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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Exactly, we used SketchUp to build a 3D level for our last Unity project. The file conversion from SketchUp file format (SKP) to an FBX file with textures was not 100% smooth, but considering it allowed for teammates who are not adept at 3D modeling to largely create and texture a 3D environment on their own... that alone is pretty nifty.
I'm not sure what the deal is here...SketchUp allows direct exporting to a number of different formats, include .FBX, which is what I used. Drag and drop into the Unity Editor. o_O

I too am interested in hearing about people's experience making 2D games using Unity, and it seems like a lot of other people here lately are interested in which engine to move forward with for their 2D games. I've heard the 2D Toolkit for Unity is pretty good and it looks like a common place to start. Stencyl has also piqued my interest due to what Jobbs has been able to get out of it.
I'm using tk2d, and it's...decent. Not as easy as something like XNA, but pretty solid. It makes sure the sprite is never stretched, allows you to switch easily from one sprite to another via the editor or code, and has some good stuff. I hear it's the best you can roll with in Unity...


I'm not sure what the deal is here...SketchUp allows direct exporting to a number of different formats, include .FBX, which I what I used. Drag and drop into the Unity Editor. o_O
Yea, we got the files to work for us on our 2nd try just fine. I think there was an issue exporting graphic textures in SketchUp along with the outputted FBX the first time, for reasons unknown to me. It was like a 95% smooth process so I didn't mean to make it sound like it's challenging using it with Unity. Just had one minor hiccup.


Read through the Anarchy docs last night, it needs a lot of boilerplate code to make your own entities available to the editor/engine. Apparently to use your own entity/plugin you need to have the editor plugin in C#, then a wrapper class that exposes that plugin to the engine or vice versa (c++) and the c++ plugin engine side.

Not to mention setting up the visual studio project, it's like 3 pages.

Definitely no competitor to Unity in terms of ease of use.

But I'll set up a project later tonight and see how it really is.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!

I made a trailer for my one-touch twitch/puzzle platformer (does that make sense?). The captured footage is a bit crappy quality, but it's the best I can do on this computer.

We are right now using the 2D toolkit for Unity, and even if its giving us some problems because of the isometric perspective we are using (that would be better suited with 3D objects), the programmers are saying its really easy to use and is making the process of making the levels much faster.

I made a trailer for my one-touch twitch/puzzle platformer (does that make sense?). The captured footage is a bit crappy quality, but it's the best I can do on this computer.


I like it and I think I understand by only watching the trailer. So the square moves left and right automatically, and you need to press somewhere to do the jump and get to the light things. The blue platforms bump you to the other direction and the red ones kill you no?
Its a pretty interesting concept and it could get really challenging!

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
Nice. I'm impressed that you took such a simple concept and seem to have built some pretty creative and changeling levels around it.

Thank you.

I like it and I think I understand by only watching the trailer. So the square moves left and right automatically, and you need to press somewhere to do the jump and get to the light things. The blue platforms bump you to the other direction and the red ones kill you no?
Its a pretty interesting concept and it could get really challenging!

Yes, that's about right. The square moves back and forth, and when it hits a wall it gets faster. The control is just touching the screen to jump. You can ride on the blue platforms or bounce off the sides of them, and the red platforms destroy the square. You just have to get the five stars in the level (and get them faster than a set time to really complete it). Some of the levels are very hard, even for me.
Feep also asked me about this, so maybe the information of how we are making Crazy Hotel helps other people using, or that want to use the 2D toolkit for Unity.

The game looks isometric with the orthographic camera, that is how it looks in the actual game, while Ivan, one of the programmers, is building the game in the perspective camera (the second image), and putting the art we create so it works in the isometric view, this is an example of it with Ninette's office:

Here is a gif that shows the move between one camera and the other (sorry for the 7mb gif):

And here is how Ivan explained the process in one of the indiegogo updates we had for the game:

Yes, that's about right. The square moves back and forth, and when it hits a wall it gets faster. The control is just touching the screen to jump. You can ride on the blue platforms or bounce off the sides of them, and the red platforms destroy the square. You just have to get the five stars in the level (and get them faster than a set time to really complete it). Some of the levels are very hard, even for me.

It looks like the trailer works perfectly then!
And it looks great, really like the neon clean graphics of it. What type of music will the game have?



I made a trailer for my one-touch twitch/puzzle platformer (does that make sense?). The captured footage is a bit crappy quality, but it's the best I can do on this computer.

Awesome! Seems to be quite a challenging game. Banner looks cool as well.
Good stuff!

Some updates from over here;
The basic core of my custom physics engine for simulating the motion of an
AG/air craft is nearly finished (on paper). I've now incorporated the rocket
equation into the system such that I can use thruster that burn fuel/mass at a
given rate exhausting propellant from a nozzle pushing the craft in a certain
direction depending on the thrusters alignment. Hence, the system can now lose
mass. However, this is currently only reflected within the linear momentum
equation (the equation for computing the translational motion of the craft,
i.e. of its center of mass). One final step is to make this being reflected in
the angular momentum equation (the equation for computing the orientation of
the craft) as well, since a loss in mass will change the inertia tensor and as
such the rate of change of angular motion. This will be quite an expensive
part to compute. I don't know how feasible its going to be, since I can't
compare to any similar case for video games. Anyhow, before approximating
and cutting down on it, if needed, I want to see the full equation at first.
I guess this part will relay on a heavily optimized implementation and may
as such not make it into the first build of the realtime simulator. However,
the real computation of the inertia tensor for the angular momentum equation
for this simulator will make the dynamics already stood out, because these
values won't be approximated or given from external sources. They will be
computed straight from the volume model of the craft/airplane. This will
guarantee a unique feeling of each craft/airplane due to the proper treatment
the its mass distribution and as such will yields a very believable feeling
of how and way the craft moves the way it does.
Hopefully! xD

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
It looks like the trailer works perfectly then!
And it looks great, really like the neon clean graphics of it. What type of music will the game have?

Thanks. I'm making the music with a lot of different synths - it will be a modern electronic sound.

And thanks for posting that isometric info. Really interesting.

Awesome! Seems to be quite a challenging game. Banner looks cool as well.
Good stuff!

Thanks mate


Has anyone here messed around with SFML 2.0 at all, specifically on Mac OS X Mountain Lion? I was going through their tutorials last night trying to get a new Xcode project building, and no matter what I did, it just bombed. I followed everything step to a tee, even including trying to re-build the SFML libraries on my own instead of using the pre-compiled Frameworks.

Ugh... Frustrating.


MS just announced a partnership with Unity, and from what I caught it has support for Xbox One and also can connect to Azure. If you have a license for Unity 4, you get the Windows Store Module for free. Pretty sweet!


MS just announced a partnership with Unity, and from what I caught it has support for Xbox One and also can connect to Azure. If you have a license for Unity 4, you get the Windows Store Module for free. Pretty sweet!

Woah, it looks like Unity's going all in with the latest generation of consoles!

The more platforms you can target with your engine, the more likely people are to use it, and being able to publish on PCs, Macs, Androids, iDevices, web, Flash, WiiU, PS4, Vita and Xbone with a single codebase is amazing, even if some asset optimizations have to be made for specific platforms.

I think I might be slowly drifting into the "rabid Unity fanboy" territory, but it's incredible how much better the engine has been getting as of late.


Who ever thought passing degrees instead of radians to glRotate needs to be
buried alive. Such a fool! xD God gave us radians for a reason! I really hate
doing useless extra conversion like this.

Just started to build a little 3d framework for the simulator. I haven't
programmed in OpenGL for ages, so I thought everything would be fine and
have given the rotate function radians, but nothing. Then I've read I have to
use degrees. I was immediately dropped out from the mathematical experience
I was into. lol


I think I might be slowly drifting into the "rabid Unity fanboy" territory, but it's incredible how much better the engine has been getting as of late.

Yep, with Unity on all 3 next gen platforms, and with a nearly complete free version, it's hugely attractive. I wonder if it works with 3DS and Vita? (edit, not yet for Vita but soon, seemingly no plans for 3ds quite yet)


Man, I've been so behind on working on my stuff lately.. That's the issue of having games out you really want to play. lol.

I'll get back to work this weekend on my stuff. I think I'll take my original HTML5 tower defense game I've mentioned a few months back and code it into Unity. I have a 3 day weekend, so should be able to get it up within a few days. Assuming I even work on it. lol


Project Anarchy beta is now up! site seems to be getting hammered though so here are the direct links...

Uhm maybe I am just having the wrong perspective on this but the site is pretty horrible.

I guess it's just beta and everything, but you open the page and basically have no clue what it's supposed to be about. And it requires a good amount of reading around to even grasp that it's about a game engine.

Seems to be mainly for mobile stuff but the page struck me as odd ...


Unity love +1

I had no idea Crazy Hotel was built in Unity too. The sheer variety of games you can make in it is quite impressive.


Interwoven in the environment are occasional networks (big or small) of "bug tunnels", where zerg like creatures live and nest. Going through them can be risky, as visibility is low and you might be rushed at any moment.

In this case, we find a mysterious mechanical door that seems to be looking back at us. Hopefully the player makes a mental note to check back here when he has more abilities.



Who ever thought passing degrees instead of radians to glRotate needs to be
buried alive. Such a fool! xD God gave us radians for a reason! I really hate
doing useless extra conversion like this.

Just started to build a little 3d framework for the simulator. I haven't
programmed in OpenGL for ages, so I thought everything would be fine and
have given the rotate function radians, but nothing. Then I've read I have to
use degrees. I was immediately dropped out from the mathematical experience
I was into. lol
Take a look at the top answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2146884/why-does-opengl-use-degrees-instead-of-radians

Basically, use matrices. :p
Interwoven in the environment are occasional networks (big or small) of "bug tunnels", where zerg like creatures live and nest. Going through them can be risky, as visibility is low and you might be rushed at any moment.

In this case, we find a mysterious mechanical door that seems to be looking back at us. Hopefully the player makes a mental note to check back here when he has more abilities.

You do your own art right? I'm always blown away by your screens, oozing atmosphere.


You do your own art right? I'm always blown away by your screens, oozing atmosphere.

Thanks. :) Yeah, I do everything on my own, (except the sound and VO which I'll have help with) that's part of why the development arc of this game has been so long. It's been a while since I drew/implemented that door, for example, but it probably took me a couple hours at least.


More non-gameplay news - I have an artist interested in the game, and should be updating with some sweet art as soon as available!

Secondly, I'm taking a bit to flesh out the world and characters, and the overall feel to the world. I want players to feel like they're entering a unique dimension that all pertains to words and spelling.

On the coding side, I had to create a list of all the event types I have to work on to be able to make sure that everything is complete. Once that's done, I'll be able to copy and paste that across the other columns for quick work!


Has anyone here messed around with SFML 2.0 at all, specifically on Mac OS X Mountain Lion? I was going through their tutorials last night trying to get a new Xcode project building, and no matter what I did, it just bombed. I followed everything step to a tee, even including trying to re-build the SFML libraries on my own instead of using the pre-compiled Frameworks.

Ugh... Frustrating.
I haven't, but I know that feel. I spent like 7 hours getting SDL_gfx to work with Rust and rust-sdl the other night. Spend hours getting stuck on the most trivial, dumb problems. :(

So I know how you feel. Been there lots of times.


Has anyone here messed around with SFML 2.0 at all, specifically on Mac OS X Mountain Lion? I was going through their tutorials last night trying to get a new Xcode project building, and no matter what I did, it just bombed. I followed everything step to a tee, even including trying to re-build the SFML libraries on my own instead of using the pre-compiled Frameworks.

Ugh... Frustrating.
I made my 2D engine with SDL/OpenGL, ported it to SFML/OpenGL, and have built all the SFML libraries myself, but I'm on Windows. :/

I do get stuck on things now. I'm currently refusing to move on until I get a fullscreen postprocess 2D shader implemented, but I also refuse to blatantly copy example code, instead writing my own line by line after I understand each part of the example code, which means progress is ultra slow and I forget where I was when I come back, ha.
I don't there's a tool for that. It's all up to you.

Just plan small projects (no more than three months), focus on something complete and playable from beginning to end. After you have something complete iterate over it and make it better and/or add new features otherwise you'll never finish anything.

That's a good idea. I think I'm going to try to get to the prototype phase as soon as possible. Simply writing things into a design document without actually trying them doesn't tell you if they're going to be fun or not. And of course, some things sound great on paper, but just don't work in an actual game.

The key is focusing your goal. First, settle on a single main theme. You should be able to express this theme in a single sentence. Then make sure everything in your game supports that theme. Adding in other influences is fine but only if they support that main theme. Never deviate. At some point you will get tired of your idea, but if you never see it through, you'll be missing out on practicing the most essential part of the game development process.

That is so true, and I'm really tired of not having a working game to show for all of this effort. I guess I just need to keep my head down and follow through. 99% perspiration and all that.

Yep, pretty much the same thing said here. You have to keep your focus on making it what it was in the first place, and don't add more things to it than necessary. That is what sequels are for! :)

More good advice. I think trying to push through to prototype will help with this, as it will force implementation before all the ideas start piling up.

I agree with this, as I believe this kind of game design can yield great results and is easier to prototype than having a loose theme for a game.

If your core concept is flawed and doesn't achieve what you intended it to do (ie: making the player have fun, feel tense, smart, claustrophobic or with the freedom to do whatever she wants), then it'll be fairly obvious, so you could drop it without wasting too much time in trying to add unnecessary polish or additional elements to the game that will ultimately prove useless due to it having a faulty foundation.

I believe Nintendo's mentality of halting production on games that just "don't work" until their full potential can be realized is a good way to go, but it requires that you have some source of income other than the games you make (or that you make a best-selling game and get to live off of its sales for a while). What you shouldn't do is keep adding clutter to a game simply because you think looks good.

Ultimately, you should always think in the game experience as a whole, and how players will be experiencing the settings you create for them. Appealing to everyone or adding game elements simply because other games do it too is something you should steer away from, since I think building stuff for the masses will ultimately dillute your game more than the money you're likely to get from building a more streamlined game that's likely to find its niche anyway.

I suppose being objective is key here. Something to strive for. It really takes a lot of determination to admit that something isn't working and scrap a bunch of work.

I definitely don't want to do things just because other games are doing it. At the same time, I don't want to defy convention just for the sake of it. I think I have the opposite problem with trying to appeal to everyone in that I often design things for the sake of being different, which I feel can be just as bad. There's a fine line between designing something that is deep and unique and still having it be accessible. But again, I'm thinking that following the advise I've gotten here and just making something will get me to the stage where I can test what works and what doesn't.

Going back to the 3 month idea, I suppose I really need to set a limit on myself and try to crank things out. Things tend to drag on when you don't have any sense of urgency or any real deadline, though I will say that I don't relish the idea.

Thank you all for the advice. I really appreciate it.
Interwoven in the environment are occasional networks (big or small) of "bug tunnels", where zerg like creatures live and nest. Going through them can be risky, as visibility is low and you might be rushed at any moment.

In this case, we find a mysterious mechanical door that seems to be looking back at us. Hopefully the player makes a mental note to check back here when he has more abilities.


That looks awesome. I wish I had your artistic ability!
Unity love +1

I had no idea Crazy Hotel was built in Unity too. The sheer variety of games you can make in it is quite impressive.

Yep, we started on XNA though because we had some problems with collisions in Unity at first. Then we found the 2D toolkit for unity and all went much better.

Interwoven in the environment are occasional networks (big or small) of "bug tunnels", where zerg like creatures live and nest. Going through them can be risky, as visibility is low and you might be rushed at any moment.

In this case, we find a mysterious mechanical door that seems to be looking back at us. Hopefully the player makes a mental note to check back here when he has more abilities.


This is amazingly impressive, even though it looks like Metroid it has a very distinctive feel about it. I love the fog and little light particles in the air. The door animation is incredible (BTW I love the idea of making the player curious with the animation so they don't forget the door in the future). Does the game have a name, how much has been already done?


This is amazingly impressive, even though it looks like Metroid it has a very distinctive feel about it. I love the fog and little light particles in the air. The door animation is incredible (BTW I love the idea of making the player curious with the animation so they don't forget the door in the future). Does the game have a name, how much has been already done?

Very kind, thank you. :) (and to everyone who has commented).

I'm an illustrator who used to spend my time drawing comic books, but now it seems games is a way better idea. The game is called Ghost Song, I've been putting little bits and pieces of it in this thread for a while now. It's inspired by Super Metroid and Dark Souls. I've had the game in my head for about a year, but it's only been something real and tangible for roughly half that. I'm going to guess it's about half done. I've got a website but haven't really put anything real on it yet (what's there is really dated) but I plan to do it soon so I have somewhere to point people.

I'm making the game using Stencyl 3.0 (I wrote the description of Stencyl in the original post of this topic), which is game creation software comparable to construct 2, game maker, etc.

Here's another gif:

If these gifs are slowing down or irritating anyone just let me know and I'll remove them.
Very kind, thank you. :) (and to everyone who has commented).

I'm an illustrator who used to spend my time drawing comic books, but now it seems games is a way better idea. The game is called Ghost Song, I've been putting little bits and pieces of it in this thread for a while now. It's inspired by Super Metroid and Dark Souls. I've had the game in my head for about a year, but it's only been something real and tangible for roughly half that. I'm going to guess it's about half done. I've got a website but haven't really put anything real on it yet (what's there is really dated) but I plan to do it soon so I have somewhere to point people.

I'm making the game using Stencyl 3.0 (I wrote the description of Stencyl in the original post of this topic), which is game creation software comparable to construct 2, game maker, etc.

Here's another gif:

If these gifs are slowing down or irritating anyone just let me know and I'll remove them.

That's sounds really good, are you the only one in the team making the game? We wanted to use stencyl here so artists could make their own little game to get more hang of game development, but Crazy Hotel is taking now all our time.
And please, keep the gifs coming, I think they are great to show in a faster way our games in this thread, as an animation can tell you a lot about it.


That's sounds really good, are you the only one in the team making the game? We wanted to use stencyl here so artists could make their own little game to get more hang of game development, but Crazy Hotel is taking now all our time.
And please, keep the gifs coming, I think they are great to show in a faster way our games in this thread, as an animation can tell you a lot about it.

I'm the only one, but the final sounds and music will be done by someone else and there will be a couple people for VO (there's very little dialogue in the game, but in Dark Souls fashion, I have a couple of lonely souls around who can be bumped into a couple times in the game and have their own little story threads). I may voice one of the characters myself, unless I find someone better. Here's one of my tests: http://www.ghostsonggame.com/miscd/VOtest-saymund_fx1.mp3

This is my first serious solo game project, and Stencyl has been great for me. I am open to other options or collaborations after Ghost Song is done (my next game idea is a bit more of an action RPG with a focus on melee combat, ala muramasa or dust), or maybe I'll use Stencyl again, either way I'm really glad I found it and took the time to learn it.


Interwoven in the environment are occasional networks (big or small) of "bug tunnels", where zerg like creatures live and nest. Going through them can be risky, as visibility is low and you might be rushed at any moment.

In this case, we find a mysterious mechanical door that seems to be looking back at us. Hopefully the player makes a mental note to check back here when he has more abilities.

The atmo is pretty good!

That's what I did a second later. xD I pull the rotation matrix myself and
apply it to the OpenGL stack.

The top answer isn't right in ever detail; (s)he wrote; "For OpenGL itself,
it's no difference whether it receives radians or degrees -- they are
internally converted to transformation matrices anyway, so there's no
computational gain of using one or the other."
. Well, there is a computational
gain, since OpenGL rotation matrix uses sine and cosine and both function
require radians. So a conversion is mandatory, if the given implementation
doesn't use trigonometric tables based on a 1 degree stepping.

Here is how I see it:
Once it comes to using math (trigonometry), degrees aren't easier nor
helpful. But if one just looks at them without doing any math, then they are
easier since for example 45 degrees is a whole number while Pi/4 has a
fractional part. So one would need fractions which are more difficult since
they require the concept of an inverse, i.e. the inverse of 10 is 1/10. So as
a kid you may start learning some (visual) trigonometry by just using the
numbers from 0 to 360. You get told what 0, 45, 90, 180, and 360 mean. And
most people got stuck to it for their whole life. And I think that's where the
problem is. I'm going to believe that this is the reason why some people say
'degrees are easier'. If you haven't learn anything else, for sure, they are!

But it seems 'degrees' may have a slight advantage while being used on
low-end hardware like for example on 4-, 8-, or 16-bit computers. Well, it's
not so much the degree itself, its the whole number associated with a (some)
degree(s), which can be used for indexing into a trigonometric table. For a
full circle we get 360 degrees, so we may store a trig value for each degree.
But we can likewise split the circle into just about 256 parts as it was done
back in the days for efficiency reason, since we have mod ax, 256 == and ax,
0xff, i.e. mod ax, 2^n == and ax, (2n - 1). And that's way fast.

For the graphics engine I wrote for the DCPU-16, I develop another approach,
which still allows me to use radians while still being able to index into a
trigtable using them. How? Well, my engine uses some custom fixed-point
formats. One of them is an 8.8 format, 8 bits for the whole part and 8 bits
for the fractional part. I use this format to represent radians. Hence, my
radians have precision of 8 fractional bit ~= two decimal digits, which is
enough. We have 2*Pi ~= 6,283. Since each whole part (bounded by 6) can
only have 256 different fractional parts using my 8.8 format, I just computed
how many different integers I need to represent the 'whole range' of 2*Pi
represented within an 8.8 fixed-point format. To do this, I just multiplied
2*Pi by 256, hence 2*Pi * 256 ~= 1.608. Then I built a trigtable of 1608
entries, i.e. splitting the circle into 1608 parts given a ~0.22 degree per
step, which is quite good. For, using 360 would give 1 degree per step and
using just 256 entries would give about 1,4 degrees per step. So 1608 entires
are enough for making smooth rotations -- given you have also implemented a
stable matrix rotation routine, which can be done by using a fixed-point
format of 2.14 (on a 16-bit computer), plus, if you have the thrill doing so,
quaternions. I did all that. Anyhow. Now I have all these 1608 values of sines
or cosines. Nice! What's next? Remember that my radians are 8.8 fixed-point
numbers. The maximum number is 0x06.0xff (~= 2*Pi). This number is stored into
a 16-bit integer as 0x06ff. For example, Pi/4 is represented as M_PI_4 :=
0x00c9 = 0.78515625 and Pi is M_PI := 0x0324 = 3,140625. Now the kicker is, I
use these values to index into the trigtable. This way I can still use radians
for all my trigonometric calculations. It essentially helped me in programming
more sophisticated math routines in a more naturally way while making less
errors juggling round with degrees. Another advantage comes from being able
to combine radians with other fixed-point numbers for computing variable
argument to the trig functions. This is essentially cool stuff if you want to
generate some procedurally generated content, like I've done, where you may
modify the phase and frequency of the trig functions by modifying their
argument, f.e. freq*t-phase. This works out pretty well -- if everything is
based on the same format and natural to the problem.

Ok, enough of all the math. I may perhaps write a book about it, about how the
first 3d games like Elite were programmed if anyone is interested. But first
I have to finish a game of mine. Otherwise I won't have any time nor money
writing something like this.

DualShock 3 controller on PC.
I want to use a DS3 on PC for controlling the crafts inputs. Does anyone have
any experience using a DS3 on a PC? Is there a library or something like this
making the DS3 easy to use on a PC?


DualShock 3 controller on PC.
I want to use a DS3 on PC for controlling the crafts inputs. Does anyone have
any experience using a DS3 on a PC? Is there a library or something like this
making the DS3 easy to use on a PC?

I use this XInput wrapper that another gaffer recommended: http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-XInput-Wrapper-for-DS3-and-Play-com-USB-Dual-DS2-Controller?page=64

It's pretty easy to use and not as obtrusive as MotionInJoy, which is another option.
I'm the only one, but the final sounds and music will be done by someone else and there will be a couple people for VO (there's very little dialogue in the game, but in Dark Souls fashion, I have a couple of lonely souls around who can be bumped into a couple times in the game and have their own little story threads). I may voice one of the characters myself, unless I find someone better. Here's one of my tests: http://www.ghostsonggame.com/miscd/VOtest-saymund_fx1.mp3

This is my first serious solo game project, and Stencyl has been great for me. I am open to other options or collaborations after Ghost Song is done (my next game idea is a bit more of an action RPG with a focus on melee combat, ala muramasa or dust), or maybe I'll use Stencyl again, either way I'm really glad I found it and took the time to learn it.

Like a lot that voice clip, not bad at all!
Interwoven in the environment are occasional networks (big or small) of "bug tunnels", where zerg like creatures live and nest. Going through them can be risky, as visibility is low and you might be rushed at any moment.

In this case, we find a mysterious mechanical door that seems to be looking back at us. Hopefully the player makes a mental note to check back here when he has more abilities.


That is simply beautiful.


This is my first serious solo game project, and Stencyl has been great for me. I am open to other options or collaborations after Ghost Song is done (my next game idea is a bit more of an action RPG with a focus on melee combat, ala muramasa or dust), or maybe I'll use Stencyl again, either way I'm really glad I found it and took the time to learn it.

Hi Jobbs, i'm curious: How are you dealing with resolution issues with Stencyl? As in, letting the user select their resolution and having the game scale correctly.


Hi Jobbs, i'm curious: How are you dealing with resolution issues with Stencyl? As in, letting the user select their resolution and having the game scale correctly.

Right now there's not a good solution (that I'm aware of personally) for scaling the game resolution in Stencyl in the way you describe. I can stretch to full screen and attach this to a button press toggle for the user, but fine tuning is trickier --- And, just due to the way stencyl and SWFs work, I've found that I have a few performance concerns about full screening the game (for some computers). The SWFs are very CPU intensive and don't seem to utilize GPU.

So, to answer the question, I'm not (yet). :) I'm using the 3.0 version (which is still in closed beta) and I'm hopeful that as I get closer to release the Stencyl team will be able to help me with some things if I need it, as they've already been helpful in the past.

This game began as being expressly a flash project, meant to be played on a portal or what have you, this is part of why it's a Stencyl game -- This is what Stencyl is for. As I went on, the scope of the game grew. I still plan to probably release it as a flash game initially and look at other things I can do with it afterwards. I think the game does more than most flash games attempt to do, and for that reason I think it'll stand out.

A Unity port is certainly an attractive option later. I know someone who is fluent in Unity and has used it to develop 2D games. This would take a lot of work, though, getting the game looking its best at really high resses would involve retooling of the assets. Not to mention the labor of actually porting it.


Right now there's not a good solution (that I'm aware of personally) for scaling the game resolution in Stencyl in the way you describe. I can stretch to full screen and attach this to a button press toggle for the user, but fine tuning is trickier --- And, just due to the way stencyl and SWFs work, I've found that I have a few performance concerns about full screening the game (for some computers). The SWFs are very CPU intensive and don't seem to utilize GPU.

So, to answer the question, I'm not (yet). :) I'm using the 3.0 version (which is still in closed beta) and I'm hopeful that as I get closer to release the Stencyl team will be able to help me with some things if I need it, as they've already been helpful in the past.

This game began as being expressly a flash project, meant to be played on a portal or what have you, this is part of why it's a Stencyl game -- This is what Stencyl is for. As I went on, the scope of the game grew. I still plan to probably release it as a flash game initially and look at other things I can do with it afterwards. I think the game does more than most flash games attempt to do, and for that reason I think it'll stand out.

A Unity port is certainly an attractive option later. I know someone who is fluent in Unity and has used it to develop 2D games. This would take a lot of work, though, getting the game looking its best at really high resses would involve retooling of the assets. Not to mention the labor of actually porting it.

Thanks for the response :)

This issue is always something that sort of bothers me about tools like Stencyl, GM, and Construct: They're limiting in what kind of options are exposed from an end-user perspective, and I feel like that's more true today than ever with the focus on mobile.

Anyway, your game looks great, and I wish you luck in finishing it!
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