I guess I can say I am new to this thread, I read the OP and I'm familiar with some of the engines but I could go more in depth about some of my goals. Currently I am a student working on thesis for my BFA. However I am starting it early because I know for sure that I want to make a game for my Senior thesis.
However, I don't know how to code. But I know how to make my own art, sounds, and music. I guess I can say that I'm looking for a bit more then tutorials and more of a mentor to help me out from time to time? I'd be greatly appreciative if I could get that, but for the most part I want to make a Mega Man styled platformer for my thesis.
Welcome! Care to share which engine you're planning to use, or are you looking for advice on that regard?
Because some people, like Roanak and me, use GameMaker, so we wouldn't be able to help out much with Construct or Unity projects. And then vice versa for people using Construct or Unity.
Really though, what's probably going to help you the most is coming in to the thread with a specific problem like "hey, I'm using Unity, here's what I'm trying to do, why isn't it working?" You have the greatest chance in that case of being seen quickly by someone who knows how to help and answer you.
Hi guys,
Just a quick hello from another poor indie! I left the games industry (Sony, Bizarre Creations and um...Gameloft) to go and make games that we wanted to make and that we think people might like to play too. Weird, humour filled adventures with solid gameplay and weird sensibilities. I'm working with a bunch of guys from our respective bedrooms and kitchens. We call ourselves Team Aozora. We'll have stuff to share with you before too long but its very early days. I'm off learning how to be a start-up so I can go after a bit of funding to help us make the game!
Also sorting out the design with my good friend and designer/scripter guy Jim.
I first got introduced to NeoGAF donkey's years ago when I was working on MotorStorm. I'm very open and will try to help anyone in any way I can. I wrote up a few things about the afore mentioned MotorStorm and got a nice reaction on the old reddits . This isn't about getting clicks to our site I just want to foster openness and indie love. The work displayed in this thread is amazing and we've a lot to learn! So, we're using Unity and looking to round out the team so that is one of my many, many duties at the moment. Alas I'm the only full time person on the project but Jim will go full-time in a few months too
I pray I didn't break any rules in this post, hollar at me if I did
Welcome! Always nice to see new faces.