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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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@ashodin. the "a" looks weird. in the character description box it looks like it was cut off a bit. look at "around" and "as". maybe it's just me.

Not sure what you're seeing, everything looks fine to me! Here's a static high rez shot:



Damn, walking animations are tough. This is definitely not finished, but I think I'm on the right track. Any tips would be welcome.
One thing I can tell you is that your animation needs more bounce. You should also draw the frames that hit major transitions then draw the rest.


Don't mind me, just rearranging battle board elements.. do do do...


Ahaha, hair colors from my artist... I guess I gotta change the Not in Demo thing any more lol


For people with Wii-U accounts, check out the thread about developer chat. There are only a few people who hang out for now, but maybe it will grow.

Regarding my own game/engine stuff, I think I have updated and cleaned up everything I wanted to, and got everything running again. I guess the next big goal is getting fonts to render again which probably means fixing the downsampling experiment I was doing to actually work.


made a new outdoor overlay.

Keep in mind that my grains/noise type textures are animated and moving. they don't sit there statically.

I understand that some people may prefer a cleaner look, but in this case, it contributes to my vision and along with the sound design it contributes to the overall presentation of creepy isolation and sci fi. There's more tweaking and more work to be done, but after a lot of testing with these and other images on my 42 inch TV I'm starting to feel pretty good about how the game will look when played this way, after being a bit uncertain (this game's origins were as a low res flash game where I worked on it in that capacity for a year -- moving to high res and TVs is a relatively recent development and everything's in a transitional phase).
That's absolutely gorgeous to me.
Love the grain effect, in my opinion it gives the whole scene a great sense of weight... Makes it all look more solid, if it makes any sense. I'm curious to see how it proper looks in motion.
We just finished a small game for android (the team took a rest from the big project) and we are just waiting for the music to be done to show it.
The final result looks really pretty, and the gameplay is addicting, I hope we can show it soon.


I'll just leave this here...

Everytime you show this it looks better and better. Keep up with the amazing work!


What game is this? Love the visual style and effect. And I vote for 1 as well, just cleaner and less busy than the other doors

An untitled game I started working on last week.

I've got the room system finished now. Each room can be connected to another room and they dynamically load/disappear. Now comes the hard part: Creating rooms.


Here're the two keynotes that were in english yesterday at Tecnópolis, Argentina:
Lee Petty (Lead Artist from Double Fine) talks about the method they used to rapidly iterate art design for their Amnesia Fortnight two-week-long game jams: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKajxyJ57RM
Tim Schafer (from Double Fine) talks about how things went for him (the video starts a few minutes into the talk, though): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGXjx5zhdo0

As these videos came from an enthusiast (and were probably recorded from a cellphone) the image quality only goes up to 240p, but at least you should be able to listen to the audio.

EDIT: It looks like the official videos will be up somewhat soon, though. I'll make sure to post them here as soon as I spot them.


Working on the stage 3 mutant sprite redesign for the new version of the game.


Mutants are dead people (so they could also be thought of as zombies, although I'm attempting to make them appear more as bulging, discolored mutations than typical gory, brain eating zombies), but as time goes they become progressively less human in their appearance and behavior. Stage 3 mutants are actually the least threatening of the classifications, less threatening than 1s and 2s as well as less threatening than 4s or 5s -- In gameplay terms, stage 3s are common "trash" enemies.

Stage 1 and 2 mutants represent relatively recent host deaths (not sure if host is the right word -- but humans/sometimes aliens who die here become mutants). They have much more energy, resemble their previous living self to a much greater degree (they'll still have clothes and hair and stuff), and are generally more aggressive and cunning. A stage 3 is old enough to where the edge is gone, they don't look so human anymore and are relatively aimless. Stage 4 and 5 represent advanced mutations where it has become something else, something more monstrous. A stage 4, in gameplay terms, would generally be a "tough regular enemy" (such as a bruiser) and a stage 5 would most appropriately be considered a boss/miniboss.

Stage 1s and 2s are relatively rare in the game, because recent deaths on this desolate, historied world are rare in the grand scope of its history. In gameplay terms these are always unique cases and unique encounters.


Working on the stage 3 mutant sprite redesign for the new version of the game.


Mutants are dead people (so they could also be thought of as zombies, although I'm attempting to make them appear more as bulging, discolored mutations than typical gory, brain eating zombies), but as time goes they become progressively less human in their appearance and behavior. Stage 3 mutants are actually the least threatening of the classifications, less threatening than 1s and 2s as well as less threatening than 4s or 5s -- In gameplay terms, stage 3s are common "trash" enemies.

Stage 1 and 2 mutants represent relatively recent host deaths (not sure if host is the right word -- but humans/sometimes aliens who die here become mutants). They have much more energy, resemble their previous living self to a much greater degree (they'll still have clothes and hair and stuff), and are generally more aggressive and cunning. A stage 3 is old enough to where the edge is gone, they don't look so human anymore and are relatively aimless. Stage 4 and 5 represent advanced mutations where it has become something else, something more monstrous. A stage 4, in gameplay terms, would generally be a "tough regular enemy" (such as a bruiser) and a stage 5 would most appropriately be considered a boss/miniboss.

Stage 1s and 2s are relatively rare in the game, because recent deaths on this desolate, historied world are rare in the grand scope of its history. In gameplay terms these are always unique cases and unique encounters.

Eagerly expecting Stage 5s to be like Omega Metroids now.

And thanks everyone else for the comments!


Here're the two keynotes that were in english yesterday at Tecnópolis, Argentina:
Lee Petty (Lead Artist from Double Fine) talks about the method they used to rapidly iterate art design for their Amnesia Fortnight two-week-long game jams: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKajxyJ57RM
Tim Schafer (from Double Fine) talks about how things went for him (the video starts a few minutes into the talk, though): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGXjx5zhdo0

Cool. Thanks for posting this. I love hearing the different approaches teams use to solve their design problems.


For people with Wii-U accounts, check out the thread about developer chat. There are only a few people who hang out for now, but maybe it will grow.

Regarding my own game/engine stuff, I think I have updated and cleaned up everything I wanted to, and got everything running again. I guess the next big goal is getting fonts to render again which probably means fixing the downsampling experiment I was doing to actually work.

I'll start joining in the chat at nights :)


Sidhe / PikPok
PikPok has been doing a series of chats on Twitter with various people in the studio. Thought today might be of interest for those here who want more insight into how our usability testing process works, and what you might be able to do to better consider usability for your own creations.

Get onto Twitter later today to chat with PikPok User Experience Expert, Hadley! He'll be tweeting from 10:00 AM NZDT/2:00 PM PT. Have a question, but not able to get there later today? Hop on Twitter and ask it now!

PikPok on Twitter: http://bit.ly/pikpoktweet
Inside PikPok Usability: http://bit.ly/PPusability


Actually, what I was referring to was the words that they fight with. It just looks like two regular fighters right now, not wordsmiths.

Ah. It seems there is a misunderstanding with how characters interact in the world. They apply magic words to their armor and weapons to enhance them. As such, most people are fighting with words attached to their gear.

In the game, your class has the unique ability to turn any word into a word that enhances your attacks. This ability allows the player to make any word they know of and still deal damage instead of having to make "fight" or "attack" or "slice".

You can't see it in the art, but they have words on their armor and weapons.


I got an AI boat doing laps in less than 60 minutes of coding tonight. Unity really speeds up the process of laying down data and accessing it in game.

This is the basic implementation. Needs a lot of work to get it smooth. But it's a start! :D


Ah. It seems there is a misunderstanding with how characters interact in the world. They apply magic words to their armor and weapons to enhance them. As such, most people are fighting with words attached to their gear.

In the game, your class has the unique ability to turn any word into a word that enhances your attacks. This ability allows the player to make any word they know of and still deal damage instead of having to make "fight" or "attack" or "slice".

You can't see it in the art, but they have words on their armor and weapons.

Makes more sense. I thought they were fighting with words.


Colors be workin

Just gotta hook up all the functionality

The female looks very male, and it might be because you reused the exact same nose and mouth from the male version. Female facial structure differs significantly. (The image IS low-res so it's kind of hard to tell though)

Unless you, like, wanted that. (tiptoes through minefield)


The female looks very male, and it might be because you reused the exact same nose and mouth from the male version. Female facial structure differs significantly. (The image IS low-res so it's kind of hard to tell though)

Unless you, like, wanted that. (tiptoes through minefield)
She's supposed to be mannish




Really getting fed up with Unity Pro's NavMesh stuff. It seems super powerful, but it has notable shortcomings and straight up bugs that I encounter more and more of as time goes on.

At the moment, if you change the cost of an OffMeshLink in realtime, the NavMeshAgent will automatically repath *even if you have Auto Repath turned off*, which is incredibly annoying. I can't get into the code to change it, and the feature is so obscure that I doubt it'll be fixed anytime soon.

Unity Pro should really come with a "you can call these people at Unity for help" thing. Or do they charge extra for that? Ugh. Wasted ten hours of my life.


Really getting fed up with Unity Pro's NavMesh stuff. It seems super powerful, but it has notable shortcomings and straight up bugs that I encounter more and more of as time goes on.

At the moment, if you change the cost of an OffMeshLink in realtime, the NavMeshAgent will automatically repath *even if you have Auto Repath turned off*, which is incredibly annoying. I can't get into the code to change it, and the feature is so obscure that I doubt it'll be fixed anytime soon.

Unity Pro should really come with a "you can call these people at Unity for help" thing. Or do they charge extra for that? Ugh. Wasted ten hours of my life.

When we announced Darkest Dungeon one of the Unity guys tweeted me asking if I we were using Unity, and if so what my biggest complaints were. So perhaps twitter is a good way to get some support?


So, my company (Bumblebee Studios) will be at Stockholm's Gamex expo next week. We'll be there together with a bunch of other indies and we will show our latest game (Derat Inc.) and a demo of our new game (Heads Will Roll). I think it's a great opportunity to see what's the first impact with the new game and to do some informal playtesting.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? Suggestions, advices? Should we take note of what people say, should we give out questionnaires, have some structured way to get the feedback?


Sent off my ESRB letter to request a sign up for my company, ZeNfA Productions. Hopefully I should be all signed up by next week.


Damn, walking animations are tough. This is definitely not finished, but I think I'm on the right track. Any tips would be welcome.

Good start! I think it would be easier to distinguish between the two legs if you lightened the front one, or darkened the back. At the moment they get lost when they cross over and it looks like he's limping.

Also, some slight arm and hand movement would help sell the walk even further :)


Really getting fed up with Unity Pro's NavMesh stuff. It seems super powerful, but it has notable shortcomings and straight up bugs that I encounter more and more of as time goes on.

At the moment, if you change the cost of an OffMeshLink in realtime, the NavMeshAgent will automatically repath *even if you have Auto Repath turned off*, which is incredibly annoying. I can't get into the code to change it, and the feature is so obscure that I doubt it'll be fixed anytime soon.

Unity Pro should really come with a "you can call these people at Unity for help" thing. Or do they charge extra for that? Ugh. Wasted ten hours of my life.

Try posting in the unity forums. I got a response in hours, that really helped me out. They are great compared to a lot of companies.


Try posting in the unity forums. I got a response in hours, that really helped me out. They are great compared to a lot of companies.
I ended up just implementing a completely different solution...a little hacky, but it seems to work. I didn't feel like waiting till morning. = D


Really getting fed up with Unity Pro's NavMesh stuff. It seems super powerful, but it has notable shortcomings and straight up bugs that I encounter more and more of as time goes on.

At the moment, if you change the cost of an OffMeshLink in realtime, the NavMeshAgent will automatically repath *even if you have Auto Repath turned off*, which is incredibly annoying. I can't get into the code to change it, and the feature is so obscure that I doubt it'll be fixed anytime soon.

Unity Pro should really come with a "you can call these people at Unity for help" thing. Or do they charge extra for that? Ugh. Wasted ten hours of my life.
This is the sort of stuff that I would always run into with the UDK. Almost invariably I would try to do some weird thing that like only 3 people on the internet have tried, and you then discover that some building mesh combine system, or navmesh system, or what-have-you has hardcoded quirks and you can't really get at them to fix them yourself.

It's one of the advantages to having your own engine, or having an expensive engine where you can get at the source code I suppose.
Everything is looking awesome in this thread, keep it up!

I spent my entire day reworking how my backgrounds work as the older concept used to show gaps between tiles when moving now and again, I was not happy with the quality so I reworked it.

I also added in time of day which is all value set, so as the game story progresses so will the time, weather is separate now and can appear at any time also.


This will be a big thing to test on 4g touches and iPhone 4S' in the next few weeks as I am using more filters then I wanted.
Looks really cool! Does weather influence the gameplay at all?

Just visual, I did think about a classic night time = harder foes but it doesn't fit in well with my grand idea, but i'll think of something.

Her idle animations will change between dry - rain - snow though, fan of ristar doing that back in the day.


This is the sort of stuff that I would always run into with the UDK. Almost invariably I would try to do some weird thing that like only 3 people on the internet have tried, and you then discover that some building mesh combine system, or navmesh system, or what-have-you has hardcoded quirks and you can't really get at them to fix them yourself.

It's one of the advantages to having your own engine, or having an expensive engine where you can get at the source code I suppose.

I doubt many people have their own 'engines'. A bunch of bug-ridden libraries and tools is probably a more accurate description.

The robustness of 3rd party engines, and the fact that I spend all of my dev time making games, far outweighs the slight increase in flexibility that my own 'engine' may provide. If I were to spend the decades writing it..

Learn an existing engine. Learn its limits. Design around them. Ship games.

I've always been more interested in the result than the method though.


This will be a big thing to test on 4g touches and iPhone 4S' in the next few weeks as I am using more filters then I wanted.

If you support 4S, then you have to support the 4. I suggest you concentrate on the 4. (It's really shit). It would be good if Apple let you pick the devices you wanted to support. But they don't. They only let you pick features.

I would also suggest the number of full screen filters you want to use on the iPhone 4, and perhaps even the 4S, is zero. It really is a different world to PC.

Let us know how you get on though, and good luck! :D
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