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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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SKILLS Menu under work!



Oh, neat! I finally got around to messing with Unity 4.3's Mecanim Animation Event functionality, and it's super rad. I added footsteps in less than an hour, and I should be able to simplify a lot of code I was dealing with prior in a hacky manner.


DXGI is what comes to mind but I'm not sure if you can get direct access.

@Popstar: Thx! Have skimmed through the docs. Should be possible, i.e.
IDXGISurface is the object used by DirectX underneath to gain access to the
framebuffer. IDXGISurface implements three methods, two of them are Map and
Unmap (DirectX: Lock and Unlock). Map fills a DXGI_MAPPED_RECT structure
containing the pointer to the framebuffer and its pitch. :+ ...
My ass!

Basically, I want a pointer to (a shared region of) the framebuffer without
using DirectX (D3D10) by only using DXGI. I can do it with DirectX. For, upon
creating a D3D10 devices virtually everything can be queried. D3D10 uses DXGI
underneath. For example, upon creating a texture (CreateTexture2D) the runtime
creates an IDXGISurface which can be queried and from which a pointer to the
texture data can be obtained. Or one can build a render target and query for
the IDXGISurface. Anyhow, I want to create my own surface for rendering. But
this requires an IDXGIDevice object (sort of a rendering device) and using the
method IDXGIDevice::CreateSurface. But for the life of me I can't get a
pointer to IDXGIDevice. There seems to be no function for creating such a
device. Using Direct3D the device can be obtained like this

IDXGIDevice *pDXGIDevice;
pD3DDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), (void **) &pDXGIDevice);

from which one can also query the IDXGIAdapter and IDXGIFactory to create, for
example, a Swap Chain.

I have (without using D3D10) created an IDXGIFactory and got the IDXGIAdapter
(graphics card) and the IDXGIOutput (monitor). But an IDXGIDevice can't be
queried from them (E_NOINTERFACE). Well, how to create, build, or query an
IDXGIDevice without using DirectX? It should be possible;


I don't need a IDXGIDevice for rendering DirectX commands or GDI etc. What's
needed is just a bitmap (given a specific format, i.e DXGI_SURFACE_DESC) in
VRAM (tied to my window) to allow me to draw pixels in there.


The usual rad work by rad people. It's always cool being able to jump in here and see people just plugging away at making things!

Me and friend decided to make a small game in a day to test out how fast we could make something for a hypothetical jam; we settled on 3D Snake. We've actually worked on it for more then a day; we found it's actually really hard to work in a group, even in just a group of 2!
Here's where we are now, fleshing it out now with high scores and settling on a nice looking style.



I just couple of days ago submitted my game to Windows Phone Marketplace. This is my first published game in over a year (it took only like ~1 month to make though) so I'm feeling pretty great :) Hopefully I'll get more games done this year!

It isn't visually exactly impressive (I'm an awful artist, hopefully that will change also during 2014), but I think it looks okay enough:


(Those round things? They're zombies :p )


I like the pixelated look to it.


Spent last night working on fixing and cleaning up memory leaks in my game (ZaciSa's Last Stand). I fixed one of the major issues (doing a bunch of (new Date()).getTime() instead of just doing Date.now() which is now fixed). Still some issues left I hope to fix tonight.

I'm hopeful I can get the game submitted to Nintendo sometime next week.
I like the pixelated look to it.


Spent last night working on fixing and cleaning up memory leaks in my game (ZaciSa's Last Stand). I fixed one of the major issues (doing a bunch of (new Date()).getTime() instead of just doing Date.now() which is now fixed). Still some issues left I hope to fix tonight.

I'm hopeful I can get the game submitted to Nintendo sometime next week.

good luck!

And the game above you - game looks great! Keep up the good work.


After I'm done with this game (done in sense of submitted to Nintendo, will be supporting it post-launch), I'm going to build myself a internal level editor. Since my game is coded in pure/raw Javascript, I'm not sure there is any game level editor that could output raw data for me to use. I'll build one in Javascript/PHP so I could start designing levels more easily and output the data in the format I will need it in.

I plan to make a simple version first that is very basic and test it out by making a quick simple physic-based puzzle game next to try it out with.

Doubt I'll make my own physics engine, since Box2DJS is supported by Wii U NWF, I'll likely go with that.
Is anyone planning on making something for the Mini Ludum Dare this weekend? I might give it a shot if I'm feeling inspired, though I can't really think of a suitably simple idea at the moment. The themes are: facade, scheme, conspiracy, deceit.


Reluctant Member
Is anyone planning on making something for the Mini Ludum Dare this weekend? I might give it a shot if I'm feeling inspired, though I can't really think of a suitably simple idea at the moment. The themes are: facade, scheme, conspiracy, deceit.

Perhaps, if I'm not still feeling awful. I need a good warm up exercise after over a week of enforced inactivity.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Hey guys is there some site dedicated to algorithms used in games?
I usually write everything by myself, but reinventing the wheel is not good and i don't want to waste more time.


I need help. Anyone used Aron Granbergs A* path finding?

I got the path finding up and running but I have no clue how to turn that into data I can use to control enemies. Game is 2d top down, movement on xy. All examples use a character controller which wont work in this scenario.

What would I need to do to create a controller for the AI that has 2 vector3's? (It's position, and it's target position, which are waypoints in this scenario).
The usual rad work by rad people. It's always cool being able to jump in here and see people just plugging away at making things!

Me and friend decided to make a small game in a day to test out how fast we could make something for a hypothetical jam; we settled on 3D Snake. We've actually worked on it for more then a day; we found it's actually really hard to work in a group, even in just a group of 2!
Here's where we are now, fleshing it out now with high scores and settling on a nice looking style.

That's a really rad art style. I almost prefer the Scene View to the Game View.
I need help. Anyone used Aron Granbergs A* path finding?

I got the path finding up and running but I have no clue how to turn that into data I can use to control enemies. Game is 2d top down, movement on xy. All examples use a character controller which wont work in this scenario.

What would I need to do to create a controller for the AI that has 2 vector3's? (It's position, and it's target position, which are waypoints in this scenario).

We're talking Unity right? No need for a new controller. I had the exact same setup (top-down view, A* pathfinding, CharacterController) in my entry for LD28.

I used something like this to move the character towards his destination each update:
//Get the direction in which the unit is moving
Vector3 pathDirection = (destinationVector - transform.position).normalized;

//Move towards the destination at the unit's speed (won't go past it due to the Mathf.Min())
GetComponent<CharacterController>().Move(pathDirection * Mathf.Min(speed * Time.deltaTime, Vector3.Distance(destinationVector, transform.position)));


So, I'm a software dev for a small company and mostly develop software that's needed inhouse but this year I want to get a bit into game development. I've dabbled a bit in xna and unity a couple years back but I stopped for whatever reason. When I was using unity I bought some 2D toolkit from the asset store but now that unity has native 2D support I'm looking to try my hands on it again. Are there any good tutorials for unity's 2D stuff?


The usual rad work by rad people. It's always cool being able to jump in here and see people just plugging away at making things!

Me and friend decided to make a small game in a day to test out how fast we could make something for a hypothetical jam; we settled on 3D Snake. We've actually worked on it for more then a day; we found it's actually really hard to work in a group, even in just a group of 2!
Here's where we are now, fleshing it out now with high scores and settling on a nice looking style.

That looks HyperSuperAmazing™ :D


We're talking Unity right? No need for a new controller. I had the exact same setup (top-down view, A* pathfinding, CharacterController) in my entry for LD28.

I used something like this to move the character towards his destination each update:
//Get the direction in which the unit is moving
Vector3 pathDirection = (destinationVector - transform.position).normalized;

//Move towards the destination at the unit's speed (won't go past it due to the Mathf.Min())
GetComponent<CharacterController>().Move(pathDirection * Mathf.Min(speed * Time.deltaTime, Vector3.Distance(destinationVector, transform.position)));

Going to try this today! Thank you :) I was probably making the problem too difficult!
So, I'm a software dev for a small company and mostly develop software that's needed inhouse but this year I want to get a bit into game development. I've dabbled a bit in xna and unity a couple years back but I stopped for whatever reason. When I was using unity I bought some 2D toolkit from the asset store but now that unity has native 2D support I'm looking to try my hands on it again. Are there any good tutorials for unity's 2D stuff?

These are pretty good to get you started.

So, I'm a software dev for a small company and mostly develop software that's needed inhouse but this year I want to get a bit into game development. I've dabbled a bit in xna and unity a couple years back but I stopped for whatever reason. When I was using unity I bought some 2D toolkit from the asset store but now that unity has native 2D support I'm looking to try my hands on it again. Are there any good tutorials for unity's 2D stuff?

I admittedly haven't really looked through it personally, but this tutorial was recommended in the Unity thread: http://pixelnest.io/tutorials/2d-game-unity/ It takes you through all the steps to create a simple shmup; seems cool.


rewrote my jump logic to use a sin function instead. now it's super easy to adjust the height and duration of the jump.
my math teacher would bitchslap me left and right if he knew how long it took me ._.
Does anybody have experience showing a game at a big Expo? I've shown at IndieCade and a sleepy-ass expo but I have never shown at one of the big, crowded shows. Was it worth it? How do you cut through the chaos?

Our game is a very quiet, contemplative sort of, music game for iPad; I am just thinking about how to show it in the best light. The booth would be the standard 10x10. I am leaning towards just having a few comfy armchairs set up with some noise canceling headphones so people can chill out and play comfortably.
Hello all, Chad from StudioMDHR here.

We are currently working on Cuphead and I want to reach out to everyone to hopefully answer a Unity question: Has anybody experienced input lag (keyboard/gamepad) or any other responsive limitations with a 2D game in Unity? Currently we are using the XNA framework but have been making some early port tests to Unity. We are very crazy about response/reaction time being perfect (Street Fighter 3rd Strike perfect) - so before we really get into it I was hoping for a little feedback. Thanks in advance!

Hello all, Chad from StudioMDHR here.

We are currently working on Cuphead and I want to reach out to everyone to hopefully answer a Unity question: Has anybody experienced input lag (keyboard/gamepad) or any other responsive limitations with a 2D game in Unity? Currently we are using the XNA framework but have been making some early port tests to Unity. We are very crazy about response/reaction time being perfect (Street Fighter 3rd Strike perfect) - so before we really get into it I was hoping for a little feedback. Thanks in advance!


I haven't ever really noticed any input lag, but it's honestly something I've never looked into deeply. When working I tend to just adjust to what feels good, and haven't had any problems.

In other news, here's some more progress gifs for Another Castle, first up is a new lightning golem:


And here's a suicidal fireball:


Hello all, Chad from StudioMDHR here.

We are currently working on Cuphead and I want to reach out to everyone to hopefully answer a Unity question: Has anybody experienced input lag (keyboard/gamepad) or any other responsive limitations with a 2D game in Unity? Currently we are using the XNA framework but have been making some early port tests to Unity. We are very crazy about response/reaction time being perfect (Street Fighter 3rd Strike perfect) - so before we really get into it I was hoping for a little feedback. Thanks in advance!

I can't reach my gameplay programmer ATM but we had this discussion. Input polling rates are equivalent to framerates in Unity, however, you might be able to grab input and shove it to a separate thread where you have more control over polling. I'd give you more info but I focus on UI/event/scenes for my part in coding since I multitask on our project. Wish I can help more. Great looking game, BTW.

@ihateyouchris: that looks fucking awesome!


Skills page is now fully complete, complete with it remembering what skills go where (which will translate into combat as well!). Very exciting stuff.


We're talking Unity right? No need for a new controller. I had the exact same setup (top-down view, A* pathfinding, CharacterController) in my entry for LD28.

I used something like this to move the character towards his destination each update:
//Get the direction in which the unit is moving
Vector3 pathDirection = (destinationVector - transform.position).normalized;

//Move towards the destination at the unit's speed (won't go past it due to the Mathf.Min())
GetComponent<CharacterController>().Move(pathDirection * Mathf.Min(speed * Time.deltaTime, Vector3.Distance(destinationVector, transform.position)));

What happens when it reaches the destination and destinationVector equals transform.position?


... long it took me ...
That's the best you could have done!

Spending the time is key. The problem with mathematics isn't the "difficulty"
in any formula, no, it's simply the time required to set the brain into a
state where it can decode the information and draw the connection. Many people
take a long time to grasp because they are too much distracted by other things
at the same time. Their span of attention is quite low. The key is to make
your environment (outer world) look constant to you, i.e. in turning off
things distracting you (internet, phone, girls, ..., don't move around) to be
able to perceive your innermost world and as such gaining focus. Your level of
attention will rise in order of magnitudes.

The Internet is likely the worst distractor out there. The way the information
is represented (in general) counteracts any deeper state of mind required to
grasp more 'complex' things. In its simplest form it goes down to your brain
having to decide whether to follow a link or not while reading a paragraph
containing one. Every time this happens your span of attention breaks down,
even if you don't feel it right at the spot. Follow some links this way and
then try to reproduce what you have read a couple of pages ago.

Yet the Internet is likely the best dictionary ever created.

But a book and a blank sheet of paper are likely the least distracting media
out there to grasp a deeper understanding from. And that's where books excels
the internet in order of magnitudes.


Hey GAF, a friend of mine is asking me for some guidance on Unity. I personally don't have much experience with it so I figured I'd ask here for some tutorials or books or something like that (a list of good practices for dealing with the engine architecture, such as object referencing, communication, etc.). Help would be much appreciated.


Awesome ConvenientBox!

Today is the day I really sit down and write the damned story. Work on the features has really grinded to a halt after finishing the skills page because I need to flesh out the story for the classes to create more items and such. Most of the items stem from the story and are tied to it, so I can't just create things willynilly any more.


Hello all, Chad from StudioMDHR here.

We are currently working on Cuphead and I want to reach out to everyone to hopefully answer a Unity question: Has anybody experienced input lag (keyboard/gamepad) or any other responsive limitations with a 2D game in Unity? Currently we are using the XNA framework but have been making some early port tests to Unity. We are very crazy about response/reaction time being perfect (Street Fighter 3rd Strike perfect) - so before we really get into it I was hoping for a little feedback. Thanks in advance!

I believe you should put your input logic in FixedUpdate() since Update() is dependent on the current framerate..
Hey GAF, a friend of mine is asking me for some guidance on Unity. I personally don't have much experience with it so I figured I'd ask here for some tutorials or books or something like that (a list of good practices for dealing with the engine architecture, such as object referencing, communication, etc.). Help would be much appreciated.

http://www.unity3dstudent.com/ is good for learning the absolute basics.

Here's an article that gives some great info for best practices:
I haven't ever really noticed any input lag, but it's honestly something I've never looked into deeply. When working I tend to just adjust to what feels good, and haven't had any problems.
Thanks for the feedback. Loving the style of the cave, it's like a funky version of Yoshi's Island underground scenes :)

I can't reach my gameplay programmer ATM but we had this discussion. Input polling rates are equivalent to framerates in Unity, however, you might be able to grab input and shove it to a separate thread where you have more control over polling. I'd give you more info but I focus on UI/event/scenes for my part in coding since I multitask on our project. Wish I can help more. Great looking game, BTW.

Thanks! That's what we were thinking - with a bit of polling/realtime research it seems it's possible with a few workarounds, which is great news for us!

I believe you should put your input logic in FixedUpdate() since Update() is dependent on the current framerate..

Cheers, we'll snoop around with this info, but I think it's safe to say it's possible and that makes us smile.


I believe you should put your input logic in FixedUpdate() since Update() is dependent on the current framerate..

You'll miss button 'presses' this way, (as in when it goes from off to on).

I apply my input to the physics system in FixedUpdate, since it gets run right after each FixedUpdate. But I monitor Update for presses.

The update loop is as follows:

All Awake calls
All Start Calls
while (stepping towards variable delta time)
All FixedUpdate functions
Physics simulation
OnEnter/Exit/Stay trigger functions
OnEnter/Exit/Stay collision functions​
Rigidbody interpolation applies transform.position and rotation
OnMouseDown/OnMouseUp etc. events
All Update functions
Animations are advanced, blended and applied to transform
All LateUpdate functions

Update gets called every graphics frame. FixedUpdate gets called between zero and many times, in order to get the physics simulation up to date so that it can be interpolated for display.

If you're not doing a physics based game then do all your input in Update.

For a fighter I'd suggest locking vsync to 60fps and reading input in Update. Turning vsync off may drop response time a bit, but it'll be variable, which would be dreadful for the feel of the game. I've not heard many people complain about a 60th of a second delay being a problem. And besides, the majority of input-to-display lag will come from OS, controller drivers, display drivers and display device processing.

Good luck! :D
Some nice work in here well done guys.

I need a good motivator to help get me back into my project and this thread was just the ticket!


I got the base targeting system in!

Video plays dreadfully. I captured at 1080p@30 and it seems to have killed the vsync. I'll stick to 720p@60 from now on.

The game will show potential targets with a red triangle and the player will press a target button to lock on, (and cycle targets if more than one is available).

When locked on, the chopper will auto-aim to the target. Any weapons you have will auto-target, but accuracy will drop as range increases. So, the closer you get the more accurate your fire will be, but you will be in more danger.

I chose this as a solution to complicated controls. Moving and aiming is tricky. Also, this system is perfectly playable on a keyboard.


I spent most of this weekend doing concept art and watching AGDQ. AGDQ was more of a distraction than an inspiration, especially since I'm working on a procedural game, but it was a good distraction nonetheless.

In any case, I wanted to show off some of the character design I managed to get done. My game takes place in an underground circus where the ringleader is putting together a host of maniacal "attractions" (read: bosses or zones) to take over the world, and the player character is trying to stop that from happening. These are the attraction concepts I made:



I spent a good bit this weekend/past week trying to fix memory issue with my game, ZaciSa's Last Stand. This deals with resources being larger than they should be and and memory leaks. Since I'm generally stick to HTML5/PHP stuff for my main work outside of this, dealing with memory has never really been a thing I really done before. I've done the standard "null" and "delete" statements in JS of course, but so many things I've missed. Like never knew that "typeof x" instead of a direct "x == undefined" is slower(at least for my tests). That and doing Date.now() is much better than (new Date()).getTime(). I spent countless hours doing this, and I think I got myself to a pretty good position. Game should run much smoother now as well as shouldn't take up as much memory.


Been working for a few hours on the matchmaking/games/turns of my asynchronous game.
Quite a bit of work actually.
Can't wait to try with the wife the first real multiplayer game on two different devices :D
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