I suppose I will at least try applying to the Nintendo devkit loaner program to see what happens. If anyone has any particular advice about what to expect or what I need to have ready, if anything, please let me know. Finding a time to talk to them if they call me will be difficult in itself since I work during the day.
I can answer your questions perfectly.
1: You don't need to have anything ready.
2: When they get back to you, they will first email you to ask for when to best call. I work during day too. So I told them to call me anytime past 7PM. I'm on the east coast, so that probably helped.
3: The call is just a quick 5 minute chat to ask you your name, address, etc and to tell you some info about the program.
4: After a week or so, you will be approved (most likely). Then you can order your dev kit and look at docs.