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IOS Gaming February 2015 | Under New Management

Updated the OP, had to cut Skyward, Fahrenheit, and M&M to make space for the new arrivals. That OP is packed to the character limit
Note to self: reserve three posts for the OP from now on


Anyone else checked out the Hero Siege update? Menus and everything have been totally redesigned and more content is available for free.

There's 2 DLCs, one unlocks multiplayer and the other unlocks "Siege mode" but I don't think the second is available for purchase yet

Very impressed


I think I prefer the tutorial in Auro over the actual game

Nvm I redact my statement that was just the placement level


I think I prefer the tutorial in Auro over the actual game

Nvm I redact my statement that was just the placement level

Yeah, that confused me too. They really have changed a ton over the past six months with the game.

But I've been diverted with Better Call Saul. Sweet to have a slice of Breaking Bad back in my life...

...I'll return to Auro later.
Yeah, that confused me too. They really have changed a ton over the past six months with the game.

But I've been diverted with Better Call Saul. Sweet to have a slice of Breaking Bad back in my life...

...I'll return to Auro later.
Nice to see I'm not alone. Have you subscribed to the Better Call Saul OT? A lot of fun watching episodes seeing the comments and reactions of everyone else.
Mind if I share my full Dark Echo impressions? Game needs more attention, it's easily my favorite release of 2015 so far
What do you envision when you think "horror game"? The jump scares of Five Nights and Slender? The otherworldly dread of Silent Hill? Or perhaps the nightmarish monstrosities of Dead Space and The Evil Within? The recently released Dark Echo boasts the most minimalist of visuals, instead conjuring horror from the unknown and unseen and an atmospheric soundscape.

Massively expanded and improved from the developer's Ludum Dare entry You Must Escape, Dark Echo is a sound-based horror game. While that may sound similar to other IOS games like Papa Sangre and The Nightjar, Dark Echo is very much a visual experience while those were audio-only. A black screen, with your white footprints the only color amid the surrounding dark. Every level in Dark Echo begins this way. Move forward and lines emanate in all directions, the sound of your footsteps visualized, bouncing off the walls and revealing the environment. Without sound, you are blind. Your goal is simply to find the exit. However, that task is easier said than done, because you are not alone in these passages. Things lurk in the darkness, drawn by the sound of your movement. Hunting you.


What's most impressive about Dark Echo is how it builds on its core mechanic of seeing through sound. The beginning levels lay the foundation: walk around to reveal the surrounding, stomp to send out a larger wave of sound that lets you see more of the level. Soon you're introduced to the creatures that are attracted by sound, followed by the fact that you can tap slowly to take soft silent steps and throw stones as distractions, turning Dark Echo into a tense game of cat and mouse where sound is your only means of sight. Water that amplifies your footsteps and slows your movement, switches, crushing walls, deadly terrain, and more add to the challenge and complexity of later levels.


Dark Echo is a masterful execution of minimalist design. Each step is tense, drawing you forward through the necessity of sight and the need to explore. The visuals, stark lines contrasting against black, are simplistic yet work so well, reminiscent of splattering paint to reveal the world in The Unfinished Swan. But it's the sound design that truly sells the game's atmosphere. Your footsteps, hollow against stone and squishing against undergrowth. The guttural growls of those things lurking in the dark. Water splashing and sloshing, or dripping overhead. Flies buzzing in agitated swarms, croaking frogs. Heavy locks and groaning doors.

Listen to the game's advice and play this with headphones, in the dark, alone.


Great Dark Echo review.
My feelings towards the game are the very same even if I can't play as much as I want these days.

But it's a great game nobody interested should be miss, you really feel alone in a dark cave and the tension is absolutely fantastic.

Absolutely in its natural home on a touch screen while you keep between your hands this window on a dark world.
I thought there were rules about not promoting games with people you could be friends with. I guess the dev and I just became friend rather recently though.
No, nothing like that. Where'd you get that notion?

Only real guideline is that if a dev comes here to post about their game, we'd prefer if they don't do a drive-by press release copy-and-paste.


I have nooooo idea how to do tutorial 12 of Auro where they introduce the fire bomb.

Edit: and the next try I pass it. Great! This game is growing on me despite the endless tutorials.
Oh, the Chesslike devs have a pretty weird release strategy going on
The more downloads we get, the more content we will create for the game. If you love playing and want more levels, get your friends to download the game, and help us reach our goals!

500 Downloads = New Level Pack
1500 Downloads = New Castle and Theme
2500 Downloads = New Level Pack, Castle, and a Theme
5000 Downloads = Offline play
8000 Downloads = Music/SFX & More Expansions!
Can't really recommend Chesslike in its current state. The core concept is interesting but the overall package is flawed.
1) It's a single player game that requires you to be online to save your progress. Offline play will be our reward at 5,000 downloads
2) The UI is a mess. It's impossible to figure out how to progress through the map screen. It took me literally a minute to find the first level of the game.
3) It's buggy and crashes.

There's a glimmer of a good game behind all that, hopefully the dev makes smart changes.

If you want something that's a chess-inspired roguelike, check out Ending instead. It's the superior game in every way, and just one of the best puzzle roguelikes around
I still don't really get what this is. Like, at all.
Have you played Windosill or Feed The Head? Metamorphabet is a whimsical game that takes full advantage of the touch screen's strengths, as you push and pull and prod and play around with each letter to reveal its forms. It's an IGF 2015 finalist for Excellence in Visuals and the Grand Prize, among games like This War of Mine, 80 Days, and Monument Valley
With its child-friendly interface and responsive, organic design, Metamorphabet is a wonderful educational tool for children, inviting them to playfully explore the alphabet and expand their vocabulary. But it is also an incredible achievement of interactivity sure to engage adults, who will be enthralled by the game’s visually stunning and thoughtfully crafted universe. Prodded by the user’s touch, the letter D transforms into a creaky wooden Door, which is then pulled open to reveal a luminous Dawn, from which drifting clouds emerge to morph into wondrous, animated Daydreams at the tap of a finger. Metamorphabet is an intuitive game that draws children and adults alike into the meticulously imagined world of each letter of the alphabet.

Seriously, Windosill is a wonderful tactile puzzle game/toy that is definitely worth checking out
Windosill is a magical diorama full of wonderful, eerie, and often sentient objects to pull, tug, ping, crank, stroke, yank, slide, tickle, and otherwise poke at. It’s a short puzzle game where getting things wrong is just as pleasant as getting them right. Each pretty object has a playful interaction, makes a nice sound, and moves in a pleasant way. Who knew jabbing at an amorphous box filled with eyes, mouths, noses, beaks, and teeth could be so relaxing?


Had to laugh seeing a F2P version of Flashout 2 being released. All they had to do is release the original version of the game before every one complained about how insanely unfair its IAP driven premium game model was (which to Jujubee's credit they changed after complaints).
You lucky Android owners...

Red Rogue, aka one of the best and most addictive 2D roguelikes around, made by the dev of Ending, is only coming to Android, never to IOS ;_;

"Android is being worked on. iOS will never happen - the Flash exporter for iOS requires several years of work to port gfx."

You can play it online for free



You lucky Android owners...

Red Rogue, aka one of the best and most addictive 2D roguelikes around, made by the dev of Ending, is only coming to Android, never to IOS ;_;

"Android is being worked on. iOS will never happen - the Flash exporter for iOS requires several years of work to port gfx."

You can play it online for free


Looks bloody awesome. Maybe Apple will one day add support for Flash.
This isn't a game but I'm having a trouble with an app.

I'm using Apple's podcast app. I download podcasts and sync them with the ipod. This worked fine until I updated to ios 8. Now if I pause the podcast, switch to something else (99% of the time its a game) when I come back to the podcast, it will no longer play and its asking to redownload the entire podcast. Since I don't have access to a network while not a home, it means I've lost the podcast till I return.

Is there any way to not have this happen?

Oh and game related,

Anyone play StarTrek Trexels? I downloaded it but ofcourse its a game that won't run without a network.


I think I have won all of two games against the AI in Kindo.

Out of probably 30 games.

I am so, so bad at this.
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