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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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The low-poly aspect is up to the artist. Don't know if low-poly is retro at
all. There is a lot more necessary to get the effect done right. The key
components are the retro rendering techniques combined with color reproduction
techniques for different output devices (CRTs for example). And I think the
combination of these will look much more awesome for 3d games than for 2d. The
3d aspect may give sort of a Cyberpunk feeling. Lots of coding ahead!

Sounds super interesting! :D

Does anyone have some good resources on ramdom generated 3d worlds? My idea for this is to define several pieces of a structure and having an algorithm align them with some rules. What i want to do is random generated dungeons.

There's some code for one here: http://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/dungeon/about/




Development shot of the castle today. I'm almost done! Just got to add in basements and some little extra decoration here and there.

By the way, I could really use some testers for a demo build. Send me a PM if you're interested. You can find more info on Malebolgia here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=157945114



Development shot of the castle today. I'm almost done! Just got to add in basements and some little extra decoration here and there.

By the way, I could really use some testers for a demo build. Send me a PM if you're interested. You can find more info on Malebolgia here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=157945114

Nice work. Gave you an upvote.

BTW, is that sketchup? I used to dink around in sketchup before my days doing games, never realized anyone used it for this.


OK, for inspiration, and for those that have never seen him. You guys should check out AndroidArts, dude is amazing. He does programmer but is an amazing artist. He basically does crazy design documents for game ideas, often based on retro games. He done a lot of them. I find it gets me really excited about doing my small project.
eg. Heres a Megaman Legends based project idea, with tonnes of great art; http://androidarts.com/mml/reaverbot_legends.htm

Anyone doing Pixel art, this is a must read;

http://androidarts.com/pixtut/pixelart.htm (its unfinished so far, but still very informative.)

(also he has a great general 2d art tutorial; http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm.)

Might post a little screenshot of my 3d actionRPG im working on soon. I just got my housemate involved in programming with me and progress has accelerated!
More like concept art saturday for me lol

Is one of the the rough concept arts for one of the rooms of the first level, can get the real thing as Im at home and the good screens are at the studio, but wanted to add something today, so here it is.

Arrrrr! Those filthy pirates have gotten hold of the swimming pool at the hotel!


... You can also see sleeping beauty there. It's pretty hard to wake him up. He's not too happy about it if he does wakes up, though.

Very, very nice!

How many rooms are there, are they all modeled? Interesting!

Correct me if I'm wrong as this is not my bag, but most of this can be done with shaders and pre and post process in almost any engine. ...
Due to the Turing completeness of many shader languages, anything what can
be computed can be done with them as well. You can even use BASIC. It's not
about the language, it's about control, adaptivity, and efficiency.

Depending on the render pipeline of the engine and flexibility of the SDK would ultimately impact use and adaptation of those techniques. ...
That's the point. Despite being able to compute virtually everything using
shaders, some hardware things cannot be controlled using them. For example,
you can't change the way how, for example, lines or polygons are rasterized
algorithmically by the hardware. 'You' can shade, texture them, but you don't
have any control over the algorithm itself up until you write your own using,
for example, a shading language. There are many cool effects possible being in
control of the rasterizer. Another thing is rendering order. To get some very
interesting video effects, rendering in scanline order has advantages over the
Z-buffer (random object order), whereas one can use a Z-buffer algorithm on a
per scanline basis for the depth test as well, but hardware doesn't allow to
do (to control) this, but one can setup the hardware to fake it (each scanline
being a viewport) making the process very inefficient, and it may not be a
good choice either since the weakness of the Z-buffer (overdraw) rises while
using more and more complex per-pixel rendering equations. One can alleviate
this problem to some degree by using better object culling techniques like for
example Hierarchical Occlusion Maps or better image based culling techniques
like Z-hierarchies/pyramids. But it gets nasty the further you go. Anyhow. Say
for example I want to change the rasterizer algorithmically on a per scanline
basis, or, per scanline and per depth of an object / pixel. I have some pretty
cool ideas using such things. As a simple example, say (in a scanline
rasterizer) I want to modify the stepping algorithm of the edge equation in
turning some edges into a B-spline whos control points my vary with time.

The language I choose? Well, it will be C/C++ with parts written using, for
example, a shading languages to accelerate stuff targeting a video
accelerators, if necessary. However, am not fixed on any video hardware, quite
the opposite! I want to make a step back and away from them. This may sounds
elusive and contradictory to the current approach for video games, since those
accelerator are supposed to be the Holy Grail for video games. And indeed, for
many things they are. But I want to build something very specific and very
flexible leaving also a lot of room for experimentation. Software Rendering
won't be as fast as using fixed function hardware, but it is a lot more
flexible. And retro rendering is a perfect match so to speak. I don't need
many of the costly smoothing stuff of current hardware for retro rendering.
Rest assured I'm not going to need any anisotropic filtering or 16xFSAA or
any similar stuff. Likewise, it's also not the goal to pump millions of
polygons through the engine for just a few models -- giving air to the 3d
frustum clipper. It should be a special something. No need to tie on a
specific acceleration hardware/language.



Development shot of the castle today. I'm almost done! Just got to add in basements and some little extra decoration here and there.

By the way, I could really use some testers for a demo build. Send me a PM if you're interested. You can find more info on Malebolgia here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=157945114

Looks rad! :D

Here's my screenshotsaturday, (click for full res, where you can see the scanlines):


I made the camera dynamic today, and started setting up light mapping and variable focus depth of field. It's been a pretty productive day! :D
Looks rad! :D

Here's my screenshotsaturday, (click for full res, where you can see the scanlines):


I made the camera dynamic today, and started setting up light mapping and variable focus depth of field. It's been a pretty productive day! :D

May I ask what tools you use for video recording / editing in unity ? I'm at the stage where I would love to make some game vids , is it just fraps?


May I ask what tools you use for video recording / editing in unity ? I'm at the stage where I would love to make some game vids , is it just fraps?

I have a Blackmagic Intensity Extreme HDMI capture box that I capture from the PC into a Mac at 720p@60. I then edit it together in Final Cut Pro on the Mac. It's nothing to do with Unity, this is captured from the game executable.

It really suffers from being 30fps, as it looks lovely at 60fps. Still, people will be viewing on YouTube which is 30, so nothing can be done.
Just a quick snap for Saturday screenshot.


Space ship cargo test, trading is an important part of the game and having cargo bays that can be jettisoned as needed or used in case of emergency is crucial, for example running out of food in a long trip can be a disaster for your crew, but if you have food as part of your cargo you can instead eat that and survive the day.

In the image a small cargo box was jettisoned and one slot is empty now in the ship that can be used to add another cargo box


The light is a nice touch!

Thanks dude!

I think it looks cool, but the main point of it was to show you how close you are to walls.

I'm going to add a little smoke particle effect to the chopper for the same reason.

It's super difficult to judge depth on a 2d screen. Would love to get it running on a oculus rift! :D


Curious... How many here are working on PS4/XO development or want to work on PS4/XO development?

We aren't actively engaged in this yet, really, but being that our game is made in Unity and I really like console gaming, it's something I'm planning on a bit later once the game is closer to completion.


Curious... How many here are working on PS4/XO development or want to work on PS4/XO development?

If GameMaker supports either in the near future, I'll jump on it. Otherwise, not in the cards for now. edit: For what it's worth, though, I do all my play-testing with a DS4.


Neo Member
Officially starting a cross-platform beat 'em up with heavy Castle Crashers influences today, using Corona. All the start up art (main characters, some minions, environments, menu stuff, etc) is already done and we're 65pct done with animations. Hoping to have it selling on both iOS and Android. Probably our proudest achievement with it is managing to come up with a very minimalist UI that will still promote an extremely deep, and easy to figure out combo-based fighting system.

Cannot wait to show you guys more in the future GAF. We really feel that with the right marketing, this has potential to be the next paid mobile game that sells like hot cakes, if Castle Crashers success is any indication.


Not sure if anyone can answer this, but say I was in the process of making a game that was a spiritual successor to an older game - that is to say, uses it's title although altered - and wanted to find out who, if anyone owned such a license, how I would go about doing so?

I mean, where do you start?


Not sure if anyone can answer this, but say I was in the process of making a game that was a spiritual successor to an older game - that is to say, uses it's title although altered - and wanted to find out who, if anyone owned such a license, how I would go about doing so?

I mean, where do you start?

If there's a Wikipedia article for the game, it probably has the original publisher listed there and the current license owner if you're lucky (assuming it traded hands). If you click through to the listed publisher, you should be able to see if the company is still around, if its name has been changed or if they had to sell their assets.


My mates and I just released our new game jam game to Kongregate today! We originally made the game in 48 hours last year and spent the last few days preparing it for a public release. We'd love it if you guys could check it out and let us know what you think. :)

Thanks, and hope you enjoy!



I gave it a try. The buttons are really finicky with how to press them, which adds frustration to what's already a lot of trial and error. I don't understand the timer. I'm assuming the blinking light is just ambiance. I made it past the first level just by trying random permutations, but clearly the second level had too many buttons for that.

As luck would have it, the first button I pressed there happened to be correct. I went over to read the thing on the floor, found the same symbol as button I had pressed, then looked for the button with the next symbol. That worked, but trying what should have been the third button didn't work. I tried a few of the next symbols, got frustrated and gave up. Meanwhile, the timer continued to beep at varying rates and apparently do nothing.

If I had nothing better to do, I'd continue trying to decrypt the puzzle you've made, but right now there's nothing there to keep me engaged. On a positive note, I will say that the ambiance was good, and the button-flipping sequence was a cool animation, especially for a 48 hour jam.


All our enemy types and enemies are finalized, created a graphic to showcase em. We're almost there fellas! two more music tracks to create and then we'll get to some quick gameplay tests with a select group of people.



If there's a Wikipedia article for the game, it probably has the original publisher listed there and the current license owner if you're lucky (assuming it traded hands). If you click through to the listed publisher, you should be able to see if the company is still around, if its name has been changed or if they had to sell their assets.

Well the company in question was purchased by Infogrames, who subsequently became Atari. I just don't know if there is any way to check if someone has a trademark for it, without going through a solicitor. I guess I don't really need to bother - it can be something else - but I would use it if no one else minded, and just thought maybe there was a quick internet way to check.


Anyone doing Pixel art, this is a must read;

http://androidarts.com/pixtut/pixelart.htm (its unfinished so far, but still very informative.)

(also he has a great general 2d art tutorial; http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm.)

I was thinking I've seen page(s) about pixel art before, but never that one, for some reason. But then I realized it's apparently new and only 1/4 finished! I really hope it gets finished, since it looks very useful already. Thank you for linking this!


Wasn't Gunman Clive by someone from here? In any case it just got released on Steam for $1.99. It's $1.79 on Desura if you can't deal with 20c. :p

Yep that would be me. (Not sure about the price difference on desura. It should be the same at least in the US). Haven't posted here in a while, partly because my new project didn't go very well and I didn't have much to share and partly because of the increased pressure after Gunman Clive became a hit on 3DS.


OK, for inspiration, and for those that have never seen him. You guys should check out AndroidArts, dude is amazing. He does programmer but is an amazing artist. He basically does crazy design documents for game ideas, often based on retro games. He done a lot of them. I find it gets me really excited about doing my small project.
eg. Heres a Megaman Legends based project idea, with tonnes of great art; http://androidarts.com/mml/reaverbot_legends.htm

Anyone doing Pixel art, this is a must read;

http://androidarts.com/pixtut/pixelart.htm (its unfinished so far, but still very informative.)

(also he has a great general 2d art tutorial; http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm.)

Might post a little screenshot of my 3d actionRPG im working on soon. I just got my housemate involved in programming with me and progress has accelerated!

Thanks for posting that! I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to pixel art.


Well the company in question was purchased by Infogrames, who subsequently became Atari. I just don't know if there is any way to check if someone has a trademark for it, without going through a solicitor. I guess I don't really need to bother - it can be something else - but I would use it if no one else minded, and just thought maybe there was a quick internet way to check.

Is this the kind of thing you're looking for?



I gave it a try. The buttons are really finicky with how to press them, which adds frustration to what's already a lot of trial and error. I don't understand the timer. I'm assuming the blinking light is just ambiance. I made it past the first level just by trying random permutations, but clearly the second level had too many buttons for that.

As luck would have it, the first button I pressed there happened to be correct. I went over to read the thing on the floor, found the same symbol as button I had pressed, then looked for the button with the next symbol. That worked, but trying what should have been the third button didn't work. I tried a few of the next symbols, got frustrated and gave up. Meanwhile, the timer continued to beep at varying rates and apparently do nothing.

If I had nothing better to do, I'd continue trying to decrypt the puzzle you've made, but right now there's nothing there to keep me engaged. On a positive note, I will say that the ambiance was good, and the button-flipping sequence was a cool animation, especially for a 48 hour jam.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, we did have some comments about people being frustrated, but that was the kind of experience we were going for haha. It's a tricky balance.

Thanks for the feedback as well, I'll pass it onto the team. :)
Yep that would be me. (Not sure about the price difference on desura. It should be the same at least in the US). Haven't posted here in a while, partly because my new project didn't go very well and I didn't have much to share and partly because of the increased pressure after Gunman Clive became a hit on 3DS.

This is the sort of pressure I'm always worried about when making something. Even if it is barely mildly successful there's always that pressure to do better. I'd imagine its multiplied tenfold when it's all your work. Don't feel too bad about your new project! If it's possible, dump it and move onto something else. Keep on keepin' on.


If I want to start making games, where do I start? Unity? Game maker? Java? Python?

Tools like Game Maker and RPG Maker are nice if you just wanna jump straight in and dabble with game development and design, but Unity is an amazing tool (and free to boot!) that requires a bit more effort to learn but it's very versatile and intuitive.

There are some official tutorials here that can help you get started: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules


Started on some marketing material :)

Rendered the ship after learning Bender3d with a few videos, and then overlayed it our background with some photoshop magic.

Yep that would be me. (Not sure about the price difference on desura. It should be the same at least in the US). Haven't posted here in a while, partly because my new project didn't go very well and I didn't have much to share and partly because of the increased pressure after Gunman Clive became a hit on 3DS.

Hey, I meant to ask you, do you have a preference for people buying the game on Steam or on the eShop? Like, do you get a bigger cut from one or the other? :) Just wondering since I'll probably get it soon and I don't mind either platform.


Hey, I meant to ask you, do you have a preference for people buying the game on Steam or on the eShop? Like, do you get a bigger cut from one or the other? :) Just wondering since I'll probably get it soon and I don't mind either platform.

No it's pretty much the same on every platform, unless you have a japanese 3DS, in which case the publisher also takes a cut. I'm a bit more confident in the stability and performance of the 3DS version though


That looks incredibly sleek!

that's awesome

Fukkin awesome!

Seriously? I've been having nothing but trouble for some reason. :/ Poster looks great!

Thanks guys! Mega, give this guy a shot - he's seriously an amazing person for giving out so many high quality tutorials for free. Blender's interface is assey, but he makes it pretty simple to understand.



Hey guys!

That might be weird, but I'm really into reading Game Design Docs... What are some that you guys read that actually were enjoyable and/or particular?

I'm not looking for those "academic" looking Docs, but mostly Docs of Indie Games that have already been released, perhaps even yours!



Started on some marketing material :)

Rendered the ship after learning Bender3d with a few videos, and then overlayed it our background with some photoshop magic.


I find it perfect. The composition, the realisation, everything screams quality to me.
Just makes you want to see more, so mission complete on this.


Hey guys!

That might be weird, but I'm really into reading Game Design Docs... What are some that you guys read that actually were enjoyable and/or particular?

I'm not looking for those "academic" looking Docs, but mostly Docs of Indie Games that have already been released, perhaps even yours!

I don't know if they count as game design documents per se, but you might find the variou designs/documents interesting on the website that was linked earlier: http://androidarts.com/

Click around on some of the game names, since there may be several design document-esque pages.


Made some good progress tonight !
The game rules are now fully applied, with score counting and player swapping.
Tried something new for me tonight, coding up on my feet. Was quite refreshing, but spent a lot of time dancing with my headphones during compilation lol.


I find it perfect. The composition, the realisation, everything screams quality to me.
Just makes you want to see more, so mission complete on this.

Thank you sir! Always more to come.

Was quite refreshing, but spent a lot of time dancing with my
headphones during compilation lol.

This is the best, it's nice to change how you work every now and then. Though I wish i had a standing desk sometimes.


So how does everyone go about animated texture faces? Where the facial details aren't modeled in but instead the geometry is just a billboard and the textures are used for expressions. First example I can think of would be Animal Crossing, and a lot of anime-styled games also do this.

I can't imagine that it would be done using animated UVs; perhaps the face is on its own UV set with a different material and the texture is swapped out accordingly? I try to solve this stuff on my own but I don't even know the terms to search in this case.

EDIT: Wind Waker is a really great example as well; I love how it was done there.
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