My kind of shit. Thank you. I love exploring these sorts of games just to see what people come up with and how it all blends together.Added to OP:
Césure - Free (PC)
I mean its free, so its an easy sell, but seriously worth dabbling a few minutes into. Considering its a 3D place to explore the DL is surprisingly small too (60MB). Tried to swim away from the threatening looking stature and landed on a small island with a weird statue that seemed to serve no purpose either, but left me uneasy. Tried to swim farther away and then only darkness engulfed me.
Trippy experience. Worth checking out!
Also, you can be one of the first 2000 people to dl this game! So sad. Not even 2000 people found that this project looked interesting to warrant a free 50MB dl for a unique experience.
I still very much want a game that would offer these sorts of explorations on a massive scale. Noctis has been my one true love in this regard.