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Irish Thread


Looks like I might have to import the ID4 4K release from the US. The only place where I see them sell the UK version online is HMV UK, and they don't ship here.


I miss your country. Would someone kindly assist in getting me a job there so I might move tomorrow? Thank you for your help.


You know, I never really needed to use them for anything. But I could just as easily import it from Amazon US, given that all the discs included aren't region encoded.

It might also be cheaper and you will get it quicker than importing. I got caught with import duty on Blurays I got from the US.

It's €4 delivery but I think the first one is free if you haven't used it before.
Its been proper chilly since yesterday now. I was out last night, could see my breathe in front of me.

Also, fucking spanish/italian students have started showing up in large numbers and they are still annoying >.<

Smithy C

Anyone have any experience moving from England to Ireland? With my American girlfriend trying to get a job in Galway, it's looking more and more likely that I'll need to do that soon...


Anyone have any experience moving from England to Ireland? With my American girlfriend trying to get a job in Galway, it's looking more and more likely that I'll need to do that soon...

The Orange/Amber/Middle traffic light means "prepare to stop", not "prepare to go"

Not really much experience moving to Ireland having lived here all my life, but that's one of the minor differences I know there is between here and the UK
What the fuck is with the weather lads. What the fuck is what all the Spanish students. I feel they're getting more rude every year, just general nuisances recently.


What the fuck is with the weather lads. What the fuck is what all the Spanish students. I feel they're getting more rude every year, just general nuisances recently.

We and most of Western Europe are stuck on the wrong side of the Jet Stream, it's keeping the warmth to the south of us. It can stay there as well, 24C at 2am in Rome yesterday and 30C today. Pure hell. It's still better than last year where it was cold and gray.

If we had this set up 6 months from now it would be 2010 snow levels all over again.

As for the students my neighbour who has been taking them in for the last 20 years have been saying the same thing. Her theory is that the Spanish economy is still doing poorly only the well off can send off their kids for the summer. They are spoiled rotten back home and expect to get the same treatment here. She says before she would cook something she felt like cooking and they would have to eat it. It would be ready at 6pm so they had to be home. Now they expect food they wanted ready at whatever time they feel like walking in the door.

Not saying all are like that but their has been a sharp increase of that kind of behaviour. The two she has now are well behaved whenever I see them.
Guy I know has 2 spanish students staying with him right this second, apparently money and games went missing in the house, and they were found in the students room. They pretended they didn't understand what was going on, but I think its shitty as fuck.
On the dart, they're just awful and rude. I saw a bunch of them blocking a middle aged woman from getting off the train. They don't move for anyone and shout and scream the whole journey. It's awful.

Smithy C

Me! I was born in Birkenhead (Merseyside) and I only moved here when I was 16.

Was it difficult to acclimate or not really that different?

The Orange/Amber/Middle traffic light means "prepare to stop", not "prepare to go"

Not really much experience moving to Ireland having lived here all my life, but that's one of the minor differences I know there is between here and the UK

So you can't actually start moving on orange? That seems insane.
Was it difficult to acclimate or not really that different?

So you can't actually start moving on orange? That seems insane.

Not that difficult really. People swear here a lot more. Things are much slower, public services like the welfare offices and public transport are less efficient. 'Banter' is much more of a thing here and you have to have a thick skin, as a rule. Apart from that, pretty much the same.

Oh, and the drinking. Irish people drink a lot. More than people in the UK even.


Any suggestions on South / city centre Dublin gyms guys? I need to join one soon but have no idea where to go. Everywhere seems to have a few naysayers.
Going back to the Spanish student thing a moment, Cork City was almost unbearable at the weekend. The entirety of Patrick's Street and Oliver Plunkett Street was full of 'em.
Going back to the Spanish student thing a moment, Cork City was almost unbearable at the weekend. The entirety of Patrick's Street and Oliver Plunkett Street was full of 'em.

I just saw a large crowd of them in the village, literally walk into the road in front of cars, hold up the traffic, basically held up the road both ways cos they were talking/moving in the middle of the road. No consideration.


I wish I used this gif earlier last month.

Forgot to ask, anyone know a decent place to go camping? Want to head off for the long weekend next week and can't afford a hotel for 3 days. I've camped loads abroad but never in Ireland, oddly enough. I'm based in north Cork but anywhere in the country will do, really.


Well...someone's been to Mosney recently (WARNING: VERTICAL VIDEO!).

Also, I've been told that the HMV in the Cresent (I'm not sure it this pertains to all the other ones here) will be closing at the end of August. DAMN AND BLAST!

I didn't realise Mosney was closed since 2001 until recently with the Disney buys Mosney April Fools prank. I think I went twice. Once when with the family as it had the Star Trek experience back in 1994. I feel old now. :(

Second was in the pool area with a school tour.

A lick of paint and it would be good to house a few refugees.

Didn't it become refugee/asylum seeker housing at one point?

There is a newer part where they are housing refugees. These are the older units.



Feck sake, at this rate it will be impossible to buy or rent DVD's and Bluray's. My local Xtravision kiosk is in the worst possible place. No parking near it and you have to pay for a spot when you find one.

Is there a streaming service out there that do new releases? I have Virgin and it keep new releases for a very short time. I wanted to watch the new Star Wars movie as it's the first chance I had since it was released and it's already gone.

It's a pain


Hah guess I was right (I know this article is a few days old but I've been saying it for a while). I don't believe this bull either, they have no idea how to run a subscription service and don't understand the market they think they can enter let alone take over (evidenced by that which XV used before shutting down) and and are in over their heads. Either this is a cover for them to shut up their retail stores more easily or this is their plan which will crumble before they close. Regardless their head offices are sly and know exactly how to give themselves some extra breathing room while screwing over the people that have to deal with their incompetencies. Did the same when XV shut down and mysteriously a number of XV staff with connections moved under HMV's books and they'll navigate themselves more room again with this.
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