, and it probably was, and he could have just as easily phoned it in...but he actually did his job well.

Whether or not he's up to the action that an Indy film entails, I can't say for sure. I still think it's certainly doable. I think Sean Connery was bad ass in The Rock, and he was up there in years when that was made, and that was a very action heavy movie.

If anything has me worried, it's Speilberg a little. He's still a legend in film making imo, but I honestly have not been super impressed with many of his films in recent years. I actually really liked The Adventures of Tintin, and felt that was really a great throwback to an Indy style film for him, but even that had some pacing issues. Lincoin may have been award winning, but even my mother who usually loves biopic/dramas thought it was boring as hell. I still haven't seen Bridge of Spies also because I just kept hearing it was super boring, which is a shame because I love a good Tom Hanks thriller.


I could see Spielberg going for the young women sidekick, some aspiring adventurous student Indy has in his Archeology lectures that wants to find something and she looks for guidance after research of her own leads to interesting findings which intrigues Indy.

The thing I kinda hate about Spielberg now is his films reek of Spielberg, the look, shine is so distracting, yes your talented as fuck but it's too perfect that it's hard not be distracted by it like it's a lesson in directing and film techniques. Yet to see Bridge of Spies yet but not so impressed with his recent efforts. I think Indy V for him is just doing an Indy film justice, him and Ford know Crystal Skull was bad for the most part.


Crystal Skulls biggest problem was the very concept of it. Indiana Jones has always been a male power fantasy (for those that want to be Indy) and a female power fantasy (for those that want to go on adventure with Indy).

No one wants to be/be with a 76 year-old who's still trying to act like a badass action hero.

I do. Because Indy is that damn badass. Harrison didn't miss a beat as Han. He can still pull it off.


Crystal Skulls biggest problem was the very concept of it. Indiana Jones has always been a male power fantasy (for those that want to be Indy) and a female power fantasy (for those that want to go on adventure with Indy).

No one wants to be/be with a 76 year-old who's still trying to act like a badass action hero.

I do. At least when I'm 76.
I do. Because Indy is that damn badass. Harrison didn't miss a beat as Han. He can still pull it off.

His han solo was never kicking as much ass as indy nor did he have to move around much. Especially in the new one.

This is just an absurd age for him to be swinging around jumping from car to car like he's mad max or something.

Oh and same writer as crystal skull lmao.


Bad news everybody. George Lucas is involved after all:

Steven Spielberg on Indy V - "George is gonna to be an executive producer on it with me": http://www.thebeardedtrio.com/2016/06/steven-spielberg-on-indy-v-george-is.html

I sort of saw it coming as, throughout all of his mistakes, Spielberg always stood by Lucas and defended him in the press. I was hopeful he would sit this one out though, as the only people confirmed to be involved so far had been Spielberg, Ford and Williams. Lucas is definitely the weak link in that group.
This is my idea for a Indy V scene. There is a river that Indy and crew need to cross. This river is FILLED with Piranha. Indy, or another character suggests sending a horse across the river to be the bait for the killer fish so that the rest may pass. The hourse begins its trek across but as it does bad guys show up. There is a fight on the river bank which extends onto the rocks by the river, with Indy almost falling in. The bad guy, bleeding, eventually is knocked into the river and the fish all mob him. Indy and his band then bolt across the river only to find their horse safely on the other side. Or something.

They have done insects (twice), snakes, rats, but never fish.

Bad news everybody. George Lucas is involved after all:

You mean the guy who helped write all the indy stuff you liked and who edited the first film? That asshole!


You mean the guy who helped write all the indy stuff you liked and who edited the first film? That asshole!

I never said he was an asshole! I actually quite like the guy, but I just don't think he has any good films left in him anymore. After the Star Wars prequels, his ideas for Indy 4, Red Tails, and the various weird stories about his creative collaborations and other weird side projects, I think I would be more interested in a version of Indiana Jones without him. Spielberg's Tintin movie was a far better Indiana Jones movie than Crystal Skull was, for instance.

I won't deny that George Lucas made some important film in his time, and that he had some strong ideas during his career. But looking at his filmography, his failures outweigh his hits by far (for my personal tastes of course). Especially in recent years, frankly.
Bad news everybody. George Lucas is involved after all:

Steven Spielberg on Indy V - "George is gonna to be an executive producer on it with me": http://www.thebeardedtrio.com/2016/06/steven-spielberg-on-indy-v-george-is.html

I sort of saw it coming as, throughout all of his mistakes, Spielberg always stood by Lucas and defended him in the press. I was hopeful he would sit this one out though, as the only people confirmed to be involved so far had been Spielberg, Ford and Williams. Lucas is definitely the weak link in that group.

Executive Producer is more often than not just an honorary title.

Worry if it's announced he's actually writing or helping break the story.


Executive Producer is more often than not just an honorary title.

Worry if it's announced he's actually writing or helping break the story.

I considered that, but at the same time this is the guy who's still complaining about Disney not listening to his ideas for Episode 7 after selling them the rights, and given Spielberg's/Lucas' comments about how Crystal Skull came to be, I don't think Spielberg is going to stop him if Lucas wants more involvement.

Who knows, not every project George Lucas was involved in turned to shit of course. He's certainly capable of getting interesting ideas - he just needs people around him with enough freedom to develop those ideas into something that's actually good.
I considered that, but at the same time this is the guy who's still complaining about Disney not listening to his ideas for Episode 7 after selling them the rights.

I don't think he's actually doing this. And the two times it got brought up in the run-up to Force Awakens last year came off as self-deprecating smartassery than actual complaining - and that was only after being prompted in the interview proper. Otherwise he wouldn't have said anything (he certainly didn't in the years before being directly asked in that media run)

It's probably not much more than the fact he co-created the character, so he'll get an Exec Producer credit for it.

Unless he is directly asked by Spielberg to join him and Koepp in breaking the story. At which point he'll also get a Story By credit, too.

no, he was killed in TFA because he demanded to die, demanded a lot of money, and demanded Indy 5 to do TFA.

Did he actually demand to die? That seemed like foregone conclusion for everyone involved. I'd heard that Indy 5 was part of the deal, or at least I remember it being reported a couple times.
The thing with the Star Wars prequels is, there's no way to that deny their subpar quality was Lucas' fault, because he directed, wrote and produced everything. For Crystal Skull however, many other people were apparently content with profoundly bad ideas, including Spielberg.
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