Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Releasing December 9th for Xbox / PC / Game Pass - PS5 Spring 2025


Gold Member
most of those ps5 games will come to pc. lets learn some lessons from this whole mess and drop this warring once in for all.

Of course it wouldn't be Indiana Jones at that moment because the game was still damn near a year away.

He specifically name dropped an exclusive game due out much later in the year to make it sound like that game wasn't even in consideration for porting.

Phil is a slimy used car salesman and you're falling for his spin.


It wasn't coming to PS5 just because it wasn't ready anyway

Amazing job Phil

A troll like no other

Never forget

Just sold my Series X, writing is on the wall. Gonna grab a Ps5 Pro whenever it comes out....

Good for you. I would have done the same but I abandoned Xbox after the one reveal. I prefer consoles so I'm always going to stick with it as long as I can but I just don't see the point in going with Xbox anymore and missing out on so many games on the PS side. I don't just mean PS exclusives either. The other smaller 3rd party titles Xbox is missing also doesn't make sense.


Of course it wouldn't be Indiana Jones at that moment because the game was still damn near a year away.

He specifically name dropped an exclusive game due out much later in the year to make it sound like that game wasn't even in consideration for porting.

Phil is a slimy used car salesman and you're falling for his spin.

Like I said, I'm all for clowning them, but be factual. Instead, you've devolved to conspiracy theories. The 4 games referenced, this was not one of them. That's it. If there's some barrier in understanding that, I suggest you inquire into Hooked on Phonics (is that still a thing?) to help with your reading.


The Wolfenstein games by Machine Games were fantabulous but this Indy game just looks like a poor version of Uncharted. Hopefully, I'm wrong.



It wasn't coming to PS5 just because it wasn't ready anyway

Amazing job Phil

A troll like no other

Yeah, he knew exactly what he was doing. By name dropping Indiana Jones, he got his legion of quasi-paid social media hype men to do Xbox's marketing for him. We see it in the cringe post-interview tweets by people like Colt and Destin. Now they're twisting themselves to cope.


aka IMurRIVAL69

There was definitely some corporate mandate from Satya to squeeze every penny possible out of the MS gaming machine. Most profitable way forward was obviously being a 3rd party publisher. Phil’s vision for Xbox failed and he was given a huge leash, more than what you could reasonably expect given his position.


I said this years ago. First Xbox, then PS5. It's their best move until they abandon the hardware. I can't believe people can't see this is going to happen and are buying digital games from Microsoft still.


The problem for some of us is they have done a piss poor job with the console so they revert to this “everyone wins “ strategy when you know as well as I do, that it Xbox was performing much better critically and commercially especially as a console, they would not shut up about it.

They failed and Series X is no where near the console it should have been this generation. They have kept a lot of the same people in place so they divert tactics to get some money back.

They have not put the right people in place to make their console efforts more appealing. Yet some fans still back them and the media refuse to criticise them.
Ignore the surrounding noise and just enjoy their games (if you want to) on the platform of your choice. Knowing M$ it won’t last forever.

I am all good for this, as long as my 20 years investment in Xbox remains available to me in the foreseeable future. They better offer good solutions to their customers when Xbox consoles sales will inevitably crater because of current management/decisions.
They will leverage the Microsoft PC store and cross buy to claim they are looking after you. They will also offer streaming via subscription for the games you own. Both routes are terrible to be honest, and if you’re still investing in the Xbox platform in 2024 I’d say you can’t complain when the rug is eventually pulled on hardware.
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There was definitely some corporate mandate from Satya to squeeze every penny possible out of the MS gaming machine. Most profitable way forward was obviously being a 3rd party publisher. Phil’s vision for Xbox failed and he was given a huge leash, more than what you could reasonably expect given his position.

Pretty sure Jez wrote an article stating exactly that pretty much. That Amy Hood and Sataya came in and said all divisions need to start making money now, not later or whenever your grand plan is expected to produce results.
I said this years ago. First Xbox, then PS5. It's their best move until they abandon the hardware. I can't believe people can't see this is going to happen and are buying digital games from Microsoft still.

Most people can it's just a few who still think there is some sort of hope. I still hear people bringing up Matt Bootys comments about still having exclusives. They seriously still believe anything that comes out of that guys mouth.


Don't worry Ponybros, I will give you an accurate analysis of the Sonyness this game has before it blesses our Sacred Systems when I SeX it. 🫠


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Mine went a few months ago.

Absolutely fucking pointless console by every conceivable measure.

You’d have to be insane to think it has any real future now as a console brand.
I never bought one. Invested in a PC GPU instead. Crazy because i bought the Xbox one day one because Don Matrick had actually managed to secure some next gen only exclusives like Forza, Ryse, TitanFall and Sunset for the first year alone. All of which i bought day one.

Phil had no next gen only games for nearly 3 years and the cross gen games that did come out were on PC day one. made no sense to invest in a platform that made zero efforts to make itself something worth having.
I'm surprised they announced the PS5 version. MS really must not give a fuck anymore.
I thought they'd treat it like other timed exclusives where you don't officially get word of the other platforms until close to the timed expiration.
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Now he (and so many others here as well) will tell you why it actually makes sense when Xbox ports its games to PlayStation.

They've got their marching orders to shift the narrative to "exclusives are bad, and when everyone plays we all win", trying to tie Xbox's failures with the industry at-large.

Of course, anyone with common sense knows if Microsoft was even remotely close to being neck-and-neck with PlayStation, they wouldn't be porting a damn thing anywhere.

The Shepard

Soon as Halo, Forza horizon and gears are on PS5 there's really no point in me owning an Xbox anymore. It's kinda sad how much there fucking themselves up, I don't buy games on Xbox anymore as I've lost confidence in Microsoft. I've owned every Xbox since the first but also all the Playstation consoles and handhelds.


Gold Journalism
I mean, it DOES make perfect sense to everyone outside of console warriors though. Xbox hardware isn't selling and and the more people that get to play these games the better.
It makes sense if Xbox is abandoning console hardware.

Apart from that one scenario, no it doesn't make sense at all. Otherwise, Nintendo and PlayStation would have been releasing their games on Xbox for years now.


Why would they even announce this beefier release?! 😂

Would be better to maximize Xbox sales. And announce after a few months of even weeks
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