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iOS Jailbreak/Unlock |OT|

Anastacio said:
Hi all. I just came home from vacation in Asia and see that iOS 4.1 can be jailbroken on the iphone 4. Do I choose Limerain or greenpoison? I'm looking to restore the phone completely and then update to 4.1 before jb'ing. Any good links for a step by step guide? The phone is already jailbroken on 4.0.1.
I came here to ask pretty much the same thing. I'm also jb on 4.0.1 and looking for Game Center/FaceTime functionality (that's possible, right?). Thanks GAF.


Anastacio said:
Hi all. I just came home from vacation in Asia and see that iOS 4.1 can be jailbroken on the iphone 4. Do I choose Limerain or greenpoison? I'm looking to restore the phone completely and then update to 4.1 before jb'ing. Any good links for a step by step guide? The phone is already jailbroken on 4.0.1.
the_painted_bird said:
I came here to ask pretty much the same thing. I'm also jb on 4.0.1 and looking for Game Center/FaceTime functionality (that's possible, right?). Thanks GAF.


Mairu said:
One of the best apps to install after jailbreaking it on any version is AppBackup, extremely useful for restoring & updating as it saves all the application data (or whichever apps you choose)

Sorry if it's obvious, but what's the point with this AppBackup app?

I mean, after jailbreaking iTunes doesn't backup your things anymore?


So I just jailbroke with Greenp0ison and an empty app icon turns up on the iPhone 4 menu named "Loader". What is that about and why does it turn up?


Anastacio said:
So I just jailbroke with Greenp0ison and an empty app icon turns up on the iPhone 4 menu named "Loader". What is that about and why does it turn up?

Just tap on it, and it will install Cydia.
It will self delete afterwards.


FerranMG said:
Just tap on it, and it will install Cydia.
It will self delete afterwards.
Yea I just found out. =)
So now that the iPhone 4 has been jailbroken succesfully at 4.1 so far, I'm onto the iPad. Though before deciding to do it on that one, are there any worthy JB apps for this device?


FerranMG said:
Sorry if it's obvious, but what's the point with this AppBackup app?

I mean, after jailbreaking iTunes doesn't backup your things anymore?

When you restore from backup, apps act like ones you've owned before but you've uninstalled. It's not really related to jailbreaking, just the process you go through to get your legit apps reinstalled.


I have a question. Today I bought the full version of BiteSMS and 50 credits as well so I can send messages to abroad with BiteSMS. Does it cost me extra through my mobile carrier then?


Is it possible to jailbreak from 4.1 without having the device jailbroken before? Every guide I check says you need to already be jail broken and uses lingo I don't 100% follow.


Kenak said:
Is it possible to jailbreak from 4.1 without having the device jailbroken before? Every guide I check says you need to already be jail broken and uses lingo I don't 100% follow.
What are you trying to jailbreak?


the_painted_bird said:
I'm not sure if I got completely fucked by this method or not... I am getting "Cannot open lock files" errors and cydia won't refresh it's packages. Can't SSH to do anything about it either, until I can get some packages to work so I can download OpenSSH. Anyone have any recommendations other than restore+re jb? I'm definitely not using PwnageTool again...
Hmm... I was actually having similar problems this morning after a fresh jailbreak with PwnageTool but I saw an update for Cydia Community Repos and that fixed it. Did you get that update? Could you post a screenshot of the errors?


enzom21 said:

Yea i think this is it. Do you know if theres a way to make it so the pictures only show on the Contacts tab and not the Favorites tab?

marc^o^ said:
I'm on 4.01, already jailbroken. I'm afraid if I jailbreak it again on 4.1, I will lose all the folders/cydia tweaks I have now. Has anyone found a solution to make the process easier?

Theres a bigboss app called like...aptbackup or something thats supposed to backup all ur jailbroken apps and stuff. ive never gotten it to work right though...


I've got an iPhone 3GS with a tethered blackra1n RC2 jailbreak that I want to get rid of (the JB, not the phone :D). I've been out of the iPhone scene and I've even made this post before but this stuff moves so fast I feel like I should make it again, can someone help me with what I need to do to get off this tethered JB and get a better one going?

Should I use Spirit to re-jailbreak? I have access to a Mac if Pwnage Tool, or something else, is considered better. (If I don't think I'll have Mac access in two months, should I safe it and use a PC jailbreak I can run myself if something happens?)

I would really love to unlock the phone, but the first time I ever tried it with blackra1n, the phone was bricked, so I'm a little apprehensive now. My modem firmware is 05.11.07, can that one be unlocked safely and easily? How is unlocking done properly, is there a good guide somewhere?

What's the correct process for switching jailbreaks and basically "starting over"? Do I just restore and run the new jailbreak?

Finally, how do I back-up game saves? That's the only thing I have on there that feels irreplacable - I have my pics, music and phone numbers saved elsewhere. I've gone in via WinSCP before, but the folder structure makes no sense and it's impossible to tell what's some random app I deleted months ago and what's a game I'm 75% through at the moment. Is there a convenient way to back-up saves or should I just back up that entire folder?

My numbers:
Version 3.1.2 (7D11)
Modem firmware 05.11.07
I let Cydia backup my SHSH, if that matters for anything.

(Sorry about the big post, I've bricked an iPhone before and I'm out of warranty here so I really don't want to mess this up. :)


aku:jiki said:
Finally, how do I back-up game saves? That's the only thing I have on there that feels irreplacable - I have my pics, music and phone numbers saved elsewhere. I've gone in via WinSCP before, but the folder structure makes no sense and it's impossible to tell what's some random app I deleted months ago and what's a game I'm 75% through at the moment. Is there a convenient way to back-up saves or should I just back up that entire folder?

My numbers:
Version 3.1.2 (7D11)
Modem firmware 05.11.07
I let Cydia backup my SHSH, if that matters for anything.

(Sorry about the big post, I've bricked an iPhone before and I'm out of warranty here so I really don't want to mess this up. :)
Can't help you with the unlocking, but as far as the game saves, dl App Backup off of Cydia. Run it to backup all the apps on the phone, then do a backup on iTunes of the phone. You can update to 4.1, then do a restore from your previous backup & DL App Backup again. You can then restore the game saves from App Backup of all the apps it backed up


Anastacio said:
So is greenp0ison good enough to jb the iPad 3.2.2?
I used it to jailbreak my friend's iPad this past weekend and had no issues. Not sure if any will arise when 4.2 comes (which I believe will be soon?)
So when re-jailbreaking: Restore as new? From one of my backups? Or what do I do from the point of restoration from my custom ipsw?
Just jailbreak and then sync? Thanks in advance.


Can someone tell me what the repository is for "vwallpaper"? I had it installed before I updated to 4.1 but forgot it. And I have clear folders but now shadows can be seen, how do I get rid of them?
Hey guys, i searched for this issue 'round the net but wasn't able to find a proper answer to it.Here goes:

I used to have an iPhone 2g which had really low earpiece volume making it impossible to hear what the other person is saying on the other end during a call which is why i sold it.Now i am considering getting a 3g and i was wondering if they fixed it in the 3g or not. :s


kennah said:
Holy shit that was too easy (4.1 on 3G). And now I have multitasking and backgrounds as a bonus!

How is it running? Did you do the hack to delete the unecessary files and stuff?

bluddtheersty said:
Hey guys, i searched for this issue 'round the net but wasn't able to find a proper answer to it.Here goes:

I used to have an iPhone 2g which had really low earpiece volume making it impossible to hear what the other person is saying on the other end during a call which is why i sold it.Now i am considering getting a 3g and i was wondering if they fixed it in the 3g or not. :s

I have no problems hearing on my 3G, but then again I didnt have any problems hearing on my 2G either. I assume you would be buying used, jsut ask if you can test it out really quick
bluddtheersty said:
Hey guys, i searched for this issue 'round the net but wasn't able to find a proper answer to it.Here goes:

I used to have an iPhone 2g which had really low earpiece volume making it impossible to hear what the other person is saying on the other end during a call which is why i sold it.Now i am considering getting a 3g and i was wondering if they fixed it in the 3g or not. :s

my 2g had very low volume compared to the 2 smartphones i had before it.

My 3g was significantly better but still on the low side, especially using speaker phone. Iphone 4 is loud and clear
So... i JB'd my iphone 3g using redsn0w to ios4.1 and everything went fine except that i'm getting a "no service" message where it's suppose to show my carrier.I even tried unlocking it using ultrasn0w through cydia to no avail.

Any tips?
Sooo.. from my "findings" going through different websites is that iphone 3g cannot be unlocked on the FW ver. 4.1 as of now, only JB'd.

Considering that how i have JB'd my iphone to 4.1 and am now in need of unlocking it(which doesn't seem to be possible), what are my options now? :D


I think it's possible to downgrade the 3g by just doing a factory restore with old firmware since if I remember correctly the SHSH stuff didn't come into play until 3GS. I am not entirely sure though D:
Mairu said:
I think it's possible to downgrade the 3g by just doing a factory restore with old firmware since if I remember correctly the SHSH stuff didn't come into play until 3GS. I am not entirely sure though D:

I certainly hope so.But right now i haven't found a proper way to downgrade it to 4.0.Guess i'm stuck with this :[


Mairu said:
I think it's possible to downgrade the 3g by just doing a factory restore with old firmware since if I remember correctly the SHSH stuff didn't come into play until 3GS. I am not entirely sure though D:

Apple implemented Soft SHSH starting with iOS 4.0.

I wonder how long before iOS 4.2 is released, Hurry up Apple!


I have an iPod touch 3rd gen with version 4.1 I tried going to jailbreakme.com but it said the version was too new to jailbreak. I've never jailbroken an ipod before so can somebody help me before I do something stupid? :(


iOS 4.2 Gold Master basically final version is out. :D

Now to wait and see what the iPhone Dev will say people waiting for the new unlock should do.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
rc213 said:
Now to wait and see what the iPhone Dev will say people waiting for the new unlock should do.
I don't care if @MuscleNerd says to "go for it", I still do not suggest anyone to use betas or "GM seeds". Stick with final releases.

That was RTed by MuscleNerd himself. I'm going to wait for the final release and an official thing before jumping in. I'm still on 3.2.0.
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