That doesnt work not anymore, Apple has ristricted it
Yeah, they seem to have broken all those explorer programs. I used to use a program that cleared caches for me and worked brilliantly. Deleted all the large web caches that apps like Safari, Tumblr, Twitter and FaceBook would build up and freed up so much space. And I had a program that could browse the disk in the phone and supposedly put stuff back. I used it a couple times to fix my iTunes sync when it had a problem with leaving behind MP3 files that it was supposed to have deleted.
Now I don't think any of them work. I'd give anything to be able to just backup and restore just the message database.
I'd rather Apple make it sync all my messages, SMS and iMessage alike, to iCloud so when I open Messages on my other machines they're completely identical. Right now it syncs them as it goes. When a message comes in, it gets pushed through the cloud to the other machines you have set to receive them. But if there's any threads that existed before, they won't have the messages. And if you delete a message, it only deletes from that device, not all of them. And sometimes messages download out of order or it skips messages all together. I also hate when my iPhone friends messages come in on my Mac first and it takes a whole minute or so for it to even show up on my phone. And when it does, it comes in backwards.
I just want proper message syncing! I want it to be like FaceBook Messenger. Open it from anywhere I am logged in and everything is there. Delete a message from my end and it disappears from all my devices. Maybe iOS 10. Maybe. Probably not.
I also hate that threads on iOS are separated by number (If a friend has gone through half a dozen different numbers, it shows them all separately as different threads.) but on OS X they are separated by person. (All threads are merged into one thread by date and it shows the phone number for the new thread when it starts.) And how it just shows the number on OS X and not the nickname it has. Like my friend who actually exists and has gone through 6 different numbers in the past year so I have them all in her contacts labeled as "Cell", "Old number", "free texting app", "old number 2", etc. But instead OS X only displays the number itself and makes you have to remember what one it was. And I never know which one I'm going to be replying to when I do reply. I assume it replies to the most recently received one but it's still a little paranoia that my message might get sent to a number she no longer has. I'd delete all the numbers from her contact card but then I end up with orphaned threads with no name. Wouldn't be a problem if I could give threads from single people a name like I can with group chats.
And another thing that grinds my gears is that on OS X they display as their normal name, but on iOS they use the nickname, which is what I want. Don't understand why.
I do all of my music management like you described without ever connecting my phone to iTunes. My play counts update and when I edit my playlist on one device like my iPhone those changes are pushed to all of my other device. Unless I'm understanding wrong, I think everything you outlined (except for last played syncing) already exists.
This does not happen for me at all. All my playlists are pretty much smart playlists sorted by either last played or play count. But none of them change when I play my music. They don't update until I sync. Are you using iTunes Match? Because that's not a feature of vanilla Mac usage. I want to be able to have everything stored on the cloud and have smart playlists editable from the devices. If this is something iTunes Match does, I will damn sure buy $1 worth of iCloud storage for my music and a $24 subscription. Because its exactly what I've wanted forever. To not ever have to launch iTunes if I don't have to.
I remember back a long time ago, the iPad Music app updated itself when music was played. But I think that stopped working years ago and I don't even use my iPad for music. I use my phone. Let me do everything from my phone. And let me also manage it, and listen to it, from on a web browser. If Apple does or did this, they'd have my $36 a year.
I really hope iOS 10 and OS X 10.12 is bringing some really good changes to us.
And yeah I got a whole lot of threads from 2 step too. Though I do like how they are auto grabbed at times on iOS devices.
I really have come to appreciate the fact that I can have my phone across the room and can still receive the authentication codes when I need to log into something without having to get up and grab it. That's a great convenience. It just pops up on my screen. I love it.