....what contradiction? Me or you?border said:Not much I can do with a flat contradiction. Dead end :lol
You're right. We both came out too aggressive. I still disagree with some things in your post, but we've found such a middle ground that it doesn't seem worth pursuing anymore.To get back to the heart of this since we have both revised ourselves a bit
In general, I'd sooner think less of goths since they adhere to practically exactly what they dislike (re: society), while feeling they have superior principles. If you think that shouldn't be a generalisation, then we'll just disagree and you can consider that I just apply that to any goth that DOES apply. What I've found is that the goths have grown up. Many have matured intellectually and abandoned it altogether, while others have matured intellectually and kept much of it since it remains a part of their character (I think the latter is who you're referring to). So I guess my considerations are to when the goth phenomenon was still fairly strong. Now you've got a much lighter goth contingent that is wiser and more accepting, with younger goths that absorb the superficialities of it and the rebellion within it (who you think shouldn't be representative of 'true' goths).why is it that you think they are more deserving being looked down upon?
I'm trying to be fairer to you from my perspective, but I still think you're being too defensive since you seem to have something invested in this (can't help but consider your statement that goths don't demand as much conformity as "mainstream society").