I prefer Dusk v Absolut to Dusk v Flame. I'm not sure what to think of Flame yet but the 3 votes on him kind of feel like they came out of nowhere considering how little discussion there's been about him.
Can you go over why you think AbsolutBro is scum real quick? I know that that some people were suspicious of how he defended CCS, but I would like to hear your present reasons for suspecting him.I prefer Dusk v Absolut to Dusk v Flame. I'm not sure what to think of Flame yet but the 3 votes on him kind of feel like they came out of nowhere considering how little discussion there's been about him.
I apologize guys. I'm guess I'm having issues with it loading on mobile.
Deepest Sorrys.
I would vote Dusk or Flame today. If Flame is going on a trip and has no means to defend himself, I do agree that is not optimal for anyone.
We have a few hours left to decide.
If I had to choose between the former group. I think I'd go for AB only because I think that Dusk is just really unhelpful town. While AB is a lot more muddled to me. Optimally though, I'd still go with CCS since I haven't really seen anything else that has jumped out at me and my prod against Kalor has had no effect.
Agree about Flame though.
This is the read list where he switches gears to Ri'Orius and CCS. Before this point in the game, his main suspects were AbsolutBro, and TheGoddamn.
Notice how he never calls what they're doing "bad play." But two times he uses the term "suspicious."
He follows that up with a vote on Ri'Orius, which I take to mean these reads were supposed to taken seriously.
This is the post of CCS that he included in his read. All CCS is saying here is that he doesn't think it's a good idea to try to deduce the PRs in play based on meta-knowledge of InFamous. This is Cabot's original point mind you, but for some reason it looks suspicious when CCS says it.
Here is the post of Ri'Orius that his read list included. Quite frankly Cabot never puts an argument forth about why this post in particular is scummy. Just describes it as hard to read.
voting for Ri'Orius is doubly suspicious because it's a sheep of my own vote on Ri'Orius. To me it comes across like he wanted someone to have 2 votes to their name and felt voting for Ri'Orius would cause the least amount of friction.
I have a suggestion for this voting phase that will promptly be dismissed, but I want to put it forth anyway.
Others have mentioned this already, but it's common in the final hours of votes for the voting phase to get hectic.
There are many players that will take a look at the voting totals, and then pick betweeen maybe the four or five players that are likely to get lynched.
I think instead we should look at the entire player base and only vote out someone that you genuinely think is scum.
And please don't vote someone out to save someone else that "think" is town. Even if that player is batsnacks, just let them be lynched.
It'll be much easier to hold players accountable to their voting patterns if we don't create senseless bandwagons that make it easy for scum to hide their votes.
If you're really not sure, or don't think anyone is scum yet. Just don't vote. Or vote "no lynch."
I'll unvote for now and comeback with my top suspect upon thinking about it.
vote: Ri'Orius
For what it's worth, my three biggest scum reads right now are Dusk, CCS, & AB. Though I will say that reading back a few posts, I would give CCS the benefit of the doubt. AbsolutBro on the other hand, I can't tell if he's scum trying to protect another scum or a scum trying to protect a townie for whatever reason.
Then again, they could always be lovers.
Your perspective here is important. If you are town, you need to think about why someone who has not really interacted with you is backing you up.
All Town players right now should only fully trust batkawl, no one else. Hard stances therefore are noteworthy. Trust is earned around these parts in this early stage, and yet AB seemed to have trusted you a hell of a lot more than me.
Do you think you've been so Town that it warrants that trust right now?
I feel like I'm trustworthy. AB has played quite a few games with me, maybe he feels happier with my meta than you do?
The protect part is a bit easy to miss on a reread because ab takes the roundabout method of calling it meta shit which doesn't apply to discredit the push against ccs rather than out right defending him.The AB loves CCS thing. I see CCS' reaction and it feels out of place. Aggressive defense with claim threats is rather much I feel. Odd. I'm not seeing the AB uses protect on CCS bit and that makes me worry about Splinter again. Then I see Zipped and Flame parrot Splinter's ideas and that makes me worried about them too.
Oh and this is such a weird answer. No.
Gut mainly and spending too much time with other unhelpful town in previous games as compared to crazy stirring scum. Seen too many mislynches in other games with the same reasoning. Of course, doesn't mean it applies here but its how I feel.What makes you discern Dusk as Unhelpful town vs crazy stirring scum?
Can you give me your CCS reasons again?
Defended CCS using out of game arguments instead of in game reads. Had no interest in determining CCS' alignment despite a) claiming not to have a read on him and b) taking the time to defend him.Can you go over why you think AbsolutBro is scum real quick? I know that that some people were suspicious of how he defended CCS, but I would like to hear your present reasons for suspecting him.
ok this shit is fucking confusing still
CCS: *assumes defensive yet aggressive stance* I'LL CLAIM.
Cabot wants AB to comment on CCS' reaction (= Cabot wants to know what AB thought of CCS' overall reaction to the original accusation?).
AB comments on the reaction post with the claim threat (but not on what caused the reaction, nor on the accusation overall?).
Splinter says that AB is wanting to shut the discussion down because he commented on a specific post and not on the overall matter.
AB says that he was talking about the overall reaction in his previous post critizised by Splinter. Implies (kinda? somewhat?) that the case against CCS was all about da #meta.
Am I even going the right way?
you've described the events, but what do you feel of the events personally?
I added the bolded line, because you ignored the most important part of the whole chain. There is also a post by AB that literally says "I just want to make it clear I don't have a point here and move on". Will fetch actual quotes....ok this shit is fucking confusing still
CCS: *assumes defensive yet aggressive stance* I'LL CLAIM.
AB complains about the accusation against CCS, insists it is meta. Cabot wants AB to comment on CCS' reaction (= Cabot wants to know what AB thought of CCS' overall reaction to the original accusation?).
AB comments on the reaction post with the claim threat (but not on what caused the reaction, nor on the accusation overall?).
Splinter says that AB is wanting to shut the discussion down because he commented on a specific post and not on the overall matter.
AB says that he was talking about the overall reaction in his previous post critizised by Splinter. Implies (kinda? somewhat?) that the case against CCS was all about da #meta.
Am I even going the right way?
I added the bolded line, because you ignored the most important part of the whole chain.
I mean, it's Gafia. Don't take it personally and just play, is the best advice I can give.
Player plays as usual = scumtell
Player doesn't play as usual = scumtell
Well I'm fucked then.
Looks like it's time for my D1 role claim.
I mean, it's Gafia. Don't take it personally and just play, is the best advice I can give.
got some comments on that reaction other than some friendly advice?
Not really? It's a common enough sentiment expressed by multiple players across multiple games with results ranging from "ef you guys I play like I want" to "fuck you guys, I'm out". I could say more, but it would stray into out of game meta stuff. Suffice to say "I don't think you're playing how you usually play" is not something I really consider alignment indicative.
It's not, which only makes CCS' panicked response all the more noteworthy imo
And now he's trying to play the whole thing off as sarcasm, but the tone is completely different.
Actually I really don't like this post. Cabot asked about CCS' reaction. Instead, you talk about the post he was reacting to and spin it into a whole "rah rah big bad meta out of game" to shut down the conversation.
The bolding is mine. The last line is the "I don't know CCS alignment and I don't care, I don't want to talk about this let's move on."No, the "panicked response" is the EXACT thing I'm talking about. The frustrated sentiment that no matter how someone plays they will get #scumread for not playing the exact same way every game. None of which has anything to do specifically with THIS game of Mafia, but rather the way GAF plays Mafia and trying to constantly tie behaviour in one game to behaviour in another game. THAT is the out of game metashit I'm talking about.
None of which says anything about whether CCS is scum or not, which is why I was trying to clarify my (lack of a) point and move on.
I had remembered it slightly out of order, clarified now.That one? I can see it being read as "it is the meta and nothing but the meta" but it's not that strongly worded so I read it more as a encouragement, like "do not fight against that what cannot be defeated." It links to the rest, kinda, but I feel it only becomes part of the defense with the rest of the discussion. At the time of posting, I don't see it being much of a defense at all.
They're probably waiting until the last 15 minutes to see which way the wind blows. Like always.fuck sake, we have just over an hour left and no extra votes from the rather large group who don't have a vote down
What the fuck?
Thanks Splints. I really want to get AB's POV.
Is it absolutely necessary to vote?
No, but it's a very bad idea not toIs it absolutely necessary to vote?
Is it absolutely necessary to vote?
Suppose we lynch Dusk and he turns out to be town. That gives us more info to work with on day 2 as we can look back at today knowing for sure that he was town. There will likely be other stuff to look out from the night phase as well, but the more info we have to work with the better. It'll almost always feel we don't have quite enough info.Hmmm I just feel as if there's not enough info yet. And that maybe day two will be easier. I don't simply want to dogpile someone on the off chance they might be innocent.
Hmmm I just feel as if there's not enough info yet. And that maybe day two will be easier. I don't simply want to dogpile someone on the off chance they might be innocent.
I think scum Dusk would be quieter, as town Dusk tends to make non-traditional posts that get him lynched, but again, maybe he's trying something new.
As for AB, he may play under a slightly different style that involves less meta. He may have just chained his wagon to CCS as an example.
Arkhan Asylum all over again.I feel like there's a lot of people who haven't met the minimum number of posts :/