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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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My god, C++ 11 makes devving so much easier. Hurray for shared pointers and initializer lists!
I kind of detest shared (or some other _ptr variant) pointers after trying to debug crashes with SFML caused by, if I recall correctly, things deleting themselves at unexpected times. It's a nice thought but personally I prefer the oldschool method of making it super explicit when things get deleted. I'm not saying the language was at fault, and there was probably a way to work around it, but it was unpleasant.

anyone try this tileset pixel art tool? looks good

I haven't tried it, but if I recall correctly someone with the best pixel art I've ever seen in a Ludum Dare 48-hour competition used it.
Sounds will be the death of my sanity. You ever listen to the magic sounds of like, Blizzaga and go "shit tha'ts cool. How can I make that/" Because I need to make some magic sounds and I don't even know. The fire spell wound up being fairly easy, but this ice one is driving me bonkers.
"Sounds will be the death of my sanity. You ever listen to the magic sounds of like, Blizzaga and go "shit tha'ts cool. How can I make that/" Because I need to make some magic sounds and I don't even know. The fire spell wound up being fairly easy, but this ice one is driving me bonkers."

I took a quick look at some recent FF games and it sounds like they're using sounds of shattered glass (processed, of course). Maybe also the sound of icicles or ice breaking.


Sounds will be the death of my sanity. You ever listen to the magic sounds of like, Blizzaga and go "shit tha'ts cool. How can I make that/" Because I need to make some magic sounds and I don't even know. The fire spell wound up being fairly easy, but this ice one is driving me bonkers.
http://www.epicsound.com/sfx/ suggest some more inconvenient things, but http://www.asoundeffect.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-making-your-own-christmas-sound-effects/ suggests an easy one -- if you need a cracking sound, do you have an ice tray? You can fill it and freeze it, then record the sounds you get from twisting it.
Sounds will be the death of my sanity. You ever listen to the magic sounds of like, Blizzaga and go "shit tha'ts cool. How can I make that/" Because I need to make some magic sounds and I don't even know. The fire spell wound up being fairly easy, but this ice one is driving me bonkers.

I took a quick look at some recent FF games and it sounds like they're using sounds of shattered glass (processed, of course). Maybe also the sound of icicles or ice breaking.

Yup, I'd go with glass as a base. Wine glasses tend to have a good "ice" sound when processed (that "ding" sound of glasses bringing glasses together, glasses shattering, etc.). You might want to look for "crystal" sounds as well.

Alternatively, there may be some real ice effects that sound good (ice cracking, breaking, etc.), but for a spell wind-up I'd try to go with something a bit crunchier. You might get some good results mixing snow crunch and processed glass shattering.

For what it's worth, sound design is hard. It's the hardest part of the stuff I can sort-of do on my own, so I totally understand the frustration. Practice really does make perfect here, though, and if you spend enough time with it you'll start hearing the sounds for what they can be and not for what they currently are. When you think you have something possibly workable, it's great to get some feedback from others. The hardest part is not hearing the components of the final effect, since you know what went into it. Fresh ears are great for reassuring yourself that you're on the right path.


God i hate ngui. Still using it now, but ive easily spent way more time learning ngui than anything else. Never would have thought when i started my game that menus would be my biggest hurdle. I dropped controller support for the same reason.
Yeah. Seems like it was designed for touch/mouse first. Controller support was tacked on, but the integration wasn't all fleshed out.


working on the "empower" move again.

basically, the idea behind this ability is that dashing through an enemy temporarily boosts your damage, but, perhaps more importantly, refreshes your dash move.

this allows you to, if there are enemies in the right spot, use enemies to extend your range in the air.

example (placeholder FX right now):


some of you who played the beta may remember the "secret fourth jump" that you can get by jumping right after a dash ends. the original purpose of this has more to do with this abiltiy, where, with proper timing and enemy placement, you can do this indefinitely.
Thanks all for those links! Will check them out soon.

Wound up walkin around outside with my bro, chatting about this and that. He slides his foot across a bank, making a nice ice crunch sound. I tell him to do it again, only this time with my iPhone out. Five seconds and I have the sound I want. Currently fiddling with it in a DAW to make it perfect.

Holy shit, the mics on iPhones are really, really good.


working on the "empower" move again.

basically, the idea behind this ability is that dashing through an enemy temporarily boosts your damage, but, perhaps more importantly, refreshes your dash move.

this allows you to, if there are enemies in the right spot, use enemies to extend your range in the air.

example (placeholder FX right now):


some of you who played the beta may remember the "secret fourth jump" that you can get by jumping right after a dash ends. the original purpose of this has more to do with this abiltiy, where, with proper timing and enemy placement, you can do this indefinitely.

Not a bad idea. For the FX, might I suggest a more mild version of the powerup effect? A smaller, narrower, shorter stream, so you can see the power lerping back into the protagonist? Just a thought. Keep up the awesome!
We're putting together some new promo stuff as part of the run-up to Christmas, featuring the enemies in their new art and some of the tile sets. We're starting it from this weekend with a big roundup of new stuff in our devblog, since we've been a little quiet of late!

All is well, we've just been deep in development since we've set an important deadline to hit, that will not only benefit the rest of the game, but also means we can really start thinking about private builds being sent out and begin talking to the press about coverage (reveal trailer, website for the game, etc etc).

Hey fellow gaff devs.
Been away for a while working on some other projects and only ocasionally dropping by.
Among other things we have been trying out different art styles and techniques to use with Spine and Game Maker.

Here is a dog that we are using to test out bones, IKs, meshes and weights.
I did a quick skinning but it's easy to see it works really well. We are also checking compatibility and stress testing with multiple instances and such.



Will post more as we try out other things.

Very cool! Most of the time bone animation like this looks rather janky for living creatures but I'm amazed you got so much quality movement in individual parts! Cheers!


Hey fellow gaff devs.
Been away for a while working on some other projects and only ocasionally dropping by.
Among other things we have been trying out different art styles and techniques to use with Spine and Game Maker.

Here is a dog that we are using to test out bones, IKs, meshes and weights.
I did a quick skinning but it's easy to see it works really well. We are also checking compatibility and stress testing with multiple instances and such.



Will post more as we try out other things.
This is cool -- just curious, is there a reason some of the paw circles don't move with the rest of the bones / nodes?


This is cool -- just curious, is there a reason some of the paw circles don't move with the rest of the bones / nodes?

IK. The articulations are trying to point-to/reach those points, but can't because the articulations higher in the hierarchy are pulling them too far away.


Heya Gang,

We just put up our first gameplay video of Hollow Knight. Has a brief tour of an area in the Forgotten Crossroads, with some quick narration by myself and our coder William.

link: Hollow Knight First Gameplay Demonstration

Please check it out! I'd be really keen to hear what people think.

It looks amazing. Honestly, I can't believe you're not funded yet. I guess Kickstarter is really dying.

Anyway, you're getting closer and closer at a good pace, so best of lucks and may you reach your goal soon!

working on the "empower" move again.

basically, the idea behind this ability is that dashing through an enemy temporarily boosts your damage, but, perhaps more importantly, refreshes your dash move.

this allows you to, if there are enemies in the right spot, use enemies to extend your range in the air.

example (placeholder FX right now):


some of you who played the beta may remember the "secret fourth jump" that you can get by jumping right after a dash ends. the original purpose of this has more to do with this abiltiy, where, with proper timing and enemy placement, you can do this indefinitely.

Cool, it looks like it wil add a lot of possibilities. I thought you had removed this ability from the game, so I love to see it's coming back -because it made combat much more flexible, back in your old videos.

Been a while I've posted in here since I was taking a bit of an (extended) breather! But I'm finally done with Carrion Wind's character animation, so that's a pretty good reason to celebrate.


Now I'm getting back to adding audience members in the background.

I'd love to cameo some guest characters from indie games from this thread - would any of you be interested? I'm not sure if I should ask specific creators (I'd feel pretty bad asking some and forgetting others), or leave this proposal here for all to see. Feel free to PM me, and I may send PMs as well if I muster the courage!

Going full steam ahead as usual, nice!

About the cameos, I already told you I was going to make Honey appear in Spirit Huntress and you accepted, so if you want to put Hibari sitting over there that's fine (more than fine, it woul be great actually, but just don't feel commited only because I told you I was going to cameo Honey, I don't want to make you do extra work D:)

I usually ask for permission before featuring other people's OC's... but I think this time will be different. I'd like to "surprise" you in a good way by paying tribute to your creations, because all the indies in this thread are so damn amazing, there's a sense of community here and I'd like to honor that in my little game.

Of course I can't feature every character of every game posted here, and as it should be, since it will take a lot of time to draw and animate sprites of these fellas, I'll stick to those I like particularly (without that meaning I don't like all the others).

And obviously if anyone has a problem/hates me/wants absolute control on where and how his character appears; he'll just have to say and I'll remove all evidence and make it look like an accident.

But you'd be missing the chance to be in what could be one of the firsts great Kickstarter disappointments of 2015.

Spirit Huntress: The game that ruined my life: The Movie: The Game: Director's Cut


Heya Gang,

We just put up our first gameplay video of Hollow Knight. Has a brief tour of an area in the Forgotten Crossroads, with some quick narration by myself and our coder William.


link: Hollow Knight First Gameplay Demonstration

Please check it out! I'd be really keen to hear what people think.

Couple thoughts here:

- music is great
- art style continues to impress
- using orange for the hit/damage color instead of a typical red or white is a great idea, and works perfectly here
- some of the particles seem to be in front of everything and this is a little confusing. Particularly noticeable are the white crystals that seem to shower into the screen instead of into the scene. It feels rather fourth-wall breaking to me. I'm a sucker for debris particles that collide with the level, so I like things like the coins and rock clusters.
- the gameplay looks fun and tight, which already seemed to be the case from the trailer but is especially obvious here. I look forward to getting my hands on it!


This is cool -- just curious, is there a reason some of the paw circles don't move with the rest of the bones / nodes?

The 2 nodes on the bottom of each paw are the IK controllers.
Like in 3D, I can make it so the paws are always in contact with the floor and I can pick up the controllers moving the paws, etc.


Couple thoughts here:

- music is great
- art style continues to impress
- using orange for the hit/damage color instead of a typical red or white is a great idea, and works perfectly here
- some of the particles seem to be in front of everything and this is a little confusing. Particularly noticeable are the white crystals that seem to shower into the screen instead of into the scene. It feels rather fourth-wall breaking to me. I'm a sucker for debris particles that collide with the level, so I like things like the coins and rock clusters.
- the gameplay looks fun and tight, which already seemed to be the case from the trailer but is especially obvious here. I look forward to getting my hands on it!

Thanks so much Abe! I agree on the crystals. We initially had all the particles colliding and it did feel great, but it was running super slow in our debug compiles (We're running Stencyl like Jobbs). Once we get to refining that stuff we'll probably try to find some middle ground where it runs smoothly but debris all bounces about properly.

It makes us really jealous when we look at Unity and see how easily it handles these sorts of things.

We're still a bit baffled with the trailers and gameplay videos and how to get them seen. The views are so crazy low! 209 views at the moment on the gameplay demonstration.

In my animation job we could put any old thing up and be basically guaranteed at least 10,000 views in a day.

I sometimes wish myself and the rest of the HK team were the types of people who could just yell about this stuff all over social media. Sadly we're all introverts and don't like imposing our stuff on others.


Thanks so much Abe! I agree on the crystals. We initially had all the particles colliding and it did feel great, but it was running super slow in our debug compiles (We're running Stencyl like Jobbs). Once we get to refining that stuff we'll probably try to find some middle ground where it runs smoothly but debris all bounces about properly.

It makes us really jealous when we look at Unity and see how easily it handles these sorts of things.

We're still a bit baffled with the trailers and gameplay videos and how to get them seen. The views are so crazy low! 209 views at the moment on the gameplay demonstration.

In my animation job we could put any old thing up and be basically guaranteed at least 10,000 views in a day.

I sometimes wish myself and the rest of the HK team were the types of people who could just yell about this stuff all over social media. Sadly we're all introverts and don't like imposing our stuff on others.

Well I can't give any tips on publicity. That's a mountain I have to climb myself before too long.

The particles slowing the game down makes sense and is what I suspected. I don't know how your collision is programmed or how it works in Stencyl so I can't really comment on that. If you can figure out a way to optimize it, awesome! If not, it doesn't look bad and the rest of your game looks just incredible.

I don't know what the benchmark on GameMaker versus Stencyl is, but I haven't been struggling with large amounts of debris. There are breakable things all over my game with persistent debris, usually numbering between ten and thirty particles each. These shrines spawn 4 particles on first hit and twenty on destruction. I just think it sells the look a lot better if you can get it to work:


But, again, your game looks really cool, so don't let yourself get hung up on one little thing if you can't figure out a way to manage it.


Well I can't give any tips on publicity. That's a mountain I have to climb myself before too long.

The particles slowing the game down makes sense and is what I suspected. I don't know how your collision is programmed or how it works in Stencyl so I can't really comment on that. If you can figure out a way to optimize it, awesome! If not, it doesn't look bad and the rest of your game looks just incredible.

I don't know what the benchmark on GameMaker versus Stencyl is, but I haven't been struggling with large amounts of debris. There are breakable things all over my game with persistent debris, usually numbering between ten and thirty particles each. These shrines spawn 4 particles on first hit and twenty on destruction. I just think it sells the look a lot better if you can get it to work:


But, again, your game looks really cool, so don't let yourself get hung up on one little thing if you can't figure out a way to manage it.

Geez Abe! This looks nuts! I'm sooo jealous. Love that clean, graphic style. And you're right that the debris adds a tonne. We'll do our best to optimise as we go and maximise our destruction potential!
Right, so, now that my exams are over and I've been weaning myself off Smash binging, I've tried to get back to my main project. One of the main things I've been thinking about, aside from trying to figure out why the the aiming is completely off-kilter, is the whole thing about the player char just standing on a ship. Seems a bit silly, doesn't it? So I've been considering two other options - just have a regular fighter ship to pilot, or a special 'flight harness' that forgoes the need for a separate ship entirely.

And then I figured, 'why not both'? Really, it isn't that much more work, and it adds more variety to what the player can use. But there is the matter of balancing, so:

Fighter Craft:
  • A specialized design that allows the pilot to lay down and use cameras to see their surroundings, negating the need for a cockpit window, and conserving space. Controls are access neurally.
  • Larger, less manoeuvrability, but better shields and hull, and higher top speed, as well as missile capabilities.
Flight Harness:
  • Wearable equipment that not only provides additional protection, but also flight capabilities and sound emulation in space, while enabling the user to utilize their already potent weaponry, especially in close quarters.
  • Can stop on a dime, easily turn around, and is capable of performing quick evasive manoeuvres. As well, has a smaller hitbox.
  • Has a lower top speed without boosting, and if either boosting or evasion is overloaded, they could end up a sitting duck. Lower shields and armor, effectively a glass cannon.
Think the difference between a regular fighter craft and a Strike Suit, but the latter isn't a transformation and has been nerfed to be more balanced. While I have to figure out the optimal distance from the camera for both types, and the right size for the fighter craft model, it's a start. The idea is that fighter craft are meant to be smaller, think Arwing-sized, I'm trying to figure out a decent size not that much larger than the flight harness but large enough to plausibly fit various components such engines, weapons, etc.



Trying to convey what I'm trying to go for isn't easy with pre-made assets off the asset store :(


We're putting together some new promo stuff as part of the run-up to Christmas, featuring the enemies in their new art and some of the tile sets. We're starting it from this weekend with a big roundup of new stuff in our devblog, since we've been a little quiet of late!

All is well, we've just been deep in development since we've set an important deadline to hit, that will not only benefit the rest of the game, but also means we can really start thinking about private builds being sent out and begin talking to the press about coverage (reveal trailer, website for the game, etc etc).

Love the poster, beaut!


Thanks so much Abe! I agree on the crystals. We initially had all the particles colliding and it did feel great, but it was running super slow in our debug compiles (We're running Stencyl like Jobbs). Once we get to refining that stuff we'll probably try to find some middle ground where it runs smoothly but debris all bounces about properly.

It makes us really jealous when we look at Unity and see how easily it handles these sorts of things.

We're still a bit baffled with the trailers and gameplay videos and how to get them seen. The views are so crazy low! 209 views at the moment on the gameplay demonstration.

In my animation job we could put any old thing up and be basically guaranteed at least 10,000 views in a day.

I sometimes wish myself and the rest of the HK team were the types of people who could just yell about this stuff all over social media. Sadly we're all introverts and don't like imposing our stuff on others.

I can't pretend to understand how publicity works. My videos have done very well on views and I really have no idea where most of them come from. As far as I'm concerned, it's magic.

P.S. I never use debug mode -- at least, rarely -- why do you? just curious


Well I can't give any tips on publicity. That's a mountain I have to climb myself before too long.

The particles slowing the game down makes sense and is what I suspected. I don't know how your collision is programmed or how it works in Stencyl so I can't really comment on that. If you can figure out a way to optimize it, awesome! If not, it doesn't look bad and the rest of your game looks just incredible.

I don't know what the benchmark on GameMaker versus Stencyl is, but I haven't been struggling with large amounts of debris. There are breakable things all over my game with persistent debris, usually numbering between ten and thirty particles each. These shrines spawn 4 particles on first hit and twenty on destruction. I just think it sells the look a lot better if you can get it to work:


But, again, your game looks really cool, so don't let yourself get hung up on one little thing if you can't figure out a way to manage it.

Abe one thing that bothers me is how she isn't looking at the enemies (or more forward) at all. She seems to be staring off into space while her body is doing things.
working on the "empower" move again.

basically, the idea behind this ability is that dashing through an enemy temporarily boosts your damage, but, perhaps more importantly, refreshes your dash move.

this allows you to, if there are enemies in the right spot, use enemies to extend your range in the air.

example (placeholder FX right now):


some of you who played the beta may remember the "secret fourth jump" that you can get by jumping right after a dash ends. the original purpose of this has more to do with this abiltiy, where, with proper timing and enemy placement, you can do this indefinitely.
it would be cool if the character did some unique animation for dashing into/past an enemy like that, not sure on what sort of animation though.


Abe one thing that bothers me is how she isn't looking at the enemies (or more forward) at all. She seems to be staring off into space while her body is doing things.

Are you talking about head-tracking or something like that? It's something I can try to look into, but wouldn't make a priority.

Her eyes are supposed to be looking down the path, forward for her. If you're saying it doesn't look like that, I believe you, but I don't personally see it.


Are you talking about head-tracking or something like that? It's something I can try to look into, but wouldn't make a priority.

Her eyes are supposed to be looking down the path, forward for her. If you're saying it doesn't look like that, I believe you, but I don't personally see it.
I feel like the key thing is that the head never "rotates" as it were, but looks exactly the same as it moves. That combined with no eye motion produces a little bit of an odd effect. It might be fine overall, not sure.


I feel like the key thing is that the head never "rotates" as it were, but looks exactly the same as it moves. That combined with no eye motion produces a little bit of an odd effect. It might be fine overall, not sure.
Gotcha. Well there's more head bob when the shield is down compared to up, and I think the 10fps capture culled the blinking, but I'll take another look at the anims and see if I can spice them up a bit. Thanks both for the input!


Ok, i'm set for Ludum Dare. I'm using Javascript (Phaser), Photoshop CC for art and bfxr for sound effects. I will be posting my progress and giving valuable feedback to other participants in this thread :p Good luck to everyone!


Ok, i'm set for Ludum Dare. I'm using Javascript (Phaser), Photoshop CC for art and bfxr for sound effects. I will be posting my progress and giving valuable feedback to other participants in this thread :p Good luck to everyone!
I'm super unprepared this time, and I'm busy Saturday afternoon so it will be crazy if I end up with anything decent, let alone scoring better than last time.

That said, with the remaining 2 hours or so before the competition, I want to at least try to confirm Sonar X3 is working with my MIDI keyboard for music, since I made a note last time that I wasted 1-2 hours just getting that set up again.


most of the sound effects in ghost song so far I've made on my own (with some notable exceptions, of course). some are intended as placeholders and kinda suck, others are pretty usable.

I do a "whatever works" approach. I record/find samples from things, mix them together, often mixing them with things I've made in BFXR.

I used a lot of car window motor sounds for my various robots and doors and stuff, I've also used servo motors for sounds (I used to be an R/C car guy when I was a kid, so I still have servos around that make nice little "ree!" sounds).

sometimes I mix insect and animal sounds with mechanical sounds or BFXR sounds. one time I used a power drill to make a creature screech. just a matter of finding interesting source sounds, mixing them together, editing, altering, untli it sounds cool.

I'm by no means an expert sound guy, but just through some determination and tinkering I've been able to get some decent results (that's sort of my entire story with everything I do -- determination/tinkering to get decent results).



I want to see the ghost above you plop down on your head and do some damage :)

most of the sound effects in ghost song so far I've made on my own (with some notable exceptions, of course). some are intended as placeholders and kinda suck, others are pretty usable.

I do a "whatever works" approach.

I'll be climbing that mountain soon. My oldest son is making some great music (very talented... even without parental bias ;) but he kinda sucks at sound fx...

T - 1:15 to the start of Ludum 31. Doing a group ludum here w/ a handful of friend. I'm really looking forward to it. I think I'll stream it as well.


I made some notes based on lessons learned last Ludum Dare. They're mostly things specific to me and my setup, but maybe a few are useful for other people:

  1. Make sure your music-creation tool of choice works a few days before the jam. I probably wasted an hour or two getting everything figured out with Music Creator 6 / Sonar X3 last time.
  2. If possible, break your game idea into individual feature sets. This way if you only have time to finish a few features, or one stage of the game, it can still be a complete, though small, game.
  3. Think about whether certain assets can be used in multiple places to save time. Maybe a background, obstacle, or sound effect from one level can be used in another!
  4. I used master volume = 22 on my computer to balance sounds.
  5. To amplify my voiceover recording to a reasonable level, I used 10dB gain in Audacity.
  6. On my system, Sonar X3 will not use the best low-latency settings with the WDM/KS driver mode unless I close other audio applications first. This even includes Firefox. After I launch Sonar X3 I can then relaunch web browers, but I cannot play sound with other applications until quitting Sonar X3.
  7. In Sonar X3, occasionally the sound would get raspy like it is clipping or the latency is too low. Choosing a higher latency may help, but there seems to be a better solution: Pressing play, then stop in the controls at the top seems to usually fix this.
  8. A game that is too easy is probably better than a game that is too hard. People can see a whole game if it is easy enough, and with thousands of games, odds of someone playing all the way through are small otherwise.
  9. For flash games, add some space above the flash object on the HTML page so it is not jammed next to the title bar.
Sounds will be the death of my sanity. You ever listen to the magic sounds of like, Blizzaga and go "shit tha'ts cool. How can I make that/" Because I need to make some magic sounds and I don't even know. The fire spell wound up being fairly easy, but this ice one is driving me bonkers.
Take a huge chunk of ice and drop it onto a hot pan. You will hear the typical ice "scream" along with crackling. It's quite nice to layer it with a few variants. That hissing, screaming and cracking sound of ice! If you can get some dry ice, even better.

Edit: make sure its fast tho. Super hot pan and super cold ice. No melty ice. You can heat a knife for a similar effect.

Edit2: Just tested soldering a bit with an old mobo. With and without solder on plastic sounds nice, too. Very similar but more like a cryo quick freeze. I think a RED hot knife thru ice and this can mix nicely. Of course, all I know is that you are looking for "ice" sound. So I dunno how quickly the attack/release/sustain needs to be, etc.


I've had a pretty rough month considering I got laid off from my 'real' job and our game's Kickstarter campaign failed, but I have some truly great news to share...

Anomaly 1729 is officially Greenlit! :D

Also, we currently have our pre-alpha build available in the 'Build A Greenlight Bundle 14' on Groupees and it includes a free Steam key for the full game when it launches next December!

Huge thanks to everyone that helped support us thus far! :)


I can't pretend to understand how publicity works. My videos have done very well on views and I really have no idea where most of them come from. As far as I'm concerned, it's magic.

P.S. I never use debug mode -- at least, rarely -- why do you? just curious

Haha! Well I kinda understand why you'd be getting a lot of hits. Not only does your game look super impressive, it's also science fiction with cool monsters and robots and all the other stuff that comes with the genre.

I suppose "Explore a world full of bugs," might be a bit of a harder sell.

As for the debug mode. I'm not exactly sure here, but I think we've been using debug just because the compile is much faster. Its tragic for anything with physics though. Slows to a crawl.

Perhaps our weak particle effects are just because we're so used to being in debug that we're starting to work as though that's a standard compile.


Hmm, interesting idea, though it seems a bit vague, as you could define 'screen' as more than a few things in the concept of a game, really.
Themes are presumably better if they allow for a variety of interpretations.

That said, I wonder if anyone is going to try, "The whole game plays on your COMPUTER screen! Hahaha etc."
Well as far as I remember I said I want to put some easter eggs around, and nothing can be better than showing some on screenshot Saturday for our long indie thread, sorry, I didn't ask anyone for approval so if you feel I can't use an image of your game as a frame of art in my game please let me know , I am adding this to honor you.


Forgot to remove some debugging stuff in the image, but anyway, is still in pre-alpha :)

Well this week I finally started working on the ship builder and build this ship today while testing it.

Slowly getting to the point that I can have some content to play for a few hours, still lot more to add, I spent today about 2 hours creating my ship and still I have tons of things to add!
Well I can't give any tips on publicity. That's a mountain I have to climb myself before too long.

The particles slowing the game down makes sense and is what I suspected. I don't know how your collision is programmed or how it works in Stencyl so I can't really comment on that. If you can figure out a way to optimize it, awesome! If not, it doesn't look bad and the rest of your game looks just incredible.

I don't know what the benchmark on GameMaker versus Stencyl is, but I haven't been struggling with large amounts of debris. There are breakable things all over my game with persistent debris, usually numbering between ten and thirty particles each. These shrines spawn 4 particles on first hit and twenty on destruction. I just think it sells the look a lot better if you can get it to work:


But, again, your game looks really cool, so don't let yourself get hung up on one little thing if you can't figure out a way to manage it.

This is looking pretty great.


Well as far as I remember I said I want to put some easter eggs around, and nothing can be better than showing some on screenshot Saturday for our long indie thread, sorry, I didn't ask anyone for approval so if you feel I can't use an image of your game as a frame of art in my game please let me know , I am adding this to honor you.


Forgot to remove some debugging stuff in the image, but anyway, is still in pre-alpha :)

Well this week I finally started working on the ship builder and build this ship today while testing it.

Slowly getting to the point that I can have some content to play for a few hours, still lot more to add, I spent today about 2 hours creating my ship and still I have tons of things to add!

Haha, I love that Honey frame over here :-D Thanks a lot :-D

I guess it's guest saturday then, since I've got guests of my own!


I had already shown the cook from Cook, Serve, Delicious, but you can now see some dancing cubanoids from VizionEck, and Hibari from Spirit Huntress in the audience! Any more volunteers to fill the crowd? :-D


This is looking pretty great.


Haha, I love that Honey frame over here :-D Thanks a lot :-D

I guess it's guest saturday then, since I've got guests of my own!


I had already shown the cook from Cook, Serve, Delicious, but you can now see some dancing cubanoids from VizionEck, and Hibari from Spirit Huntress in the audience! Any more volunteers to fill the crowd? :-D

Okay, this just looks fantastic. It keeps getting better and better. Well done!


I figured this would be the place to ask. I'm looking for someone to make a small portion of a game for a research project. I've got $500~$1000 set aside for it but I'm wondering if that's enough. It would just be an avatar creation screen and maybe five minutes of gameplay. Is that a fair price? Where would be the best place to post a job listing?


Haha, I love that Honey frame over here :-D Thanks a lot :-D

I guess it's guest saturday then, since I've got guests of my own!


I had already shown the cook from Cook, Serve, Delicious, but you can now see some dancing cubanoids from VizionEck, and Hibari from Spirit Huntress in the audience! Any more volunteers to fill the crowd? :-D

Ooh get a Scrolr in there! Have him sitting in the audience with a psychically moving above his head #1 fan glove!
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