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Is Bush the most hated US president ever?

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Lil' Dice

Even the clothing tags are anti-Bush:


Here's the translation of the French part of the label.

Wash with warm water.
Use mild soap.
Dry flat.
Do not use bleach.
Do not dry in the dryer.
Do not iron.
We are sorry that Our President is an idiot.
We did not vote for him.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
thats pretty funny, if its real :)

Bush made me a democrat, it used to be republican


Is that tag for real or Photoshop? In any case, I think a lot of people still hate Jimmy Carter. So I guess my answer would be no. PEACE.


Jimmy Carter or Nixon were hated a lot.

The only difference w/ W is, that the country is split, but those who do hate him hate him with an enormous passion.


Setec Astronomer
People who hate Bush hate was he is doing and what he people around him are doing... but when talking about the intensity of hate, few beat Clinton.

They hated his very being.

He's hated for trying to rid the world of TERRORISM. :rolleyes :rolleyes
And Hilary Rosen was hated for trying to protect artists. :rolleyes :rolleyes


Hitokage said:
People who hate Bush hate was he is doing and what he people around him are doing... but when talking about the intensity of hate, few beat Clinton.

They hated his very being.
Funny, that's how I feel about Bush.. and those around him. Now, with the prospect of Canada voting in a conservative government. :(
They hated his very being.

That's funny because I've heard a lot of quotes from people saying that they're voting for John Kerry "just to get Bush out" - giving no reason other than that. Maybe they support the appeasement of terrorists??


they call me "Man Gravy".
yeah, I'd say the "Anyone But Bush" menality is pretty strong now. Although I doubt the hatred of Bush is anywhere near the hatred for Nixon (who had both Watergate AND Vietnam to get people to hate him about).

I would have to agree with Kerry on one point though - Bush is the greatest "divider" in the modern era.


needs to show more effort.
hate how? just general population not liking him? people hating with extreme intensity?

I dunno, just to the question who was the most hated, I'd have to go with someone that was assassinated.
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
He's hated for trying to rid the world of TERRORISM. :rolleyes :rolleyes

Haha, Oh, shut up! I'm tired of this excuse that pro-bush dolts like to use. Just because someone dislikes Bush, it does not mean we're for terrorism! There are plenty of things to hate about Bush, and he's not doing a very good job of fighting terrorism, if anything, he's creating a bad climate for the United States and the people that dislike us enough to die for it.


well if I were to come face to face with bush or anybody else in his immediate administration, I would not hesitate putting a fist in his face.
slayn said:
I dunno, just to the question who was the most hated, I'd have to go with someone that was assassinated.

Yes as history tells us Kennedy is one of the most reviled of all Presidents. The reality is that our access to information makes it a lot faster and easier to get information, process information, form an opinion and then stick to other like minded individuals. It's not that Clinton and Bush are the most hated it's just we have more access to news outlets to read and analyze about evey detail that ever happened with them. The most lothed Presidents probably reside in the mid 1800 to the early 1900.

Truth be told I would never vote for Bush. But, I don't lothe him. Hell, I don't know the guy to like or dislike him. I'm not so banal to see him as the SSoE (Single Source of Evil) but, I know he isn't a pargon of justice, equality, and rightness for all. But, you know what that probably describes each and every one of us. A priest one day and a prick the next.


I wonder how many of you guys don't vote?

You know what... I don't vote, so I don't complain.. I feel that I don't have a right to complain if I don't vote... I'm perfectly fine with that.

But for people who don't vote and then complain about our president need to sit the fuck down and shutup. Like you have any right to complain about our President if you didn't vote.


In america? no
rest of the world? yes


The inverse applies to Clinton perhaps?

Outlaw, what if I told you that if Gore was President, that terrorism would have been destroyed years ago? Outlandish statement? Perhaps, but how is that different than your post?
Mashing said:
I wonder how many of you guys don't vote?

You know what... I don't vote, so I don't complain.. I feel that I don't have a right to complain if I don't vote... I'm perfectly fine with that.

But for people who don't vote and then complain about our president need to sit the fuck down and shutup. Like you have any right to complain about our President if you didn't vote.

Actually, they do have the right to complain even if they didn't vote. Such is the way of freedom and the right to be an asshole. Also, if they are under 18 (or not American) and the politics of today effect them, then they should complain even though they are unable to vote.

Oh, and about Bush, I don't think he's the most hated President ever. Though, I'm guessing that he is hated by a large number of people and is probably one of the most hated persons in the world right now (comparing him to Kim Il Jong or any other ruthless dictator is ludricus however). Me, personally, I don't hate him. I do think that his efforts on trying to rid terrorism are indeed noble but I don't think he is carrying his plans out all that effectively. I did vote Bush in the 2000 election which should be noted.


Bush is fine. I'm not going to be voting for him, but what he's done is standard republican policy. It just depends on if you like the republican ways or democratic ways.


Setec Astronomer
Well, to get assassinated you only have to piss off a single person, one with the means and nerve to carry out such an act, but yeah, I suppose that does top the hate intensity scale.

That's funny because I've heard a lot of quotes from people saying that they're voting for John Kerry "just to get Bush out" - giving no reason other than that.
And this conflicts with what I said... how?

aoi tsuki

Hitokage said:
People who hate Bush hate was he is doing and what he people around him are doing... but when talking about the intensity of hate, few beat Clinton.

They hated his very being.
This is how it is here in the south. People come into the our store to complain about how our posters for Clinton's new book should come down, how they make them sick, etc. It's all based on his infedility, not his role as president. i feel what he did was wrong, but i agree with what he said -- "It's nobody's business but our own."

Bush on the other hand... he's a saint. They'll bitch about gas prices (everyone drives a truck around here), but they'll never talk about the shift in focus since 9/11, lack of WMDs found, poor job market, etc. i'm not interested or knowledgeable about politics to really analyze the situation, but sometimes i really wish i was so that i could intelligently counter this blind faith in Bush.


Setec Astronomer
aoi tsuki said:
This is how it is here in the south. People come into the our store to complain about how our posters for Clinton's new book should come down, how they make them sick, etc. It's all based on his infedility, not his role as president. i feel what he did was wrong, but i agree with what he said -- "It's nobody's business but our own."
That's partly what I was referring to. They not only hated his performance as President, they hated him as a person, they hated his wife, they hated his daughter, they hated his pets... and if infidelity wasn't enough, there's a sizable list of other things that make Clinton evil, including direct involvement* in the death of 10+ people.

* As opposed to indirect involvement, like the kind some bring up with W. Bush and Iraq War deaths.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Like most subjects, George Carlin has already closed the book on this one:

George Carlin said:
You may have noticed there’s one thing I don’t complain about… Politicians. EVERYBODY complains about Politicians. Everybody says they suck. But where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall from the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another dimension. They come from American Parents, American Families, American Churches, American Schools, American Universities, American Businesses, and their elected by American Citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what our system produces. This is what we have to offer. Garbage in, Garbage out. If you have selfish, Ignorant Citizens, you have Selfish, Ignorant Politicians. The term limits ain’t going to be any good, your just going to end up with a bunch more selfish ignorant Leaders. Maybe its not the politicians that suck… Maybe something else Sucks. Like the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There’s a nice campaign slogan. The Public Sucks. F--- Hope, F--- Hope. Because if its just the fault of the politicians fault, where are all the other bright people of conscious? Where are the bright intelligent Americans? Where are the people sent in to save us from our rotten politicians? We don’t have people like that in this country. Everybody’s at the mall. Reaching into his phanny pack, buying a pair of sneaker’s with lights in them.

So I have the solution. During the next election, I don’t vote. Two Reasons: First of all, Meaningless. This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago, the [crap] they shuffle around very 4 years [Farting Noises.] Doesn’t mean a F---ing thing. Won’t make a difference. Secondly, I feel if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around. Where’s the logic in “If you don’t vote you’ve no right to complain.” If you vote. And you elect dishonest, incompetent people, you are responsible for what they have done. I on the other hand, who did not vote, who, in fact, did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done, and scream as loud as I want about the Mess YOU created, that I had nothing to do with.

So I know later on this year you’ll have another swell presidential election, that you love so much, I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves, it’ll be so much fun, I’m sure when it’s over, the country will improve immediately. On election day, I’ll be at home, doing essentially the same thing your doing, the only difference is, after I finish (Fapping off Homonym Here), I’ll have a little bit of something to show for it, folks.

White Man

ACLU membership has increased more during Bush's reign than it did during the Nixon fallout. Now, I know that it's probably easier to join the ACLU today with the internet and all, but I still think that says something about Bush. For me, it's a mixture of fear and hatred. And for the record, I'm old skool ACLU. I've been a dues paying member since 1999.


FDR was hated by a hell of a lot of people, many thought he was a too socialist and some thought he was a communist. That and he really pissed off big business.

MC Safety

Fun Fact: Most presidents who attempt to assert their will on the population are hated.

Caretaker presidents are either fondly remembered, put in the history books as ineffectual, or promptly forgotten.


I'm an NRA member, and what confuses me is that the NRA is refusing to endorse Bush/Cheney. That means something is really fucked up.


Is Bush the most hated US president ever?

Let's put it this way, not only is junior making this devout liberal pine for the halcyon days of Reagan, but he's also making his father's four years look quite good.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I have to go with Ulysses S. Grant. The intense hatred for him in the South takes the presidential hate medal.


Guileless said:
I have to go with Ulysses S. Grant. The intense hatred for him in the South takes the presidential hate medal.

I'm from the south (btw, why is south capitalized... for some reason I find that disrespectful to the country) and I have to say form what I've read, Grant was nothing but amicable to the south. If anyone but Grant and Lee were leaders of the north and south armies, then this country would have been severly scarred more than it was. Lee did not want to turn the civil war into a guerilla conflict (one which would have lasted YEARS AND YEARS) because he loved his country so much... Grant felt the same way. President Jefferson wanted to turn it into a geurilla war but Lee convinced him otherwise.

I have a ton of respect for what both those men did for our country... If you're a true American (now or back then), I can't see how you could hate either one of them. Only selfish slave owners would hate them (their livelyhood was ruined).


Hoover was pretty hated during his time because a lot of people blamed the great depression on him.

I don't think it was that people blamed Hoover for the great depression, rather, that people blamed him for not doing squat to fix it, rather, waiting until it fixed itself.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
When I visited america one thing that struck me is how passionate people that care about politics are. We stayed in Greenville and they guy who had us was a republican, we talked a little about politics and hes a very active bush supporter, I was warned by my uncle not to mention what a total dick I think the president is and he wasn't kidding.

The guy (while very cool) had an unbelievable anger at Bill Clinton for "Lying to the country" when all the dude did was get some pussy. Fuck up the world with a dumb war and thats allright though, just don't get your cock sucked by an intern. Pretty Weird.

I definately hate bush the most out of any US president, but then being that I am 24 I have only really had brains to care about the last 2.

White Man

(btw, why is south capitalized... for some reason I find that disrespectful to the country)

South is capitalized because a specific region of the country is being referred to. I do that all the time. For some reason, it makes things less confusing.

MC Safety

Grant was, from my understanding, a well-meaning president whose administration suffered from horrible corruption problems. Grant was not himself directly involved in it, but was rather guilty of delegating responsibility to a lot of crooked underlings.

Andrew Johnson, who presided over much of the American reconstruction, was hated. He was a democrat selected by the republican Lincoln to create a unity ticket. Whereas Lincoln's plan for the restoration of the Union could be described as "with malice toward none, with charity for all" Johnson inflicted a severe justice on the successionist states.

Hey, how about those video games!


Just incase anyone is confused, the opinions of Outlaw Pro Mod do not necessarily reflect those of the artist formerly known as Outlaw Torn, a completely seperate individual.

Thank you.


Nerevar said:
I doubt the hatred of Bush is anywhere near the hatred for Nixon (who had both Watergate AND Vietnam to get people to hate him about).

Nixon may have been hated, but it's easy to forget that the 1972 election was the MOST lopsided victory in the history of the Presidency (only 1984 comes close). I wonder why Watergate was even necessary in that time. Nixon had the election wrapped up and still eavesdrops on his rivals (McGovern)? What the hell?

And Vietnam had very little to do with Nixon. It's unfair and downright WRONG to put Vietnam on Nixon's shoulders. I don't know where all the hate for Nixon came from over the years, but I think it's fair to say he wasn't hated in his day (1968-1973). He was definitely reviled after the Watergate thing came out, but revisionist history should have been quite kind in that regard. It hasn't been, but it should have been. He eavesdropped on candidates that he beat 49 states to 1. Stupid? Without a doubt. Something to be bedeviled the rest of his life over? Not bloody likely.
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