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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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So I just installed Unity to tried it. I downloaded 4 years ago but couldn't get into it due to how convoluted everything is, I thought after all this time things should be simpler right? Nope.

Same shitty interface with a million options. GM is so much easier in comparison, too bad it's only for Windows.
Did you follow a tutorial? In my opinion it's way easier than just diving into the interface if you A) follow a tutorial and B) have programming experience. I think I followed some simple tutorial to make a web-playable minesweeper-esque game over the course of a day or two, using the C# scripting stuff.


I was totally lost in Unity to begin with. I couldn't figure out how you'd make anything work. But as I said before, the community is awesome. Watch some video tutorials and just absorb the workflow. Something will just click and you'll be off and flying!
Thanks everyone, I saw some tutorials but everything seemed so convoluted and behind a paywall :/

Will look into it in the future, I just can't get over about the fact that it doesn't seem dead simple like GM or Flash, in that case I guess I prefer to program everything by hand.

I'll spend my free time the next two weeks prototyping something with Gosu just for fun. I'm pretty sure by then I'll be frustrated and I'll give Unity another chance :p.


Thanks everyone, I saw some tutorials but everything seemed so convoluted and behind a paywall :/

Will look into it in the future, I just can't get over about the fact that it doesn't seem dead simple like GM or Flash, in that case I guess I prefer to program everything by hand.

I'll spend my free time the next two weeks prototyping something with Gosu just for fun. I'm pretty sure by then I'll be frustrated and I'll give Unity another chance :p.
I think this is the Unity tutorial series (or one of the tutorials) I watched, if you'd like to give it a try: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wxe1IUu5QA&feature=BFa&list=PL11F87EB39F84E292&lf=results_main

And if you'd like something different, here's a 2D pong tutorial for web player/mobile, also using Unity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilfz96WRTAI&list=PLD47A8BE52CD8B4E5&feature=plcp

Those may be more code-heavy than you would like, but they seem to walk through things step by step, and you're always welcome to post here if you have specific questions.


How do you programmers get around the problem of creating nice art assets? I have NO artistic talent, so any environments and sprites that I draw out just look horrible, even if I try and aim for a 'low-res' art style.

Pixel art or stylized 3D. Something easy about them for me. Actual drawing I suck. Bad.


Went to the London Indie Meet Up last night, and I can't tell you how awesomely rad it is to watch people play your game for the first time. They were shouting at it, laughing when they saw they next level like, "Noooo waaay!!", all sorts! Amazing!

Got some super useful feedback too.

If there are indie events near you, definitely get a build made and get down there!!
Went to the London Indie Meet Up last night, and I can't tell you how awesomely rad it is to watch people play your game for the first time. They were shouting at it, laughing when they saw they next level like, "Noooo waaay!!", all sorts! Amazing!

Got some super useful feedback too.

If there are indie events near you, definitely get a build made and get down there!!

This gets me excited!

After Grad School I'm going to be putting together events for Indies in Miami so this gets me pumped ^_^



Link on 2d physics for you bumpkin:

And I need some help. I am working on collisions. I have aabb class working and I have aabb to aabb collisions working. I'm working on obb to obb collisions right now. I have everything working, except for calculating the minimum translation vector. I can't find anything on it on line.

Here is my code. The language is C#:
 public struct AABB
        public Vector2 _center;
        public Vector2 _extents;
        public Color _debugColor;

        public Rectangle XNARec
                return new Rectangle
                    (int)(_center.X - _extents.X),
                    (int)(_center.Y - _extents.Y),
                    (int)_extents.X * 2,
                    (int)_extents.Y * 2

        public float Right
            get { return _center.X + _extents.X; }

        public float Left
            get { return _center.X - _extents.X; }

        public AABB(Vector2 center, Vector2 extents)
            _center = center;
            _extents = extents;
            _debugColor = Color.Black;

        public bool IsColliding(AABB b)
            return AABB.TestAABBCollision(this, b);

        public static bool TestAABBCollision(AABB a, AABB b)
            if (Math.Abs(a._center.X - b._center.X) > a._extents.X + b._extents.X) return false;
            if (Math.Abs(a._center.Y - b._center.Y) > a._extents.Y + b._extents.Y) return false;
            return true;

        public bool IsColliding(AABB b, ref Vector2 MTV)
            return AABB.TestAABBCollision(this, b, ref MTV);

        public static bool TestAABBCollision(AABB a, AABB b, ref Vector2 MTV)
            if (Math.Abs(a._center.X - b._center.X) > a._extents.X + b._extents.X)
                MTV = new Vector2((a._extents.X + b._extents.X) - Math.Abs(a._center.X - b._center.X), 0);
                return false;

            if (Math.Abs(a._center.Y - b._center.Y) > a._extents.Y + b._extents.Y)
                MTV = new Vector2(0, (a._extents.Y + b._extents.Y) - Math.Abs(a._center.Y - b._center.Y));
                return false;

            MTV = new Vector2((a._extents.X + b._extents.X) - Math.Abs(a._center.X - b._center.X),
                (a._extents.Y + b._extents.Y) - Math.Abs(a._center.Y - b._center.Y));
            //MTV = new Vector2((a._extents.X + b._extents.X) - (a._center.X - b._center.X),
            //    (a._extents.Y + b._extents.Y) - (a._center.Y - b._center.Y));
            if (a._center.X > b._center.X)
                MTV.X = -((a._extents.X + b._extents.X) - Math.Abs(a._center.X - b._center.X));
                MTV.X = (a._extents.X + b._extents.X) - Math.Abs(a._center.X - b._center.X);

            if (a._center.Y > b._center.Y)
                MTV.Y = -((a._extents.Y + b._extents.Y) - Math.Abs(a._center.Y - b._center.Y));
                MTV.Y = (a._extents.Y + b._extents.Y) - Math.Abs(a._center.Y - b._center.Y);

            if (Math.Abs(MTV.X) > Math.Abs(MTV.Y))
                MTV.X = 0f;
                MTV.Y = 0f;
            //MTV = new Vector2(1, 1);
            return true;

        public void DrawDebug(Texture2D t, SpriteBatch sb)
                new Vector2(_center.X, _center.Y),
                0f, _extents, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);


I try to figure out the MTV in my static obb to obb collision class. I don't understand why my MTV calculation is off.

Ranger X I like 2 and 3.

Did the Mods archive the old thread. Can they?
Fixed the problem I was having. Was reading up on AABB collision response and through that I found the fix. Gangnam styled it!
I think this is the Unity tutorial series (or one of the tutorials) I watched, if you'd like to give it a try: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wxe1IUu5QA&feature=BFa&list=PL11F87EB39F84E292&lf=results_main

And if you'd like something different, here's a 2D pong tutorial for web player/mobile, also using Unity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilfz96WRTAI&list=PLD47A8BE52CD8B4E5&feature=plcp

Those may be more code-heavy than you would like, but they seem to walk through things step by step, and you're always welcome to post here if you have specific questions.

Thanks, I like it to be code-heavy as long as the language is not too bad.


It's astonishing how long it takes me to do GUI stuff. It took me practically 2-3 days to improve my region/widget/style rendering system. I now have dynamic button styles mostly supported, and the three main immediate tasks remaining for buttons are:

  • Add support for rendering buttons in sections, meaning a single style image can be used to render buttons of various sizes with sharp borders instead of fixed size or blurry scaling.
  • Add support for text labels, instead of requiring button images to have the text baked in. (fonts/sizes/color support would be nice here too, depending on how much trouble it is at the moment...as long as I make sure my design is feasible with adding that support in the future, I may leave it off for now)
  • Add support for default button styles, possibly with font/size/color info as well, so that I can create quick test buttons without having to set the information for each one. I think this would be more of a convenience/testing thing, since if/when I end up with a UI that has buttons of multiple styles, I will want to explicitly specify the style of each button anyway.
As always, if people get tired of seeing progress updates, yell at me. I won't be too offended. :p

Here's a quick, unimpressive screenshot of the GUI stuff I'm working on at the moment, noting that the widgets styles are example images I made up for testing. and probably pretty terrible. :p


GUI stuff is always an awful pain - is not fun, takes forever, and most likely you end up redoing it at least once.

Right now in Unity I'm struggling to figure out a nice way to make nice formatted text with TextMesh. (Not gui text) I want to support word wrapping, different font styles, etc. I found some source for doing it with GuiText but the code is ugly and apparently slow, and only works with GuiText.

I think I'm going to write something that supports a couple HTML tags like <b>, <i> <font color=...> etc. Should not be too bad I don't think, but is definitely not in any way enjoyable. It's just a hurdle that needs to be jumped at some point.
has anyone gone to pax east to demo their game? we're considering going this coming spring and i have questions about renting equipment (lcd displays, tables), getting banners or signs made for the booth, t-shirt printing etc... we'd be flying in from outside of the states so having companies in boston provide those services to us would be ideal.

also, i noticed someone mentioned #screenshotsaturday. was that intended to be for this thread or is it a twitter thing? i'd definitely take part in it here in this thread although i'm limited in what i can share since the game hasn't been officially announced yet.


GUI stuff is always an awful pain - is not fun, takes forever, and most likely you end up redoing it at least once.

Right now in Unity I'm struggling to figure out a nice way to make nice formatted text with TextMesh. (Not gui text) I want to support word wrapping, different font styles, etc. I found some source for doing it with GuiText but the code is ugly and apparently slow, and only works with GuiText.

I think I'm going to write something that supports a couple HTML tags like <b>, <i> <font color=...> etc. Should not be too bad I don't think, but is definitely not in any way enjoyable. It's just a hurdle that needs to be jumped at some point.
It's sad that my engine code has literally be in the works since 2010 or earlier, going from comments I'm seeing. Of course I've probably gone stretches of 6 months or so where I did not work on it at all, but still.

I was stuck even getting started on GUI code for a long time, then I finally found motivation and made progress. I think a previous thing that I was working on FOREVER was the code to load and render fonts using FreeType, formatting strings into bounding boxes. I don't think I ever got pixel-perfect font rendering to precisely match how Windows draws the pixels, but I think I got close enough to give up/call it okay. :p

I just ran across my old text string rendering code, for instance. I seem to have code to word wrap, h-align, v-align, etc. code, and glyphs are flying around, and stuff. It probably took me forever to write, haha.

*edit* Calling it a night, I now have text label support for buttons rather than requiring pre-baked text...but now I realize I have additional text label style options for buttons that I should support, so that'll be for later...


For anyone looking for a composer, I can't recommend HyperDuck Soundworks highly enough. We just released the OST of our first game together:


Of course I'm biased when I say this, but it's easily one of my favorite indie soundtracks, ever. They're a really great team to work with, and made the production that much more enjoyable. They also handled all the audio Dust:AET, if you're looking for that service.
So I've been having fun poking around with the free edition of Construct 2. And I was actually considering picking up the license for it. But as of at least the last two days the http://www.scirra.com/ website appears to be totally borked. Probably just moving servers around or something, but seems kinda crazy to just have it totally down like that for >24 hours in this day and age. Anyone know what's up with them?
For some reason, this post prompted me to try Construct 2 and I'm really impressed. I'm a programmer by day so I'm confident in my programming skills but I never feel like building an engine or even coding as much as Unity requires to get basic stuff up. That sounds lazy but my primary objective is to execute the design in my head and I think that's ok :)

Anyway, anybody have any thoughts on Construct 2 (positive or negative)? I don't think I'd buy a license unless they improve their exporting options. They don't have native exe and the phone export doesn't sound very reliable. I also wonder what performance is like.


For anyone looking for a composer, I can't recommend HyperDuck Soundworks highly enough. We just released the OST of our first game together:


Of course I'm biased when I say this, but it's easily one of my favorite indie soundtracks, ever. They're a really great team to work with, and made the production that much more enjoyable. They also handled all the audio Dust:AET, if you're looking for that service.

Damn straight. Really great guys, too! I met them earlier this year in San Francisco


GUI stuff is always an awful pain - is not fun, takes forever, and most likely you end up redoing it at least once.

Right now in Unity I'm struggling to figure out a nice way to make nice formatted text with TextMesh. (Not gui text) I want to support word wrapping, different font styles, etc. I found some source for doing it with GuiText but the code is ugly and apparently slow, and only works with GuiText.

I think I'm going to write something that supports a couple HTML tags like <b>, <i> <font color=...> etc. Should not be too bad I don't think, but is definitely not in any way enjoyable. It's just a hurdle that needs to be jumped at some point.

The place I'm working at has preordered Unity 4, so I've been using it for about a month and a half. You'll be glad to know it now supports HTML-like tags in GUI text (both code-drawn and GUIText GameObjects).

Other nice features it has are:
  • A SkinnedMeshRenderer.BakeMesh() method that can be used to replicate a single animation and reuse it for several objects, saving lots of processing time. This was a huge boon for our first Android game, which ran at awful framerates since it had lots of animated enemies onscreen at all times (until we tried this feature out, that is).
  • A state-based animation system, where you can set transitions to and from each animation clip, and make them watch several different parameters to automatically swap to the right one (and even blending them) with just a few lines of code thrown in to set the watched variables.
  • An animation system that appears to be able to share animations between two biped (ie: human-like bone structure, not the 3DSMax biped) objects as long as they share a slightly similar bone structure. As in being able to use a single set of animations for two different models as long as they're both bipeds.
  • Dynamic font support for Android and iOS.
  • A complete rewrite of the GUI system (which hasn't been implemented yet).

We haven't needed neither the state-based animation system nor the biped animation sharing so far, so I'll let you guys know how it goes once we try those features out.

Also, regarding making game art as a programmer, I mostly try to design the game's graphics around my abilities, sticking to simple 3D graphics or low-res pixel art, which are the best I can manage for now.

I'd also recommend trying to get better at drawing (both by hand and digitally) by reading stuff about it and practicing every now and then. Even if you can't create any masterpieces at first, at the very least you'll learn some basic aesthetic theories, which you'll be able to put to good use by either being aware of what works when creating your own assets, or being able to better express yourself when requesting graphics to a more talented artist.


Guys, if there is someone on the artistic side here, our development studio created a new series of tutorials and tips for game development, and the first episode is about colors, and how to choose the right one for you game. You can get the links here! Hope you like it!


Dug up a really, really old source of a little rpg engine made in CoolBasic. Looks pretty horrific, but I think I was like 14 when I made it and it actually has things like extremely basic AI, exp algorithm with level ups and a very poor, but working inventory:
As you can see, the character's a working paper doll. Exactly what a proper loot whorer and dungeon crawler needs (I'm looking at you Dredmor!).

Also, gonna apply for an internship in a local gaming company tomorrow (haven't got a job currently so that'd get me like 500&#8364;/month in benefits which would be nice before I ship for army). Wish me luck, fellas.

That was a great read, thanks.


Almost trailer making time! Anyone recommend some good, preferably free (or cheap) video editing software? What does everyone use for making trailers?


Will Eat Your Children
Almost trailer making time! Anyone recommend some good, preferably free (or cheap) video editing software? What does everyone use for making trailers?
If you are a student or have access to a student mail you can get microsoft expression for free which is great for capturing and encoding, even better than paid solutions.

For actual trailer making you can use different things, I use Corel which is pretty cheap and does the job to put it all together


Sidhe / PikPok
We have a bunch of articles/interviews of the various roles we have in the studio at PikPok. The latest one just went up today. Peeps here might find them useful as it hopefully provides some insight into the approach we take to game development from a variety of perspectives.

Art Director


Game Design

Technical Art


Quality Assurance Testing

full point

Neo Member
If you prefer C# Unity tutorials, check these out:

3D Buzz - Simple 2D Shooter Tutorial

The 3DBuzz tutorial series can be done over the course of a day or two, and will teach you how to build a simple top down shooter. You'll have to register to view the videos, but it is free. I like this tutorial a lot, because it takes you from "beginning to end" of making a simple arcade-style game and packs a lot of information into a video series that is not unreasonably long.

BurgZerg - 3D RPG Tutorial

The BurgZerg tutorial series will take anywhere from several months to a year. I think I made it to around #260 before I moved on. He covers a pretty ridiculous amount of topics, and if you stick with it, you will end up with a fairly cool 3D demo that will include character creation, stats, inventory, some world-building, day/night system, treasure/looting, player dressing room, enemy creation, particle creation, teleporting around via portals, etc.

Note that to get the most out of this tutorial series, you'll need the Frogames "Warriors and Commoners" pack, which is unfortunately not cheap ($150).


Thanks, man! I've been going back and forth a bit with some others in the thread, and I'm getting closer to stuff working right. I feel like I'm Thomas Edison working in inventing the lightbulb; it took him a thousand tries to get it right. If there are any parallels, I still have about 994 more attempts to go. :)

At this point, I more or less have left and right collisions working fine. I've even got a primitive item pick-up working (when the player touches the item, it disappears). It's really just the jumping and falling that's killin' me. I'm going to give that link you shared a long, hard look and see if it can provide insight. It's so annoying being aware of the basic problem and simply not being able to translate it to logic in my code.


Man, I've always wanted to get into game development, but I always did horribly in all of my computer science classes in school.

I have been making a game in RPG Maker though, but its pretty generic and terrible.


I was probably still messing with batch files and 286-486's when I was 14. Like the only accomplishment I had during that timeframe was making a Perl/CGI online Pokemon battle simulator. I think it was the first one anyone ever made, and you could battle your pokemon red/blue teams against each other, and it worked with uh...a majority of the moves in the game I think. :p And not only was it Perl, but it was horribly written Perl, with great variable names like j and jj and vvv. And it would randomly delete people's teams that they had carefully created. GOOD TIMES

Game Maker Studio is up on Steam. I still feel like I'd be hesitant to go to the full studio since some things are slightly more robust in the pre-studio version? I dunno, I assume Studio should be absolutely better if they get everything fixed.
It's the only thing at http://store.steampowered.com/software/ at the moment. *edit* Oops, a couple more things are there.


Has anyone here read the Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell?

I've been meaning to study/learn a bit more before I ship for army and start my studies. Currently I'm learning Unity with Javascript, but I'm thinking of trying C# and learning more a bout the whole design process.
Has anyone here read the Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell?

I've been meaning to study/learn a bit more before I ship for army and start my studies. Currently I'm learning Unity with Javascript, but I'm thinking of trying C# and learning more a bout the whole design process.

It's a good book, though one part of it made me want to throw it out the window. I can't remember which. The best part of reading the book was just using the language to support my own game design stances in a manner in which more people would listen.

Also that Mario/PIKPOK dude above is a cool guy, we met at GDC and he had to verbally fight a bunch of lawyers just to talk during his own all day business summit thing.


Game Maker Studio is up on Steam. I still feel like I'd be hesitant to go to the full studio since some things are slightly more robust in the pre-studio version? I dunno, I assume Studio should be absolutely better if they get everything fixed.
It's the only thing at http://store.steampowered.com/software/ at the moment. *edit* Oops, a couple more things are there.
That looks really interesting, especially since Unity's 2D built-in features seem quite limited and I'm not sure about the asset store addons. Have to give that a go then.



Working on shading pixel art. Crits please

Transparency still doesn't work for me in graphicsgale. just ignore the magenta.


The Everyman

Working on shading pixel art. Crits please

Transparency still doesn't work for me in graphicsgale. just ignore the magenta.

not bad but i dont think the black shadow on the bottom makes physical sense. to get a shadow like that you would be shining a light straight down.



Working on shading pixel art. Crits please

Transparency still doesn't work for me in graphicsgale. just ignore the magenta.
Isn't it possible to do transparency in graphicsgale by setting the background color? Or is that feature broken for some people? I am considering buying it...
I started working with openFrameworks today, a really awesome C++ cross-platform framework. Got some stuff up and running on Mac and iOS in a few minutes. :)

Gonna just keep messing around with little toys on it until I figure out a project I want to work on!



Working on shading pixel art. Crits please

Transparency still doesn't work for me in graphicsgale. just ignore the magenta.

You can add transparency by selecting the background colour in your Frame Properties (the three dotted button in the Frame window). Just check "All Frames" and select the BG colour as transparency.

Also, what's up with the amount of colours in your palette there? You can easily do this with just four colours :)


Not the best edit, but I think it gets the point across.


Sidhe / PikPok
Also that Mario/PIKPOK dude above is a cool guy, we met at GDC and he had to verbally fight a bunch of lawyers just to talk during his own all day business summit thing.

At least we now all know all we ever need to know about C-corps, S-corps and why you'd rather set up your company in Delaware vs Nevada. Well, hopefully somebody was listening. I was asleep.


What does everyone do for sound effects and music?

Not a fan of using public domain sfx mainly because they're just terrible. I'd like to create my own, but I'm not musically inclined which sucks.

Anyone have any resources?


You can add transparency by selecting the background colour in your Frame Properties (the three dotted button in the Frame window). Just check "All Frames" and select the BG colour as transparency.

Also, what's up with the amount of colours in your palette there? You can easily do this with just four colours :)


Not the best edit, but I think it gets the point across.

Thanks. I was setting transparency in the layers. Works now. I used five colors for the ball. Some of the colors that are there I put there and didn't remove. Thanks for the edit.

not bad but i dont think the black shadow on the bottom makes physical sense. to get a shadow like that you would be shining a light straight down.

Its actually part of the ball. Maybe the contrast is too harsh?

Here is a character base I am working on. This is just the block in no shading. Tell me what sex you think it is.



The Everyman
Thanks. I was setting transparency in the layers. Works now. I used five colors for the ball. Some of the colors that are there I put there and didn't remove. Thanks for the edit.

Its actually part of the ball. Maybe the contrast is too harsh?

Here is a character base I am working on. This is just the block in no shading. Tell me what sex you think it is.


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