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Iran Update: Failed IEAE inspection, Preemptive Strikes and SL declaring no nukes

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Anyone have the link to the other Iran thread where someone posted an interesting article about a former IAEA inspector saying documents were falsified on Iraq's WMDs, and that he feels he's responsible for all the deaths in Iraq for never coming forward with the issue?

Might've been a Rolling Stone's article.


by want to go to war do you mean israel and saudi arabia want to attack iran themselves/ aided by the US, or that they want the US to attack Iran by itself?

what I honestly dont understand is why people believe in fariness in geopolitics, why do countrys that share the west's ideals get to have nukes and others dont?
because its better for the west. ( and because I share the same ideals, better for me)

and the reason iran is trying to get nukes is it to shift the balance of power in its favor, and to give it a freer reign to project its influence.

well i am not questioning the fairness bit, i am questioning being suprised that iran wants nukes.

the smartest thing iran will ever do in their lifetime is building nukes. It practically guarantees their safety


You are forgetting the fundamental axiom of international relations: mooslems be ca-raaaaaazy!

Oh right forgot of course its so clear now. Iran will launch nukes to destroy Israel, along with many of the holiest Muslims sites and a whole bunch of Muslims themselves, and then in return be destroyed itself. At least it will die happy knowing it did its part for the crazy MOZLEMS agenda. Then in return Pakistan, since its also a Muslim nation, will launch its nukes in retaliation, which will cause the US to nuke Pakistan out of orbit.


EDIT: I've heard some whoppers in my time, but suggesting Iran denied IAEA inspectors access to their secret nuclear institutions for fear they were undercover government agents is a whole new level. No sense arguing with Inflammable Slinky, Iran can clearly do no wrong.

Hold up now, why are you painting me as an apologist for Iran? I think this is the first Iran topic I've posted in quite some time. Also Iran is an asshole autocratic regime but that's no reason to make war on them since those things have a tendency to do nothing but increase the overall level of suffering that the populace experiences (See: The recent past).

All I am arguing is that Iran has plenty of valid reasons to restrict the IAEA's access to non-nuclear sites.
I sincerely hope that they are only pursuing peaceful nuclear options, but it makes way too much for them to get nuclear weapons and become entirely too costly to invade like North Korea. If I was in their posistion it's what I would do.

Having so many nukes sitting in such a turbulent part of the world with all of these countries threatening to make pre-emptive strikes,to wipe each other off the face of the earth, cripple global markets with vital waterways being closed off, just seems like a perfect storm for someone somewhere to make a bad deciscon.

Especially since Saudi Arabia has said they would arm themselves with nuclear weapons in a matter of weeks if Iran goes the offensive route with their nuclear tech.

As others have said, 1945 was bad enough, the yield on these devices is much larger now, Imagine if the fallout were to spread across oil fields that would then be rendered no go zones?

Such troubled times.
well i am not questioning the fairness bit, i am questioning being suprised that iran wants nukes.

the smartest thing iran will ever do in their lifetime is building nukes. It practically guarantees their safety

I have doubts that Iran becoming a nuclear power, would give them guaranteed safety from invasion.


well i am not questioning the fairness bit, i am questioning being suprised that iran wants nukes.

the smartest thing iran will ever do in their lifetime is building nukes. It practically guarantees their safety

oh that depends what you mean by iran, if you mean the iranian people then I very much disagree, north korea is a great example of why its bad for the people for instance: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-02-10/news/30011875_1_food-crisis-food-aid-north-korea

and more then that, iran is heading down that path as well: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...es-mount-as-new-sanctions-are-made-ready.html

however, if you mean the regimes survival, then yes, I agree its a very smart move, which is why I against it, and I think everyone else that shares the western view point, should be so against it as well


I'm a bit confused about fears of a nuclearized Middle East as a consequence of Iran. Wouldn't a nuclear Israel be a catalyst towards creating a nuclearized Middle East?
That's bullshit and you know it, Israel would fucking lose it and suddenly every military postering may lead up to that one nuclear war nobody wants.

Losing it is a slight overstatement. The way they've worked diplomatically the last few decades is by leveraging their regional nuclear hegemony to be unrepentant assholes (I believe that is the term in IR) to allies and foes. Were any other power in that region able to negate their nuclear advantage, they'd actually have to engage in soft power and not merely through threats of proxy battles with or without the US' help. Coercive or preventive diplomacy stops working when another regional power can call your bluff.


Oh really?

That "large explosive containment vessel" IAEA officials identified inside Parchin must be something else, right?

VIENNA (AP) – A former Soviet nuclear scientist's son-in-law has told the U.N. atomic agency that the scientist's involvement in alleged Iranian efforts to develop nuclear arms is broader than originally thought, diplomats said.

Diplomats and media have identified the expert as Vyacheslav Danilenko but say he has told IAEA investigators he was not involved in developing such a device, or in other aspects of Iran's suspected covert work on nuclear weapons.
But the diplomats — who asked for anonymity because their information was privileged — said Danilenko's son-in-law has further implicated the scientist, telling the agency the expert also helped Iran build a related project, a large steel chamber to contain the force of the blast set off by such explosives testing.

I'm sure the former soviet scientient's son in law is more of an expert on what his father in law is doing than he is. I mean, clearly this is a slam dunk case!


Iran is Iraq 2.0. The war has already been decided. The false premise is already been made. War with Iran is inevitable.

This makes me sad. I was reading Steve Jobs biography about him hiking through Afghanistan (or it might have been Iran), but the fact is that the ability to do go out and travel and experience other cultures is nigh impossible (at least I feel that way as an American). I've got nothing against Iranians, Pakistanis, Egyptians, etc. - but I feel like my safety would be put into question travelling to those areas now.

Sucks. Why can't people just get along (why can't dumb ass politicians get along)? You'd think with all the money and power that they have now that they could be happy, but they still gotta' keep fucking shit up (that goes for all governments/politicians).



oh that depends what you mean by iran, if you mean the iranian people then I very much disagree, north korea is a great example of why its bad for the people for instance: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-02-10/news/30011875_1_food-crisis-food-aid-north-korea

and more then that, iran is heading down that path as well: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...es-mount-as-new-sanctions-are-made-ready.html

however, if you mean the regimes survival, then yes, I agree its a very smart move, which is why I against it, and I think everyone else that shares the western view point, should be so against it as well

At last. Someone spills it out.

i admire your honesty. If anbody's objection to iran having nukes is because it makes regime change nigh impossible then bravo to you. I completely respect that viewpoint.

It's better than 'oh my god iran is going to blow up the mddle east if it got nukes'

And even if they would let the UN inspectors in and show them everything, it would only prove that they have hidden those scary things somewhere else. Because they let us in, you have to wonder, why they are letting us in. They got to be lying. We need to find out what they plan on doing.

Look, Iran is clearly playing games with the IAEA, but so is the US.
Furthermore, the nuclear program is not America's fundamental problem with Iran, the problem the USG has with Iran is that it's independent actor in the region supporting all kinds of causes and groups the the US and its regional allies vehemently oppose. A nuclear Iran adds to the agitation tenfold, there's no doubting that, but source of ire is the Islamic Republic and its regional agenda, which is anti-American. Iran could give the IAEA everything it wanted and maybe blunt a bit of the rhetoric coming out of the White House, but ultimately, the USG would continue to contest Iran because the number one goal is regime change.

Hari Seldon

People not caring if Iran gets nukes, you do realize that wanting nukes is not to threaten the US or Israel, it is to threaten their own people if they decide to have a Persian Spring. If these nukes are ever used in anger, it is pretty much guaranteed they will be used on their own population.


People not caring if Iran gets nukes, you do realize that wanting nukes is not to threaten the US or Israel, it is to threaten their own people if they decide to have a Persian Spring. If these nukes are ever used in anger, it is pretty much guaranteed they will be used on their own population.

launching nukes against the civilian population? This is not killzone 2 and the ayatollahs are not visari. LOL
People not caring if Iran gets nukes, you do realize that wanting nukes is not to threaten the US or Israel, it is to threaten their own people if they decide to have a Persian Spring. If these nukes are ever used in anger, it is pretty much guaranteed they will be used on their own population.

Since there's no historical precedent for this, so you're probably just speaking out of your ass. There's a far cry between using chemical and nuclear weapons on your own population within your own borders.
I'm sure the former soviet scientient's son in law is more of an expert on what his father in law is doing than he is. I mean, clearly this is a slam dunk case!


So what's your thoughts on the IAEA report on Parchin (and the UN censure as a result) also contained in the link? I know you are desperate to deflect attention away from said "large explosive containment vessel", but surely trolling isn't the best way to do it?

Hari Seldon

Since there's no historical precedent for this, so you're probably just speaking out of your ass. There's a far cry between using chemical and nuclear weapons on your own population within your own borders.

Would Gaddafi have used them on the partisans if he had them?
People not caring if Iran gets nukes, you do realize that wanting nukes is not to threaten the US or Israel, it is to threaten their own people if they decide to have a Persian Spring. If these nukes are ever used in anger, it is pretty much guaranteed they will be used on their own population.

Not nukes, but tanks and .50 cal machine guns. And the world would have to sit and watch as Tehran is butchered by the IRG.
People not caring if Iran gets nukes, you do realize that wanting nukes is not to threaten the US or Israel, it is to threaten their own people if they decide to have a Persian Spring. If these nukes are ever used in anger, it is pretty much guaranteed they will be used on their own population.
I dont even think the Heritage Foundation or the American Enterprise Institute have espoused such a theory. lol.



So what's your thoughts on the IAEA report on Parchin (and the UN censure as a result) also contained in the link? I know you are desperate to deflect attention away from said "large explosive containment vessel", but surely trolling isn't the best way to do it?

I'm not trolling.

My explanation for an explosive containment vessel at an explosives research facility? That's a tough one... Nothing in the report requires any such vessel to be used for nuclear weapons research.
Look, Iran is clearly playing games with the IAEA, but so is the US.
Furthermore, the nuclear program is not America's fundamental problem with Iran, the problem the USG has with Iran is that it's independent actor in the region supporting all kinds of causes and groups the the US and its regional allies vehemently oppose. A nuclear Iran adds to the agitation tenfold, there's no doubting that, but source of ire is the Islamic Republic and its regional agenda, which is anti-American. Iran could give the IAEA everything it wanted and maybe blunt a bit of the rhetoric coming out of the White House, but ultimately, the USG would continue to contest Iran because the number one goal is regime change.

Yes, terrorist and insergents are just "causes and groups"


You think Iran would use nuclear weapons on their own people?

when i asked who was going to invade iran with nukes you said,

anyone outside it's missle range.

i ask how does that work out without having troops on the ground. Because that's what an invasion is.


it is to threaten their own people if they decide to have a Persian Spring. If these nukes are ever used in anger, it is pretty much guaranteed they will be used on their own population.

Ahmadinedschad: "Hey, Iranian people - you want us gone?"
* hits nuclear nuke button
* Iran blows up and is nuclear-contaminated for a long time
Ahmadinedschad: "That definitely showed them"
(if he was alive at that point lol), seriously this is no video game and no one would be that stupid


All I see when I look at Iran is a population oppressed by a murderous band of theocrat-thugs. Nuclear weapons = power. Power for murderers and thieves = bad. It's also bad news for anyone who wants there to be change in Iran, because nuclear capability gives to them leverage in case of international pressure. It gives them free rein to oppress, to manipulate, its citizens with less fear of reprisals from other nations.

Coming from the position of a hypocritical American, who hopes that his nation will maintain their stranglehold on world politics . . . I hope Iran never gets a nuke.
when i asked who was going to invade iran with nukes you said,

anyone outside it's missle range.

i ask how does that work out without having troops on the ground. Because that's what an invasion is.

The United States for one, my question is when US troops are pouring into Iran do you think that Iran would use nuclear weapons, would they kill their own people in an attempt to slowdown US advances. This is also ignoring the international ramifications of using a nuclear weapon.


Are you saying that if Iran was invaded that it would use nukes within it's own borders?

how are you going to invade iran? It's missile range is quite extensive. Which country in the middle easy is going to allow it's bases to be used for an iranian invasion knowing full well that iran would be ready to nuke them out of sight?
I'm not trolling.

My explanation for an explosive containment vessel at an explosives research facility? That's a tough one... Nothing in the report requires any such vessel to be used for nuclear weapons research.

Perhaps, had it not been part of a large IAEA report detailing explicit research and development toward a nuclear weapons capability by Iran.

Here's a summary on Reuters; http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/17/us-nuclear-iran-iaea-idUSTRE7AG0RP20111117

Or the full document, if you're brave; http://www.isis-online.org/uploads/isis-reports/documents/IAEA_Iran_8Nov2011.pdf

"For the first time, the IAEA report outlines, in depth, the country’s detonator development, the multiple-point initiation of high explosives, and experiments involving nuclear payload integration into a missile delivery vehicle"


who the fuck thinks that anybody would nuke their own populace? Jesus christ. We're not dealing with fuckin supervillains here.


The United States for one, my question is when US troops are pouring into Iran do you think that Iran would use nuclear weapons, would they kill their own people in an attempt to slowdown US advances. This is also ignoring the international ramifications of using a nuclear weapon.

Didn't give a shit about its people when they were fighting Iraq, I wouldn't put anything past the shitheads in charge there.


The United States for one, my question is when US troops are pouring into Iran do you think that Iran would use nuclear weapons, would they kill their own people in an attempt to slowdown US advances. This is also ignoring the international ramifications of using a nuclear weapon.

pouring from where? the matrix? lol.

To launch a full scale invasion of iran you are going to need hundreds of thousands of troops.

Hari Seldon

Ahmadinedschad: "Hey, Iranian people - you want us gone?"
* hits nuclear nuke button
* Iran blows up and is nuclear-contaminated for a long time
Ahmadinedschad: "That definitely showed them"
(if he was alive at that point lol), seriously this is no video game and no one would be that stupid

These scientists are like 70 years behind current tech. They aren't going to have super high yield fusion bombs or anything. 1st gen bombs are small city busters. They are about the equivalent to gassing your own people in terms of casualties.
how are you going to invade iran? It's missile range is quite extensive. Which country in the middle easy is going to allow it's bases to be used for an iranian invasion knowing full well that iran would be ready to nuke them out of sight?

I don't see who is going to stop us we already have bases everywhere. Also the fact that in your opinion would readily use nukes on its neighbors, is reason enough to invade now. That brings me back to my point Iran is in a catch 22 would comes to developing weapons. The best way to ensure it's survival would be to be completely open with the IAEA and the west.


Perhaps, had it not been part of a large IAEA report detailing explicit research and development toward a nuclear weapons capability by Iran.

Here's a summary on Reuters; http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/17/us-nuclear-iran-iaea-idUSTRE7AG0RP20111117

Or the full document, if you're brave; http://www.isis-online.org/uploads/isis-reports/documents/IAEA_Iran_8Nov2011.pdf

"For the first time, the IAEA report outlines, in depth, the country’s detonator development, the multiple-point initiation of high explosives, and experiments involving nuclear payload integration into a missile delivery vehicle"

Yes, I'm aware of the report. The truth is though there is no smoking gun with any of the information provided. The "containment vessel" for example was originally from an 11 year old report and has only resurfaced in recent reports as your previous article mentioned. There is no evidence that Iran is anywhere close to weapons grade uranium either.


I figured it was something like that. Which again, goes back to my Area 51 analogy. There are plenty of non-nuclear sites we don't want ANYONE near.

So they're hiding aliens?

how are you going to invade iran? It's missile range is quite extensive. Which country in the middle easy is going to allow it's bases to be used for an iranian invasion knowing full well that iran would be ready to nuke them out of sight?

It would take less than a week of airstrikes to wipe out most of Iran's missile sites/launchers.

Whose says the US would use massive ground force units? Just keep monitoring IRG movements with satellites/drones and call in airstrikes in their positions when enough intelligence is gathered. Keep the war in the air.
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