If they're independent of publishers, you can call them independent developers or indies.
Otherwise the term is just "game developer". If someone lacks a publisher but is just out to make money, not caring about making a vision a reality, they wouldn't meet your definition.
If someone doesn't pour their "life" into it, they wouldn't meet your definition.
Perhaps most importantly, people who work at AAA studios and have crazy, inhumane crunch times, who ALSO want to make their vision a reality, and pour their life and health into a game...they wouldn't even meet your definition. If people want better money and a more sane lifestyle, they wouldn't be working at a game studio to begin with.
So, calling them game developers, and attaching adjectives if they're especially praiseworthy, would seem accurate to me, whether or not there is a publisher.
Good idea, thanks.

I would have to change how I draw the laser slightly but it should be doable.