This is a problem for the UN I suppose ... in that while they may have expressed disagreement back at the time, the only contrary course of action - militarily
stopping the US from doing what it did - was essentially unthinkable. I think it's probably a bit more thinkable these days, but still, I think it's true to say the UN is not one for grasping nettles.
"You're either with us, or against us." The President has put forth plenty of whoppers since he entered office, but that was the single most divisive statement of his term. It took a horribly complex issue - terrorism - and turned it into yet another Republican black/white comparison.
Well you have to appeal to perspectival interplay here. If it wasn't for those whose natural bent is to cast things in black and white, the rest of us wouldn't have so much fun breaking things back down into colours.
This is true - we absolutely need people who have the strength to draw lines and say
this is one thing, and
this is another; just as we need people with the strength and courage to challenge those distinctions. Of course it is abused, and abused at the top of the tree, that being its nature. There are also abuses on the other end of the scale, being the moral laziness and indifference of those who take advantage of the compassion built into the world by the strong of both sides of the coin. This abuse is equivalent, in being more multifarious, yet smaller and necessarily less organised.
Face it, it's being able to draw things in black and white that allows you to label this a Republican brand of foul play