Stream looks great. You're kicking ass!
Yes. The story dictates the time of day. I'm unsure as to how it works post story though.
Thanks, just tired of bad players making combat look shite lol.
Stream looks great. You're kicking ass!
Yes. The story dictates the time of day. I'm unsure as to how it works post story though.
Thanks, just tired of bad players making combat look shite lol.
Man.. It's pissing me off how many people are trying to downplay this game. Either nitpicking the hell out of it or saying complete shit like "Thief looks better than inFamous."
I am seriously wondering what they are smoking.
Thanks, just tired of bad players making combat look shite lol.
Chat comments?
Because I wouldn't take twitch trolls seriously.
Yes. It looks even better on the TV.
No you can't turn off the HUD (right now).
Also I know someone said this game is locked to 30 fps, but I don't think thats the case.
When you look at the sky you can clearly see the framerate speed up (like past infamous games)
This leads me to the conclusion that it is actually unlocked.
It's annoying to see users who nitpick the hell out of inFamous, but give games like TF a free ride when judging it graphically.
Is that Nate Fox's roundabout way of getting people to choose the evil ending as canon so he can realise his idea's from 2 to some extent? Guess we wait for evil ending impressions /tinfoil
Not on Twitch. I haven't even streamed at all since I don't want my Twitch acct banned. I'm talking about some users who posted in the Next Gen screenshots thread.
It's annoying to see users who nitpick the hell out of inFamous, but give games like TF a free ride when judging it graphically.
Lol. Have you looked at the DF thread? Even people posting infamous gifs there. Its ridiculous.I've gotten used to it by now.
Titanfall gets a free ride on most negative criticisms attached to it. It's annoying.
Lol. Have you looked at the DF thread? Even people posting infamous gifs there. Its ridiculous.
I've nitpicked from the screenshots at the trees and the lod on some buildings and shadows, but it still a great looking game. I love me some Titanfall, I have about 20 hours or so on PC, with it maxed out. Graphics are not a strong point for Titanfall, gameplay is. Either way, what InFamous does with lighting and particle effects is very very impressive and they definitely deserve the accolades. After this and MGSV I'm not sure what to even look forward to for the rest of the year. I haven't bought an Xbox One game in months. Not sure when I'll get to do that.
The Order is set come out this year. I know for a fact, that game will usurp inFamous graphically. But then, it's also not open world.
Most, not all.
I've posted in that thread. I would facepalm if performance got a free pass from Titanfall, considering the game relies on it.
You know what's more crazy guys? People saying that GTAV looks better.
Yup... GTAV looks better. /s
That's stupid for sure. Infamous seems near photorealism in certain screens we've seen.You know what's more crazy guys? People saying that GTAV looks better.
Yup... GTAV looks better. /s
GorgeousYou know what's more crazy guys? People saying that GTAV looks better.
Yup... GTAV looks better. /s
I just see a bit of a persecution complex happening with statements like yours.
The graphics really shine in darker environments
I'm enjoying doing a bunch of side stuff and just messing things up, played about 5 hours myself with 23 percent done, still just on smoke haha
Oh I get those feels all the time for my most anticipated games. I wish I didn't preorder digital for this one so I could get it early. I'm really excited to see this on my Tv at home finally. I think it looks the most next gen of any title yet, close to what gears was for 360. The particles... wow.True. There's a lot of generalization in statements like mine that, as you said, isn't without some level of persecution complex. ( not intentional, but I'd say it's done in poor taste on my end)
I won't deny I made that statement irresponsibly.
I'll stop it at that.
The TitanFall thing is odd, because that game's technical failings most likely aren't due to it's system's limitations, it's just a poorly crafted game on a technical level. Talking about it's shortcomings shouldn't be some underhand console war thing.
Likewise if people think SS is 'cheating' because the design isn't as systemic as what we traditionally consider an open world game, that shouldn't be viewed as an attack on the PS4 as a platform.
This is just an especially rocky time, because TitanFall is MS's biggest exclusive till Halo 5 next fall I imagine. That game has the weight of an entire first party on it, as unfair as that is.
The TitanFall thing is odd, because that game's technical failings most likely aren't due to it's system's limitations, it's just a poorly crafted game on a technical level. Talking about it's shortcomings shouldn't be some underhand console war thing.
Likewise if people think SS is 'cheating' because the design isn't as systemic as what we traditionally consider an open world game, that shouldn't be viewed as an attack on the PS4 as a platform.
This is just an especially rocky time, because TitanFall is MS's biggest exclusive till Halo 5 next fall I imagine. That game has the weight of an entire first party on it, as unfair as that is.
They cant access the DLC untill the game releases.Has any of the reviewers mentioned the coles legacy dlc, as i really want to play it but dont know if it is worth the extra cost. Will cost me £20 extra.
Walk to Seattle. Fuck that. There is a car right there.
How is the texture quality of building and walls up close? Good with nice bumb/normal maps? On screens the textures seem not always that great.
How is the texture quality of building and walls up close? Good with nice bumb/normal maps? On screens the textures seem not always that great.
With the screenshot I posted, I don't know how you can get better textures. There's a normal map applied to the white tiles for example.
Graphics are great, I get that but is the gameplay much better than the first two?
Graphics are great, I get that but is the gameplay much better than the first two?
On that screenshot with the car. Was the car just there with the broken glass all over the place or did that broken glass occur from something the player did?
was there something wrong with the gameplay before?