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iOS 6 |OT| New Maps? googy pls


dumb question:

If I have my iphone 4s jailbroken, can I update? I never got 5.1, can I just get that then 6.0 and have nothing wrong with my phone? (Outside of the fact that it won't be jailbroken)


I've looked at the use cases and don't think it's faster than doing anything manually. Well, I do (or did, rather) use the "call my girlfriend" feature a lot but that could be done without Siri too... and obviously wouldn't be too useful on my iPad.

I set a lot of reminders and calendar entries, so it will be very useful for me. Keep in mind, I have LTE turned on, and use my iPad at work.
Still waiting for it to be available on both my 4S and iPad 3.

Edit: Now available on my iPad, still waiting on iPhone.

Edit 2: Both going now. Yay!


Seeing as if I should update my iPad 3 to 6.0 and lose my jailbreak. What real benefits do I get aside from the addition of Siri?


i have an iphone 4 with the most recent beta build. i'm at work right now so i can't really connect to itunes. i was hoping i could get this gm release over the air. so far, no luck. i'm in the central part of usa by the way.


26 minutes for me.

I had the GM, and it said that my phone was up to date, so I reverted back to 5.1.1 and updated.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Can't wait for more iOS 6 Maps complaints :)

App Store is so weird to me, it's like it loads stuff whenever it wants to


Woohoo, Cineplex Mobile app (for Canadians, I suppose) updated for Passbook integration!

Download is over 50MB. D'oh.
Will the download continue in the background if the device goes to sleep? I figured it would, but after letting both my iPad and iPhone go to sleep, then checking progress, it felt like they had both halted. Could be just incredibly slow downloads at the moment as the servers get hammered.

My iPhone is fluctuating between 20 minutes and 3 minutes until complete.


Manual downloads: http://ios.e-lite.org

Is anyone on iPad actually upgrading to 6? There's no YouTube app yet AND we lose Google Maps while the rest of the features are either inconsequential or phone-specific.
Youtube.com -> Save to home screen.

For me, these things are worth it to upgrade on the iPad:
- Safari has iCloud tabs, file uploading, jpegs aren't downscaled if they're more than 2MB (critical for retina sites on the 2012 iPad), and a faster javascript engine.
- I can send and receive iMessages from my phone number
- Facebook integration for single sign on in apps, friends are synced in my contacts list
- Haven't given it a real world spin yet with my family members since they don't have iOS 6, but I like the idea of shared photo streams since they're not all on Facebook.
- Do not disturb. My iPad lights up at night and brightens the room when a new notification comes in. I don't need to see them at night when I have my phone.
- Mail lets you attach photos and videos inside the app, has pull to refresh, and can maintain different signatures for multiple accounts.
- App store doesn't kick you out when downloading an app or prompt you for a pass when updating.
Just curious, first time OS upgrader, do I need to do anything to make sure I dont lose all my game saves, pics, messages, EVERYTHING from my phone? Or does the upgrade just "work" is there anything I need to do on my end?

The upgrade should just work, but it never hurts to have an iCloud backup anyways.
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