Bored kids go online and troll because they're bored and can get away with it.
Guy writes like a supervillian
His responses read like a school essay.
Is just saying this...
But through a pretentious, 'I can use big boy words' filter.
He is a bully that lacks empathy and none of the big words, book quotes, or comedian references are going to change that.
Bored kids go online and troll because they're bored and can get away with it.
Makes me wonder if we even read the same thing at all. Many trolls may completely lack any semblance of empathy, or act purely out of boredom, or a sense of superiority, but I'm not clearly getting any of that from this individual- and we are talking about one, actual, real human being- in fact, I'm not getting anything from him other than long-overdue self-reflection.Typical internet asshole that believes he's more intelligent than anyone else.
All that? All that. It took, if we are to accept the exchange as genuine, one goddamn person asking him to just take a few minutes and explain his motivation for one comment. The rest all came from him going over his own past, his own biases, his personal vendettas translated into digital rage, almost like he'd absentmindedly slid onto a therapist's chair. Maybe it legitimately was just a few days of unprecedented self-reflection, and maybe it will be enough for him to, next time, type something and then pause, merely chuckle to himself about it, and delete it to spare the human on the other side.It took all that for the troll to realize that maybe he or she shouldn't be a dick. Amazing.
Guy trolls on the Internet with death threats but doesn't want his name disclosed. That really says it all.
hehehe...these guys are just so easy to manipulate, yeah...
I've always wanted to try being an internet troll in the style of Chinner, blamespace, or some of GAFs fallen (free demi?). There's a craft to that kind of trolling that I respect. Being just slightly too absurd for paragraphs at a time, the ridiculous biases, or the perfect four word phrase. But it would take too much work, and I think I write too earnestly/personally to play a character consistently. I'm much better at that type of thing in real life, where I get the bonus of seeing people's reactions.
Wanting a be an Internet troll in the mold of lamespace is quite telling.
I never understood the cult of personality that springs up among the worst of Neogaf's posters.
So what I gained from this is that internet trolls think they're comedians but don't understand comedy.
That sounds about right.
Patrick chose to not publish it himself. Probably to not give him any publicity just for being an asshole.
But this feels unnecessary anyway. There's nothing to expose or explore here. Feels either naive or conceited. Maybe both.
.I give permission to publish it should you choose to do so, minus the email address of course.
I've always wanted to try being an internet troll in the style of Chinner, blamespace, or some of GAFs fallen (free demi?). There's a craft to that kind of trolling that I respect. Being just slightly too absurd for paragraphs at a time, the ridiculous biases, or the perfect four word phrase. But it would take too much work, and I think I write too earnestly/personally to play a character consistently. I'm much better at that type of thing in real life, where I get the bonus of seeing people's reactions.
Trolling along the lines of the guy Klepek talked to is something I never would have considered. It's just mean spirited, and not clever. The art of trolling is to lead someone on, to get them to attempt a rational conversation with an absurd, irrational character. To lead them on as long as possible, then disappear, or reveal the troll's purposes at the person's expense. Not to tell them to kill themselves. That used to be called "flaming," not trolling, and I think we need to separate these two again. Troll has become far too blanketed a term.
hehehe...these guys are just so easy to manipulate, yeah...
patrick is out of his depth on this one
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.
There's a pretty vast gulf between having one over on people ala Chinner or freenudemacusers vs. death threats, harassment, etc.
You're playing a character too, just not a troll type.
Or I could just be a real human expressing an opinion.
Oh, and I don't have a beef with anyone here. I just think some posters are awful.
I’ve left behind my more destructive habits in real life
the old internet - my sanctuary for many years, as I used to despise the world I was forced to live in offline
Awesome.What I am saying is, I dont think people should take the internet and its content so seriously. I think it is detrimental to all of us if we do, and not just from the perspective of restricted speech. I believe the consolidation of social entities to electronic imitations of real life structures, e.g. Facebook and Twitter, does not enrich but rather debases the human experience. The internet is a tool, not a replacement for reality, and one best kept open and free. People forget this. I like to remind them, in my own way.
I gotta admit, I lol'd.
He seems pretty well read. If he focused himself he could be so much more than an internet troll.
Maybe my sarcasm detector is broken, but: Seriously?
His reminders are inconsequential in his own mind, but then he wouldn't do it. He understands that people don't think like he does about the internet (thankfully), which is why his comments sting, which is why he does it. His whole sentiment is as incoherent as it is irrelevant. He's saying "not partaking in the internet seriously will secure free speech". Which will be worth nothing, since it won't be "serious".
He is barely nihilistic, wishing to ruin the internet, because it "debases real life structures", but at the same time saying the internet is a "tool" (just look up the definition of tool and see how that's a contradiction), the whole thing just comes across as a guy that's masturbating in his own shit, and the moment someone asks him why, he takes this philosophical and artistic approach. He's still just a moron in my eyes, no matter how he defends it.
My guess is someone with a few disorders. Borderline personality or sociopath perhaps, something that might explain his split thinking. Of course, it's worth remembering that at the end of their exchange, he appears to realise that the trolling is pointless nowadays. That might explain the conflicting opinions; they're opinions from different periods in his life and he just realised it. (Presuming he is telling the truth.)
Written word can hurt just as much as verbal abuse, there's really very little difference between the two, other than the way each is delivered to the one getting bullied. The idiotic "it's just the Internet, don't take it seriously" mentality doesn't get one away with being a moron and hurting people with what one does. That's almost like saying being drunk means you're not really responsible for anything you do. Saying stuff that would get you in trouble in the "real world" should get you into trouble even if you say it "just" in the web. Just because it happens on your computer screen doesn't make it any less real or less abusive than saying it in person (it might be even worse because not as many people will be able to say something horrible like "just kill yourself" in person but throw that around and even worse shit on the Internet), although the act itself is easier for the coward cyberbullies to do than standing in front of a person and say the same things. And as long as people think like you ("people say dumb things on the Internet, it shouldn't matter"), this kind of behaviour of these cyberbullies will be somewhat accepted or at least tolerated widely.I don't think he's wrong about needing to separate the two (a lot of people say a lot of really dumb things on the internet), but he just has no ability to comprehend how some people aren't able to do that.
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.
Sums up my feelings about this. I'd rather he be outed like ViolentAcrez tbh.
Also anyone else remember when trolling wasn't conflated with flaming?
Well... yeah, that's what I was saying. At the moment, all these things fall under the word "troll" in common vernacular. Harassment and death threats need a different word.
He could have saved himself a lot of trouble by saying,"I wrote it because I can. I don't care if any actions hurt the guy because if he does what I say then he is weak."
The original meaning of trolling got lost when it started showing up in news reports to describe something completing different.
What this guy is doing is definately not trolling and Patrick isn't helping by calling it that. Its harrasment and abuse is what it is and its rightly illegal (in the UK at least).
Wouldn't it be the intention that defines it? If he wasn't being serious then it kinda is trolling.