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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Hmm, guess it's FixedUpdate that's called more. But, my hypothesis is probably still correct though, just for the wrong reason lol.

Like you said a new coroutine was being called every frame, even though I had the delay in there. Needed that clear flag bool to be flipped when firing/not firing to not start a new coroutine every frame lol.

FixedUpdate is called once per physics cycle. Which can be once per frame, more than once, or it may skip a frame, depending on how you have your settings set up.

Generally, place your physics code in FixedUpdate, other code in Update.
Cool sprite art, looks a lot like Garen from League of Legends!

Thanks! And... umm... League of Legends?

All I see is Garen:

EDIT: In attempt to not just leave a negative comment, I'd like to say that the spritework itself is certainly appealing, and the swift animation is likable. But seriously, consider a different color palette at the very least.

Holy cow he does! Good catch guys, I'll consider changing colors around.

^ For my part, I'm not even familiar with the League of Legends character, but I find yellow and blue armor rather cheesy and off-putting... the sprite itself is pretty cool though.

Cool, thank you for the input. Definitely considering a color change... :)

looking good!

Thank you!


Thank you all for your comments. All comments are good, whether they be positive, negative, or constructive. Everything helps create a better game in the end. Although I will say I'm glad this got a better response than the Kickstarter attempt :)


Scenes and Promo Art came through for the next Kickstarter:



This is a kind of game I want to do art for.

Looks rad.


So I'm testing with IOS now and ran into a weird thing. It seems like my Ipod 5th gen I can't touch any of the edges. My buddy is having the same problem with his Iphone 5.


Anyone else run into this? Should I just re-position my gui to compensate? I've been reading some issues with 5th gen ipods/iphones how the touch screens are wonky...

Yes, I went through this over the weekend as well. I have an off-screen border for on-screen things to collide with (so as to keep them on screen) and I ended up logging the tag of what GameObjects a touch hit. For some reason on just one edge, possibly to do with the hidden status bar, the game was flagging a hit with the off-screen border. The border was definitely not showing and my touches worked everywhere else. I ended up moving the collider a tiny bit away from that edge and everything works fine. OK, now objects can be a tiny, tiny bit off screen but it doesn't affect gameplay at all (things move to fast for anyone to notice).

I had originally thought that it was due to the Notification Centre drag down, but now I have touches working fine up at the top of the screen. All very weird. Glad to hear it wasn't just me.


One thing I have been struggling with is the multiple aspect ratios on iOS. I am developing using an iPhone 5S, so have 1136x640 with a lot of default values, meaning my Orthographic Size is 5. What I want to do is on different aspect ratios letterbox the game so that no matter what device the user is using the game area will be the same (I decided not to go pixel perfect as that plus trying to get the same game area would have been a bit of a nightmare).

I have worked out that increasing the Orthographic Size shows more at the sides, top and bottom which is pretty much what I want (the off-screen borders that I mentioned in the previous post are black, thus letterboxing when zooming out a bit) but I can't for the life of me work out how to automatically get the right Orthographic Size so that the entire width of the game screen is shown on any aspect ratio. Of course, I could hard code a value, found out be trial and error, for each aspect ratio but (a) this doesn't seem smart and (b) will fall apart if the app comes across a weird aspect ration in the future.

Does anyone have any idea how to work out the right Orthographic Size?
Hey guys, does anyone know where I could find a tutorial to get Super Mario Bros.-like physics for a 2D game? Everything I tried either feels 'floaty' or just plain weird.


Hey guys, does anyone know where I could find a tutorial to get Super Mario Bros.-like physics for a 2D game? Everything I tried either feels 'floaty' or just plain weird.

I've always felt that SMB's physics were on the floaty side, though not to the degree of something like LittleBigPlanet.

In my experience, there are two main causes for this. The first is having the gravity too low, as if you were playing on the Moon instead of Earth. The second is not adding enough inertia to the launch. An especially common mistake is to only add vertical inertia, which doesn't make sense unless you're ice skating and trying to jump straight up.
Yeah, I think the main problem is inertia. When you jump while running you can stop pressing right or left and movement on the X axis stops too soon.

Thanks for the links, hope they help.


I know what you mean, man. Getting a good artist is hard as hell. Either they're totally inexperienced (lots of 10-16 year olds have contacted me to work on my game), or they're flaky folks who aren't interested in really doing a good job. Honestly, not sure what to do about this, but I don't understand why they're that way. When i worked at NCsoft the artists there were cool as hell. I'm starting to think that wasn't the norm. I've been looking for someone for months with no luck. Heh, I wish I would have continued art classes when i was in school....

I like to say, and I've been saying this since my comic drawing days before I got into indie development, the mark of a professional artist isn't just that he can draw a great picture. It's that he can do it consistently and predictably and reliably. :)

Most artists, particularly ones who don't do it in a professional setting, are some degree of flaky. *I'm* flaky. It's hard to exactly explain why this is such a common trait, but for me a lot of it has to do with how difficult it can be to get work done when I'm just not "feeling" it. The creative energy and inspiration tends to come in ebbs and flows, and it can be very difficult to get things done if you're just feeling empty. You can power through, yes, and this takes a lot of willpower or just simple training and experience.

The reality for most people who need an artist for a project (such as a writer who needs one to draw his comic, or a programmer who needs one to draw his game) is you better be prepared to shell out, or just get lucky and be good friends with an artist and really share a vision together and sorta get in on it as a collaboration. I can't imagine it ever being easy getting a good artist to come work for cheap or free if he doesn't really know you, because good artists have options, or will be pursuing their own interests in their time.


Does anyone need some music tracks or sound design? I'm looking to get some practice in, so I'm thinking I offer stuff for free? Barely no experience working on music for games but if you're willing to be patient with me, it's free music right?


With the targeting done, it's time to make something to shoot. This image also shows a bit of how I organise my scene.

This placeholder turret is just a couple of cylinders and a cube, but it's enough to get the behaviour working. I'll make other enemy types and weapons before adding any modeled artwork.

I think it'll become a game quite quickly once the enemies are in, even if they are all spheres and cubes! :D



Does anyone need some music tracks or sound design? I'm looking to get some practice in, so I'm thinking I offer stuff for free? Barely no experience working on music for games but if you're willing to be patient with me, it's free music right?

What kind of experience are you looking to gain? Chip tunes? MIDI? Orchestral? Other? All the above?
Programming all of the various sprite types right now. Didn't realize how fun this would be. Testing my creativity... it's the core of the game IMO.

I've decided to take almost complete control of my physics. RigidBody doesn't behave like I'd like.


Man, I'm trying to get into blender 3d again and it has been one of my most frustrating experiences ever. I swear the interface was designed by monkeys, I've never been this frustrated using a program before :(

Any viable alternatives that are free/won't cost an arm and a leg? I've used 3dsmax in the past and loved it, though it looks pretty hefty.


why is it so hard to find a decent artist to work with? i'm pretty sure i just got beat for some cash i paid to a pixel artist to do some test work for me. haven't heard from him since he got the payment and he hasn't responded to either of my emails asking for a status update.

my last project (which was cancelled) was a nightmate too with regards to art. it took forever (3+ months) to get someone to come on-board and we were offering full-time work at $30/hour. we ended up with someone who nickel-and-dimed us, demanded that there never be any requested revisions and, if there were, he'd need to be compensated for the extra time. i also believe his time estimates for finishing tasks were extremely bloated so that he was essentially billing us for hours he didn't actually work.

i just want to get a game made... not looking for sympathy, i am just frustrated and need to vent. has anyone else faced such difficulties in finding artists to work with?

If an artist doesn't ask you to sign a contract before they begin work you should be suspicious of them. And if you did get a contract you should start threatening that guy.
why is it so hard to find a decent artist to work with? i'm pretty sure i just got beat for some cash i paid to a pixel artist to do some test work for me. haven't heard from him since he got the payment and he hasn't responded to either of my emails asking for a status update.

my last project (which was cancelled) was a nightmate too with regards to art. it took forever (3+ months) to get someone to come on-board and we were offering full-time work at $30/hour. we ended up with someone who nickel-and-dimed us, demanded that there never be any requested revisions and, if there were, he'd need to be compensated for the extra time. i also believe his time estimates for finishing tasks were extremely bloated so that he was essentially billing us for hours he didn't actually work.

i just want to get a game made... not looking for sympathy, i am just frustrated and need to vent. has anyone else faced such difficulties in finding artists to work with?

It can get tricky sometimes finding the right employee. We don't like to do it, but we need to act like a manager sometimes. Get on them if something isn't right.


Project management is a nightmare. Ugh! Git and Mercurial and all the services that use them are designed to support code only, not large assets. They encourage the use of Dropbox for larger binaries, but Dropbox doesn't have version control, so we're trying to setup some kind of Dropbox/Git hybrid, but all in the same folder so Unity doesn't get mad.

Does anyone need some music tracks or sound design? I'm looking to get some practice in, so I'm thinking I offer stuff for free? Barely no experience working on music for games but if you're willing to be patient with me, it's free music right?

I would love to bring you aboard on a five-man project I've got going on. I'm currently working with Waterflame from Newgrounds on our game music, but I think if you also tagged along and joined in our development sessions and brainstorming, you'd learn a lot. We could also use any input when it comes to the sound design and composition, regardless of experience. Send a PM my way if you're interested.

The most fun part of game design would have to be watching your characters come to life. Loving my artists, who not only deal with my rambled and excited mind patiently but also provide their own valuable input in certain matters.


definitely try here:
lots of projects needing music here, it's a great way to get experience & a portfolio together.

ooh nice, thanks for the link. I'll go check it out.

I'm really just in the mood to create for a purpose. I got a lot of tools I've purchased and a desire to get better at them. Orchestral, ambient, bit-tunes... I've dabbled with them all. I just think trying to help out where it's composing and creating for a specific purpose is a nice challenge, and a change of pace from just messing around and seeing if I like something or not.

I would love to bring you aboard on a five-man project I've got going on. I'm currently working with Waterflame from Newgrounds on our game music, but I think if you also tagged along and joined in our development sessions and brainstorming, you'd learn a lot. We could also use any input when it comes to the sound design and composition, regardless of experience. Send a PM my way if you're interested.

The most fun part of game design would have to be watching your characters come to life. Loving my artists, who not only deal with my rambled and excited mind patiently but also provide their own valuable input in certain matters. Anyway, if you guys click on the above mock-up, you'll be taken to an album where I put up a few different color variations. Do you have any opinions on which looks best? (I'm fond of the thumbnail's set.) I think we'll add outlines around his facial features--rings and eyes alike--to better stand out. If anyone has thoughts on his general features and design beyond that, I'd love to hear it.

I'll send you a PM soon!


Just rendered a new gameplay video with the first track from our game. Check it out! Gifs are great for showing off the game, but nothing beats hearing everything together. Only thing missing are sound effects, but they're still being finalized and created.

Looking good! Love the music so far, though it seems kind of chill for how hectic the gameplay can get. Sound effects will probably make all the difference though. Great to see how far along it's come!


Looking good! Love the music so far, though it seems kind of chill for how hectic the gameplay can get. Sound effects will probably make all the difference though. Great to see how far along it's come!

thanks! We're still tweaking since we want our game to be more relaxing than hectic. Lots and lots of tweaks to come.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
Man, I'm trying to get into blender 3d again and it has been one of my most frustrating experiences ever. I swear the interface was designed by monkeys, I've never been this frustrated using a program before :(

Any viable alternatives that are free/won't cost an arm and a leg? I've used 3dsmax in the past and loved it, though it looks pretty hefty.

Blender absolutely infuriates me at times. The price is right though, so I have to push through.


Just rendered a new gameplay video with the first track from our game. Check it out! Gifs are great for showing off the game, but nothing beats hearing everything together. Only thing missing are sound effects, but they're still being finalized and created.

This is looking nicely polished. I find space to be a really difficult setting to pull off visually, but you've done a great job of it with the layers of interstellar clouds and subtle parallaxing to give the area a nice sense of volume.

The whip mechanic is just awesome as well. Years ago I made a shmup with someone, called Wings of Apocalypse, that featured a mechanic where you could enable your shield for a quick second and it would deflect bullets of the same color; the bullet patterns were always the same, but the difficulty was determined by what color bullets you were able to deflect. Every now and then I think, "that deflection stuff made for a pretty cool game mechanic, I wish we did more with it", so it's great to see a game with a similar mechanic but implemented in a more interesting manner (whip physics!) and executed better as well.

This and Chopper Mike HD Super Chopper Squad are my favorite projects to follow in this thread.


Just rendered a new gameplay video with the first track from our game. Check it out! Gifs are great for showing off the game, but nothing beats hearing everything together. Only thing missing are sound effects, but they're still being finalized and created.


The soundtrack is lovely. Very Daft-Punk-Tronesque.
Gameplay looks tight and well thought, the game is coming along very well :)
Sorry if I missed it, but what are your target platforms ? Shwip would fit very well on Vita I think :)
Looks and plays great, would love to know what kits/tutorials you used to make a 2d platformer in unity ?

The tileset itself is all from Kenney's Platformer tileset from OpenGameArt. I just used Unity's 2D Sprites and 3D Physics system. I used 3D because the Rigidbody2Ds behaved weirdly and changing my physics system to 3D fixed up my issue. Tutorials I used were from PushyPixels on YouTube.

I can chuck up the source if you'd like.


The tileset itself is all from Kenney's Platformer tileset from OpenGameArt. I just used Unity's 2D Sprites and 3D Physics system. I used 3D because the Rigidbody2Ds behaved weirdly and changing my physics system to 3D fixed up my issue. Tutorials I used were from PushyPixels on YouTube.

I can chuck up the source if you'd like.

I rolled my own for some of the physics on my current game as the 2D physics were so weird. Apparently some of the Box2D configs are compile-time and they weren't configurable in Unity (one such config was a threshold that meant if one object collided with another at a shallow enough, but still obvious, angle it wouldn't bounce off, it just hugged the other object) but a post the other day by a UT developer said that they've got an internal build with several options now configurable.

Post here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/211307-Maximum-Rigidbody2D-velocity?p=1488502#post1488502


Would GM Studio be a good choice for making a 2.5D FPS(DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D)?

I don't know how it compares to other software, so I can't say with certainty that it's the best choice, but it's easily a good choice. Making such a game is more than possible in GM:S.


Would GM Studio be a good choice for making a 2.5D FPS(DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D)?

If you know a little C#, unity would be able to destroy a game like this. :)

I don't know a lot about game maker, but of the "game making" type engines, not counting unity, it seems the best for this since it actually has some built in 3D abilitiea.


Man, I'm trying to get into blender 3d again and it has been one of my most frustrating experiences ever. I swear the interface was designed by monkeys, I've never been this frustrated using a program before :(

Any viable alternatives that are free/won't cost an arm and a leg? I've used 3dsmax in the past and loved it, though it looks pretty hefty.
Sorry it's frustrating. What version are you using, and exactly what sort of task are you trying to do? There are videos for all sorts of things, so if we in the thread know the problem we might be able to link some things.

Also have you tried the IRC channel yet if you got stuck on questions after googling? They can be super helpful with polite questions.


Would GM Studio be a good choice for making a 2.5D FPS(DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D)?

Neat! Music is awesome.

The soundtrack is lovely. Very Daft-Punk-Tronesque.
Gameplay looks tight and well thought, the game is coming along very well :)
Sorry if I missed it, but what are your target platforms ? Shwip would fit very well on Vita I think :)

This is looking nicely polished. I find space to be a really difficult setting to pull off visually, but you've done a great job of it with the layers of interstellar clouds and subtle parallaxing to give the area a nice sense of volume.

The whip mechanic is just awesome as well. Years ago I made a shmup with someone, called Wings of Apocalypse, that featured a mechanic where you could enable your shield for a quick second and it would deflect bullets of the same color; the bullet patterns were always the same, but the difficulty was determined by what color bullets you were able to deflect. Every now and then I think, "that deflection stuff made for a pretty cool game mechanic, I wish we did more with it", so it's great to see a game with a similar mechanic but implemented in a more interesting manner (whip physics!) and executed better as well.

This and Chopper Mike HD Super Chopper Squad are my favorite projects to follow in this thread.

Looking good! Love the music so far, though it seems kind of chill for how hectic the gameplay can get. Sound effects will probably make all the difference though. Great to see how far along it's come!

Sorry it's frustrating. What version are you using, and exactly what sort of task are you trying to do? There are videos for all sorts of things, so if we in the thread know the problem we might be able to link some things.

Also have you tried the IRC channel yet if you got stuck on questions after googling? They can be super helpful with polite questions.

Thanks guys these comments are what keeps us going!!! Will be doing some major Gaf shoutouts when the game finally releases.

As far as blender goes, I guess it's just how it differs from how I've used 3dsmax in the past, it's just wrapping my head around the interface and ui again. I've been following tutorials from Andrew Price on youtube, and he's fantastic. Maybe I just few off the handle a bit early trying to do something very basic ( like trying to rotate a few cylinders in an array) :p


Where can I learn about doing "pretty" graphics. I've never really dealt with anything regarding them, and as of now in my prototype I just slap a texture on it and call it day.

I need help! Mainly as it deals with implementing within Unity. Good transparency is kinda what I'm needing at the moment. With a slight glow effect on the object that's transparent to give it an energy feel.

I can code game logic all day long! Stumble and falter if I try to make it pretty.
Would GM Studio be a good choice for making a 2.5D FPS(DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D)?
Not the same thing, but recently the FPS Constructor for Unity went free https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/2561 It's probably one of the best tools to make FPS games, and making it look like Doom or Wof3D should be easy.

On another note, I managed to get the running and jumping for a 2d platformer to work a bit better, still not perfect, but here's the code for anyone that wants it. Uses Rigidbody2D:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[RequireComponent( typeof( BoxCollider2D ) )]
public class PlayerController2D : MonoBehaviour {
	public JumpSettings jump;
	public MovementSettings movement;

	public bool isGrounded = false;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void FixedUpdate () {
		Move ();

	private void Move( ) {
		if (isGrounded) {
			// Calculate how fast we should be moving
			Vector2 targetVelocity = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0);
			targetVelocity = transform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);
			bool running = Input.GetButton("Fire1");
			if (running) {
				targetVelocity.x *= movement.runSpeed;
			} else {
				targetVelocity.x *=  movement.walkSpeed;
			// Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
			Vector2 velocity = rigidbody2D.velocity;
			Vector2 velocityChange = ( targetVelocity - velocity );
			velocityChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velocityChange.x, -movement.maxVelocityChange, movement.maxVelocityChange);
			velocityChange.y = 0;
			rigidbody2D.AddForce( velocityChange * 10 );
			if ( jump.canJump && Input.GetButton("Jump") ) {
				rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(velocity.x, CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed());
			isGrounded = false;
		} else {
			Vector2 targetVelocity = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0);
			targetVelocity = transform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);
			targetVelocity.x *=  movement.walkSpeed * 1.5f;
			Vector2 velocity = rigidbody2D.velocity;
			Vector2 velocityChange = ( targetVelocity - velocity );
			velocityChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velocityChange.x, -movement.maxVelocityChange, movement.maxVelocityChange);
			velocityChange.y = 0;
			rigidbody2D.AddForce( velocityChange * 10 );

	void OnCollisionStay2D () {
		isGrounded = true;

	float CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed () {
		// From the jump height and gravity we deduce the upwards speed 
		// for the character to reach at the apex.
		return Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jump.jumpHeight * jump.jumpPower);

public class MovementSettings {
	public float walkSpeed = 4.0f;
	public float runSpeed = 8.0f;
	public float maxVelocityChange = 10.0f;

public class JumpSettings {
	public bool canJump = true;
	public float jumpHeight = 2.0f;
	public float jumpPower = 60.0f;

I based this on several other free scripts running around the net, mainly the RigidBodyFPSWalker. Of course there's some repeated code that shouldn't be there, I will update it and anyone else is welcome to do the same. Right now I'm just preparing this for the GameJam.


The new unity beta sample assets are... not all that well fleshed out yet, it seems.
Specifically, the car. Their prefabs don't have any drag, so all cars just... keep going, even when not getting any user input.
It was an easy fix, but still.
So I'm testing with IOS now and ran into a weird thing. It seems like my Ipod 5th gen I can't touch any of the edges. My buddy is having the same problem with his Iphone 5.


Anyone else run into this? Should I just re-position my gui to compensate? I've been reading some issues with 5th gen ipods/iphones how the touch screens are wonky...

I am pretty sure Apple has some type of touch rejection "secret sauce" for the side edges of their devices. They started it on the iPad Mini and it drives me crazy. The idea it to ignore spurious inputs but it has always been over zealous for me.

I have been working on Ephemerid and wanted to share an art thing. All(most) of the art in our game is hand cut paper that I digitize with a DSLR setup like so.


This works pretty well and lets me do some neat things with light and shadow. The latest think am working on is a shot of the earth from space. I really wanted to create a sense of depth and because this asset comes up at a key point in the game, I wanted to make it look a little special. I landed on layering glass over paper. This allows me to make chalk clouds that float over the earth and even cast subtle shadows.


The final effect is pretty nifty.



This and Chopper Mike HD Super Chopper Squad are my favorite projects to follow in this thread.

Well, that's nice of you to say! Thank you! :D

I am pretty sure Apple has some type of touch rejection "secret sauce" for the side edges of their devices. They started it on the iPad Mini and it drives me crazy. The idea it to ignore spurious inputs but it has always been over zealous for me.

I have been working on Ephemerid and wanted to share an art thing. All(most) of the art in our game is hand cut paper that I digitize with a DSLR setup like so.


This works pretty well and lets me do some neat things with light and shadow. The latest think am working on is a shot of the earth from space. I really wanted to create a sense of depth and because this asset comes up at a key point in the game, I wanted to make it look a little special. I landed on layering glass over paper. This allows me to make chalk clouds that float over the earth and even cast subtle shadows.


The final effect is pretty nifty.


That is epic level coolness right there! :D

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Any adept Blender users in here?

I'm working on building low poly game assets I can use in Unity, but I'm not satisfied with how the lighting works when rendering.

Is there a way to render, and see, a textured mesh without adding lights to the scene? I just want the flat mesh without shadows and whatnot to show up on my render screen, but I also want the mesh to be illuminated (not glowing, ofc) and not all black.


My current design book for Super Chopper Squad..

It's more a cloud of ideas than a rigid design. Pretty cool to just add bits through the day.

Also, I'm getting into Monodevelop UI a bit more now. For instance, type a call to a method that doesn't exist, move cursor back to method name, windows menu button, down, right, "create method", move line to where you want it, return... BOOM! Instant method with placeholder parameters. That's pretty cool. I know it's not unique, but works nicely here.
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