Step dad just bought a PS4, score! So I'm going to pre-order this. Won't even be so bad having it in the living room, because I own a Vita.
Now the first PS4 game I'll own, will be the first PS4 game that was about to make me salty.
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
Are you okay?
AM I OK???!
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
How well the whole game is split in chunks probably differs quite a lot between developers at this stage.I think every retail digital game supports PlayGo. The file size that you download before being able to play it is all that's different.
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
I asked before but didn't see it answered. In recent previews, some said that the game had an uncapped framerate but SP has been saying it's 30fps. Can someone who has the game tell me which is correct?
The guy who has the game said it was a locked 30 with a few frame drops very rarely (and not even with a lot going on on screen just at random times for no reason).
I really hope it retains the fun factor also like infamous 1 and 2
JesusCouldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
The guy who has the game said it was a locked 30 with a few frame drops very rarely (and not even with a lot going on on screen just at random times for no reason).
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
I think every retail digital game supports PlayGo. The file size that you download before being able to play it is all that's different.
how do you evenI'm sold. Pre-Order uncancelled.
how do you even
uncancel it
what if it's too late D:
Having just move to Seattle from NYC it will be interesting to see a game that take place in another city I am familiar with. I wonder how accurate the map is.
Having just move to Seattle from NYC it will be interesting to see a game that take place in another city I am familiar with. I wonder how accurate the map is.
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
That only looks a few time more powerful than PS2.
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
If my Cheetah express doesn't arrive tomorrow I'm going to cry. Though I'll still get it on Monday.
It's altered Seattle for gameplay purposes. Sucker Punch wants to retain the look and feel of the city basically, but not accurate.
make sure you get outlast and resogun. outlast is leaving soon.
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
More impressions guysss.
I know atleast 3 of you have it >_>
Man, this game makes Watch Dogs look like a game from late last-gen. Crazy...
Well it is on PS3 and 360.
I just solied myselfCouldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha
Pure jealousy runs through my veins.
Although it won't be long before I get to play too!
Make sure you post impressions ASAP!