It's good to have you aboard the Unity bandwagon! I can't say much of other 3D engines (only used stuff like AS3 or GameMaker previously), but Unity has been a godsend for me when it comes to rapid prototyping and iteration.
LIKE: Public variables are exposed in the component editor for easy modification? Awesome!
It gets even better: You can keep variables private and still have them show in the inspector by writing "[SerializeField]" (yeah, in brackets) before "private". As in "[SerializeField] private int someIntVar;". Property encapsulation and editor utilities in one simple stroke!
By the way, I attended a local Game Jam last weekend with human rights as its theme. It was the first time I attended a Game Jam, and it was an awesome experience.
Our game was about a blind person who has to cross a particularily wide and congested Buenos Aires street, aided only by sounds and a second player on a separate computer, who plays the role of a dog, and can bark at the blind person to guide him/her.
The game absolutely requires two people playing it on separate screens with earphones or surround sound to be played properly, but I might upload a slightly fixed version soon for you guys to play.
The team's two musicians/sound technicians did an awesome job looking up and fixing SFX (such as by normalizing them or creating loopable files out of them), and a pair of 3D/2D artists showed up to save the day later on day 1 and throughout day 2, since our only 3D artist at the time had no computer to work on (it was her first jam and she thought they'd already have pre-equipped computers in place for her to use, sadly).
It isn't much, but I'm surprised at what our team was able to do in under sixteen hours, since the jam was held at a convention hall which opened at 10 AM on both days and had us go out at about 7 PM. Up to now I had never thought building prototypes this fast was even possible (and I'm glad I was proven wrong about that!).