That's a mightily interesting article, Gunsot, thanks for posting
As for the troll itself, it is curious how while he describes the reasons behind it, he seems to show the same set of attitudes and beliefs of horrible, shitty people in real life:
- People needs to be, huh, "educated". I am not being an asshole, but a corrective pedagogic force:
What I am saying is, I dont think people should take the internet and its content so seriously. I think it is detrimental to all of us if we do, and not just from the perspective of restricted speech. I believe the consolidation of social entities to electronic imitations of real life structures, e.g. Facebook and Twitter, does not enrich but rather debases the human experience. The internet is a tool, not a replacement for reality, and one best kept open and free. People forget this. I like to remind them, in my own way.
- There's a greater evil that I must fight with all my might and this person happens to be the symbolic embodiment of it:
"By the way, if anyone here is in advertising or marketing
Kill yourself."
I love that stanza of his act and I guess thats the spirit I was thinking of, because Im really sick of these new media tech dweebs spending massive amounts of resources on advertising and crying like babies when the slightest thing doesnt go their way. Nguyen represents to me just another one of those faces, who cares so little about how money is used, who is so self-absorbed as to publicly proclaim his desire to rid the world of a (supposedly) enjoyable game and a profit stream that could be used for a net positive gain. It makes my stomach turn.
- People brought my horrible actions into theirselves, thus I should not be accountable for them. They should learn the consequences of their acts! (where "consequences" is "me being a jerk"):
we should remember that Nguyen - who we must assume in good faith legitimately despised the attention his game brought upon him, though personally I doubt it - turned the spotlight of public scrutiny upon himself, intentionally and voluntarily.
- I have a pretty shitty existance and several issues, so I vent out with others
The second reason stems from the first. Why do I choose to remind them in such an abrasive way? I feel powerless and I take my frustrations out on others.
- But that's alright because venting up in certain circumstances (like on Twittter) harms noone
Is it then acceptable for me to make comments like kill yourself at people on Twitter? Of course not. Ive never contended that it is. Quite the opposite in fact. But really, when people take these sorts of issues seriously, I just have to laugh because it is an absolute absurdity.
It is more complex than "I did it for the lulz" or "teh evil", but in the end it all amounts to extremely toxic life attitudes that ends up spilling into online territory, I think.