Last thing we need is a game made by Naughty Dog where we have flashbacks of young Indiana having romantic fling with a young Algerian male archeologist. Archeologist then gets murdered by the Nazis and Indiana says "screw the relics" and goes on a revenge quest.
Or they would have a gender confused "female" kill indy in 10 minutes of gameplay and become the new protagonist in an exciting tale of redemption showing that in fact they/them are the real hero overcoming a troubled past ... throw some pregnant fighting lady and another main gay character for maximum award gathering.
10/10 stunning and brave.. all the awards possible gotg
Agreed, could see it getting similar reception to Wolfenstein TNO in this way. High 70's-Low 80's MC but lots of people calling it underrated later on.This will be an underrated gem when the dust settles. Quote me and slap it on the box.
Harry potter game did over 20 million.
I am sure indy can do a couple of million on pure nostalgia
Damnnnn, homegirl went hard on HellbladeThe type of third person game most people here are advocating for gives you a couple minutes of actual "gameplay" and then 20 minutes of slowly walking and talking, then a big CINEMATIC set piece, and then a couple more minutes of gameplay. It's fucking boring.
Keep telling yourself that.The "Harry Potter" game wasn't Harry Potter, it was an entirely new story set in the same universe.
Indy nostalgia by whom? I'm 47, I saw two of the three Indy movies in theaters. I also saw how they've milked the franchise and ruined it with two mediocre, pointless, movies. There isn't much nostalgia for a property that just released a trash tier movie that even die hard Indy fans like myself wanted nothing to do with.
The "Harry Potter" game wasn't Harry Potter, it was an entirely new story set in the same universe.
Indy nostalgia by whom? I'm 47, I saw two of the three Indy movies in theaters. I also saw how they've milked the franchise and ruined it with two mediocre, pointless, movies. There isn't much nostalgia for a property that just released a trash tier movie that even die hard Indy fans like myself wanted nothing to do with.
Yeah I was thinking Mad Max. A game that didn’t light the sales charts on fire but is generally loved by gamers.Agreed, could see it getting similar reception to Wolfenstein TNO in this way. High 70's-Low 80's MC but lots of people calling it underrated later on.
This will be an underrated gem when the dust settles. Quote me and slap it on the box.
Because Indiana Jones is a franchise beloved all over the world by tens if not hundreds of millions of people, and most people don’t give a fuck about the perspective of an unknown IP with no preconceived notions of what it should or shouldn’t be. You’re comparing a revered license to an unknown IP and wondering why there’s a lesser reaction for the unknown IP? Seriously?
It’s fine to have preferences, I can understand that, but to hate on a game for it, and by calling devs “not talented” because of a preference is mind boggling. Not talking about you btw..Because some folks prefer 3rd person in action adventure games. Others have issues with motion sickness.
Personally I prefer 1st person for FPS and 3rd person for action-adventure. Yes, Dishonored was great, but to me that’s something which is more action oriented and has supernatural/ magic powers to boot.
People are already preparing their metacritic burner accounts.Well, it's a pretty famous IP. I don't think it's gonna be underrated, it's gonna have a loooot of eyes on it.
Is that backwards compatible?If anyone had told me Riddick in first person would be the best way to experience being that badass, I'd look sideways at them. However, Riddick was absolutely one of the best FPSes on the Xbox. I'm officially intrigued. I just hope they can include Indy's ability to fuck up and right the ship.
You’re being disingenuous mate and you keep shifting your argument, I mean you still haven’t answered my question why this game would actually suit 3rd person more other than “cinematic feel” which I countered with Cod known to be a highly cinematic fps, I brought up multiple points how the Indiana jones franchise has outlandish events because you think it’s unrealistic for him to jump from plane to plane.You failed to quote me saying that there isn't biplanes with guns on the back in indy.
I think you watched a different trailer? Care to link it. The one I saw had many cutscenes. Mostly combat, one small puzzle scene with a statue.
Well the ark has nothing to do with Indiana Jones as a character, seriously these are some dumb comparisons you are making. There was an invisible bridge so why can't indy have a flying super power... this is literally what you are doing now.
I get that arguing makes you feel cool or something but you are impossible to interact with, you don't read anything, you make wild insinuations and accusations and you just change the goalposts for whatever suits you.
Why you are still on about 3rd Person is baffling to me, I'm being genuine now, do you genuinely struggle with literary comprehension? A genuine question, some people have dyslexia and other issues with reading, if you do I will try summize things in a much simpler way to help
Doesn't look like it, sadly.Is that backwards compatible?
You can get it cheap on GoG and it should run on modern systems. And don’t need much to run it either since it’s an old game.Doesn't look like it, sadly.
Is that backwards compatible?
You won't have to wait long, it will be on gamepass from day 1.The whip reminds me of the tentacle power in The Darkness lol go figure
Doesn't look terrible. Will wait til it hits GamePass. Where everyone goes for gaming.
People are already preparing their metacritic burner accounts.
The people saying the Indy model looks perfect have a low bar for perfection. There are a couple of screenshots where it looks really good, but otherwise it falls short.
Especially the face reveal at the very start of the trailer. They built up to it and then ...that was the best they could manage? Jesus. Choose one of the shots where it looks good as the first reveal at least.
Nvm I lost half my interestThis speaks for itself.
But will a couple of million be enough?People are hungry for games from famous movie ips.
Harry potter game did over 20 million.
I am sure indy can do a couple of million on pure nostalgia
Keep telling yourself that.
The star wars games still sell good even though the last 6 movies been train wrecks.
Why am I going to answer a question that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about?You’re being disingenuous mate and you keep shifting your argument, I mean you still haven’t answered my question why this game would actually suit 3rd person more other than “cinematic feel” which I countered with Cod known to be a highly cinematic fps, I brought up multiple points how the Indiana jones franchise has outlandish events because you think it’s unrealistic for him to jump from plane to plane.
Again with the insults, I honestly feel sorry for you. Clutch at your pearls mate. Hate on a game and call the dev lazy based off a 3 min trailer which oozes Indiana vibes because your preference is third.
Here’s a tip to be less insufferable in the gaming space, just play games to enjoy them and be open to different experiences.
This is going nowhere anyway. New day time to move on.
But will a couple of million be enough?
We saw that Insomniac needed to sell, what, 7 million copies just to break even Spider-Man 2?
If Indy sells only 2-3 million copies, it will be an enormous financial disaster.
Have you played Wolfenstein: The new Colossus?Or they would have a gender confused "female" kill indy in 10 minutes of gameplay and become the new protagonist in an exciting tale of redemption showing that in fact they/them are the real hero overcoming a troubled past ... throw some pregnant fighting lady and another main gay character for maximum award gathering.
10/10 stunning and brave.. all the awards possible gotg
Wrong. Indy has rounder features. Their model is too angular. At times looking Chinese almost. Could be a result of mocapping Baker's bony face.Y'all are some picky ass mofos lol.
Even in compressed YT format, it looks good. The hair, clothing material etc all look really well detailed, with sweat/condensation.
The incidental detail on even his hand is immaculate with fingerprints and creases between the knuckles also visible.
Exactly. And did no one see how the team in the video looked?Have you played Wolfenstein: The new Colossus?
Because you would know Machinegames are perfectly capable of delivering all that and worse.
Xbox/Bethesda usually dont spend $350 mln on games.
You can go long way with good use of $50 mln.
You won’t get fast travel of Spider man 2 or perfect lip syncing of NPC characters giving you side quests.
Good compromise IMO.
Machine Games has 150 employees
They’ve worked on this game for 5 years
This title costs over $100M to develop
Starfield was probably pretty close to SM2 dev costs if not more
Yeah and another Uncharted and Tomb Raider should be close anyway. I’m thinking we’ll see new games shown this summer, release in 2025. 3rd person tomb raiders will eat good without Indy squeezing in there between them.Fair enough. I usually prefer 3rd person. I guess in this case it just seemed so oversaturated with Tomb Raider and Uncharted both basically doing this for decades. This felt like a fresh take on the tomb exploration / adventure.
People are hungry for games from famous movie ips.
Harry potter game did over 20 million.
I am sure indy can do a couple of million on pure nostalgia
Well, there goes my interest.This speaks for itself.
Well, there goes my interest.
I love how "for a modern audience" just means for alphabet people.Well, there goes my interest.
I think it was a mistake that they waited so long with the fifth movie. It would have done well few years after Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.Nah, Harry Potter. Everyone asked for new or big HP game. It was a fresh new experience in the HP world and it looked good. HP franchise is much larger then Indie. Everyone knows HP, not everyone knows indie. And they are right, when was the last time that indie was relevant?
Indy, not indieNah, Harry Potter. Everyone asked for new or big HP game. It was a fresh new experience in the HP world and it looked good. HP franchise is much larger then Indie. Everyone knows HP, not everyone knows indie. And they are right, when was the last time that indie was relevant?
Then the game. While i like their Wolfenstein franchise. Most people would want a new WS over some generic looking indie game. Because let’s face it, it looks pretty mediocre. And with the day one GP, only Xbox en Pc, and not being that big of a relevant franchise anymore…i don’t know if it will even hit the 2 mill. Personally im more looking forward to their Wolfenstein franchise and not indie.