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Ingrown toenails

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Is it safe to try and fix an ingrown toenail by yourself? For instanec, if one was to take pliers, pull the side of the nail out from under the skin and then try to cut it with scissors or clippers? I heard doctors put nails into the toe and freeze it, that sounds painful.
if its not TOO bad, you might be able to fix it yourself just by clipping it a little. But if you have the means, go to the doctor and have him do it. I had a real bad one and it actually felt kinda cool to see the doc shoving all these instruments in my toe and ripping out pieces of the nail. As far as nails and freezing, i don't know anything about that. He just gave me a couple of shots right in the toe (the most painful part) to numb it up, and then went to town with what looked like a pair of pliers. Took like 20 minutes tops.

El Papa

I had one starting on the outside of my big toe, so I cut off the dead skin with some nail clippers, clipped part of the nail then pulled it out with tweesers, rinse/repeat untill it was all out. I've never had a problem since.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Getting shots in your toe is fucking brutal :(


It's safe to do, but not worth it. Just go to the doctor. They'll give you some novocaine and take it out in a sec.

But a word of advice...skip the shots of novocaine and just let them take it out with the scalpel. Much easier, IMO.

DJ Sl4m

Every time that extreme soreness starts I wait 1 full day to make sure it's not one of those that just gets better by itself.

When I'm sure it's an ingrown toenail that needs attending to, I take 800 mg ibuprofrin and drink a bottle of chardonnay, cut the dead skin around it, clip it back as far as I can and pull that painfull lil shit out.

The sooner you do it, the less painfull it is, I've never let it get so bad I had to let a doctor do it for me.


it's also a good idea to soak your toe in warm water before you go digging around, it makes the skin more pliable and softens up the toe nail making it a lot easier to pull out.
Wolfy said:
Is it safe to try and fix an ingrown toenail by yourself? For instanec, if one was to take pliers, pull the side of the nail out from under the skin and then try to cut it with scissors or clippers? I heard doctors put nails into the toe and freeze it, that sounds painful.
If you like blood on the floor, go ahead.
I actually jsut soaked my toe in an epsom salt/warm water mix a few times and it helped A LOT, made all the swelling go away and pretty much fixed it.

El Papa

Toe nails are for pussies! Rip it out and cauterize it! No more ingrown toe nails and it will make your friends and the girls go "WHOA"!
Wolfy said:
Is it safe to try and fix an ingrown toenail by yourself? For instanec, if one was to take pliers, pull the side of the nail out from under the skin and then try to cut it with scissors or clippers?

No, no, no, no, no. You'll almost certainly get the thing more infected than it already is, and it'll hurt like a bastard. See a doctor. If it's not that serious, he/she might just give you a prescription for an antibiotic and tell you to soak it in epsom salts. If it's infected enough, they numb your toe, cut part of the nail off, and kill part of the nail bed with a chemical so that it doesn't get ingrown again. It's a quick operation that they can do on the spot, and once it's done you're home free.


well not really...yet
I used to have them a lot on my big toe on each foot. Eventually I just got a surgery to kill the growth cells on each side of the nail on both toes, never had one since then


I've never had an ingrown toenail. How the hell does that happen? Sounds like it would suck ass.


It basically happens when the nail starts growing into the flesh on the side of the big toe and you could generally thank tight shoes for it.

I'll have to get a section of nail permanently removed since mine refuses to go back to normal. That's going to mean cutting into the skin at the base of the nail to remove some of the nail bed to stop the nail growing back. In the mean time I've been using scissors to dig down pretty deep and cut the nail away from the flesh and remove a section. It's a temporary solution and is mildly effective.


Take if from someone who has had the doctor do this to him a total of 10 times. Its worth it to get it taken care of by a doctor. They usually like to kill the nerve that grows the nail too. But for some reason my two big toes (both sides of the toes) have given me problems still to this day.

Some of the nerves actually live with bacteria in the bottom of your feet in this huge thing. Thats when they have to shave the bottom of your foot off and then they wrap your food. I've had this done a few times two. Not the best thing to have to deal with.


I had an accident when I was young were this huge frickin brick fell on my right foot's little toe, ouch. I lost a small piece of my toe, where normally the nail rests on/grows over. So now the area where the nail originates is at the very end of my toe, causing the nail to grow in some sort of arch downwards and almost towards my toe again. Funny thing is, I almost never have to cut the thing. Maybe the growth area has been damaged as well or something. Doesn't hurt, needs no cutting, and as added bonus it's hardly visible (to someone who doesn't know). All in all not a bad modification actually ;)


I had an ingrown toenail on my left toe (it hurt like hell and was bleeding all the time).

I tried to fix it at first, but it got worse and worse.. So I went to a doctor and he cut the side of the nail off. After it had grown back it started again, and it got even worse, so I had to operate. He cut the toe open and scraped (?) the root of the side of the nail, to kill it.

Now Im missing about 2 mm of the side of the nail (it will never grow back).. But no more problems. :)


One of the ways of preventing ingrown toenails is to cut them properly. What is this exactly? I know you're supposed to cut them straight across (kinda hard when clippers are curved :/)... Apparently cutting a little v into them helps prevent them too?


B'z-chan said:
Take if from someone who has had the doctor do this to him a total of 10 times. Its worth it to get it taken care of by a doctor. They usually like to kill the nerve that grows the nail too. But for some reason my two big toes (both sides of the toes) have given me problems still to this day.

Some of the nerves actually live with bacteria in the bottom of your feet in this huge thing. Thats when they have to shave the bottom of your foot off and then they wrap your food. I've had this done a few times two. Not the best thing to have to deal with.

You've had it 10 times and they havent sent you to a surgeon yet to take care of the problem permenantly? You should really ask about it. Its actual surgery not give you a local and trim away. THey put you under open up the skin on either side and remove the sides of the nail so they can never grow back. If you're still under your parents insurance go do it man.


robochimp said:
You've had it 10 times and they havent sent you to a surgeon yet to take care of the problem permenantly? You should really ask about it. Its actual surgery not give you a local and trim away. THey put you under open up the skin on either side and remove the sides of the nail so they can never grow back. If you're still under your parents insurance go do it man.
Yeah, I had that done to me a few months back -- no problems since then. And it doesn't take too long, either.


This thread isn't complete without a picture of uma thurmans wonderful sasquatch feet.

Which I couldnt' find in a google image host so someone else can post :(


Maybe we should start a "post pictures of your current ingrown toe nail" thread, like the periodic "post current pictures of yourself thread".


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