At the gym, I'd like to be able to play some long DJ mixes (2-4 hours) in MP3 format, but I know my 3G iPod has a problem with extremely large files -- if you start playing it, it will work, but if you try to move forward/back within the song, or pause it, it will freak out on restart. I suspect it's having a problem since the file is much larger than the physical memory. However, since there shouldn't be a distinction between permament storage and memory for a flash-based player, I would hope that the shuffle would fare better.
Does anyone have an iPod shuffle yet, and if so, have you tried playing very long MP3/AAC files on it? Do you know if it has this same problem, or if it won't be an issue because of the flash memory?
Does anyone have an iPod shuffle yet, and if so, have you tried playing very long MP3/AAC files on it? Do you know if it has this same problem, or if it won't be an issue because of the flash memory?