They cant access the DLC untill the game releases.
Did wonder if that was the case, thanks.
They cant access the DLC untill the game releases.
Well, just finished. Definitely took me less than 10 hours but I didn't do a lot of the side stuff.
How do a lot of people have the game already?
Graphics are great, I get that but is the gameplay much better than the first two?
Why yes, yes it is.
Not even close.
I don't even get how people can consider an infamous game boring. what is fun to you guys?
This thread feels very much like when you were a kid and your older brother was describing what a boob felt like.
Arkham City.I don't know about this one, but the other 2 games were repetitive, lifeless and boring. I've never seen such a lifeless open world game.. Just pulls you out of the game
Oh also for those wondering, No one from the previous two infamous games are mentioned. Ever.
The only reference to those two games is when they say "Seven years ago..." since thats when all this conduit business started.
So you don't need to play the first two games.
what was your overall impression of the game?Well, just finished. Definitely took me less than 10 hours but I didn't do a lot of the side stuff.
Dude! Spoiler tag! Goddamn!
Is there a new game + ?
Can you ''reset'' enemy presence in the city ?
Or is it that stupid shit again where you got all upgrades and nothing left to do/fight... I hope not.
This is inFamous 2 for comparison(my direct feeds):
It's amazing what Sucker Punch did with Second Son, glad they added AA.
Im cool with that. Playing through once good and once evil should give me 20+ hours, and all the roaming I would do would add a few extra. Seems like a decent amount to me.It's been a lot of fun watching you guys try and figure out stuff (paper power haha). I rather enjoyed the game even if it was a bit on the short side. Even with all of the things to do in this game it took me about 10-12 hours to 100%.
Don't worry, I'm only half way doneI feel like I'm the only gaffer who bought from cheetah who hasn't finished the game. lol
Overall impressions?Well, just finished. Definitely took me less than 10 hours but I didn't do a lot of the side stuff.
What I'm taking away from the impressions so far:
+ Stunning visuals
+ Fun gameplay
+ Awesome powers
+ Good voice acting
- Short
- Weak/abrupt ending
Any comments on the general quality of the writing/storyline?
No new game plus. At the end of the game you are fully powered up and you just finish whatever side missions you have left and clear the remaining DUP presence out of the city.
Can you at least manually save ?
So you can finish the story & upgrade all powers and then save and have fun fighting DUP controlled areas ?
It's not really a spoiler. SP has emphasized many times that this is Delsin's story, not Cole's.
Yeah you can manually save.
AgreedDo you mind keeping some of that stuff in spoilers, BeardyChan?
I've never played an infamous game before, can anyone tell me how repayable they are and possibly how replayable SS will be?
I've never played an infamous game before, can anyone tell me how repayable they are and possibly how replayable SS will be?
I feel like I'm the only gaffer who bought from cheetah who hasn't finished the game. lol
Can people refrain from posting spoilers in here? Accidentally reading a spoiler in the OT thread would really be upsetting so close to release.
According to Greg retweet, Walmart is already selling Infamous Second son. So try your luck out.
To people who finished the game...Is the DLC ( Cole's Legacy ) worth it? For us Europeans, the DLC is only available in the SE and LE and those versions cost 25-35 euro's more than the regular editions :/
At least that's something... I really don't understand developers. They create a great sandbox game and then not including new game + or a way to reset things in that world :S
Oh no! inFamous is short too?!
Both MGS V and inFamous seem to be short then..., was looking forward to at least inFamous lasting a while. Hopefully the side quests/trophies should help it last longer.
How does the length of Second Son compare to inFamous 2?