Steve McQueen
Can't download Cole's Legacy at the moment.
It's not available on day one? Could it be unlocked on releaseday?
Can't download Cole's Legacy at the moment.
10-15 hours, depending on time spent on side stuff, is right in line with the series. Then you play through again as evil and you can double that time.
It's not available on day one? Could it be unlocked on releaseday?
Day one is supposed to be release day.It's not available on day one? Could it be unlocked on releaseday?
Short? how long is the main campaign? I1& I2 had about 17 & 14 hour main campaigns IIRCWhat I'm taking away from the impressions so far:
+ Stunning visuals
+ Fun gameplay
+ Awesome powers
+ Good voice acting
- Short
- Weak/abrupt ending
Any comments on the general quality of the writing/storyline?
Far as I know Cole's Legacy is downloadable by preorder code only, so basically the retailer has to supply the code to download. Meaning, again from what I know, all these early copies will not have access unless the seller provided a code.
I could be wrong. Did anyone that got it from Cheetah have an insert inside the game for Cole's Legacy?
Overall impressions?
If someone who has finished the game could tell me how many powers there are, under spoiler tags, that would be great.
Best next-gen game so far.
+ Best console visuals so far (need to see Ground Zeroes though)
+ Game is super fun. Traversal is great with all powers.
+ All the powers are amazing
+ Great setting
+ Great audio
- One quirk I had is that you can't move the camera while meleeing. Not that big of a deal but it would be nice to be able to plan your next movement, especially since the game can be fast paced depending on how you play
- I had a couple frame rate dips (maybe 2-3 times where I noticed it) but really this is a minor inconvenience. Most of the time it's really smooth. Feels like it's above 30 a lot of the time. I'm not sure though.
- Other than the story, there aren't really that many side missions? At least that I've seen, they're mostly just healing people, detecting things (you'll see), etc. Not really that varied outside of the main story.
Great game. I'd probably give it 8.75/10. And I'd highly recommend it to any PS4 owner.
Pretty these are 100% optional and only benefit those seeking more karma, otherwise there not worth to do as they are random events
Four. Just writing random stuff so people can't be spoiled by the length of this post.
Best next-gen game so far.
+ Best console visuals so far (need to see Ground Zeroes though)
+ Game is super fun. Traversal is great with all powers.
+ All the powers are amazing
+ Great setting
+ Great audio
- One quirk I had is that you can't move the camera while meleeing. Not that big of a deal but it would be nice to be able to plan your next movement, especially since the game can be fast paced depending on how you play
- I had a couple frame rate dips (maybe 2-3 times where I noticed it) but really this is a minor inconvenience. Most of the time it's really smooth. Feels like it's above 30 a lot of the time. I'm not sure though.
- Other than the story, there aren't really that many side missions? At least that I've seen, they're mostly just healing people, detecting things (you'll see), etc. Not really that varied outside of the main story (which wasn't that long, I felt, beat it in under 10 hours).
Great game. I'd probably give it 8.75/10. And I'd highly recommend it to any PS4 owner.
So that Cole Legacy DLC definitely isnt going to be available seperately at all? In the UK its tied to the more expensive SE version as we dont have a LE over here.
Anyone played it want to post spoilered comments if its good or not and worth getting the SE over the normal edition? I assume its not essential but as an Infamous fan I wanted the DLC. Love to see a vid of the DLC being played completely - be a good compromise...
ps3ud0 8)
Best next-gen game so far.
+ Best console visuals so far (need to see Ground Zeroes though)
+ Game is super fun. Traversal is great with all powers.
+ All the powers are amazing
+ Great setting
+ Great audio
- One quirk I had is that you can't move the camera while meleeing. Not that big of a deal but it would be nice to be able to plan your next movement, especially since the game can be fast paced depending on how you play
- I had a couple frame rate dips (maybe 2-3 times where I noticed it) but really this is a minor inconvenience. Most of the time it's really smooth. Feels like it's above 30 a lot of the time. I'm not sure though.
- Other than the story, there aren't really that many side missions? At least that I've seen, they're mostly just healing people, detecting things (you'll see), etc. Not really that varied outside of the main story (which wasn't that long, I felt, beat it in under 10 hours).
Great game. I'd probably give it 8.75/10. And I'd highly recommend it to any PS4 owner.
So the side missions of what little there are, not really interesting? Is it really just two or three types?
Thanks and sorry, I just looked at the last couple of pages and realised it had been asked and answered. I think its been mentioned here that the devs said that piece of DLC isnt expected to be available later. Loathed to pay £60/$100 to ensure I get it...The Cole Legacy DLC is not aviable yet (the game isn't officialy released), so we don't know if it worth buying the SE only for it.
And I'm pretty sure it will be purchasable later on PSN.
Pretty these are 100% optional and only benefit those seeking more karma, otherwise there not worth to do as they are random events
Thanks and sorry, I just looked at the last couple of pages and realised it had been asked and answered. I think its been mentioned here that the devs said that piece of DLC isnt expected to be available later. Loathed to pay £60/$100 to ensure I get it...
ps3ud0 8)
Best next-gen game so far.
I'd probably give it 8.75/10.
You can get it for £50 from Tesco using the new customer code.
Does not compute.
Not everyone casually throws out 9/10s to their scores.
7.5/10Not everyone casually throws out 9/10s to their scores.
Best next-gen game so far.
+ Best console visuals so far (need to see Ground Zeroes though)
+ Game is super fun. Traversal is great with all powers.
+ All the powers are amazing
+ Great setting
+ Great audio
- One quirk I had is that you can't move the camera while meleeing. Not that big of a deal but it would be nice to be able to plan your next movement, especially since the game can be fast paced depending on how you play
- I had a couple frame rate dips (maybe 2-3 times where I noticed it) but really this is a minor inconvenience. Most of the time it's really smooth. Feels like it's above 30 a lot of the time. I'm not sure though.
- Other than the story, there aren't really that many side missions? At least that I've seen, they're mostly just healing people, detecting things (you'll see), etc. Not really that varied outside of the main story (which wasn't that long, I felt, beat it in under 10 hours).
Great game. I'd probably give it 8.75/10. And I'd highly recommend it to any PS4 owner.
Are there collectibles in IF:SS like shards in the previous games? If so, how many? I like picking them up if a game gives you hints to their location.
Sounds great,I expect the basic attack to be similar because that makes sense.14 hours in have a 89% completion and I only need 1 more collectible which I don't think is possible till basically the end.
Best infamous bar none in the series, melee attacks are dead on...the only skill that anyone can complain about mostly being a reskin is the standard shoot/r2 attack. Other than that there is actually a major variance that makes me choose one or the other in certain situations.....although I developed a favorite lol.
Will easily finish the game later today once I sleep.
can you tell me more about that?
Right but I don't really consider that slightly short length at all though.I don't really mind the slightly short length as I don't have as much time playing games these days. 15+ hours is more than enough for me.
If you sign up for a new account at Tesco Direct and use the following code TDX-PR4N you get £10 off.
Yeah, it's pretty barren with the side quests. There are things to do outside of missions though. But even that is easily completed and only nets you karma.
UAVs have replaced carrying pigeons and when you destroy them you get something. This game shows you everything if you destroy a specific highly guarded DUP mobile command station. In that specific area it will then show you where to find all of the collectables and side mission stuff.
Seems pretty straight forward. Most 9/10 games these days aren't 9/10 games.Does not compute.
The lowest seen is 9 hours and I think the highest was 14 or 15, both not 100% complete though.How is the length compared to Infamous 1 and 2? Is the amount of side content similar to those games? Because I got a LOT of playtime from those games. Also is there a blast shards equivalent? I wasted so much time in those games just hunting those down.
Right but I don't really consider that slightly short length at all though.
Thats true!Not if you compare it to the average retail game. But it might be slightly short if you compare it to the average open world game.