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Is Bill Gates really a comic book villian?


Bill Gates is going to save us all. He’s behind the AI the government purchased that’s going to stop the virus spread/precrime this shit. Cameras are going up everywhere to monitor temps. Like Amazon just made a purchase. Others will follow. The virus is coming back. But once they create a vaccine and there’s no need for the cameras, what do you think they’re going to do with the cameras?

A note on Amazon: they bought cameras from a US government BLACKLISTED business in China. Doesn’t bode well for their security... or more cameras for China to spy on and control the American population.


Again all organizations are susceptible to corruption, show me one that isn't. To me, the fact that many men have behaved in a condemnable manner has very little to do with the truth of any theological claims. Like I just don't understand the point really, pedo priests seems to be a mic drop for r/athiests, but all I see is corrupted men, which are everywhere by the way.

I just don´t see how having a corrupt institution with corrupt members is compatible with the thelogical claims that such institution is holy and founded by Jesus, and those corrupt members received God´s holy call to work there.


I just don´t see how having a corrupt institution with corrupt members is compatible with the thelogical claims that such institution is holy and founded by Jesus, and those corrupt members received God´s holy call to work there.

I don't see the issue I guess, a once holy institution becoming largely corrupted over time is what it is, of course the corrupted individuals are still going to claim holiness. And just because a dude says he got the call from God for holy work doesn't make it the case.


Bill Gates literally did a publicly available demonstration of a fake pandemic simulation and you guys still think he's a good guy?

That man would close all his windows from starving children to enter and eat from his bureaucratic cookie jar if he has the chance to do so.

He literally invented the concept of computer viruses. THINK PEOPLE, THINK!


Sad to see NeoGAF has fallen so low to crazy conspiracy Facebook group status. What the hell am I reading? People like this guy here need to seek help, very quickly.

Why do you cunts feel so entitled to pop up out of nowhere and make such broad brush metacommentary? Like who the fuck do you think you are? You abandon this place and follow the crowd like a lost sheep but clearly you still browse here, biding your time to find that one post that gives you an opportunity to grandstand and denigrate the place. It’s so dishonest and narcissistic. Yeah, that post exists. Yeah, the poster isn’t banned. Don’t like his opinion? Scroll the fuck on. His freedom to express it does not mean that it’s a commonly held opinion that is representative of the entire board as you insinuate. It just means we’re not fart-huffing cunts who exile people for wrongthink.

Fuck you and fuck off.


You linked globalresearch.org; a conspiracy theory website rather than peer-reviewed research from a university or journal.


Universities submit their research to journals for peer review; they don’t peer review their own research. This semantic mistake shows you don’t understand what you’re talking about and are simply parroting things that you think give you authority in the discussion.


Phew! I love my GAF account. I do wonder though why they haven't yet banned my shitposting ass. Probably because I love gaming. I really should pony up for GAF Gold.

Conspiracy quackery aside, you aight bruv. I’ve seen you round and you can have a laugh at yourself. My kinda people.


Why take it seriously when its not peer reviewed?

You’re conflating peer reviewed research and journalism. Journalism has its own standards for ensuring factuality but to dismiss it as “fake news” for not being peer reviewed is just ignorant. Moreover, peer review is not a prerequisite for something to be true, and you are attempting to abuse the authority that peer review provides. Don’t fuck with shit you don’t understand, kiddo.

Whether that particular source that Nymph linked is legitimate, I don’t know and I don’t care. It’s tangential to the point as your comment was a general misunderstanding of what peer review is and where/when it applies.
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You share unbacked up information that isn't shared by anyone educated in the field; not backed up by peer-reviewed journals nor institutions nor any government body. It is the literal embodiment of 'fake news'.

I don't care whats necessarily in the media; what I DO care is what actual accredited scientists attached to credible institutions say and not believing shit made up by normies on the street or people like Dr Andrew Wakefield who was struck off the medical register in the UK for malpractice; yet is believed by a lot of Karens in the US.

Questioning is fine. But use some common sense and at least make sure the ideas/theories being spread matches up to at MINIMUM grade-school level science otherwise your just gonna like Alex Jones.

You are a moron. Quit talking. Journalism != science.


"Peer Reviewed"

- eggs are bad
- eggs are good
- eggs are bad
- eggs are good
- eggs are bad
- eggs are good
- eggs are bad
- eggs are good
- eggs are bad
- eggs are good
- eggs are bad
- eggs are good
- eggs are bad
- eggs are good
- eggs are bad
- eggs are good <--------- we are here

Eggs are fucking amazing



Gold Member
You share unbacked up information that isn't shared by anyone educated in the field; not backed up by peer-reviewed journals nor institutions nor any government body. It is the literal embodiment of 'fake news'.

I don't care whats necessarily in the media; what I DO care is what actual accredited scientists attached to credible institutions say and not believing shit made up by normies on the street or people like Dr Andrew Wakefield who was struck off the medical register in the UK for malpractice; yet is believed by a lot of Karens in the US.

Questioning is fine. But use some common sense and at least make sure the ideas/theories being spread matches up to at MINIMUM grade-school level science otherwise your just gonna like Alex Jones.

Have you been paying attention to the replication crisis of the past 5-10 years or so? Basically, many many articles in these "peer-reviewed journals" have been proven to be total garbage science and complete shit. And these are important scientific studies in some cases written by "actual accredited scientists attached to credible institutions", that write a bunch of junk because their careers depend on writing shit and getting it out the door. Based on the standard of "can another scientist replicate these findings", you can toss out 50%+ of everything that has been written in these esteemed journals over the past few decades. And these are studies that have guided government policy, health policy, etc.

Stop acting like the alternative to believing in anyone the media and government puts in front of you is Alex Jones. Especially in a thread about Bill fucking Gates who doesn't even have a college degree and got rich by stealing DOS and passing it off as his own.
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so this photo of Bill Gates with Jeff Epstein in 2011, after he had been convicted.

Gates met with him three time following his conviction that year.


turns out he met with a convicted pedophile because he wanted to do global health!

"I made a mistake in judgment in thinking those discussions would go to global health ... that money never appeared," Gates said during a panel discussion hosted by The New York Times Dealbook series.

"And I gave him benefit of my association," Gates said.

The Microsoft cofounder has maintained that he believed meeting with Epstein would lead to investments in charities supported by Gates, who along with his wife, runs one of the world's largest philanthropic organizations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Gates had previously waffled on his association with Epstein. In September, he distanced himself from Epstein, telling The Wall Street Journal that he "didn't have any business relationship or friendship with him."

But a New York Times investigation published in October found that Gates met with Epstein multiple times after Epstein's conviction in 2011, including at least three meetings at Epstein's Manhattan townhouse. Following the publication of that story, a spokesperson for Gates said he regretted the association, but Gates himself hadn't publicly addressed it until Wednesday afternoon.

that "global health" line sure is a nice get out of jail free card.
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Science is about perspective through evidence while Religion is the opposite...perspective through delusions.

Religion is just the natural outgrowth of the fact that without faith (i.e. believing something to be true without evidence) you literally cannot function in the world.

Moreover, the most profound experiences a human can have are not compatible with a "trust as a function of evidence" scheme.

Denying the wealth of wisdom accumulated in the religious traditions of our world is extremely foolish and I will not tire of saying it. It's a path to misery.


Why do you cunts feel so entitled to pop up out of nowhere and make such broad brush metacommentary? Like who the fuck do you think you are? You abandon this place and follow the crowd like a lost sheep but clearly you still browse here, biding your time to find that one post that gives you an opportunity to grandstand and denigrate the place. It’s so dishonest and narcissistic. Yeah, that post exists. Yeah, the poster isn’t banned. Don’t like his opinion? Scroll the fuck on. His freedom to express it does not mean that it’s a commonly held opinion that is representative of the entire board as you insinuate. It just means we’re not fart-huffing cunts who exile people for wrongthink.

Fuck you and fuck off.

There’s a reason you’re wearing that mask. It’s to protect you from ingesting all the bullshit spewed your way.
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As far as im concerned, the Bill Gates haters are tin foil hatters

Until i see some concrete proof BG is still number 1 in my book.
i still love the dude, top 10 heroes until i see some overwhelming evidence
As far as im concerned, the Bill Gates haters are tin foil hatters

Until i see some concrete proof BG is still number 1 in my book.

I don't get it. He horse thieved his way into IBM's good graces by fucking over the CP-M guys. He fucked over IBM when they decided to take the good parts of OS/2 which was co-developed by both MS and IBM and leave and make Windows NT. He then gave deep discounted coupons to PC manufacturers to not put OS/2 Warp... a superior operating system in every way... on IBM Compatibles such as HP and Dell which forced IBM to stick to banking and communications with OS/2. For his next trick he forces the internet to succumb to using Internet Explorer when it was the shittiest, most un-compliant web browser ever invented which put the business world technology back 10 solid years. We're still recovering from people having Internet Explorer only 'web apps.' because of this shit. They lose a department of justice anti-trust battle.

And for his next trick he invades video games to dominate the living room and then pretty much turned modern console gaming into what it is today. A closed service based store front with disregard to gaming's future, expiring licenses and some sort of phone-home mechanisms.

Thank fuck he isn't running Microsoft anymore.
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I don't get it. He horse thieved his way into IBM's good graces by fucking over the CP-M guys. He fucked over IBM when they decided to take the good parts of OS/2 which was co-developed by both MS and IBM and leave and make Windows NT. He then gave deep discounted coupons to PC manufacturers to not put OS/2 Warp... a superior operating system in every way... on IBM Compatibles such as HP and Dell which forced IBM to stick to banking and communications with OS/2. For his next trick he forces the internet to succumb to using Internet Explorer when it was the shittiest, most un-compliant web browser ever invented which put the business world technology back 10 solid years. We're still recovering from people having Internet Explorer only 'web apps.' because of this shit. They lose a department of justice anti-trust battle.

And for his next trick he invades video games to dominate the living room and then pretty much turned modern console gaming into what it is today. A closed service based store front with disregard to gaming's future, expiring licenses and some sort of phone-home mechanisms.

Thank fuck he isn't running Microsoft anymore.

Is Microsoft a charity now that bill gates isn't running it? You're just describing business, it's brutal and that's how it is. As far as videogames, I don't think a sony monopoly would have been better for gaming. BG didn't 'invade' gaming anymore than sony or nintendo or sega.

Bill Gates is neither a devil or saint, most people aren't, the hatred towards him is mainly people needing a figure/group to vilify and hate. It's just what people do.

HE INVENTED COMPUTER VIRUSES OMG! Fucking hell some people are stupid.
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I don't get it. He horse thieved his way into IBM's good graces by fucking over the CP-M guys. He fucked over IBM when they decided to take the good parts of OS/2 which was co-developed by both MS and IBM and leave and make Windows NT. He then gave deep discounted coupons to PC manufacturers to not put OS/2 Warp... a superior operating system in every way... on IBM Compatibles such as HP and Dell which forced IBM to stick to banking and communications with OS/2. For his next trick he forces the internet to succumb to using Internet Explorer when it was the shittiest, most un-compliant web browser ever invented which put the business world technology back 10 solid years. We're still recovering from people having Internet Explorer only 'web apps.' because of this shit. They lose a department of justice anti-trust battle.

And for his next trick he invades video games to dominate the living room and then pretty much turned modern console gaming into what it is today. A closed service based store front with disregard to gaming's future, expiring licenses and some sort of phone-home mechanisms.

Thank fuck he isn't running Microsoft anymore.

Your describing business and capitalism, all your favourite things you use all have owners and CEOs that conduct in practices you stated, its not uncommon. Its part of the reason why Microsoft is so huge and why Gates is a billionaire, just the way it is to get to the top in business.

I'm talking more around the whole conspiracy around Covid and Gates' involvement and the anti-vaccers, its complete lunacy all of it, hence the tin foil attire for the people who believe it.
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Absolutely! :messenger_heart:

There’s just one thing I guess you should know going forward with our newfound friendship. I did vote for President Trump and am a big supporter. When you say those hurtful things about me, I am afraid I may get a little salty from time to time. If you are ok with that, we’ll be best buddies. See you around, friend!
he did send the first ever DMCA notice. as a member of the pioneering Homebrew Computer Club, the general rule was open source, people willing sharing their code, showing off things they programmed with the proto computers at the time. it was a hobbytists club. then Bill Gates came in one day and serves everyone a letter warning about copying software.

Apple even poked fun at this in their 1976 advertisements

ironically, it was software pirating that ended up making Gates' version of BASIC the standard one

Why do so many Linux distros look aesthetically more or less identical to Windows? (Until recently usually Windows XP.)
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Unconfirmed Member
Eggs are fucking amazing


My neighbours have chickens and were kind enough one time to let us have some eggs after we dealt with their chickens invading our garden a few times (I didn't mind - they're kinda fun though chasing chickens is harder than you might expect). They were fucking amazing. There is nothing quite like proper fresh eggs that were in the chicken hours ago.
Windows looks the same if you pin the task bar to the left. But I hadn't seen the latest version of Gnome before. I usually install Mint/Cinnamon.
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Unconfirmed Member
Edit: screenshot

I'd say the only DE that is Windows-y is KDE. I use Mate personally, Cinnamon is ok but for some reason I just prefer Mate. Been known to dabble with Openbox too when I'm feeling minimalist. As for the screenshot - superficially it's similar in that the buttons are down the side (given on both systems you can move the taskbar to all 4 sides there's little way to avoid similarity there) but the start menu is very different - none of the tile design language, I'd argue gnome shell is closer to what Apple are doing than Microsoft.


Unconfirmed Member
Many devs try to cater to what people are familiar with, but there are *many* flavors of Linux. (All of them better than Windows.)

Indeed - and in every single linux you can customise that motherfucker to look however you want it, including swapping in a different desktop environment.


Unconfirmed Member
I use Start10 so forgot about this. The tiles were awesome on my Lumia however.
Tiles work on a phone but they're horrible on a desktop tbh. Gnome-shell suffers in some ways from the same misguided attempt to unify mobile and desktop designs, but the input methods and usecases are so different that unifying them makes no sense.


Collaboration with the NSA on internet surveillance

Microsoft was the first company to participate in the PRISM surveillance program, according to leaked NSA documents obtained by The Guardian and The Washington Post in June 2013, and acknowledged by government officials following the leak. The program authorizes the government to secretly access data of non-US citizens hosted by American companies without a warrant. Microsoft has denied participation in such a program.

In July 2013, The Guardian elaborated that leaked documents show that:

  • Microsoft helped the NSA to circumvent its encryption to intercept web chats on Outlook.com and gave it unencrypted access to Outlook.com and Hotmail email.
  • Microsoft provided the NSA with access to users' data on its cloud storage service OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive).
  • After Microsoft bought Skype, the NSA tripled the number of Skype video calls being collected through PRISM.
In a statement, Microsoft said that they "provide customer data only in response to legal processes."

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lol "hop on the internet and find a million..."

It's really weird because when I go to google and look for info on Bill Gates, it's 100% running defense for the man. Ditto every search engine I try. lol stay mad about a tiny corner of the internet having fringe opinions.
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