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IS CONKER really going to ship before Christmas?!??!

borghe said:

Nintendo owned 49% of Rare. Nintendo saw some fat cash. Assuming MS didn't buy all of Rare but DID buy all of Nintendo's shares, it goes to figure that Nintendo likely saw most of that $375M.

Nintendo saw 49% of that, as the stampesr were bought out too...

Hooray for nintendo seeing fat cash, all nintendo fans can put huge stacks of monopoly in their gamecube and dance around it.


Nintendo saw 49% of that, as the stampesr were bought out too...
Actually we don't know exactly what percentage of the 375M Nintendo got for their 49% stake in Rare... all we know is the Stampers got $375M from Microsoft after they bought back their shares and select IP rights from Nintendo.

Agent X

borghe said:
LOL!!! BASTARDS! I was saying this EXACT same thing in the Conker thread and got booed out of the joint.

Nintendo made out like a bandit. MS was hoping Rare would come through to give them some console cred and Rare as usual since the N64 days (with Conker ironically) underperformed and basically made MS pay $400M for GbtG and eventually Conker and Kameo.

Yes, Nintendo is responsible for the swindle on that one.

I must've missed that thread, because I would've agreed with you.

Rare is yesterday's news. They peaked from 1994-1998, and have stumbled steeply since. Their best talent packed their bags and left long ago.

Nintendo did make out like a bandit. Rare was a white elephant; an albatross around Nintendo's neck. Microsoft grossly overpaid for Rare, but I'd guess that they were more interested in the Rare name and the cachet/reputation associated with it in the past, than they were the actual staff. (After all, look at the reference on the front of the Grabbed by the Ghoulies box to a nine-year-old game from two console generations ago...it couldn't be more blatant.)


The strategy behind the buyout seemed to be calculated to make people read the news and conclude that Microsoft was somehow siphoning away one of Nintendo's most prized assets. I'm sure Microsoft hoped that large masses of Nintendo fans would abandon the GameCube, and cling to the X-Box as their new savior. Clearly, this strategy hasn't worked, and now Microsoft is holding the bag while Nintendo counts their money.

MightyHedgehog said:
I still think this has bitten Nintendo in the ass just a little, affecting potential GC sales by the lack of once-to-be-released on 'Cube Rare titles. However, if my optimism doesn't fail me, I think next gen will prove who got the better end of the deal (MS).

Thanks for posting that...I needed a good laugh! :D
Agent X said:
Clearly, this strategy hasn't worked, and now Microsoft is holding the bag while Nintendo counts their money. And we all know as videogamers, we want our favorite companies to be counting money!!!! Hell, just yesterday I booted up my gamecube, no game in it, but still.. Nintendo's COUNTING MONEY!!!

Thanks for posting that, I needed a good laugh!!! :D


kinda suprised they didnt try to push kameo out as a the platforming competition isnt too big on xbox this christmas, but i guess they wanted to push out blinx 2 as their christmas platformer

Erm, Kameo's an action-adventure, not a platformer...

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I never played conker on the N64 so I can’t wait to play the Xbox version, the major gain by Microsoft in buying RARE was the acquisition of household name characters and franchises such as Banjo, Conker and Perfect Dark! Shame they haven’t used them. I also loved the turtle from Diddy Kong Racing he should get his own game!!

M$ buyong rare also starves the cube of a great FPS, but I think Nintendo did a great screw job on M$.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Do The Mario said:
M$ buyong rare also starves the cube of a great FPS, but I think Nintendo did a great screw job on M$.
Ironically it starved the xbox of that same great FPS.. lol...

as for who sold what and where..

a) we don't know that microsoft bought out 100% of shares from stampers
b) we don't know exactly what that $375M bought (all or controlloing)
c) all we do know is that immediately prior to the sale Nintendo had 49% interest and then had 0% interest. Nintendo saw some serious cash
d) because of monies Nintendo received, that went right back into development of, oh, say.. Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Fire Emblem, NintendoDS, mature Zelda, buying majority interest in Retro (you know, the current Rare), etc...

so yes, I do care if Nintendo sees lots of money, because obviously there is a direct correlation to the money they receive and the quality games and systems they release.

As for not a game in your GCN.. guess Paper Mario isn't your thing. Or Pikmin 2, and I guess you aren't looking forward to Metroid Prime 2, Mario Power Tennis, etc.. oh well...

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
As for not a game in your GCN.. guess Paper Mario isn't your thing. Or Pikmin 2, and I guess you aren't looking forward to Metroid Prime 2, Mario Power Tennis, etc.. oh well...

I never said there was no game in my cube, over a next few weeks I am going to buy Pikmin 2, Paper Mario and maybe Donkey Konga at there Australian releases.
borghe said:
Ironically it starved the xbox of that same great FPS.. lol...

as for who sold what and where..

a) we don't know that microsoft bought out 100% of shares from stampers
b) we don't know exactly what that $375M bought (all or controlloing)
c) all we do know is that immediately prior to the sale Nintendo had 49% interest and then had 0% interest. Nintendo saw some serious cash
d) because of monies Nintendo received, that went right back into development of, oh, say.. Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Fire Emblem, NintendoDS, mature Zelda, buying majority interest in Retro (you know, the current Rare), etc...

so yes, I do care if Nintendo sees lots of money, because obviously there is a direct correlation to the money they receive and the quality games and systems they release.

As for not a game in your GCN.. guess Paper Mario isn't your thing. Or Pikmin 2, and I guess you aren't looking forward to Metroid Prime 2, Mario Power Tennis, etc.. oh well...

yes i imagine without that money they wouldnt have been able to make mature zelda, wind waker, etc... what?! their games this generation have been worse overall and less fun than their n64 games, yet it required 100's of millions to do that?!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
worse and less fun? LOL!!! obviously we know where you really stand.

Eternal Darkness 90.2%
Pikmin 86.4%
Pikmin 2 89.4%
Paper Mario 87.3%
Mario Kart Double Dash 87.1%
SSBM 90.8%
Metroid Prime 95.9%
FZero GX 89.9%
Animal Crossing 88.2%
Wind Waker 95.1%
Mario Sunshine 92.1%

oh yeah, some real stinkers there... where is that damn eyes rolling emote
borghe said:
worse and less fun? LOL!!! obviously we know where you really stand.

Eternal Darkness 90.2%
Pikmin 86.4%
Pikmin 2 89.4%
Paper Mario 87.3%
Mario Kart Double Dash 87.1%
SSBM 90.8%
Metroid Prime 95.9%
FZero GX 89.9%
Animal Crossing 88.2%
Wind Waker 95.1%
Mario Sunshine 92.1%

oh yeah, some real stinkers there... where is that damn eyes rolling emote

I didnt say stinkers dude, I didnt say they were bad games.. i just dont think nintendo has the magic they had on N64 overall (in terms of first party games)..

you changing what i say to make a point does not a smart man make.

those are some good to great games up there, but seriously, mario 64 > ALL of those. mario sunshine having a 92.1% on there is clearly the mario name/legacy effecting review scores.. that game is forgetable.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
well gee.. Mario 64 is pretty much better than every other game ever released.. ever.. what's your point..

but quantifying things:

OoT 98.4%
Mario 64 95%
Majora's Mask 93.6%
Wave Race 64 90.5%
1080 89.8%
Paper Mario 89.3%
Star Fox 89.2%
Mario Tennis 87.6%
Excitebike 87.4%

So let's see.. two games from N64 higher than 95%.. two games from GCN higher than 95%. Two games from N64 between 90-95%. Two games from GCN between 90-95%.. 5 games between 85-90% on N64. 6 games between 85-90% on GCN..

yup, looks like every game was worse this gen god damn does this board need some rolly eyes
borghe said:
well gee.. Mario 64 is pretty much better than every other game ever released.. ever.. what's your point..

but quantifying things:

OoT 98.4%
Mario 64 95%
Majora's Mask 93.6%
Wave Race 64 90.5%
1080 89.8%
Paper Mario 89.3%
Star Fox 89.2%
Mario Tennis 87.6%
Excitebike 87.4%

So let's see.. two games from N64 higher than 95%.. two games from GCN higher than 95%. Two games from N64 between 90-95%. Two games from GCN between 90-95%.. 5 games between 85-90% on N64. 6 games between 85-90% on GCN..

yup, looks like every game was worse this gen god damn does this board need some rolly eyes

okay man, if you think they are better, good for you.. clearly the 100 million dollars went to making better games for you to play... i dont think the gamecube games are all that great, and many dont interest me, i rarely if ever play my gamecube... gamecube has been a huge disappointment for me..

edit: and looking at the NPD #'s, it might have also been a huge disappointment for many others too.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
hey, I was just showing you what the gaming press thought. I never even brought my opinions into it.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
edit: and looking at the NPD #'s, it might have also been a huge disappointment for many others too.
do you really want to go comparing gamecube exclusives in the top 25 this gen to xbox exclusives? Please tell me you do....

GCN games in the top 50 titles this gen: 5
XBox games in the top 50 titles this gen: 2

GCN games in the top 100 titles this gen: 9
XBox games in the top 100 titles this gen: 7

GCN games in the top 100 by Nintendo: 7
XBox games in the top 100 by Microsoft: 2
Next closest publisher in the top 100 behind Nintendo: Namco with 6
Only two publishers with more titles than Nintendo: Sony(10) and EA(1 gajabillion)

obviously many many consumers were happy with nintendo this generation
borghe said:
do you really want to go comparing gamecube exclusives in the top 25 this gen to xbox exclusives? Please tell me you do....

GCN games in the top 50 titles this gen: 5
XBox games in the top 50 titles this gen: 2

GCN games in the top 100 titles this gen: 9
XBox games in the top 100 titles this gen: 7

GCN games in the top 100 by Nintendo: 7
XBox games in the top 100 by Microsoft: 2
Next closest publisher in the top 100 behind Nintendo: Namco with 6
Only two publishers with more titles than Nintendo: Sony(10) and EA(1 gajabillion)

obviously many many consumers were happy with nintendo this generation



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
can you read? great.. the system sells less than xbox.. yet the system has more titles in the top 25, 50, and 100 than xbox...

and before you go throwing PS2 in there,, umm.. xbox got its ass kicked by PS2 this gen as well.....

but keep waiting for those Rare games.. oh, but if you get tired of waiting for conker to be released I think I have an extra copy from almost 4 years ago you can check out...

yup, microsoft made out on that deal... must be one of those "long term" investments you xbox guys always talk about when Microsoft losing money out the ass is brought up.
borghe said:
can you read? great.. the system sells less than xbox.. yet the system has more titles in the top 25, 50, and 100 than xbox...

and before you go throwing PS2 in there,, umm.. xbox got its ass kicked by PS2 this gen as well.....

but keep waiting for those Rare games.. oh, but if you get tired of waiting for conker to be released I think I have an extra copy from almost 4 years ago you can check out...

yup, microsoft made out on that deal... must be one of those "long term" investments you xbox guys always talk about when Microsoft losing money out the ass is brought up.




Loves the Greater Toronto Area

quite a bit better.. no problem.. and I would imagine it matters.. I thought gaming was all about the games.. and who realeases the games? the publishers.. oh yeah. but I guess if we all loved our consoles based on how many units they sold I should love the xbox more. :p

oh and junior member, caps lock doesn't make you look any more clever..
Celicar said:
Rare is soooo slow. I thought it was nearly done at e3. Jeez. C'mon Rare. Slackers. The lot of them.

i am a slacker, i can feel their pain... all they want to do is eat mint'n'creme oreas all day and get fat but instead the man bill gates tells them to work... so sad.

Borghe, damn you owned me with that junior member comment.. total ownage.. go get an ice cream sundae of your choice and ill paypal you $3 for it.. you deserve it.


I know. Craziness, huh?? You would think Rare is tinkering with their games to make them absolutely perfect. But then you look at games like SFA or that creepy house game on Xbox and you know that's not the case.
Agent X said:
Thanks for posting that...I needed a good laugh! :D

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I understand that my optimism for Rare's future efforts is not shared by most people and, especially, Nintendo fans. SFA and GbtG weren't great games, IMO...but they weren't anything less than average, either, IMO. I firmly believe, as I always have, that Rare releases will rock mightily in the next gen. Hell, I'm pumped for Kameo and the remake of Conker on XBOX 1. I guess we'll see what happens.


Re: all the bickering over Rare/MS/Nintendo, surely most gamers here have all 3 'major' consoles (or at least 2 of the 3)? So who cares? I don't... I'll be buying the best Nintendo GC games and the best Rare games for Xbox.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ok, just so you guys understand (because some don't seem to), I own all three systems. really don't care who makes what for what. I am a nintendo fanboy NOT because I have a hard on for Gamecube or anything, but because like can be seen in this thread, Nintendo (the publisher) usually by far makes the games I most enjoy in a given generation. But outside of Nintendo I don't care. I pick up MGS games on Sony, pickup the sega exclusives on xbox (PDO, Outrun 2, etc) etc. I WILL usually pickup multiplatform games on Nintendo unless they are seriously feature deficient (and online doesn't always count as deficient depending on the game) to support the company, but really aside from Nintendo as a game publisher I hold no real "alliegance".

So why say all of this? Because I don't care who Rare makes games for. I also feel that us old Rare fans who ALSO happen to be Nintendo fans (let's face it, before you new Rare fans, those were the only kind of fans that existed) got REALLY short changed because it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to say we didn't like SFA without one of you guys jumping down our throats with "You would have liked it if they were sold a month after the game was out" or whatnot.

SFA was STRICTLY average with an INSANE amount of collecting.. I mean seriously.. oh, the mom won't help you unless you get the root. oh, but you can't get the root unless you can do this.. oh, but you can't do this unless you collect 10 of these.. I mean seriously...

GbtG was again, a VERY average game.. IT really reminded me of Luigi's Mansion.. here's why.. both games had you doing the EXACT SAME THING over and over and over. The difference is that Luigi's Mansion actually shook it up quite a bit by throwing some seriously unexpected curves at you. It was still average (Luigi's that is) but it was varied enough to stick out as pretty unique. While GbtG was a pretty decent concept, they repeated it ad nauseum and didn't vary it at all.. it was the same thing over and over until you either beat it or just got bored and stopped playing (this was also true of SFA).

So am I a Rare fan? Of all games pre-SFA, except maybe Banjo-Tooie and DK64, yes. Absolutely. Was I underwhelmed with SFA? Yes. Was I underwhelmed with GbtG? Yes. Am I disappointed that their next game due out sometime next year is a port of a game I beat four years before it's release? Yes. Am I disappointed that this entire generation I will have gotten three original games from them, two of which are VERY average and the other one (Kameo) which doesn't interest me that much? Yes.

Now where in there is there any Nintendo fan bias? It is all about Rare, and what they HAVEN'T done this generation. Will all sins be forgiven if they kick ass on Xenon? Sure, probably.. But I just seriously have to wonder WHY this gen has gone the way it has.. and from rumors (despite Stamper damage control) all signs point to key teams disbanding and key employees leaving to other developers. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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