Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Releasing December 9th for Xbox / PC / Game Pass - PS5 Spring 2025


Gold Member
Hmm. Microsoft is revealing their intentions more quickly and clearly than I expected. I expected them to turn up the heat on the boiling frogs more slowly than this - to not announce something as big as Indy, and if they did, not say right off the bat that it was coming to PS5 (undercutting any hype about exclusivity), and to have a reasonably long delay. But no - they announced a big, previously announced-as-exclusive AAA title was coming to PS5, they made the PS5 port a critical part of the announcement, and they gave it a short delay. They turned up the heat on those frogs pretty good.

That should put to rest any further denial, at least among the rational Xbox fans.

I'm looking forward to the game. Hope it's good.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You do know that The New Colossus had literally pack of story missions for new characters, right? They were not great btw.

Sure, I don't think I've ever played those either. But they're separate enclosed vignettes.

Wonder if this Indy DLC will be a separate thing or addition to the main plot.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
Have to agree with Jez

I don't think its strategically bad, depending on where the focus now is. They suddenly make the game a much bigger headline due to the PS5 announcement. And in doing so creates an awful lot of excitement/interest. At the expense of their own console fan base, sure. But they suddenly get all of the PS customers interested in it. The series consoles clearly aren't the main priority anymore.


Gold Member
This is why I have often told folks you need to look at what MS does, not what their execs are paying lip service to. The execs will say anything to appease their audience members. They hate being mocked and shit on.

At the end of the day, they are a business. All of their strategic roads led to this point. Microsoft has spent 6 months basically outlining what the future of 'Xbox' is, but fanboys do not want to accept it. I still see these folks buying into the fantasy that MS is gonna launch a next-gen (no console manufacturer thinks of it this way anymore) and just reset their console position. That is never going to happen. Microsoft is a software company, and they want to make money selling software or services.
I don't think they are just going to reset their console position but nothing has changed my mind on them moving forward with their next gen systems though they will look different

And yeah they want to make money selling software and services first and foremost, now anyhow


I don't think they are just going to reset their console position but nothing has changed my mind on them moving forward with their next gen systems though they will look different

And yeah they want to make money selling software and services first and foremost, now anyhow
Not looking forward to the conversation when next gen is about to start. All the teraflop talk and fud about PS6 will get even wilder.
I don't think they are just going to reset their console position but nothing has changed my mind on them moving forward with their next gen systems though they will look different

And yeah they want to make money selling software and services first and foremost, now anyhow
While it will be billed as a next-gen thing, that is pure marketing speak. Very powerful, but very expensive, with far, FAR more limited supply. Its less of a console strategy and more of a method of giving current GP subscribers a reason to not just crater that revenue stream until their other initiatives are more mature.

There has never been a console platform thats taken off while not having exclusives, and releasing in fewer regions and quantities than its predecessor. They just don't want GP investment to crater while they attempt to use it as leverage in Cloud adoption on TVs and such.


Gold Member
Not looking forward to the conversation when next gen is about to start. All the teraflop talk and fud about PS6 will get even wilder.
Thats going to be an interesting topic when it arises :)

While it will be billed as a next-gen thing, that is pure marketing speak. Very powerful, but very expensive, with far, FAR more limited supply. Its less of a console strategy and more of a method of giving current GP subscribers a reason to not just crater that revenue stream until their other initiatives are more mature.

There has never been a console platform thats taken off while not having exclusives, and releasing in fewer regions and quantities than its predecessor. They just don't want GP investment to crater while they attempt to use it as leverage in Cloud adoption on TVs and such.
100% going to be much more expensive and I don't know how much supply it will have

Also agree its not going to be wildly successful without any type of exclusives but as I have mentioned before I know many people who are console only people and as long as its a console like experience they will buy it, even at $1000
Thinking how we went from Xbox 360 in the 2000's to that PS4 conference where the price was announced + "you can buy used games" from the 2010's to Xbox using the hype sentence "and one more thing" to reveal a PS5 version of one of their big games coming during a conference in the 2020's as their big climax.

Good lord. Their priorities really changed!


Really the only reason not to do same day at this point is to save face and soften the impact for fans. They would sell more PS5 copies that way anyway. By the time it gets there it'll be yesterday's game and many will be fine waiting even longer for a price drop or forget about it.


Gold Member
Thinking how we went from Xbox 360 in the 2000's to that PS4 conference where the price was announced + "you can buy used games" from the 2010's to Xbox using the hype sentence "and one more thing" to reveal a PS5 version of one of their big games coming during a conference in the 2020's as their big climax.

Good lord. Their priorities really changed!
At least Sega died with dignity


Gold Member
Xbox is desperate, Sony is not

This is also GamesCom. Xbox is getting outsold like 16:1 in that region. Makes sense to gather excitement for the PS5 version from European gamers
I don't disagree with you

Honestly I think they should open it up to PS day one and capitalize on that excitement and this is coming from someone who is a fan of Xbox, hardware anyhow.

Mr Moose

Think they'll give sales numbers by platform? lol
They were showing Gears of War running on an Xbox 360 back at E32006 and their competitor were showing awful launch games for PS3.

18 years later and they’re announcing games coming to rival consoles with the “but wait, there’s more” announcement.

Damn, great time to be alive.


I personally don't care if it hits PS5 on day 1 as long as you all use your own OT and don't contaminate the normal one.
Why would any of Microsoft's priority customers want to comment about the beta version peasants are playing.
Like I said in the other thread, will play it on GP and then own it on PS5.

People are going to suddenly be hyped for the game from the makers of Riddick.
Lol manifestation is only a thing in movies. It still looks shit.
The game's OT on the 9th of December is gonna be insufferable now, in'it :lollipop_anxious_sweat:
Only with you complaining how bug ridden it is, but more you complain, more bethesda will fix for their paying customers.
Wow, they could have at least waited until Indiana Jones was released on XBOX before officially announcing this. There were people who actually thought after those 4 XBox exclusives that was going to PS5 was going to be it for PS5 ports for Xbox? Unfortunately for Xbox, there are going to be more games going multiplatform in the future.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Only with you complaining how bug ridden it is, but more you complain, more bethesda will fix for their paying customers.

Promise you won't post in it then? yay!

Story DLC are almost never going to be essential to the main plot. At best it's supplemental to the overall plot, but more times than not it's more of a side story.

Like I said, if they do the premium add-on thing for GP subs, I will take it for all the extra premium content, outfits and the inclusion of the DLC whenever it release.
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I just can't help but feel they fucked up big time going first person. I'll give it a chance of course, but first person just feels so much less immersive ... especially if it's more meleee combat / whipping. Would be great if they gave the option for 3rd person but given how hard they're doubling down on 1st person in the trailers 'the reason we chose this is so YOU feel like Indiana Jones' ... makes it seem really unlikely. Hope I'm wrong.


Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
Lol. The mods had to add PS5 to the title.
Spit Take Lol GIF by Justin
There were two threads discussing the same game / topic that were merged together. The other (later) thread title included the PS5 information.

Sometimes when we merge threads together, we'll either choose to keep the title that has the most relevant information or edit the title to add the most up-to-date information.


Have to agree with Jez

Because MS realized they could profit by playing neutral rather than aggressive and locking everything up to eleven and their data doesn't lie, they are selling consoles to people who need a hardware to play games, not to play exclusives as their sole reason. Its like asking what's the reason to buy Android when Iphone exists even in rich countries where the former is around 30% in USA and 50% in Europe.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There were two threads discussing the same game / topic that were merged together. The other (later) thread title included the PS5 information.

Sometimes when we merge threads together, we'll either choose to keep the title that has the most relevant information or edit the title to add the most up-to-date information.

Before I get into any more XXL trouble, I had also requested a title update with the Report button too. 😇


Look I don't have any marching orders like some of the people online but Indy will sell tons more copies now and literally PS players helping fund future Xbox projects

Personally I am glad PS only players get to play it but honestly Indy looks mid at best and I hate that being an older guy who watched all the Indy movies

Still playing it day one on my PC though :)
I haven't even looked at it but if people who play it recon it's on a similar to uncharted I'll consider it in future.


what a weird decision, why would I play it on Xbox now instead of just waiting to play it on PS5 Pro in a few months where it’ll almost certainly perform better? 🤨 it’s not like there won’t be plenty of other stuff to play while waiting
Because they want you to wait and play it that way. They’d rather have your 70 dollar sale than a gamepass subscription to experience it. That is what I believe anyway
Have to agree with Jez

that's what Game Pass has done to the platform (on top of many thing more) . it's like... MS having to advertise the game in Europe.... what release date are they going to use, the Xbox or PS5 one?.

it going to be interesting if Xbox gets a low-key marketing (similar to HB2) and drop the big one ads for PS5.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I love the indiana jones lore. care to speculate on what the mcguffin is, or what the golden circle is?

It's based on a real-ish phenomenon. Probably gonna lead to opening some portal to a hidden dimension or something.

... Cloud adoption on TVs and such
damn. so they are betting in something they don't know it's going to work.

I think the next 18 months are going to be so bad for the Xbox brand/hardware/GP that it's going to break the Xbox idea of existing as a platform. they will have to focus on being the best publisher they can be (if they want to actually make money)
Trailer looks good. The first person view of the arms during the fights looks a little wonky in some way I can't put my finger on, but not something you'd be focusing on when you were trying to land the punches.

December will be a good month for GP.
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