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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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They call it a "root", and the generic mode of animation has a very useful setting in that you can specific a root bone. (You cannot do this with humanoid, which frustrates me to no end.)

In your rig, you should keep a root bone (which usually looks hilarious like a giant wang) underneath your character. It'll give you precise control of the "center" of your character at any given time.

Right. Thanks. Here's hoping I can easily add that to my oldass animation set I made many many moons ago for a totally different handrolled animation system and built a crazy bvh exporter for so I could curse at blender some more.

Edit: Looks like I can skip Unity 4.3.4 that was just released. Those of you using OSX might get a fix for your slowdown issues, tho.


Yay I'm forty! Since the 30th of Jan to tell the truth...

By the way, I worked a bit on the UI (so many hours spent to obtain a satisfying result!) and on player ship weapon upgrade / shield system (hint: every hit received downgrade the weapon and lower the player ship shield; once the upgrades are gone, any hit received means death - and obviously there's a way to recharge upgrades).

Furthermore I was doing a little consideration. In this game I'd like to recreate the feel of a PCEngine game, but the PCE has no transarency management (iirc). PCEngine games (iirc, again) emulated transparency alterning image/blank rapidly ie 1:1 (frames per second) image:blank emulated a 50% transparency. Instead, as an "artistic license" I'll use proper transparency since I find the result much, much better and I can use it for weapons and UI without causing anyone an epileptic seizure; please don't get mad at me! ^__^


I'd say give Rain a try before paying for an AI system. It's free and seems to have a lot of depth and customizability. (Admittedly I haven't played with it very much though... but hey, free is worth a try. ;) )

I'll give it a try. Not sure my totally inflexible system will be able to accept it, but perhaps my own system needs to be adjusted a bit. Looks like quality, though. Thanks for the suggestion.


Adding finally the story intro to the Wordsmith.


White images will be replaced with sickawesome cutscene things.


I give up, I wanted to try mudbox and it fails... infamous 0x000007b error.
Running it on Windows 7 64 bit.

Dependency walker found these errors (red stuff are errors):

Edit: Un-installed all the frameworks and installed only 64x frameworks. It works but the program is definitely not as powerful as zbrush.


Obnoxious thing I ran into today, not even game-related: Basically, never use bit fields in C/C++.

If I knew this detail I forgot, but the catch is that the standard(s) allow them to be implementation-defined. This results in the lovely situation where gcc puts bits left to right, as you might expect, but MSVC++ puts the bits right to left.

I don't know if gcc on little-endian systems does the opposite, but at any rate, it was a big surprise to find out that the LAST item in a bitfield struct gets put FIRST in memory. >.>

I believe the proper way to do it is to use shift offsets and bit flags if you need to mess with bits.


I said I'd post a more complete screenshot when I had one, so here it is, an almost complete screenshot (ring still needs redoing, and the final game won't feature the Battle of the Clones) - but still, just wanna share the excitement!

Now to do the same for the life management segments !


I just spent the last few days making a fake monitor display in Unity for this dumb multiplayer burger restaurant game. It's not terribly impressive to look at, but it took way more work than I expected it to.

I started just by getting some quads drawn over a cube. I created classes to define the quads as windows, elements and buttons. As well as a super 'screen' class which translates the quad's Vector3 position into a Rect x,y,w,h kind of thing. I basically wanted to emulate Unity's GUI stuff, but throw it up against an in-game object.

The game is controlled from first person, and the interaction with the world comes from grabbing stuff with your hands. The core problem I wanted to solve with the monitor was that, the game's about running a small burger restaurant, and dealing with customers as they come in and place orders. I want players to have to keep track of customer orders themselves, but my previous ways of doing this were either too clumsy, or too tedious.

I'm really proud of this system, and I hope it ends up being at least a little bit fun. The idea is that there's a giant monitor display in the kitchen, but the players also have access to tablets that feed back to the monitor. So someone can go out to the tables to see what customers want to eat, and punch in the order on the tablet, and it propagates to the kitchen where the players there can prepare the food.

Y'know, for the past year or so, I haven't posted much in the indie dev thread. It's kind of intimidating how awesome the games here are, relative to the stuff I usually manage to make. But I think I'm totally on board with burger game, I think I'm finally making a game that might end up being kind of cool. So hopefully I'll contribute here a little more. If the stress of trying to make a game and get my degree and getting a job don't kill me first. :D


I saw a video of your game a while back and laughed hysterically, nice work so far!

Don't fret on the visual stuff. We learned the hard way that focusing too much on visual design at the beginning will make your process that much longer. Especially since I love doing work over and over again to make it perfect.

That's a really neat system you built there!


It's only recently I've started becoming paranoid about how my game looks. I don't really have the time or experience to give burger game a proper art pass, so I just have to ride it out and hope nobody minds that the game is set in Unity Primitive Land. At some point I just have to embrace that my textures are either flat colours or 100x400 mspaint scribbles.

I decided to take a 3d modelling course at uni, so that'll either learn me how to model and texture, or at least set me on the right path.


It's only recently I've started becoming paranoid about how my game looks. I don't really have the time or experience to give burger game a proper art pass, so I just have to ride it out and hope nobody minds that the game is set in Unity Primitive Land. At some point I just have to embrace that my textures are either flat colours or 100x400 mspaint scribbles.

I decided to take a 3d modelling course at uni, so that'll either learn me how to model and texture, or at least set me on the right path.

Dude, it's charming as hell. It's great!


So yeah... There's some really messed up bugs in GM. Diving into it more and playtesting the main character and getting variables setup for animation speeds, attack rates, movement, jumping, etc -overall control of the character now that hes up and running... Changing things like speed at which, what I'm baffled by, his attack animation runs will cause him to skip frames, flat-out not perform animations and even things like simply adding a button to call his taking damage animation (for testing) will adjust his movement speed and play the wrong animation. Jumping from 0.2 to 0.25 for his attack animation speed will cause the spawn animation to play. Bumping to 0.28 will cause only 2 frames of his attack animation to play.

He has a dash attack. When standing still he travels forward fine. When moving forward he travels 1/2 the distance. I have so many checks in place to prevent out-of-order and control states to disable and enable specific actions for not nonsense ability activation and he still gets jacked.

Checked my scripts over a billion times. Had my gameplay programmer check them a zillion times. Made forks and literally started from line 0 checking single actions and the same issues persist despite only having a single action scripted. Its not conflicts, its not writing my checks in a wrong order, its not collision issues, its just flat-out refusing to work even when it is the only damn thing coded.

Good lord. I really should have doubled down on the trial and tried to test everything before biting the bullet on GM. We switched since it was far faster than Unity for 2D but now might go right back to Unity since our biggest issue was occasionally losing a dope sheet until a program restart when it would pop back up again. Man I'm royally pissed.
Hey guys! Throughout a whole week we developed a retro shoot 'em up for the #candyjam with the help of some friends.

Here's the link if you wanna have a look at it: http://lubiterum.itch.io/kingtommy

It's pretty short. The main mechanic is to gulp down lots of candies so our "ship" gets fatter. There are 5 bosses, chiptune music, and a quite... peculiar ending :D

Hope you like it!


Amazing little game! Just played and the pacman ghost killed me! lol I really like the fat mechanic that makes you easier to hit when you are fat but also much more powerful, it makes you stay in your toes. Had some small problems with it, nothing too major. One is that thhe bosses' lifebar is nearly invisible with the color of the terrain and the other is that at first I thought that the bubbles of the bubble bobble boss where stage hazards.
Had a lot of fun! Good job.

I said I'd post a more complete screenshot when I had one, so here it is, an almost complete screenshot (ring still needs redoing, and the final game won't feature the Battle of the Clones) - but still, just wanna share the excitement!

Now to do the same for the life management segments !

I love, love, love the background art! Perfect comic style, interesting details and blends well with the character art.


So yeah... There's some really messed up bugs in GM. Diving into it more and playtesting the main character and getting variables setup for animation speeds, attack rates, movement, jumping, etc -overall control of the character now that hes up and running... Changing things like speed at which, what I'm baffled by, his attack animation runs will cause him to skip frames, flat-out not perform animations and even things like simply adding a button to call his taking damage animation (for testing) will adjust his movement speed and play the wrong animation. Jumping from 0.2 to 0.25 for his attack animation speed will cause the spawn animation to play. Bumping to 0.28 will cause only 2 frames of his attack animation to play.

He has a dash attack. When standing still he travels forward fine. When moving forward he travels 1/2 the distance. I have so many checks in place to prevent out-of-order and control states to disable and enable specific actions for not nonsense ability activation and he still gets jacked.

Checked my scripts over a billion times. Had my gameplay programmer check them a zillion times. Made forks and literally started from line 0 checking single actions and the same issues persist despite only having a single action scripted. Its not conflicts, its not writing my checks in a wrong order, its not collision issues, its just flat-out refusing to work even when it is the only damn thing coded.

Good lord. I really should have doubled down on the trial and tried to test everything before biting the bullet on GM. We switched since it was far faster than Unity for 2D but now might go right back to Unity since our biggest issue was occasionally losing a dope sheet until a program restart when it would pop back up again. Man I'm royally pissed.

This is one of the reasons I dislike using game-builder things.

I feel like I ALWAYS end up running into one or two weird cases, where no one else has tried to do the same thing I'm trying to do, or no one else has solved it, or the developer is aware but says it isn't their fault or doesn't respond because it's not very important to them, etc.

If I have my own engine, naturally I'll have the same problems and even WORSE problems and it'll be a horrible situation. But at least, theoretically, given 10+ years to experiment, there will be the possibility that I can fix such bugs instead of running up against the "That's the way it is, hope you will get a super lucky patch, or just switch your entire game engine" wall. :p


So yeah... There's some really messed up bugs in GM. Diving into it more and playtesting the main character and getting variables setup for animation speeds, attack rates, movement, jumping, etc -overall control of the character now that hes up and running... Changing things like speed at which, what I'm baffled by, his attack animation runs will cause him to skip frames, flat-out not perform animations and even things like simply adding a button to call his taking damage animation (for testing) will adjust his movement speed and play the wrong animation. Jumping from 0.2 to 0.25 for his attack animation speed will cause the spawn animation to play. Bumping to 0.28 will cause only 2 frames of his attack animation to play.

He has a dash attack. When standing still he travels forward fine. When moving forward he travels 1/2 the distance. I have so many checks in place to prevent out-of-order and control states to disable and enable specific actions for not nonsense ability activation and he still gets jacked.

Checked my scripts over a billion times. Had my gameplay programmer check them a zillion times. Made forks and literally started from line 0 checking single actions and the same issues persist despite only having a single action scripted. Its not conflicts, its not writing my checks in a wrong order, its not collision issues, its just flat-out refusing to work even when it is the only damn thing coded.

Good lord. I really should have doubled down on the trial and tried to test everything before biting the bullet on GM. We switched since it was far faster than Unity for 2D but now might go right back to Unity since our biggest issue was occasionally losing a dope sheet until a program restart when it would pop back up again. Man I'm royally pissed.

That... doesn't sound like it should be happening. Having used GM for eight years and never seen anything like what you're describing, I'm hard pressed to believe that everything is actually a bug. A lot of it might be functionality that you're just not aware of getting in the way of what you're trying to do.

That's not to say GM is without bugs, just that I've never seen any that had to do with animations or movement in all my time with it, and I spend a lot of time on the bug tracker.

At the risk of sounding like the GameMaker defense force, would you be open to me taking a look at the code and combing over it for bugs or code that clashes with GM's internal processes?


Obnoxious thing I ran into today, not even game-related: Basically, never use bit fields in C/C++.

If I knew this detail I forgot, but the catch is that the standard(s) allow them to be implementation-defined. This results in the lovely situation where gcc puts bits left to right, as you might expect, but MSVC++ puts the bits right to left.

I don't know if gcc on little-endian systems does the opposite, but at any rate, it was a big surprise to find out that the LAST item in a bitfield struct gets put FIRST in memory. >.>

I believe the proper way to do it is to use shift offsets and bit flags if you need to mess with bits.

Whoa now! I think you mean, "always check what's being output". Which is always a great idea. Trust nothing! :D

Bit fields have served me well, but I don't ever remember using bit field data between programs compiled with different compilers. Thing is, once a program is compiled, it'll always produce the same data. So then you can convert between the two safely.

At work I've just written a data compiler in C# that takes UTF-8 text input and generates binary data that works on win32, win64, and unspecified next gen console(s). Data is cool :D


That... doesn't sound like it should be happening. Having used GM for eight years and never seen anything like what you're describing, I'm hard pressed to believe that everything is actually a bug. A lot of it might be functionality that you're just not aware of getting in the way of what you're trying to do.

That's not to say GM is without bugs, just that I've never seen any that had to do with animations or movement in all my time with it, and I spend a lot of time on the bug tracker.

At the risk of sounding like the GameMaker defense force, would you be open to me taking a look at the code and combing over it for bugs or code that clashes with GM's internal processes?

I'm rewriting the whole thing from scratch and giving it another go. I'm referencing the docs on YoYos websites as well. Another issue which is maaaaaybe 1/5 times launching GM I get an 5pice error and failure to launch.

I'll look at it again before passing it off and stripping several states. We are both probably doing something weird our first (less than a week) with GM. We use states quite liberally in Unity so we went about it in the same fashion. I stepped down to watching a few tutorials with blank projects and couldnt replicate the same results seen in the tutorials even using the exact same code. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice. Still get the occasional failure to launch. Still not working as it should even with the simplest of things :(

I'll shoot you a PM if I can't get it sorted by tomorrow.


Whoa now! I think you mean, "always check what's being output". Which is always a great idea. Trust nothing! :D
How about, especially don't trust things when a language standard says a feature has implementation-defined aspects. :p

Bit fields have served me well, but I don't ever remember using bit field data between programs compiled with different compilers. Thing is, once a program is compiled, it'll always produce the same data. So then you can convert between the two safely.
The thing in my case was that data was going over a network from one program to another program, and the two were built with different compilers. If the program is written to handle data properly in a standard-compliant fashion (such as bit shifting and bitmasks instead of bit fields), the same data will get generated and processed in the same way on both sides.


I'm rewriting the whole thing from scratch and giving it another go. I'm referencing the docs on YoYos websites as well. Another issue which is maaaaaybe 1/5 times launching GM I get an 5pice error and failure to launch.

I'll look at it again before passing it off and stripping several states. We are both probably doing something weird our first (less than a week) with GM. We use states quite liberally in Unity so we went about it in the same fashion. I stepped down to watching a few tutorials with blank projects and couldnt replicate the same results seen in the tutorials even using the exact same code. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice. Still get the occasional failure to launch. Still not working as it should even with the simplest of things :(

I'll shoot you a PM if I can't get it sorted by tomorrow.

Okay. Good luck! :)


How about, especially don't trust things when a language standard says a feature has implementation-defined aspects. :p

The thing in my case was that data was going over a network from one program to another program, and the two were built with different compilers. If the program is written to handle data properly in a standard-compliant fashion (such as bit shifting and bitmasks instead of bit fields), the same data will get generated and processed in the same way on both sides.

Yeah, that's asking for trouble! You'll get no love from StackOverflow people either as it says it's implementation specific, so just something you have to be aware of.

As you suggest, you just need to compress the data in a compiler-independent way.
That... doesn't sound like it should be happening. Having used GM for eight years and never seen anything like what you're describing, I'm hard pressed to believe that everything is actually a bug. A lot of it might be functionality that you're just not aware of getting in the way of what you're trying to do.

That's not to say GM is without bugs, just that I've never seen any that had to do with animations or movement in all my time with it, and I spend a lot of time on the bug tracker.

At the risk of sounding like the GameMaker defense force, would you be open to me taking a look at the code and combing over it for bugs or code that clashes with GM's internal processes?

Same here. I have run into bugs often due to my bad programming but usually my systems run perfectly fine the way I set them up in GM.

I really do wonder what is happening though.

I'm currently starting on a platformer type of game and am getting in the headspace of thinking what I need in place so if I have similar bugs I'll report so.

I'm planning on doing attack animations as spawned objects rather than part of the controlled character.


I'm rewriting the whole thing from scratch and giving it another go. I'm referencing the docs on YoYos websites as well. Another issue which is maaaaaybe 1/5 times launching GM I get an 5pice error and failure to launch.

I'll look at it again before passing it off and stripping several states. We are both probably doing something weird our first (less than a week) with GM. We use states quite liberally in Unity so we went about it in the same fashion. I stepped down to watching a few tutorials with blank projects and couldnt replicate the same results seen in the tutorials even using the exact same code. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice. Still get the occasional failure to launch. Still not working as it should even with the simplest of things :(

I'll shoot you a PM if I can't get it sorted by tomorrow.

Oh man didn't see this... That red error is the one thing you have to watch out for!!! I don't know what it is exactly but it fucks up GM super bad with whatever you are working on!

It's the biggest gripe that I have with using studio but it's super rare and easy to avoid with duplicates of versions of your game...

The key is: do not save if you get this error!!!

This is what is causing your pain. If this happens just close GM, don't save, and reopen. You might need to redo work busy constant saving will be your friend if it isn't already.

My only guess is that it fucks up how GM reads the code/compile. The one way this usually happens is when you run or debug run the game and stop it in the middle of the compile, this error happens in all later builds

I hope that helps. I've gone through a lot of pain on one project because of this but now it's easy to avoid.

Because I think this is the problem I think your code is perfectly fine and everything is perfect, it's the compile that is mr pain


Same here. I have run into bugs often due to my bad programming but usually my systems run perfectly fine the way I set them up in GM.

I really do wonder what is happening though.

I'm currently starting on a platformer type of game and am getting in the headspace of thinking what I need in place so if I have similar bugs I'll report so.

I'm planning on doing attack animations as spawned objects rather than part of the controlled character.


Oh man didn't see this... That red error is the one thing you have to watch out for!!! I don't know what it is exactly but it fucks up GM super bad with whatever you are working on!

It's the biggest gripe that I have with using studio but it's super rare and easy to avoid with duplicates of versions of your game...

The key is: do not save if you get this error!!!

This is what is causing your pain. If this happens just close GM, don't save, and reopen. You might need to redo work busy constant saving will be your friend if it isn't already.

My only guess is that it fucks up how GM reads the code/compile. The one way this usually happens is when you run or debug run the game and stop it in the middle of the compile, this error happens in all later builds

I hope that helps. I've gone through a lot of pain on one project because of this but now it's easy to avoid.
That error happens on launching GM. Never had it happen during. So if I "saved" after the program launched after the error I'm pretty much screwed?


I'll elaborate on a spawn mechanic.

if (spawning) //note, there's nothing else here to trigger spawning but spawning being TRUE which is set in the creation then immediately deactivated when the animation completes
//do everything to play the spawn animation, switch to an idle state and give the player control

Now - this works fine. to end the spawning animation I just look for image_index and key the final frame. Works great for spawning. This method does not work for any other animation. I have to use an End Animation event to trigger other animations to play once.

So now I have this damage animation i'm testing and tweaking so I set it to trigger on a key and a bumper on my 360 controller

if (keypress && TakeDamage && CanControl) // check the keypress, check to make sure the damage timeout is TRUE and check to make sure the character can be controlled (the only time he can take damage)
//play damage animation, bump him back with a hop, start "visible" cycling for a second for old-school flickering goodness

That plays the spawning animation even though the sprite_index is a different name. On top of that, even though it requires a keypress - it alters his movement speed since I use hspeed and vspeed to knock the player back but shouldn't since... it's not being activated until a keypress.

I've started from a clean slate even doing nothing other than triggering sprites for animations and I still bug out.

His spawning animation. Speed at 0.25? Plays fine. Speed at 0.3? Loops indefinitely. Speed at 0.4? Plays fine. 0.45? Loops. Even with a stop by image_index and image_speed to 0. still does it. Even with an End Animation event... still does it.

Something is afoot.


That error happens on launching GM. Never had it happen during. So if I "saved" after the program launched after the error I'm pretty much screwed?

I haven't tried but maybe delete the old compiles (not the projects) or flush the cache in GM.

It's very odd it's happening upon opening it though

Your project is possibly safe though if you merge it to a new project possibly or copy and paste for a bit


Sorry about your issues with GM, Jack. I'd give it another day or two of tinkering around before you switch back to Unity, at least sleep on it for a night. Not sure about your specific bug, but another tip I'd give is use "Save As" often. I save a new copy of my game before I start on any new feature/system. Might be overkill, but it comes in handy for sure. Every few days I go back and delete old saves.
Sorry about your issues with GM, Jack. I'd give it another day or two of tinkering around before you switch back to Unity, at least sleep on it for a night. Not sure about your specific bug, but another tip I'd give is use "Save As" often. I save a new copy of my game before I start on any new feature/system. Might be overkill, but it comes in handy for sure. Every few days I go back and delete old saves.

Yeah, I do this with all my projects now and it's been a huge timesaver honestly.

I still say your code is fine, but the compiles/GM is messing it up due to the initial system error.
Generations now loads and plays on ouya consoles, just not at a very good frame rate or with a clean pixel image, yet. Visuals also have to drop to minimum :(

Generations now loads and plays on ouya consoles, just not at a very good frame rate or with a clean pixel image, yet. Visuals also have to drop to minimum :(



I am planning to get the Android module for GM to export my current project to Ouya.

Does anyone know if it's easy to set from GM joystick inputs for a PS3/PC controller hooked up to an Ouya? or something similar?

If so it might save me a large portion of money for my thesis project.


His spawning animation. Speed at 0.25? Plays fine. Speed at 0.3? Loops indefinitely. Speed at 0.4? Plays fine. 0.45? Loops. Even with a stop by image_index and image_speed to 0. still does it. Even with an End Animation event... still does it.

Something is afoot.

Those numbers suggest to me that your code is looking for an integer or flat number somewhere. image_index is a real, not an integer, and by default the draw code just does a rounding on a given number to figure out which frame to use. So 1.2 will draw frame 1 and 1.9 will draw frame 2 (0-based). What this means is, if you aren't aware, you might be asking if (image_index == 2) do stuff, but the image_index is 2.1 because the speed is 0.3 or 2.25 because the speed is 0.45.

As for the rest, it's hard for me to take a guess without taking a look at the code you've written. It could be a GM-error thing if pointers and stuff are getting borked in that glitch you're encountering. I used to get that glitch every other time I loaded the software, but it stopped about a year ago and I haven't gotten it since. I wonder if it's because I use the Steam version?
Those numbers suggest to me that your code is looking for an integer or flat number somewhere. image_index is a real, not an integer, and by default the draw code just does a rounding on a given number to figure out which frame to use. So 1.2 will draw frame 1 and 1.9 will draw frame 2 (0-based). What this means is, if you aren't aware, you might be asking if (image_index == 2) do stuff, but the image_index is 2.1 because the speed is 0.3 or 2.25 because the speed is 0.45.

As for the rest, it's hard for me to take a guess without taking a look at the code you've written. It could be a GM-error thing if pointers and stuff are getting borked in that glitch you're encountering. I used to get that glitch every other time I loaded the software, but it stopped about a year ago and I haven't gotten it since. I wonder if it's because I use the Steam version?

I've gotten similar errors on the Steam version as well as the non-steam version...


Guys, is there any good resources for quickly beginning the process of making a FPS game in Unity, in addition to tips on making the make more visible to the public around the gaming community?

Sorry if this is not a good way to get help..


Those numbers suggest to me that your code is looking for an integer or flat number somewhere. image_index is a real, not an integer, and by default the draw code just does a rounding on a given number to figure out which frame to use. So 1.2 will draw frame 1 and 1.9 will draw frame 2 (0-based). What this means is, if you aren't aware, you might be asking if (image_index == 2) do stuff, but the image_index is 2.1 because the speed is 0.3 or 2.25 because the speed is 0.45.

As for the rest, it's hard for me to take a guess without taking a look at the code you've written. It could be a GM-error thing if pointers and stuff are getting borked in that glitch you're encountering. I used to get that glitch every other time I loaded the software, but it stopped about a year ago and I haven't gotten it since. I wonder if it's because I use the Steam version?
We've tried everything under the sun from setting the speed to 1, divisions based on number of sprites and numbers like 0.3187 for shits and giggles. Nothing logical works. Even if the speed is divisible by number of sprites or just flat out set to 1, sprites are being triggered that shouldn't be triggered due to naming differences. Even with a completely blank project with only 2 actions and 2 sprite animations. So it can only be one or the other. Believe me we've tried everything. We were working fine in Unity and what made us switch was a) speed and b) occasional dope sheet issue (Unity forgetting it existed but found it on a program restart). We have a few thousand lines of code in our Unity project and our only issue is a Unity bug. We're less than 200 in with GM and have nothing but issues even if we start a new empty project and test with just 1 action. I'm not sure if its a Studio issue as I haven't heard of these issues with prior versions but have read that a few nasty bugs have taken root with Studio 1.1 and haven't been fixed.

We are throwing the towel in with GM. If I have issues calling one animation to play while there is only one more that exists in the entire project and is impossible to trigger via another event and it triggers, there's something markedly wrong with that scenario.
We've tried everything under the sun from setting the speed to 1, divisions based on number of sprites and numbers like 0.3187 for shits and giggles. Nothing logical works. Even if the speed is divisible by number of sprites or just flat out set to 1, sprites are being triggered that shouldn't be triggered due to naming differences. Even with a completely blank project with only 2 actions and 2 sprite animations. So it can only be one or the other. Believe me we've tried everything. We were working fine in Unity and what made us switch was a) speed and b) occasional dope sheet issue (Unity forgetting it existed but found it on a program restart). We have a few thousand lines of code in our Unity project and our only issue is a Unity bug. We're less than 200 in with GM and have nothing but issues even if we start a new empty project and test with just 1 action. I'm not sure if its a Studio issue as I haven't heard of these issues with prior versions but have read that a few nasty bugs have taken root with Studio 1.1 and haven't been fixed.

We are throwing the towel in with GM. If I have issues calling one animation to play while there is only one more that exists in the entire project and is impossible to trigger via another event and it triggers, there's something markedly wrong with that scenario.

I'd say don't abandon it too quick. Contact Yoyogames or post in their forums about it since I feel it has a chance to easily be fixed. I'd say it might be as easy as a simple reinstall.


We've tried everything under the sun from setting the speed to 1, divisions based on number of sprites and numbers like 0.3187 for shits and giggles. Nothing logical works. Even if the speed is divisible by number of sprites or just flat out set to 1, sprites are being triggered that shouldn't be triggered due to naming differences. Even with a completely blank project with only 2 actions and 2 sprite animations. So it can only be one or the other. Believe me we've tried everything. We were working fine in Unity and what made us switch was a) speed and b) occasional dope sheet issue (Unity forgetting it existed but found it on a program restart). We have a few thousand lines of code in our Unity project and our only issue is a Unity bug. We're less than 200 in with GM and have nothing but issues even if we start a new empty project and test with just 1 action. I'm not sure if its a Studio issue as I haven't heard of these issues with prior versions but have read that a few nasty bugs have taken root with Studio 1.1 and haven't been fixed.

We are throwing the towel in with GM. If I have issues calling one animation to play while there is only one more that exists in the entire project and is impossible to trigger via another event and it triggers, there's something markedly wrong with that scenario.

I'm sorry to hear that, but it totally makes sense given what's been happening to you.

I'd say don't abandon it too quick. Contact Yoyogames or post in their forums about it since I feel it has a chance to easily be fixed. I'd say it might be as easy as a simple reinstall.

He's stated before that he's reinstalled a couple of times. :/

Looking slick as ever!


Sometimes when I am animating I stop midway and it produces some... interesting results. Part way through creating a jumping animation..


I couldn't help but laugh. Bonus non-crude finished animation:


Working on these for a small platformer project. I'm no artist, pixel or otherwise, so it's been a bit of a challenge for me. Decided on using a flat, minimal style and want to focus on breathing life into it via lots of animation.

Generations now loads and plays on ouya consoles, just not at a very good frame rate or with a clean pixel image, yet. Visuals also have to drop to minimum :(


Love the art style.


Looks awesome! I will say tho - one thing I noticed was that text seems to be a bit too squished together. A little bit more horizontal spacing of letters would go a long way to readability, especially since 99% of the text has an outline to it.

Other than that I dig it. Love the artwork and style. Excellent work!

Thanks! Duly noted.
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