This thread is about international law, and as I have explained Saddam was the most prolific violator of international law in the post World War II era. There are lots of nutcases, but none of them have violated international law as extensively as Saddam.
Yes, this thread is about International Law, and how it was broken by the Bush Administration.
So do you agree, that it was
wrong for the BA to break International law? Just because another country did, doesn't give anyone the license to break it.
Secondly, even though he did break International law, he was punished for it.
Yet you see countries (do I really need to mention which one? *LOL*) breaking International laws, and are being
protected from punishment by the US (whichever administration it may be).
So the issue is that if the Bush Administration isn't happy with how we've carried out justice, is it alright to do whatever you want?
Say a person was caught breaking and entering, stealing, and then found to have raped a person in that house, and sentenced to 50 years in prison. So he was put in prison, but this wasn't enough punishment according to someone who wasn't a part of the earlier this person decides to kill the criminal. Is it right? Is it Justice? Is it American Justice? Nope.
You can say that our punishments (economic sanctions) weren't working and effective enough, but that's a stupid argument since it was apparent that it was an idiotic move that would benefit the Western nations with access to oil, and hurt the Iraqi civilian population. The constant bombing with DU bombs didn't help either. For the most part, Saddam was hurting pretty badly except when it came to us wanting access to his oil...strengthening him was a choice made by us. God forbid we actually sanction him to the point where we can't have some of that Iraqi oil.
When it came to the harmful sanctions and bombings, no one cared because no Westerner was getting hurt, and really that's how things work in the International arena when it comes to large scale military intervention (it has more to do with the rest of the World population having little voice and being under dictators, rather than racism or anything like that).
The point is, we punished him. Not enough? Blame Bush Sr. and the rest of the invasion force then. The punishment was designed to benefit us, more than it was designed to punish a dictator who invaded another country.
That, of course, is not the point. If I say the GAF server is on fire, and you say its on fire and someone else heard that the server room that houses GAF might be on fire - is it safe to conclude that the server room housing GAFs server is on fire? Did all of these countries rely on the SAME source for their intel? If not, then why did they all come to the same conclusion? If they did then a more scary thought is not that US intelligence is screwed, everyone elses intelligence is just as screwed.
Some of these countries used documents from 20 years ago to support their claim. Some of them used forged evidence. That's the scary part, how easy it was to lie to the American people without any accountability or any checks or balances left to empower the people.
The scarier part is that people still think that invading Iraq was the right thing to do.