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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Woohoo, finally played my first complete match in my first game, with the wife :)
With the exception of a few tiny bugs, the game main mechanics are complete. Time to do some visual/fun things to lighten up the mood a bit !
Created my first ever youtube video and my first ever game video.

Easier then i expected :) Everything i would still consider placeholder so please give me feedback. Im still searching for a name too so please fire em at me.

About the Game

It is a turn based strategy game, im unsure if ill do a straight dino vs dino battle or adding guns. This video shows off my initial test map, some foliage with wind effects some selection/movement.

It takes some influences from rts games (bases/resource collecting e.t.c). The game is broken into 3 phases per turn (provided you have the points)

Breed Phase

This is the first phase where you build your units, initially you start the game with your main dinosaur which is essentially your base.

Scavenge Phase

This is where you collect your resources. There will be one unit which acts as your refinery , any tile you collect can only be done once and in the next turn that tile will dissapear (along with any unit thats on it)

Attack Phase

As the name applies this is your attacking stage, not only moving units but attacking enemies if they are in reach, not shown in this vid as it still requires work.


Future Additions

Some of my plans for the future

- Both ground and air based dinosaurs. This is just ground units atm
- Special Tiles, there are some random tiles which give bonus points if you scavenge the tile, but i may add more special tiles for health and attack bonuses e.t.c
- Obviously more animations and final polish e.t.c

Love to get your feedback and ideas, right now this is just human vs ai but i do want to add hotseat multi for my first demo and hopefully online.

Still not sure what my plans are beyond an initial demo, kickstarters, steam greenlight e.t.c are all possibilities but right now its just a 1 man show (so grateful for that unity asset store).



Awww yeah, loving my rig and loving dynamic joints, they're a lot of fun to work with (or I'm a terribly dull person who gets a kick out of the smallest things).



Awww yeah, loving my rig and loving dynamic joints, they're a lot of fun to work with (or I'm a terribly dull person who gets a kick out of the smallest things).

Wow, you CAN get a kick out of this, it's looking really great.
Would love to be able to do some 3D, got to try it sometime !


I decided to count up all my lines of code for my finished game, ZaciSa's Last Stand. Apparently I coded 16,878 lines of code. Granted I do put the brackets "{}" on new lines to make things easier to see.


Also, super jelly at how nice everyone's work is here! keep it up, I love it!
The same times infinity. I've had at least three false starts on developing my own game, it seems like something different trips me up every time. Whether it's finding myself in a corner from a class structure standpoint, having trouble communicating between things cleanly, or simply biting off more than I can chew, I've yet to reach any sort of finish line. It's really disheartening to say the least. I'm clinging to 2014 being *the year* when I'll finally plop my ass down, focus and actually finish something.

Talk is cheap though. :-/


We've started thinking of our next game. I'm INCREDIBLY excited to announce it and to get started on it, but sadly it's still in the early stages of brainstorming. I think it will appeal to a LOT of people, and I'm going to try my hardest to learn whatever I need to learn in order to achieve our vision. That means unity, blender, and maybe some code.


Awww yeah, loving my rig and loving dynamic joints, they're a lot of fun to work with (or I'm a terribly dull person who gets a kick out of the smallest things).

Nice work! It'll be awesome to see everything completed once you get around to it.


I feel like showing off my first environment assets for my game now. I'm going for an aesthetic that is mainly inspired by Mirror's Edge (as if the character didn't give that away already).
Here are some girders:
I'm keeping everything as extremely low-poly as possible so I can support as many past iOS devices as I can (I have an ipod 4 still and I know how annoying it is when all the newest games only play on 5th gen devices); the assets pictured here total 680 tris. The lighting is baked into the actual diffuse maps rather than being included as a separate overlay map, so this results in needing more texture space since there can't be much UV overlapping, but these assets will be repeated so much that I feel it's worth the cost.
Most assets are based on higher-poly versions like this. It's something I'm rather new to and it's more involved than what I've done in the past, but I'm really enjoying the workflow and the quality of all the maps being generated from such models.

I plan on everything being unlit surface shaders, so texture work is really important in bringing out the look of the game when I can't depend on fancy specularity and the like.
I'm working with a fixed camera that will only translate along one axis, so I have quite a bit of leeway in the kind of illusions that I can pull off, some things only need aspects that break the silhouette to be modeled in.

If there is something I've learned from working on rComplex (a past iOS game we did), it's that interesting parallax movement and strong silhouettes go a long way in visually defining objects, so that is something I'm trying to focus on with this game since I have the benefit of a fixed camera.

Soon I'll share the game's design premise with GAF and I hope you'll give me some feedback on it. It isn't too complex but I want it to be perfect; simple and enjoyable.

BTW, are you going to use Mecanim when putting this in Unity?
Didn't plan on it; haven't touched Mecanim at all yet, it seems like something that would be more useful for a more robust game on stronger hardware than what I've been designing for iOS. I would certainly look forward to using it on a different project though, as the results seem fantastic.
I'm very comfortable with animation in Maya, so I'm just doing my animation work there. Maya also provides dynamic joints I can use for the scarf and sleeves (that utilize their awesome ncloth solver) and then bake out on export, since doing actual dynamic cloth in Unity seems to be much too heavy for iOS devices.

We've started thinking of our next game. I'm INCREDIBLY excited to announce it and to get started on it, but sadly it's still in the early stages of brainstorming. I think it will appeal to a LOT of people, and I'm going to try my hardest to learn whatever I need to learn in order to achieve our vision. That means unity, blender, and maybe some code.
I LOVE that feeling, it motivates me more than anything else. Can't wait to see what you're up to!
If it's really unique and brilliant you may want to hold off on explaining it publicly until a lot of the work for it is already done, so no one makes a quick, cheap version of it just to beat you to market; I never used to be nervous about stuff like that before the travesty that is Ninja Fishing.


I feel like showing off my first environment assets for my game now. . .

Really nice work! :D

I was in a modeling mood tonight.. this confirms I will be making triangles, not lines of code tonight! :D

Actually, I ended up experimenting with soft shadow settings...



^Nice; I just now noticed from your last video that the chopper spotlight is a shadow-casting light as well.

Idle animation, now with 180 more degrees, just because:
The back angle makes him/her look more like Protoman dramatic.


^Nice; I just now noticed from your last video that the chopper spotlight is a shadow-casting light as well.

Idle animation, now with 180 more degrees, just because:

The back angle makes him/her look more like Protoman dramatic.

Thanks! Yeah, and, even the bullets cast and receive shadows :D

Cool looking dude you got there BTW. I like the eyeballs :D


^Maybe it's just an artifact of the GIF, but it looks off to me that the attack button and the glowing letters are different tones of green. I like the button's tone more because I think it fits the game's aesthetic and palette more. Also, the type and color used for "VICTORIOUS" make it hard to read.


^Maybe it's just an artifact of the GIF, but it looks off to me that the attack button and the glowing letters are different tones of green. I like the button's tone more because I think it fits the game's aesthetic and palette more. Also, the type and color used for "VICTORIOUS" make it hard to read.

Thanks for the feedback, it's a stylistic choice to be sure, but if it becomes enough of an issue I'll look into making it easier to read. Hmm the difference in greens. Will look into that.


Thanks for the feedback, it's a stylistic choice to be sure, but if it becomes enough of an issue I'll look into making it easier to read. Hmm the difference in greens. Will look into that.
Kuler from Adobe. Free online tool for lots of inspiration. Its primarily a tool to help web design color schemes but it can lend itself to elements for interface cohesion.


Ashodin: That's looking slick! It took me a little bit until I realized the pop-up text said "Victorious", though. I think the diagonal slashes on some of the letters could be impairing readability (mostly the "O"s... perhaps because diagonal slashes are often used for zeroes?).

So, I'll be attending the Argentine GGJ tomorrow after work. It's my first GGJ ever, and my second game jam, so I'm really looking forward to doing stuff and meeting new people from the local game dev scene.


Ashodin: That's looking slick! It took me a little bit until I realized the pop-up text said "Victorious", though. I think the diagonal slashes on some of the letters could be impairing readability (mostly the "O"s... perhaps because diagonal slashes are often used for zeroes?).

So, I'll be attending the Argentine GGJ tomorrow after work. It's my first GGJ ever, and my second game jam, so I'm really looking forward to doing stuff and meeting new people from the local game dev scene.

Yeah I'm most likely going to change them, I'll just need to find a good font to replace.


Yeah I'm most likely going to change them, I'll just need to find a good font to replace.
The font has a nice style to it; I think the only thing that makes it difficult to read is the slashes through the O's like JulianImp mentioned. Perhaps you can just eliminate those slashes from the font itself (but still use it in the main title logo, it looks cool there). It's nice to maintain consistency with the font style of headers throughout the game, perhaps even have 2 variations of the same font style; one that is easy to read and used throughout the game for important headings that don't fall within the body text, and then another that is reserved almost exclusively for your title logo or promotional material that is much more embellished.

Also I'm not really feeling the green outline around it, even if it was made a different kind of green. I think you can get away with the beige outline that I see elsewhere (like on "you earned"), and having a quick shine effect roll across the word with a subtle glow so that it's immediately apparent that it's a positive aspect without needing the green to reinforce that.


Group of buildings, for mid-distance use in the background; 215 polys:


Kuler from Adobe. Free online tool for lots of inspiration. Its primarily a tool to help web design color schemes but it can lend itself to elements for interface cohesion.

Thanks for this, totally forgot it existed, will come in handy when I'll dig a bit more in de design.


I think I will soon have inventory, HUD, and stats set up to a point where I'll be able to start the process of making my combat system really soon. I guess I'll have to design it without animation for now and leave in some hooks for it. I'm getting really stoked about it, though. ;)


Group of buildings, for mid-distance use in the background; 215 polys:

They look wicked! Really nice work :D

I use these sometimes for when I'm doing painting, or UI stuff.
A bit more indepth than kuler, but great for getting solid colour palletes.

http://colourco.de/ - really good for UI, (the grey schemes). Quite simple to use.
http://colorschemedesigner.com/ - good for paintings and full pallettes.

I love the colour code one. Will use! Thanks for sharing :D


Hey guys, I wanted to show you what I've been working on for the last 4 months:


The player takes direct control of a ball and leads it through levels filled with traps, puzzles, enemies and glorious treasures. Okay, mostly traps and enemies that will kill the ball over and over again and only few treasures... but don't tell him that. The better you play, the more points you get to unlock new levels. Each level can be replayed in Time Mode which also rewards unlock points. I'm planning to do 30 levels, most of them introducing new gameplay elements (or new ways to use old ones) to keep things fresh. They include floor traps, projectile turrets, laser beams, moving enemies (Pacman-style), buffs (like invisibility or bullet time), teleporters, keys & doors, buttons, speed fields and many more.

Gameplay Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePJGJxSugWM

The graphics are very basic, but I think I'll keep that style (just doing some improvements here and there). I'd like to hear what you think of them and am open for suggestions/tips. Sadly I'm quite limited in terms of visual effects with Unity Free. There is no sound/music yet - what are your resources here? Anything else besides http://www.freesound.org/ ? Maybe I'll just let the game take place in space - no sound problems there. :D

For those of you who want to try it, I've put together a current prototype of the game with 5 levels (no time mode and score system yet): Prototype Download Link

I'm hoping for some feedback, thanks in advance! :)


Hey guys, I wanted to show you what I've been working on for the last 4 months:


The player takes direct control of a ball and leads it through levels filled with traps, puzzles, enemies and glorious treasures. Okay, mostly traps and enemies that will kill the ball over and over again and only few treasures... but don't tell him that. The better you play, the more points you get to unlock new levels. Each level can be replayed in Time Mode which also rewards unlock points. I'm planning to do 30 levels, most of them introducing new gameplay elements (or new ways to use old ones) to keep things fresh. They include floor traps, projectile turrets, laser beams, moving enemies (Pacman-style), buffs (like invisibility or bullet time), teleporters, keys & doors, buttons, speed fields and many more.

Gameplay Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePJGJxSugWM

The graphics are very basic, but I think I'll keep that style (just doing some improvements here and there). I'd like to hear what you think of them and am open for suggestions/tips. Sadly I'm quite limited in terms of visual effects with Unity Free. There is no sound/music yet - what are your resources here? Anything else besides http://www.freesound.org/ ? Maybe I'll just let the game take place in space - no sound problems there. :D

For those of you who want to try it, I've put together a current prototype of the game with 5 levels (no time mode and score system yet): Prototype Download Link

I'm hoping for some feedback, thanks in advance! :)


You can still add a shadow by using a projector. Beware! This causes any object that's hit by the projector to be drawn again with the projected texture on it. So, if your object fills the screen you'll get a whole screen's worth of overdraw. That's why Chopper Mike levels were split into tiles. Worse case: four tiles were overdrawn.

Second, write your own snazzy shaders. Check vamflax.com and scroll down to "Gem Materials". Custom Cg shaders kick ass!!

For music.. try Garageband auto-mode. With a bit of fiddling it can make some decent stuff!

Good luck!! :D


Jesus, guys. I'm afraid to even show anything of my game looking at some screens here. I mean, I made it simple on purpose to fit the overall theme of the game but my face is getting melted left and right in here!


The Global Game Jam location in my city is cancelled this weekend due to the weather. It snowed a little today, so they closed all the roads and schools.

Anybody doing GGJ?


So I guess this is where indie devs introduce themselves and their games?

Anyway, I'm Tom Happ and I'm working on a game called Axiom Verge.

Here's the webpage: http://www.axiomverge.com/

And the facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AxiomVerge

I'm working on making a Kickstarter pitch, and I recently cooked up these GIFs as I build the trailer:







That looks gorgeous. I wish I had half the skill at pixel art as you or your artist has.

I'll definitely back it when the time comes!


Neo Member
That looks gorgeous. I wish I had half the skill at pixel art as you or your artist has.

I'll definitely back it when the time comes!

I think it basically amounts to just making lots of it and then you get better. After animating about 20 monsters it was time to go back and edit the first few so they matched . . . same for the tiles :)
Another Metroidvania? Seriously, straight to my veins.

The art looks really good, very different and just screams 'fun'.

Edit: I went to the website and saw the older trailer, just realized that I watched this a while back. Good to see that you're still working on this!


Neo Member

Well, I'm getting better.. I think. Still needs a lot of work. :p

Looks good to me! One of the great things about pixel art is how your mind fills in the blanks (though I had one guy think my character's gun was his head and that his head was some kind of growth, so maybe that's not always so good).
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