Cosmic Bus
pristine morning snow
Dang sucks to hear that, I'm guessing you aren't considering corporate jobs too?
Honestly I've dealt with the shitty pay for almost 6 years now, don't know how I've done it but I'm finally making moves to really make some decent money (or go bankrupt doing it), so fingers crossed.
Well, even though I'd probably be able to do pastry in some kind of corporate setting, that assembly line work is really joyless and not what I could be happy with. Not to mention my skills have shifted primarily to bread now, and that's definitely not a "big business" area.
Just gets frustrating when I'm pushing 40 and still making under $30k, which is about what I made back in retail management years ago (but at least I don't want to kill myself everyday after making bread, hah). Gotta do something more than scrape by at this point.